Member Reviews

Lantern of the Lost Memories is about a photography studio that helps people who have passed away revisit their lost memories. The book contains three emotional stories that I really enjoyed. While some of the topics are darker and not all cozy, it's definitely an amazing book. I hope there will be more stories in the future. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an early copy.

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I have read all the books in the series Before the Coffee Gets Cold and when i saw that Netvalley has the latest of Sanaka Hiiragi's book, I knew i have to read it. And it did not disappoint. I love every page of it. It has a different approach to life than the first books, yet, it still touches subjects as life, death and memories. It also made me think about what and how it will belike when we die. Will somebody be waiting for us right before we step into the next world, to
Show us pictures of how we lived our lives. Will they remind us about what we did good or we didn't do in this world?
I definitely recommend everyone to read this book as it is worth the time.

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Published 22 August 2024. If you are a fan of Before The Coffee Gets Cold, you will adore this one which takes the idea of your life flashing before our eyes when you die to an original level. When a person dies, Hirasaka is a gentle soul is waiting for them in his photographic studio to guide them to the afterlife. He sits with them, talks to them, feeds them and gives them one task. They are to choose one photograph from each year of their life, photographs that he will put into a magic lantern so that they can watch their life as they leave for the afterlife. But, if that one special photo that they want to include is damaged, is faded - no problem. Hirasaka takes them back to that specific time some that they can take the photograph again. There are three stories here, three people who die and who he stis with and guides and the stories they tell touch you - especially the final one. The stories are intertwined beautifully and Hirasaka's own story brings tears to your eyes. I read this in one day and loved it. Rounded up to 5*

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The Lantern of Lost Memories is a story about the lives of people who have just passed away. They get to select their favourite memories to keep, and more importantly, revisit the one they have treasured the most. The reader gets to read about the lives they have lived and the impact they have made on others. The book has multiple stories combined into one, almost like an anthology, but there is an overarching story loosely woven in, giving it a satisfying end.

Although the themes of this book are hopeful, it does have darker moments. Consider looking up the trigger warnings.

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one of the best books i have ever read, hands down. it got me crying tears of joy. i was so touched i couldn’t contain how i felt. this is now one of my favourite books— a comfort book i will turn to again and again!!

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I liked the premise of this book a lot but I am not 100% sure it came together as a full book, the vignettes were fun but the links to create an overarching story felt forced and i think I'd have liked it more as a collection of adventures.

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If you loved Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawagucha, you will love this. I enjoyed it more. When a person dies, their spirit is sent to a photography studio run by a man who has no memories of his own, but whose job is to help people collate a montage of their memories through photographs. He guides them to the most important day of their lives which they get to re-live and take a photograph of their chosing to remember. This is a simple but powerful tale that is full of stories of love, redemption and oddness. It celebrates the extraordinary within ordinary lives and reminds us why we live. A really beautiful book.

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This book screams “if you liked Before the Coffee gets Cold”, you’ll love this - even the cover is a similar graphic design. The premise is that between death and the next life, there’s a photographic studio where you get to select one photo per year of your life and rewatch it all. As part of this, there’s often a key memory that’s hazy from overuse so our dead person and the photographer go back and relieve that day to retake the photo. This book contains three stories and I can see there being many sequels. Yes, some of the material goes to very dark places but the overall tone is heartwarming as things are righted by the end (in as much as they can be with people being dead). I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A beautiful book with a warm narrative that will make you feel at ease with the taboo topic of death and the afterlife. ‘The lantern of lost memories’ is a novella by Sanaka Hiiragi about Hirasaka, his photography studio in the mountains, and his duty to help people adjust to passing aways and allowing them to relive their most cherished memories one last time before passing on in to the afterlife.

The story starts quickly with the first of three souls who have passed away. Hatsue is an elderly lady who has lived a full life without regrets, who speaks about rebuilding a community in Tokyo after a war. Unfortunately, Hatsue is the character to come across an issue that happens with much loved memories. The most viewed photographs fade over time because of this, and so Hirasaka is allowed to travel back to that time with the passed soul to get another copy of the photograph.

The sentimental atmosphere is soon abrupted due to the second visitor we come across in the book. A troubled member of Yakuza by the name of Waniguchi. Throughout his story we learn about his friends – especially the mouse – who in turn has a short story withing the story, somewhat different but in turn beautiful and fitting within the atmosphere the book surrounds us in.

Our final lost soul is a heartbreaking and also should come with a content warning. Young Mitsuru has arrived and is scared. Hirasaka is gentle and soft when it comes to explaining to the young girl that she is now dead. Due to her being such a young age, she doesn’t have many photos or memories. So Hirasaka takes the opportunity to take Mitsuru on a somewhat wilderness adventure. As she learns things along the way; how to start a fire but be safe about it, how to take photographs and lastly how to feel safe. Abruptly, as Hirasaka is developing the photos Mitsuru had taken, she begins to fade – meaning she is coming back to life.

We now wake up with her on a balcony, in a dog kennel with her leg tied, surrounded by rubbish, and abandoned properties. But with the faint memories of what she had learnt in the afterlife, she is able to get herself help; allowing her parents to get what they deserve – and also was she deserves – a chance at happiness.

This book has vivid descriptions of the landscapes which creates a tranquil vibe which coincides with the character development throughout the book.

I would love a sequel for this; based on more lost souls as well as more background on Hirasaka and how he ended up doing this in the first place. A wonderful book and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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This was really heart-warming read. I love books like this... they're a tonic for what is a difficult time for a lot of people. Wonderful.

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Book Review: The Lantern of Lost Memories by Sanaka Hiiragi

**Rating: 5/5**

Sanaka Hiiragi's *The Lantern of Lost Memories* is a beautifully crafted tale that seamlessly blends the ethereal with the poignant. Set in a magical photography studio perched between this world and the next, the story offers a unique perspective on life, memory, and the afterlife.

The premise is enchanting: newly deceased individuals wake up in a cozy mountain studio, tasked with selecting photographs that capture their most treasured memories. These memories are then placed in a lantern that will guide them to their next destination. Hiiragi masterfully uses this framework to explore the depths of human experience through a series of vignettes, each focusing on a different character's life and their most cherished moments.

The characters are richly drawn and deeply relatable. From an elderly woman who finds strength in rebuilding her community after a disaster to a former Yakuza member who rediscovers his capacity for kindness, each story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The narrative flows effortlessly, with each character's journey providing a new layer of emotional depth.

Hiiragi's writing is both lyrical and evocative, capturing the essence of fleeting moments and the bittersweet nature of memory. The descriptions of the photography studio and the surrounding mountains are vivid and atmospheric, creating a setting that feels both otherworldly and intimately familiar.

One of the most compelling aspects of the book is its exploration of how memories shape our identities and the importance of preserving those moments that define us. The concept of revisiting a single day to rephotograph it anew adds a poignant twist, emphasizing the idea that our perceptions and memories can change over time.

*The Lantern of Lost Memories* is a hauntingly beautiful novel that will resonate with readers long after they've turned the last page. It is a celebration of life, love, and the moments that make us who we are. Hiiragi's storytelling is a gentle reminder of the power of memory and the enduring impact of our most cherished experiences.

Highly recommended for fans of literary fiction and those who enjoy stories that touch the heart and soul.

#TheLanternofLostMemories #NetGalley

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The Lantern of Lost Memories is the must-read for 2024, especially if you are looking for a thoughtful and heartwarming story.

Set in a space between life and death, three people visit a magical photography studio to choose photos from their lives to create a special lantern. Each story is really moving resulting in this being a beautiful and touching book.

I was drawn to this book as I loved the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series, I really hope that this is the start of series too!

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If you love Before the Coffee Gets Cold series, you must read this when it comes out in August! This is a wonderful collection of bittersweet episodes that reminds us to appreciate our past and lives we’ve had. It is sad at times, but there is warmth and tenderness just like the very popular series. I loved every episode in this book.

The premise is similar to TJ Klune’s Under the Whispering Doors. Set in somewhere between life and death, three people visit a photography studio where a kind man allows them to revisit their most treasured memories. Each person has a treasured story to tell, from the old woman rebuilding a community in Tokyo after a disaster, to the flawed Yakuza man who remembers a time when he was kind, and a strong child who is fighting to survive.

It didn’t make me sob but there are many parts where I felt emotional and was reminded to appreciate my own treasured moments. I hope it will have the same effect on you if you read it.

5 / 5 🌟

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A fascinating premise, where after you die but before you move on, you get a mountain of photos from your life and get to choose one for each year for your own lantern of lost memories.
A man, Hirasaka meets everyone in a photo studio complete with a dark room.
The deceased can also travel back in time to retake a photo of a cherished memory. The balance of the overview we get from all the photos and the snapshot of a day in their life is really beautiful.
We get to meet three people, although the book is short, the chapters really pack a punch and transport you to their stories.
I could see the author writing an entire series where different characters make their lanterns.
It is a delightful book, though I wouldn’t say it’s cosy as it does have some more intense themes and mentions.
Great for readers who liked “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”, as it has similar themes about missed chances and how we live life.
Thanks to NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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A beautifully written and very moving story. Hirasaka's job is to act as a guide for the dead on the journey to the other side. He works in a photography studio and he helps the newly deceased to select one photograph from each year of their lives. These are then incorporated into a magic lantern and viewed just before leaving the studio. In addition, the recently deceased is allowed to choose a camera and to go back and revisit one day of their life so that they can retake a photograph of the choice.
Although the subject is death, this is a very upbeat and positive story. Each person's life is appreciated and goodness is highlighted. The ending was especially moving.
An original idea and highly recommended.

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I have heard of this author's other books but have not yet read them so when this appeared on netgalley I couldn't resist.

The book comprises of only three chapters detailing Hirasaka's work in a photography studio between the land of the living and where they all eventually go. He supports and mentors the deceased, tasking them with choosing one photo for each of their lived years to adorn a lantern that will play before they make their final transition.

An absolutely beautiful story despite some upsetting content, the characters were fascinating. A must read, thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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What a great idea! One picture for every year of your life. Makes you think about what is really important and what will you actually cherish and value as a great memory..

It's an easy read, however to me it lacked something. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I had the feeling that the story was somehow incomplete and lacked some kind of conclusion..

Overall it's a good read, but won't be one of my favourites.

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This is a beautifully written book— full of unique and innovative ideas to talk about death— in this book of short stories we are taken through three peoples stories of where they visit a cosy photography studio in the mountains between this world and the next where they must choose the pictures from their life that capture their most treasured memories, which will be placed in a beautiful lantern which will be set spinning, and everything will flash before their eyes, guiding them to another world.

These stories were sentimental, emotionally moving and maintained your attention to the end of each persons story you can cozy up with and read all at once or a little bit at a time ( as each story is stand-alone). We experiences the magic of each persons story, an elderly lady, a yakuza , and a young child. The last story to me felt like a reimagining/mixture of true incidents that happened throughout Japan to children. Even with the heavy topics of aging, bullying, abuse etc the book maintains a whimsical /magical feel throughout keeping you in a dream like state while reminding us to reflect well on our lives as this book beautifully reflects on life, death, love and everything in-between.

Thank -you NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for this ARC. This is my honest review.

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A beautifully written, quiet novella featuring a delightful cast of characters including a man who stewards people’s journeys from life across to death by helping them create lanterns displaying their favourite memories and three very different people who are crossing into the afterlife.

I loved this book! I read it in a few hours but was engrossed the whole time.

The writing in this book is exceptional. What I’ve come to love about Japanese fiction is how it can be succinct, yet impactful. The stories may not be as long as Western audiences are used to but they pack a punch. Let’s examine further:

• The story starts off quickly and with a really strong hook wherein our first featured character, Hatsue, confused to be awoken in Hirasaka’s photo studio.
• Strong sense of place creating a gorgeous atmosphere that I could immerse myself in as a reader. We are treated to many beautiful and vivid descriptions throughout the book (“Peering closer, she was struck by the elegant sight of moss-covered stone lanterns, weeping cherry trees and the yellow flowers of a tsuwabuki plant.”, “Damp leaves covered the stone steps, and the air was thick with the distinctive smell of the forest.”)
• The humour in this book is subtle and feels so genuine. A few of the characters’ lines made me laugh: sharp, observant, and self-aware without being over the top.
• The characters were likeable, despite their complexities. Our steward, Hirasaka was a gentle, patient, and kind soul. While he acknowledges the tedium and repetition of his role as steward of this liminal space between life and death, he’s exceptionally well-suited to it and makes sure that all of his guests have a meaningful and reflective time curating their lanterns. The guests Hatsue, Waniguchi, and Mitsuru are all very different. They felt real to me as a reader and I enjoyed spending time with each of them.
• The ending was beautiful: <spoiler> it becomes evident in Waniguchi’s story that this isn’t a mere novella, but a short story serial - one of the best I’ve ever read - there’s a quiet thread connecting the stories and a truly beautiful ending that takes us full circle. </spoiler>
• While I’m not a photographer, I enjoyed how a love and appreciation for photography was incorporated into the story.

The only critical feedback I have about this book is the repetition that plagues short story serials in translated fiction. Books like <I>Before the Coffee Gets Cold</I> and <I>The Kamogawa Food Detectives</I>, which this book will inevitably be compared to, are far worse for this than <I>The Lantern of Lost Memories</I> but there are repetitions that stood out:
• In all three stories: Hirasaka’s comments about the cheerfulness of the courier, Yama.
• In the first and second stories: The deceased’s reaction to a faded photo and Hirasaka’s explanation about how they can take a new one.

I’ve read a few of Jesse Kirkwood’s translations in the past and they’re a talented person. The more translated fiction I read, the more I’m starting to enjoy certain translator’s styles - including Jesse’s! I sincerely hope that Sanaka Hiiragi translates more of her work into English. I’m going to buy this book when it comes out and add the author to my auto-buy list (which isn’t something I do lightly given my bursting home bookshelves!)

I was privileged to have my request accepted to read this book through NetGalley. Thank you so much, Pan Macmillan!

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What a lovely story. When people die, their first stop is at a photography studio where they choose a personal snapshot for every year of their life and these are placed in a spinning pattern that will send them onwards.

Japanese novelists are great at writing sweet stories without them being too cheesy or ‘cosy’.
This one was rather poignant but what a great read. I was delighted by the twist and would love to read about more people and their lantern.

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