Member Reviews

I have read other Ellie Alexander books so I knew what to expect but was ready to dive into a new small town and their characters to see how it played out. I really enjoyed this new addition to her cozy mystery books. I’m invested in the backstory murder side plot and enjoy a different take at the start of a romance from the other books. I can’t wait to see where this new series takes us.

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I have been successfully reeled in to this story and what comes next, especially since the author dropped an enormous hint at the end. There are more stories for Annie and company and a certain standoffish somebody to be told.
Let me jump back. Annie loved here job and her town, even if it was her backup plan when pain and tragedy derailed a career in law enforcement. Her job at the mystery buff bookstore with it’s Agatha Christie theme saved her so how could she stand by and watch it die. Hatching an idea with coconspirator Fletcher, they were able to breathe life into the town while death stalked the hidden bookcase. That is a lot to unpack but let me try. First, Annie was a bit of a dynamo who pushed her tragedy done for the good of the town but her past made her a different type of cozy heroine. She already had some criminology training and having her old professor as a detective on the murder in the bookstore gave her a leg on helping with the investigation. She has already proven with the crime she laid out for the weekend festival that she had the skill and the grit to dive right in. Only a few hours after finding the body she was interviewing her first suspect.
Before I continue with the story, let me jump back and talk about the town. The author did a fabulous job of worldbuilding and creating an idyllic sounding town where the only crime was that planned for the festival. As a book aficionado, I would attend the festival our author imagined for this story. From the clues to the activities to the kitschy names, sign my up because it sounded like fun. Many times I felt transported into the town and could see the hidden bookcase or the town square.
Back to the story, Annie suffered a tragedy and while cozy stories are supposed to be light, the author shows us how Annie channeled her tragedy into saving her town, the bookstore and probably a few lives. Annie still grieved and still wanted the truth, but the author did not gloss over or force a resolution, instead she allowed Annie’s emotions to play out in the story. One more emotion that played out involved a certain town grump who would not participate in her festival. I suspected almost from the jump that Liam was to be the love interest, it was just a very slow burn from nemesis to who knows what the future holds for these two. Their interactions at the end were cute while looking for the murder adding a lightness to the story while Annie tried to keep her focus off Liam and on finding the killer.
We are back at the end and Scarlet. Annie learns that more information is known about her friend’s tragic death but that she needed to be sure before the professor would share. I for one hate when someone tells me they have something to tell me and then won’t tell me what it is. I can imagine if the next story picks up from that spot, that Annie will be equally curious.
Another book is advertised as coming soon and a preview is available at the end of this story. I am happy to see Annie and her mystery friends will be back in action in the movie biz next book.
Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Warm and inviting read that leaves you guessing until the end. The main character assists with the investigation by collecting and analyzing the clues and townspeople. Everyone loves Annie and willingly tells her their secrets. She confronts the villain at the climax thus solving the crime herself. I loved the quirky small town setting where the businesses were once historical homes…Perfect for a festival and a murder!! Eagerly awaiting Murder at the Movies.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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It’s official; Ellie Alexander is the undisputed queen of cozy mysteries.

Fans of her previous series’ and new readers alike will delight in this first instalment of what is sure to be a hit series.

Annie Murray is still coming to grips with her past while working at the book lovers paradise of the Secret Bookcase, while trying to make sure that this haven remains open. Hmm, perhaps a mystery festival could do the trick?

Filled to the brim with likeable, well-developed characters and a mystery that threw me for a loop, this is a book that readers won’t be able to put down.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

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This was an intriguing start to a new series. Set in a beautiful town and focused on a book shop, there are plenty of good things to come. I enjoyed the literary references,the characters and then of course the murder and whodunnit. Annie is a likeable character, with an interesting backstory that will come out over the series I hope. The author does a good job of convincing you that a particular character is the murderer, then shooting it down in flames, nice twists and turns! I look forward to reading the next book. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a copy to read and review.

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Great first in a new series. Annie Murray works at a small bookshop in a small town. Annie has an idea to host a long weekend mystery book festival that includes the whole town to bring in much needed revenue for all. It seems to be going better than anyone could have hoped when Annie discovers a dead woman in the secret room of the bookshop. With so many people who had hatred for the victim the list of suspects keeps growing. When Annie meets the lead detective on the case she is sure it will be solved quickly and not end the festival before it really gets going as the detective is Annie's former college professor. With Annie and her best friends help the murder is sure to be solved!

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First in a new series we travel to a charming small town in need of more tourist. Annie is afraid the beloved bookstore where she works may close so she dreams up a weekend book festival with unintended consequences, including murder. Cannot wait till book 2 is available

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A great start to a new series. As a fan of Alexander's bakeshop mysteries, I was as delighted to see she's begun a new series. While Annie Murray is a bit unsettling initially, for reasons that emerge quickly, I found myself liking not just Annie but the entire cast of probably regulars, including Annie's cat, Professor Plum. Pri (Priya Kapoor) sounds like she'll be an excellent sleuthing buddy and bookshop owner Hal seems to be a sweetie. I hope we hear much more about his possible Agatha Christie connection. Fletcher, Annie's co-worked, is obsessed with Sherlock Holmes, not a bad thing when you work for a mystery focused bookshop, and, hmm, something tells me Liam Donovan will be playing a much more important role as the series goes along. I liked them all and, quite frankly, even felt some sympathy for the suspects, most of them having ample reasons to want to ultimate victim, Kayla, dead. Trust me, though Annie even found some sympathy for her, showing Annie's heart, you won't miss her much.

That's about as much as I'm going to say about the plot itself. Old school ties, friendships, relationships, and expectations all play a role, as do secrets. Toss in Annie leading the town to create a mystery themed book festival that utilizes some fun sounding activities, a cold case mystery that consumes Annie, and the unexpected reappearance of a college professor she admired greatly, and it's an interesting mix. And, to think, it all really started with a poorly attended book signing at The Secret Bookcase, Hal's book shop where both Annie and Fletcher work. Needless to say, you'll pick up lots of book talk but I found the learned discussions of not just the defense of cozy mysteries in general but the buried bits of investigative "rules" that Annie was able to call up from her college days. She'd once dreamed of being a private investigator.... until....well, read the book. You'll discovered lots of background for not just Annie but many of those involved, both suspects and the "good guys". It's all quite fascinating and I not only liked the various characters but found myself thinking about the book long after I'd put it down for the night, always a good sign that I'm hooked.

Bottom line, it's a intriguing mystery, one bringing the past and present together in a sense. I liked the characters, even if I was fearful poor Annie was going to freak out more than once given her years of feeling guilty for a friend's death. She never used her degree in criminology but is delighted to discover how much she remembers. She proves an excellent organizer, too, and seems to have the ability to bring people together, not to mention deal with arrogance from those who'd doubt her. Then, there's Liam. Annie isn't looking for a relationship but, well, it may just find her anyway, not to mention others. The California setting sounds lovely and the town sounds like one we could spend hours window shopping in, not to mention finding "must have" items to buy or stopping by Liam's place for a drink. And, I bet you'll wind up wanting to go try to find that special book that opens up the hidden reading room. Thanks #NetGalley and #StormPublishing for introducing me to Annie and Redwood Grove. I'm already looking forward to seeing what's up next for Annie and her circle of friends, especially after that teaser of an ending.

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The Body In The Bookstore is a cute, cozy whodunit murder mystery and the first book of the new series, A Secret Bookcase Mystery. It has several elements that make a murder mystery good, including a quiet town setting and characters with motive. This book has several potential suspects, and I had fun piecing clues together with the main character to find out who committed the murder!

Annie Murray is a bookseller at The Secret Bookcase, and although her job makes her happy, she has been living with guilt for almost 10 years. Her best friend Scarlet was murdered back when they were in college. They were working on solving a murder mystery together when it took an unfortunate turn for the worst. Since that day, Annie has felt guilty for her friend's death and put all dreams she had of owning a private detective agency on hold.

The Secret Bookcase hasn't been doing well lately, and Annie comes up with a plan to save the bookstore. She pitches the idea of a mystery festival to her boss Hal, and he is completely on board! With the help of the neighboring businesses in Redwood Grove, Annie and her coworker Fletcher organize a mystery fest, with clues being hidden behind the secret bookcase (an actual bookcase) inside the bookstore. One afternoon during the festivities, a body is found inside the secret compartment. It is Kayla Mintner, one of Annie's former schoolmates. Annie instantly jumps back into detective mode and starts working on finding the murderer. It doesn't help that Kayla wasn't the most liked person. With her being conniving and malicious towards almost everyone she crossed paths with, several people seem to have had motive to kill her. But who really did it?

This book is a well-written and intriguing murder mystery that sucked me in from the very start! The setting is so cozy and perfect, who would think for something to happen in a little bookstore! The characters and plot were also great, and I loved the idea of a murder happening during such an event (mystery fest). There were several moments when I thought I knew who the killer was, but then more clues were found and revelations made that had me second-guessing myself! The ending was wonderful, and I am looking forward to the next book in this series. Hopefully we'll find out what exactly happened to Scarlet!
4 stars!

Thank you NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and Ellie Alexander for this compelling mystery!

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I'm SO happy, this was brilliant! I'm a huge fan of Ellie Alexander's Bakeshop Mysteries series (it's my favourite cosy mystery series!) and when I noticed this book on NetGalley, I couldn't believe my eyes. She has a new series! Praise the literary gods!

This is about Annie, who works in a bookshop and has a degree in criminology. She's haunted by the unsolved murder of her best friend Scarlet when her high school nemesis, Kayla, is also murdered during the mystery festival Annie is organising to bring customers to the bookshop.

This takes place in California in a mystery bookshop and if you've read anything by Ellie Alexander, you know that she's incredible at packing a book with sigh-worthy things that immediately transport you to a place where you want to live. This is no exception! The Secret Bookcase, Annie's bookshop, is described in gorgeously cosy details (it's got several themed rooms and a hidden reading nook that's revealed when you touch the right book), there are lots of Golden Age mystery references (Annie's boss, Hal, who owns the bookshop, is a huge Agatha Christie fan and may claim another Christie connection, I don't want to spoil anything!) and this is just a cosy mystery reader's dream - there's even a whole defense of the genre at one point which I found deeply touching. All I wanted to do when I finished this book was curl up with a Miss Marple (I'm about to reread The Body in the Library, I finished rereading The Murder at the Vicarage a few weeks ago and it's one of the funniest books ever) and forget about the world for a bit.

This was wonderful and I couldn't put it down. I really wanted to stay with those characters for much longer. Redwood Grove, Annie's town, is just lovely and oozes with charm and every small business feels like a dream, with boutique service and delicious Marple Mochas calling you in.

I'm SO happy this is the first in a new series, this was wonderful and exactly what I want in a cosy. Again, I love Ellie Alexander - she writes wonderful books but she also has a writing course on her website, she has regular lives on YouTube and she created a mystery festival in Ashland that's now a yearly event. I love that she's giving so much back to the cosy mystery community, she seems just as generous as her writing, her scenes are always so lush and always make me feel wrapped in a cocoon with lovely people and lovely things - delicious morsels (the Bakeshop series) or delicious books (this series!). I highly, highly recommend her stuff!

My endless thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC. Ellie Alexander has no idea I exist, I promise this review comes from the heart! I was SHOCKED to be approved for this since I barely have an online presence anymore but thank you thank you for making me think about SOMETHING other than Polin's carriage scene for 4 hours (screaming!! Polin is everything!!)

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