Member Reviews

this is the first book in the series so usually I’m not over critical because worlds and characters are being built which I hope evolves as the series progresses. there is dual narration would could be confusing at first especially for someone that mostly reads not in that. when it comes to vampire books it’s hard to change the genre to be unique but still staying true to vampire fiction.

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Okay, I'm going to be honest. This book was exceptionally cheesy but somehow still really enjoyable. It's tense and serious one moment then boom, inconsistent and ridiculous the next. I found the vampires and how they were made to be unique but too weird for me. But I did really enjoy the tense, enemies to lovers romance. There were some fun academy vibes too. Lidia Dornet and Oliver Clarke did an amazing job narrating the audiobook too. So all in all, Cloak of the Vampire by Sapir A. Englard was a quirky, vampire romance I'd recommend giving a try if you're looking for something different than normal.

Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Cloak of the Vampire is a vampire paranormal romance and my first read by this author.
The story follows Aileen Henderson whose choice was taken away when she was imprinted by vampire Lord Ragnor Raine while trying to save her friend.
Forced to move into the vampire league where new vampires are trained, she vows to get revenge on Ragnor Rayne however throughout the story, she doesn't really do much to further that plan and she had me frustrated for a good part of the story.

I loved Ragnor. Yes he was broody and hot and cold towards Aileen but it was understandable because of his initial loss of control. I did enjoy seeing him slowly open up. The chemistry between them was intense but their steamy scenes did feel a bit rushed but we did get a great blend of suspense, romance, and supernatural elements.

The last 20% of the story had me at the edge of my seat as the plot started to pick up. It ends in a cliff-hanger that I did not see coming and I need to know what happens next. There are a few unanswered questions which I hope will be resolved in the next book.

I listened to the audiobook version which was narrated by Lidia Dornet and Oliver Ckarke.
Told in dual narration, these narrators brought the story to life. They were both new to me narrators and were well suited for the role. Their voices were clear and understandable and they gave each character their own personality. I enjoyed listening to them narrate this novel.

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Title: Cloak of the Vampire
Author: Sapir A. Englard
Pages: 349
Format: Audiobook
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Review: This was an ARC given for a honest review.
This was a book I picked completely on a whim. I am so glad I did. Dark, twist, sexy what else could you ask for. I enjoyed the characters, the mystery, and the steamy romance. I would read this again in physical form. The Audiobook was done really well.

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Absolutely loved it! Finished it in one day and now I need more!! Can November be here already!?

The audio performance was absolutely breathtaking and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the free ALC in exchange for an honest review.

Part of my criticism for Cloak of the Vampire is entirely on me as I didn’t realise that it would be so smut heavy. Again, this is on me. However, I could have accepted the heavy smut if it added something to the story. Unfortunately, it did not. It was repetitive and without much chemistry.

The MMC is introduced as mysterious and aloof and there is a certain aura to him however this all but disappears the moment they start sleeping together and what starts as a strong FMC becomes a pathetic squalling mess who cares about nothing but the man she’s sleeping with.

The world itself is actually very intriguing and offers a lot to the reader, the idea of common or talented vampires, the clans and the lack of limitations commonly seen in vampire fiction is really quite interesting however, despite this, I will not be continuing with the series as the characters seem to lose all depth when it comes to sex.

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Aileen Henderson has always preferred a low-profile life, making it easier to hide her past. One night, it all changes when she dies and wakes up to blood lust in the world of vampires with lords and leagues. Aileen is now set to exact her revenge on Ragnor, who condemned her to this eternal damnation, but first, she must survive the auction.

The leagues of vampires are similar to a coven of witches (in a conceptual way) and the whole displaying of talent and recruitment made it a delicious meal for bookworms. There were a few very steamy scenes in the book so it's not exactly a clean read.

Reading this book felt more like a prequel to the story as there is so much more left to explore, what happens after the auction? What is the role of those mortal Gods? Why are these vamps so afraid of them, and this fierce emotion of frenemy?

Overall, I enjoyed the story and I am looking forward to what happens next, though if it was slightly less smutty I would enjoy the premise more. + The old Gods concepts have yet to be fully introduced, so that's another fruit left hanging on the tree.

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3 .5 stars
Eileen is pulled into the world of vampires without her consent, and its a massive mess.

The narrators did amazing with the material. There were a handful of moments that I was truly only hanging on because of how well they did. They both made things engaging.

I think this is a great read for vampire romance readers. It gave me all kinds of early 2000s vibes, and a few language choices also took it back to the 2000s and 2010s, but can we blame the vampires for not changing their lexicon as fast we we do?

I found the atmospheres and settings interesting. I am looking forward to see more of the world thru this series lease.

There were a couple of plot points I found silly and confusing, but I didn't mind them... most of them.... except some of the cringiest sex scenes I have listened to. I am a smut sommelier and this was dry and uncomfortable for me.

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I had the opportunity to both read and listen to the audio. I enjoyed the audio better than just reading the book. I feel like it completely helped bring the book together. I loved that it was duel narration.
The beginning of the book was a tad slow but then all of a sudden I was hooked. This was a different than previous vampire books I’ve read and I loved it. I really enjoyed the world building and the intriguing plot. I really loved how the vampire world is intertwined with academia. I felt for Aileen because she really had horrible friends. Then being thrown into a new life she didn’t ask for and had to quickly adapt to. The tension and chemistry between Aileen and Ragnor is 🔥🔥. I went from almost DNFing to ready for the second book because I can’t wait to know what happens next. I recommend!

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I love a good vampire story so I was hoping this would be a new series to fall in love with. However, it was just ok. I did get through it quickly but the MC is kind of warped and the book came with so many trigger warnings. This is definitely not for the gen pop who just like a good sexy romp. There are too many creepy factors to it.
Aileen Henderson is just trying to live her life "normally" after her shady (and tragic) past. She sees her friend Cassidy getting attacked, (or what she thinks is attacked) and goes to help. Instead of helping, she ends up imprinted as a vampire and forced to join a league and a society she knew nothing about and didn't care to join. She swears vengeance against Lord Ragnor Reign for imprinting upon her. Of course, these two end up in heated battles (and heated scenarios) and the book leaves off with a cliffhanger of Aileen "joining" another vampire league and Ragnor being all despondent. I honestly don't know if I'll pick up the second part of this series but it would be nice to know where it's headed.

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Brilliance Audio for this audio e-arc.*

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This book was slightly confusing at first but I was drawn in. There is a lot of information but it didn't feel overwhelming.

Aileen is thrown into the world of vampires after receiving the Imprint without her consent. Once waking up she finds out that everyone else had signed up and most were on a waiting list to receive it. She feels as though she is being punished, but things aren't as they seem. Aileen has done a very good job of hiding her secrets, almost as much so as she hid herself.

I found myself really drawn into the story and the dynamic between Aileen, Ragnor Rayne, Logan, and Cassidy. Definitely a satisfying read and listen for me.

Lidia Dornet really blew this out of the water. Oliver Clarke is new to me and I was definitely held captive by his ability to really encompass the masc characters.

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I would like to thank NetGalley for giving me an audio-arc in exchange for an honest review.

So there's vampires. Which, okay, I always like a good vampire book. But then it gets a bit strange with their world. So here, potential vampires have to be on a waiting list and once turned attend classes to learn about being a vampire all for it to culminate in an auction between vampire lords/leagues.

I found that to be interesting and different for sure. But what I didn't like was Alieen herself. She has a crappy "best friend" who never feels like a real friend from page 1. She has a mysterious past that I don't understand. There's gods that, again, I don't understand. And then there Ragnor Rayne. The vampire she's sworn she'll kill. And yet she seems to forget this everytime she talks to him. She has sass for no reason, she's supposedly a badass but it's never seen on paper, we're just told she is. I honestly couldn't stand her or how she was written.

I'm sure other people will like the mystery, but I personally found it confusing. I did like the dual POVs and enjoyed the narrators.

Actual Rating: 3.5

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Five freaking stars! And that ending!!!! I knew it would be a cliffhanger, but didn't expect that. I absolutely cannot wait for book two!

Very similar to other "firsts in series" that I've read, there is a lot of set-up and world building in Cloak of the Vampire. Don't let that fool you though. The last third of the book is packed with action and will leave you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens with The Auction.

Aileen was an interesting character. She has a tough, impenetrable exterior but inside is still sifting through the traumas of her childhood and is incredibly vulnerable. When she meets Ragnor Rayne, vampire lord extraordinaire, sparks fly and she hates him as much as her body wants him. If all things spice and "enemies to less-enemies-than-before" is your jam then I highly recommend checking this out.

There were dual POV chapters, which I liked, but I do think we could have heard more from Ragnor's side. I am hopeful for a balanced POV in book two.

Narrators Lidia Dornet and Oliver Clarke were fantastic! I hope they are back to narrate future releases in this series. I loved the way they portrayed each character's nuances and how they made the listener feel everything the characters, particularly Aileen, were going through. Plus, the intimate scenes didn't feel awkward to listen to which is always a bonus.

Thank you to NetGalley, Brilliance Publishing and Sapir A. Englard for an early listening copy. These are my honest thoughts.

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I will always be a vampire girly for life! I am always looking to find another vamp read, so when I saw the title I immediately got super excited. I was so invested in this book and I honestly can’t wait for the next one! I NEED to learn more about everything especially the lords, the leagues, Cassidy, and etc. I did anticipate the ending to end the way that it did but it wasn’t a bad thing. It is one of the reasons I am excited for the next book.

One thing I was not a big fan of was when some moments would give me second hand embarrassment like Aelin begging Lord Ragnor to let her stay. I felt like I personally wanted her to be a little more strong-willed because of some moments in the beginning that portrayed her that way, so when moments like that scene happened, I was really thrown off because she didn’t seem that way.

Overall, a great read ! This kinda has a sense of ACOTAR, which I’m not a fan of personally, but this one I did like. I will impatiently be waiting for the sequel.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this audiobook.

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4.5 Stars! A New Vampire Novel With a Twist You Can Sink Your Teeth Into

Although I didn't love the beginning, I promise that it is amazing! The FMC, Aileen, is turned into a vampire against her will, and she vows to seek revenge. She has a dark and mysterious past, which Ragnor Rayne, the MMC, is determined to uncover. Steeped in mystery, and just a tinge of a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance, this first book is just going to be the tip of the iceberg! I am DYING to learn more about these characters and this world. And that ending!?! That cliffhanger has me shook! The side characters....well, once she starts going to classes anyway...are so perfect. I cannot wait to learn more about Tansy's character - there is more to that girl than meets the eye!

The dual narration is utter PERFECTION! Get the audiobook if you're an audiobook girly!

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♡𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰♡
3 🌟
This is DUEL narration, and that's a major plus! I enjoy DUEL narration, and these narrators did a good job bringing these characters alive and telling the story. I just wish we got more of the male POV!
Aileen saved Cassidy from physical abuse and surprise. Cassidy turns around and treats Aileen like SHIT! Cassidy is a horrible ass person and Aileen uses the excuses of Cassidy's past life experiences 🙄. This plot is mostly the beginning of this story. Aileen character drove me insane, she is always trying to save somebody, but hell, she couldn't even save herself. But her character development was a plus, but the jumping between Aileen past and present could have been done BETTER. It was extremely confusing when it jumped and didn't tell you. Aileen past was an extremely heavy topic | listen.
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 :
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 :
•physical abuse
•kidnapped &| bullying
•non-consenal sex
•parental sexual abuse
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 June.18
Thank you, Netgalley, and Brilliance Audio for the (ALC)-audiobook for my honest review.

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Aileen wakes up after 24 hours and finds herself to be a vampire. She didn't sign up for this and she feels like a caged animal.

This was so good ya'll. If you love vamp fiction, you'll love this book.

Many thanks to Net Galley and Brilliance Publishing for an audio ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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