Member Reviews

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Larry Terhaar’s “Once a Detective… A Dan Burnett Thriller” introduces readers to a new hero in the crime thriller genre, Dan Burnett.

The story follows Dan Burnett, a former NYPD detective who retires after failing his physical. At fifty-five, he transitions into the role of a private investigator, learning the ropes from a seasoned P.I. with a similar background. 

The plot thickens as Burnett delves into the investigation, uncovering a web of deceit that spans from Las Vegas casinos to the victim’s second wife, who stands to inherit millions. The narrative explores themes of justice, redemption, and the complexities of human relationships.

Dan Burnett is a richly drawn character, embodying the grit and determination of a seasoned detective while grappling with the vulnerabilities of his new life. His interactions with the supporting cast, including his new partner and the enigmatic client, add depth and nuance to the story.

Terhaar’s writing is crisp and evocative, capturing the essence of the settings and the intensity of the investigation. His background in real estate development and ocean sailing adds authenticity to the narrative, particularly in the scenes set on Burnett’s sailboat.

“Once a Detective… A Dan Burnett Thriller” is a masterfully crafted novel that will appeal to fans of crime thrillers and detective stories. Larry Terhaar has created a memorable protagonist in Dan Burnett, whose journey from NYPD detective to private investigator is both compelling and relatable.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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Today is the official release date! As the author, I'll share a few early reviews:

"Once a Detective," is a fast-paced romp through the streets of New York by former Detective Dan Burnett, in search of a killer. Larry Terhaar is a great storyteller. His characters were well developed and compelling. I could feel the grit from the streets and taste the flavors of the fabulous food described. A fun summer read with lots of action....." - John W. Long, author of "In the Name of the Father."

"Larry Terhaar's Once a Detective is a masterfully plotted mystery with a compelling narrative voice, vividly drawn characters, and sizzling dialogue. A nuanced, emotion-filled portrayal of a struggling ex-cop who becomes a private eye, this novel is much more than a simple whodunit. It is impossible not to become immersed in the story-the book will grip you from beginning to end."- Urs A. Boelsterli, award-winning author of "Dead Natural"

"A well written and fast paced detective novel in the tradition of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. I hope this absorbing and entertaining book is the first in a series." - Steve Skurka, author of "Pharo and the Murder at Smoke Lake"

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

This was my first time reading a book by this author. Overall, I found it to be an enjoyable, easy to read mystery! It's suppose to be a thriller but it's more of a police procedural. I liked the characters but the dialogue felt unnatural and awkward (how many times does a name have to be said in a conversation lol). There were no action/chase scenes or crazy plots/storyline. I enjoyed the investigation although I felt it was a little predictable, convenient and too straightforward with no issues.

3.5 out of 5 stars.

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3.5 Stars rounding up.

I found this book to be a quick and enjoyable read. The characters were like able and the plot was easy to follow. No unexpected twists and turns. I would suggest this book as a gift, or a quick airplane read.

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Detective Dan Burnett is forced into retirement due to a bad back but is recommended by his partner to become a Private Investigator. Dan meets up with Jim, a former Detective who has set up his own Detective Agency.

Dan immediately becomes a partner and his first case is quickly presented to him when Mia walks through the door. Her brother was murdered two years ago and the case has recently been marked as Unsolved by the Police. Dan is hired to investigate this cold case.

The story feels more of a police procedural rather than a thriller. There's no real action or chase scenes. The dialogue feels unnatural and forced.
I liked Dan's investigation, I thought it was very methodical, although it all felt a little too convenient. Each time he asked for case files, phone history, bank information, the police happily gave it to him. Every time he wanted to interview a suspect, they would be quite willing to answer his questions.
I understand this is needed to drive the plot forward, but at 226pages, there is plenty of room to work around the clues, rather than going directly to the source every time.

I would gladly read more of Dan Burnett's continuing investigations, though I'd hope there would be more tension and adversity.

Thank you to Larry Terhaar and the publishers, Athmosphere Press for providing a free copy of this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

This is my second read by this author and on the whole it is a good, enjoyable read. I like Dan Burnett who leaves the Police Force to become a PI. He looks into a cold murder case with help from his former police colleagues and the FBI. The story is well written, flows easily, and the plot line is good, if a bit predictable. I think this is quite a slow burner of a read and it took time for me to get properly into the story and its characters and I feel this read didn't have the thrills, mystery and suspense that I'm used to in this genre. I think the details about Dan's family and personal life is at times a bit too much and I found myself skimming pages in some parts. I'm not sure I'd say this is a thriller - I'd describe it more as a mystery read - it didn't have the wow factor or have me desperately turning the pages wanting to know more. Saying this I'd read the next book in this series to see how Dans character develops in the future.

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When a mid-50s police detective fails a physical exam, thus ending his career with the police department (or else forced to perform dreaded desk work), he becomes a private investigator. Dan's first case has him working to solve a 2-year old murder that the police have relegated to cold-case status. His investigation is helped by local police friends, but somewhat hindered by his growing attraction to his client, the victim's sister.

The plot of this novel is good, with likeable characters and believable locales and action. It is supposed to be a thriller, but it is more methodical detective procedure with a small bit of suspense toward the end, and some romance thrown in for good measure. Where the book fell a bit flat for me was the dialog, which was choppy and somewhat stilted. In a twelve sentence exchange, the two speakers used each other's name three or four times, such as "How are you, Mia?" "I'm fine, Dan, what can you tell me about the case?" "It's going great, Mia. We have some new leads." "Dan, I'm glad you're working this case." Not actual quotes, but you get the idea. People in normal conversations might use the listener's name once or twice, but not in every other sentence. Perhaps the editor of this new author's next book can help him polish up the dialog, because otherwise, he has done a fine job.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Dan is a typical NY police detective but after a medical exam found him unfit to stay in the streets he needed a change. The desk job waiting for him was not enough. Becoming a PI has all the ingredients to create a new career for retired Dan.

I loved Dan as a character, as well as his daughter Hannah and Mia. Dan is loveable and admirable. I often caught myself thinking 'wow he is so sweet' several times.

The plot however felt a little flat, I wasn't sure exactly what the climax of the book was until we got there. I wouldn't consider this a 'thriller' book....this is a classic 'who dun it' type, crime/police novel.
While the book is easily guessable on who was guilty, it was a run ride while getting there. Terhaar made it easy to read and follow the story.

This book isn't complex in writing or plot but it is fun and fast paced. I enjoyed reading it from start to end! Looking forward to more Dan Burnett books in the future from Terhaar!

An ARC was provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you NetGalley, Larry Terhaar and Atmosphere Press.

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Just the facts ma’am… Once a Detective is a fun police procedural when a newly retired police detective becomes a private investigator. This features an interesting murder mystery and a new romance. The prose is a bit dry and the romance was sad but the mystery made it worth the read.

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This was a quick, enjoyable police procedural novel with likable characters and a well paced plot. It was written in a chronological, methodical way, with no unexpected twists but it held my interest throughout and was an enjoyable read. Strongly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Atmosphere Press for an advanced reader copy.

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First!!! Pepe’s is the absolute best!!! lol great book!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had suspense, intrigue, action packed, murder, mystery, a great who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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First in a PI series. What does a Police detective do at 55, when put behind a desk after an injury. Resign and become a PI. Enjoyable, easy read, I zoomed through this one. Nice characters, little bit of personal family history. Case solved, what’s up next. Thank you to Atmosphere Press and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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