Member Reviews

Loved this book and enjoyed the series. I had to read the first one to really understand the second in the series. I thought the growth of both of these characters from the first book really was wonderful. I hope we get the brothers story too

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My Darling Jane
By: Ilsa Madden-Mills

Working to find forever!


In book two in The Darling duet we meet often over achiever Jane her daughter London and a friend of many of the authors books Jasper. She’s starting a matchmaking business in hopes of providing a stable life for her daughter. Jasper offers to be one of her clients but while that’s not necessarily going to plan they do spend a lot of time together and so a romance begins. The authors writing is flawless and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of this author. The author writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: On an ordinary day, Jane Darling wouldn’t be caught dead in a sports bar wearing a toga with angel wings. But she’s desperate to launch her matchmaking business to secure her young daughter’s future. Her mission: to attract new clients at any cost.

Her Cupid outfit catches the eye of New York’s beloved star quarterback, Jasper Jannich. She and Jasper have always clashed, but when a pushy admirer goes too far, he steps in as an unexpected knight in shining armor.

He offers a tantalizing proposal: to be Cupid’s Arrow’s premier client. Reluctantly, Jane agrees, aware of the business potential despite her reservations about Jasper and his playboy reputation. As she sets him up on date after date, it grows clear that Jane’s the only woman he wants.

She is his goal, his endgame.
She’s not not interested…but her heart has been burned before. To get anywhere, they’ll need courage and faith, not just sizzling chemistry.
He’s ready to make the pass. Is his darling ready to catch it?

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in single POV this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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Jane is starting out her matchmaking business. Jasper is a well known football player and has volunteered himself to be one of her clients in hopes to get to know her better. She sets him up on date after date while spending time together. She is slower than he is but they eventually realize they are a good match. This book was just okay for me.

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3.5 stars rounded up

My Darling Jane is the send book in Ilsa Madden-Mills The Darlings series. The first book just didn't hook me but this one I enjoyed a lot more. Although, the stories are interconnected it could easily be read as a stand alone. Jane is a matchmaker struggling to make her dating app successful and profitable. She needs more clients. She attempts to drum up clients at the local sports bar dressed as cupid and runs into the bane of her existence, Jasper. They've always clashed but he rescues her from an uncomfortable situation and offers to be her star client (since he's a star quarterback.) Jane offers to set him up on dates but it becomes increasingly clear, Jasper is only interested in dating Jane.

I thought this book was very cute. Jasper was by far my favorite. He's was a sweetheart who fell first. I love when the hero relentlessly pursues the heroine much to her dismay. Jane was a little bit tougher to like. Sometimes, she would come off a little cold and judgmental. I think she settled into her character a bit more the second half of the book. I could have done without the bio-dad drama that popped out of nowhere. Overall, it was a cute and spicy book. I really love Ilsa's writing style. It's just so easy and readable. I usually finish her books in one sitting.

Tropes included: he falls first, reverse grumpy/sunshine, single mom, found family, frenemies, football playing hero

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Montlake, and Ilse Madden-Mills for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own. #netgalley #ilsamaddenmills #MyDarlingJane #montlakepublishing

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Jane enjoys being her own boss. She meets an athlete who will alter her life. I enjoyed the chemistry between them.

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Does Ilsa write a bad book--NOPE! She writes pure magic! I just LOVE everything she writes and fall into a state where I can not and will not pur the book down. She is an auto-buy author for me and one I will shout every release from the rooftops for.

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Sweet, swoony and emotional, My Darling Jane was a joy to read! One of my favourite tropes is he-falls-first, and Jasper definitely falls into that category! His banter with Jane was absolute gold, and I really loved their chemistry. It felt effortless and genuine, as did their whole story. I highly recommend picking this one up and giving it a read, you will NOT be disappointed!

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If there is one thing you should know about me, it's that I love an Ilsa Madden-Mills book/ If she writes it then you can guarantee I will be reading it. She has the perfect formula for her books that always keeps me coming back for more. She is definitely one of my Sports Romance go-to authors and MY DARLING JANE was everything I had hoped it would be and more. Book 2 in THE DARLINGS series, and it follows Jane and Jasper.
Jasper has secretly been a favourite of mine and if you've read any of IMM's books before, you know that we have met him previously. He has always intrigued me and honestly, I just fell deeper in love with him in this book.

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I really enjoyed the story. The characters kept drawing me in, and I kept wanting to read more and more.
We follow Jane, a entrepeneur that now has her matchmaking business and Jasper, a NFL player that have been frennemies for some time. They like to tease each other and their banter is actually really good (she is kind of the grumpy one and he the sunshine).
When Jane has the idea of adding Jasper to her client pool she doesn't expect to really get to know him, know that he actually is not even close what she believed but kind of everything she wanted and needed ( he was so, so sweet...).
Becouse of some past traumas, both of them had some abandonement issues, and sometimes they ended up in old routines and protecting themselves, but their connection was so good, that they couldn't stay away.

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Jasper deserved all the stars.

I really wanted to be in the camp with all the 5 stars. I wanted to fit in with the in crowd. I wanted to gush over what a super fun read this was. I wanted to crush super hard over this duo. However, that's not happening. The writing was so cringy, the further into the book the more cringe it got, especially the last quarter. My eye rolls were in full force.

It's been several years since I've read an Ilsa Mills book but I don't remember her writing being this half-assed. If I didn't know better, I would think this was written by someone just trying their hand at story telling. Not a NY Times and USA Best selling author. I've loved her work in the past but this... this has me not wanting to pick another up.

The issues I had were <i>My Darling Jane</i> wasn't fleshed out. There were subplots that had absolutely no point to them. Her ex and his mother didn't move the store one way or the other, felt like they were just there to fill a word count. There was no big epiphany, drama, or explosion surrounding them. Frieda and her whole mean girl act fell flatter than flat. There was no confrontation. No resolution. Again, just feels like a bitchy character was added to cross off the list of needed ingredients. None of these characters had depth or connection. Very one dimensional. Don't even get me started on the talking/conversations...toddlers have better conversational skills. I wanted them to keep their mouths closed and their inner thoughts to themselves, especially during the sex scenes.

Jasper was the only good thing about this book. While his character was all surface level, he was so fucking sweet. A fun, loving gentleman. Always going out of his way to show his interest in his girl, trying to protect her to the best of his ability. Even when his girl was a huge twat waffle. Jane made me want to kick her in the head every time she acted like a nasty wench towards him. In my opinion, Jane was a bad heroine. So childish. Not likeable in the slightest. She ruined this book.

Jasper and boredom are what kept me turning the page.

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A light, fun romance featuring a single parent where he falls first. It's a lower angst read that made me smile in parts, but I really wanted some more depth from the characters especially Jasper and Londyn's relationship. I feel like a strong aspect to single parent romances is the connection between the upcoming step parent and the child in the story and I didn't get that here. It's still a fun read that will make you smile!

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Thanks to Netgalley & Montlake for access to this
E-ARC! I really enjoyed this. Liked the characters & the steam. Will definitely read more from this author.

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My Darling Jane is a cute read. If you love single parent and sport romance then you will love this one. Jane is a single mom juggling trying to raise her daughter, start her matchmaking business and help keep the family bookstore going. She does not do love for herself and not looking for it. Jasper is more than what he seems as a pro athlete. He sees Jane and is ready to be the one. I love how Jasper is with his nieces and Jane's daughter. I love the playful banter between Jasper and Jane. The chemistry is amazing. I could not get enough of this one. Go check it out now.

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My Darling Jane is the second book in the Darling series by Ilsa Madden-Mills but can be read as a standalone even though it’s part of a series. I was looking forward to reading Jane’s story ever since I finished reading the first book and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Jane is the middle sibling in the Darling family who is dealing with being a single mother while trying to promote and further elevate her matchmaking business. Jasper, whom we also met in the first book, is the quarterback who is misunderstood in so many ways. I enjoyed reading how these two characters grew up and matured throughout their relationship. They are both dealing with some issues but I liked how they handled them together. Emmy and Graham make small appearances but you really don’t have to read the first book in order to enjoy this one, but I would suggest doing so. Another well written and fun contemporary romance from Ilsa Madden-Mills. I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book through NetGalley.

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Ilsa Madden-Mills knows how to write a beautiful, sexy love story. My Darling Jane continues to prove the truth of this.

Jane Darling has been badly burned by people who were supposed to love her, so she’s erected some pretty strong walls for the fortress around her heart. She’s starting a new matchmaking business and her latest client is none other than Jasper Jannich, star quarterback for the New York Pythons.

Problem is she’s not setting him up with the right woman.

This love story is funny and heartwarming. Jasper is such a big, warm-hearted golden retriever and Jane is a bit of a black cat. Their getting to know each other scenes are fantastic and the spicy times are delicious. Both of them have top-notch families (for the most part) and I love to see the support.

I received an ARC from #netgalley. All thoughts are mine alone.

#romance #contemporaryromance #arc #mydarlingjane #ilsamaddenmills #bookstagram

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I absolutely love this author and everything she writes. This book....I devoured like all of her others. Thank you so much for the ARC!

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This was such a sweet romance from Ilsa Madden Mills. I do wish she would indie publish, because one book a year from her just isn’t enough!

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3 1/2 Stars for the quarterback and the matchmaker

I loved the first book in this series ... I laughed and laughed, but this one kinda fell flat for me. I liked Jane and Jasper well enough, I just didn't love them. I would have liked to see more of Jane and Jasper with Jane's daughter. Jasper's nieces seemed very immature for seventeen year olds. I sure hope that Jane's brother Andrew gets a book.

Jane is a single mom and is trying to start a business of her own ... an online matchmaking service. Jasper is the star quarterback for an NFL team and a player. Jane and Jasper have known each other for awhile but they are like oil and water. Jasper loves to get on Jane's every last nerve and maybe ... just maybe ... he has a thing for her. Jasper reluctantly agrees to be on her dating site to try and help her business, but really he just want to see more of her. Will Jane be able to set Jasper up successfully?

I received an early copy courtesy of Montlake through NetGalley.

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⭐️ he falls first
⭐️ single mom
⭐️ football player
⭐️ matchmaker
⭐️ frenemies

This book follows Jane and Jasper. Jane is the sister of the heroine from my darling bride. I was a little worried about not reading the first book but I had no issues without reading the first book. This is a complete standalone.

Jane is a matchmaker starting up her business and Jasper who she considers a frenemie sees his way to get closer to the girl hes always secretly wanted. I love a good secret pining trope especially when it’s the man doing the pining. And Jasper was PINING for his girl!!

Jane did not make it easy on him but Jasper was persistent and went on all the dates Jane set up and followed all her rules. He was playing the long game and he knew who he wanted he just needed her to catch up.

I really enjoyed reading this book and will definitely read more from this author.

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My Darling Jane is the second book in The Darlings series but can be read as a standalone. Jane is the owner of a matchmaking business and a single mom to an adorable little girl and she is fiercely independent because life has taught her she needs to be. Jasper is a pro quarterback and she has made it her mission to find him a match. Too bad Jasper wants to be her match and she is fighting it with everything she has.

There were parts of this book I really enjoyed and then parts I struggled with. Overall, I struggled with Jane and how she interacted with Jasper on the whole. I am not sure why he felt so much attraction to her honestly. I did feel like she was a really good mother and she cared for her siblings immensely. It was clear she had a good heart but her interactions were very questionable at times. I struggled with parts of the story involving Jane's ex and Jasper's mom as I don't feel like they were well developed. There was also a big issue related to Jane's business that I didn't feel like was fully developed and worked out either. I also feel like Jane and Jasper's relationship seemed much more physical and less built on a good foundation, though I did overall really like Jasper. He was probably the highlight of this story, though I also enjoyed the parts with Londyn. I definitely enjoyed the he falls first aspect and protective hero parts of the story.

I really wanted to enjoy this book. It was engaging enough, but it was just ok. This author used to be a go to, must read, one of my absolute faves, but I feel like her writing has changed over the last three or four books and I feel like they have been more misses for me sadly, or perhaps my tastes have changed, but either way I feel like it's probably time for me to branch off into another direction.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and Montlake for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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