Member Reviews

funny. entertaining. spicy. i love ilsa's books so much!!
always fast paced with entertaining story lines. the most dreamy men and likeable characters. loved this one!

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I don’t typically like books about matchmakers but I do typically like books by Ilsa Madden-Mills so I had to this book a try. I was not at all disappointed that I did. This was a more quiet romance than I was expecting, not a ton of drama which lets the connection between the two main characters shine through. I loved watching them slowly learn to trust what they felt.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a quick and fun read! It deals with some pretty serious topics, specifically abandonment by the people who should love us most, which allowed me to connect to the book on a deeper level. A matchmaker playing cupid, and a football player friend of the family - what could go wrong? The banter was witty and giving, and I loved the romance and spice. Exactly what I needed!

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I adored the first installment in The Darlings series and Ilsa Madden-Mills has once again blown me away with the follow-up novel My Darling Jane! This captivating novel centers around Jane Darling and Jasper Jannich, whom we previously met in the first book.

Jane, a single mother with a young daughter, is determined to establish her matchmaking business and has her sights set on signing star quarterback Jasper as her client. Jane tries her hardest to match him with his perfect match for the sake of publicity, but Jasper only has eyes for one woman.

As a fan of sports romance novels, I found My Darling Jane to be a perfect example of why I love this genre. The witty banter between the characters had me laughing out loud, and their undeniable chemistry kept me engrossed in their journey. I sincerely hope that Ilsa Madden-Mills continues this series, as I am eager to devour more of these fantastic novels. My Darling Jane is a 5-star romance novel that I highly recommend to all.

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This was such a sweet read. I loved the concept and Jane's development over the course of the book was really great!

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Jane Darling has started her own matchmaking service, ready to help people who have had it with the dating apps. But it’s tough to start a new business, especially when one is already juggling managing the family’s bookstore and raising her 4 year old daughter, Londyn. So, when Jasper Jannich, the star quarterback for New York, and best friend of her brother-in-law, offers to become a client, she jumps at the chance to utilize his high profile to help the business. The problem is that Jasper and Jane have a ton of chemistry themselves and it is harder and harder for them to deny their feelings. Still, there is a lot going on in both of their lives, both have been burned in love, and they aren't sure they are ready to take the leap again.

So for me, my reaction to Darling Jane was a lot like my feelings about the Dixon Rule by Elle Kennedy: I loved the first book in the series which felt fresh with snappy dialogue and enduring characters who were figuring out some shit. In the sequels, I struggled to see the connection between the two main characters. There were just so many extraneous issues that it feels like the reader is bounced from one thing to another. And because of all that, the time that Jasper and Jane spend together feels rushed and disconnected. I could have done without Jasper’s twin nieces staying with him. I am not sure what that plot device was supposed to do, but I was just annoyed with them.

Should you still read it, yes, yes you should, because Madden-Mills writes witty and engaging stories. Even when I am nitpicking, I still love Madden-Mills books - Beauty and the Baller is one of my favorite reads. I will be waiting patiently for Andrew’s book and look forward to seeing Jasper and Jane again, just as supporting characters.

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This is a five-star read that has been struck by cupid’s arrow. My goodness I adore Isla Madden Mills they just create such amazing characters that will make your heart sing, especially little Londyn, she will break many hearts if we ever get a The Darlings second generation that much is clear. This is number two in The Darlings series, but honestly, it’s not necessary that you read number one, it does compliment, but its not like you are too lost if you don’t. Jane is just the strongest woman; she would do anything to give her daughter a good life; by making her business a success she can do that. I can completely see why she wouldn’t give Jasper a look in, as her history means she expects the worst, and with his history you would likely get it. But this is a story of ups and downs, of trial and tribulations, of the worst happening and wondering what next, so pick it up and get to finding out if Cupid will be striking you as well.

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Release date: 05 November,2024
Topics & themes: single parent, abandonment issues, matchmaking, sports, adoption, family ties, kids

Even though we met these characters in previous books, you don't have to read that book. It is completely fine to read this as standalone.

It is an okay read, I didn't fall in love with our main couple, I liked them just fine but nothing more than that.

If you are looking for a light contemporary romance, you might give this one a try.

3.5 ⭐️

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the copy of the book

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this story early. This story centers around Jane (a matchmaker) and Jasper (football Quarterback). She tries to match him until she realizes she is the one he wants. One thing I love about Ilsa's books are how she puts depth into her characters' backgrounds. Each character has their own struggles they need to overcome in order to be truly happy and how they bring out the best in each other. I loved how Jane and Jasper's relationship grew as the story went on! Ilsa has a way of finding ways to show the readers just how deep the characters are falling for each other. I have loved reading every one of her books and always look forward to see what other stories she creates.

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Whelp…. I tried. I really did try. I could not get into this story. I read until chapter 9 then started skipping whole chapters then finally skipped to the last 2 chapters and the epilogue.
For some reason I could just not relate to Jane or Jasper. The writing is good - it was just the characters. I felt no connection with Jane and mostly felt her to be annoying and immature. We are to believe she’s a single mom to a sweet little girl, but I cannot picture it based on how she acts.
You might like this one, but it was not the book for me.

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I was not a fan of Jane’s, at least not in the beginning. I think the author tried a little too hard to make her ”not like other girls”. She was a bit too judgemental. She had literally no valid reason to dislike Jasper, she just assumed and judged.

I liked Jasper. He’s a sweetheart. I felt so bad for him. He was sometimes misunderstood and judged too harshly, even by his friends.

I was hoping for great sexual tension but no, they were fucking like rabbits and it didn’t fit the vibe.
- ”I have to protect my heart”
- *proccedes to repetedly have sex with him*

230(ish) pages. Make. Them. Count. Don’t waste them on too much boring sex..??

I wanted too see more of a relationship development between Jasper and Londyn (Jane’s daughter). They just kind of meet and were best friends straight away. It didn’t feel authentic to me. I liked the kid though, her and Jasper were adorable together.

A sweet, entertaining read. Nothing special. I really liked the ending.

- Pls tell me Dalton is getting a book.
- Jasper’s nieces are absolute idiots.
- What was the point in making Londyn’s bio father come back? It ruined the vibes for me.
- The mmc have a man bun(which I’m personally not a fan of but oh well) but why is there no man bun on the cover?

3.5 stars

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I absolutely adored this book. I thought it was super sweet and it was fun seeing Jane fall in love after reading much of her struggles in her sister’s book. She’s just one of those characters you root for easily.

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Jane Darling is starting a new business as a matchmaker when she lands star quarterback Jasper Jannich as her premier client. As she sets Jasper up on multiple unsuccessful dates, it becomes obvious that Jasper only has eyes for Jane. Tropes: enemies to lovers, he falls first, sports romance.

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I love Ilsa Madden-Mills books. They are always fun, charming, and engaging. My Darling Jane is no exception. Jasper and Jane have excellent chemistry and witty banter that keeps you hooked from beginning to end. They are both quirky and complement each other so well. The writing in this book flows effortlessly and builds a great love story. Can't wait for more of the Darling series!

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Ilsa Madden-Mills used to be one of my go-to authors but her last few releases have fallen flat for me. This is another one that just didn't feel like her old style. It felt rushed in parts and then really slow and underdeveloped in others. I hope she goes back to her roots.

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Soooo good and soooo sexy! I really enjoyed this book and their love story. The spice was hot!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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1.5 ⭐️
Unfortunately, this book wasn't as good as I had hoped. There were many 'small' things that I didn't like about the book and the storyline wasn't original or fast-paced enough to keep me interested. I had read My Darling Bride, and had been introduced to both characters before, so I had some expectations to begin with. This book just missed the mark, IMO.

~~What I liked~~
-I liked that it was kinda a grumpy sunshine reversal, with Jane being a grump and Jasper being the sunshine.
-I liked that both characters had a good support network.

~~What I didn't like~~
-There were several 'small' things that bothered me. 1) Jane goes out to promote her business at a bar which I'm assuming is in the evening, but leaves her kid in preschool. Preschools usually close at 6. 2) Jasper's nieces do not act their age. They are 17 but act like they are tweens and have a bedtime. 3) At one point Jasper has several drinks in a row but this doesn't seem to cause him any issues, which is unrealistic. 4) Londyn is almost 5 and is still learning to be potty trained? And she goes to preschool, this doesn't compute. 5) Lastly, why has Jane never attempted to get child support from her highly successful ex?
-The storyline was pretty boring, with nothing unexpected happening. I just didn't feel like it was as polished or original enough to be entertaining. I really struggled to get through it, skipping sections.

Overall, I was sadly disappointed with this book. I don't think I would recommend to others, but I did like other books by Ilsa Madden-Mills, so I probably won't give up on her as a possible future read.

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I loved the first book in this series, and book 2 was no different. A writing style that is super easy to read made this book even more enjoyable. The premise of this book was so fun and I loved both main characters!

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While I enjoyed My Darling Jane by Lisa Madden-Mills, I did find it a bit predictable and boring. My favorite parts included Jane’s relationship with her daughter and Jasper’s relationship with his twin nieces. The twins certainly gave him a run for his money. It was also nice to get a peak inside both Jane’s and Jasper’s extended families. If you enjoy he falls first, single bad-ass mom, and overcoming abandonment issue tropes, then My Darling Jane is a perfect fit.

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I've had fun reading this series and I was very curious about how she'd write Jasper. He'd always come off as such a player and sometimes a little arrogant or smug and even though that can be fun, I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Turns out Jasper is so much more than I thought he'd be--he's warm and caring and has a lot more depth than I suspected, which makes him a great match for Jane--sister of Emmaline, owner of a matchmaking service, and mother to a precious daughter. It shouldn't work--he comes off as a player and she has zero time for all of that, and yet it totally works.

It starts off innocuously enough--she needs clients for her service and he does her a solid and agrees to try it out--but after one terrible date...and then several not great ones, they become closer and closer as she tries to get to know him better to find him the perfect girl. Of course neither of them are really interested in him finding someone through the dating service, because what they both want is each other. From late night talks to missions to find his nieces and everything in between, Jasper and Jane find that they truly do like each other and find love in the other.

Sweet, fun, romance that you'll read in just a few hours and I am eager to see who on this team or in this family goes down next.

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