Member Reviews

"It's a sad fact but it has been my experience that, as a society, we have hardly any idea how to treat the recently bereaved."

The opening line in Anna Mae's book hits hard. From the start until the very end, she is honest about her views, her experiences, her life. And damn, what a strong woman she is.
The poems themselves are simple, but it's in their simplicity that the emotion comes through. Anna Mae pours her entire heart out in this one, and you really feel it, especially in passages that you're able to relate to on a personal level.
While some of the views in this book aren't particularly aligned with my own, I commend Anna Mae for her honesty and openness. It isn't easy to write about trauma in a way that is easy for readers to digest and process, and yet she does it.
This book is a quick and fairly easy read, but it's also a sort of warm hug for anyone going through heartbreak or grief of their own, no matter the shape and form.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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