Member Reviews

Well, these two main characters sure have had some trauma in their lives. High school sweethearts, separated for ten years due to experiences and lack of communicating, but neither has been able to move on.
Torran is trying to get a home renovation business off the ground with a focus on restoring the old homes of Ivy Falls. It is her mission to prevent big corporations from treating down these homes and building multi unit dwellings like condos. She wants to keep the heart of Ivy Falls despite some slip ups (one major one) in the past.
Beck, who runs a successful advertising agency, sees that his childhood home in Ivy Falls is up for auction and is drawn back home to see it.
This is their reunion, fighting over this home. What proceeds is their fight to restore the house, clear misunderstandings, and find love again. It's a struggle, but great to watch.
Both have major family issues that they need to work through as well as trusting they can be happy.
It's not the most lighthearted book you will read, but it doesn't need to be.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Canelo and the author Amy True for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I enjoyed this book, I rate it a 3.75/5. I love a good second chance romance (the fact that they were childhood sweethearts 🥹) and I really do love the history between Beck and Torran. It did give Gilmore Girls/Hallmark movie vibes with the small town romance as well.

I really enjoyed the dual point of view, it helped me gain more in depth understanding with both Beck and Torran. I think this worked well as both characters have strong personalities and this helps being immersed in their story.

I also enjoyed the restoration/home design aspect of the book, this isn’t something I have read before but something I would like to read about again. I love how Torran and Manny just wanted to restore the beauty in Ivy Falls.

It was a bit heavier than I expected but I feel as if it added some depth into the story to explain what had happened in the past/present and why the characters (especially Beck and Piper) acted certain ways. Although it was a bit heavy, it still gave a hopeful vibe and ended nicely.

I would love to read a book about Piper or Tessa and Manny, these characters were really interesting and I would love to know more about them.

I would recommend this book if you are looking for a small town romance, childhood sweethearts, Gilmore Girls style book 🫶🏼

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An unfortunate incident has placed Torran in the bad books of most of the town’s residents. In her quest to improve her business and her image, she seeks to refurbish Beck’s childhood home. Beck was the boy who broke her heart 10 years ago when he abruptly cut off all contact with her.

As I read the book, I get drawn into finding out the big secret which drove Beck away and ….wow, it made me cry 😭 And not just one scene, many other scenes are also tearjerkers which made me bawl 😢

I cannot help but root for this couple who have been each other’s sweetheart since young. While Beck is trying to save his childhood home, he is also trying to revive his relationship with Torran.

The side characters also add to the lovely story, such as Tessa, her sister, and Manny, her business partner. I totally loved how they were there for each other, to listen, for her to lean on and to give her tough advice when she needs it.

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This is a delightful small town romance about a second chance love story. I really enjoyed our two main characters, they both had fascinating backstories and I rooted for them all the way.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Canelo and the author Amy True for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Meet me in Ivy Falls is a second chance romance set in the small town of Ivy Falls. Estranged childhood sweethearts Torran and Beck meet again after 10 years, when Beck's childhood house is being auctioned. Torran sees restoring the house as her salvation with the residents of Ivy Falls after her heat of the moment outburst went viral, alienating her from the town folks. And Beck is hoping that fixing the house will help his troubled sister.

The book deals with heavy topics and both main characters have bucket loads of issues, which makes this book more than just a cute and easy romance.
There was so much tension and angst between Torran and Beck at the beginning, it was easy to feel it through their interactions and internal thoughts as well. It made me feel all their emotions as my own.
The side characters, Tessa and Manny, were so loveable and I found myself rooting for them too.

Overall I'd rate this book between 3.5 - 4 stars. For me personally it was difficult to get invested in the story, it started out slow and it didn't suck me in as I'd hoped it would.

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Thank you NetGalley and Canelo for the ARC of Meet Me in Ivy Falls by Amy True!

I can officially say I have been sucked into the world of Ivy Falls and I never want to leave! Amy True did an amazing job of making any reader fall madly in love with this little Tennessee town.

Our main characters Torran, a tough, no nonsense restorer who is trying to save her beautiful home town and all of its historic buildings, and Beck, her childhood sweetheart with so many tragedies following him, who returns after 10 years and multiple heartbreaks later, including Torran’s. They are both dealing with their own losses and grief & through each of their POVs we truly understand these complex characters who still have a lot of love for each other, even if they may not want to admit it.

The setting itself feels like its own character and leaves you wanting to explore every single part. Guess it’s a good thing this is the first book in the Ivy Falls series! I cannot wait to see what comes next for the people of Ivy Falls.

*Trigger Warnings for Death of Loved Ones, Cancer, Burns, Grief, and Addiction*

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ARC Book Review: Meet Me in Ivy Falls by Amy True

Rating: 4/5 stars

Amy True’s *Meet Me in Ivy Falls* is a delightful journey into the heart of a charming small town where love, loss, and restoration intertwine beautifully. The novel opens with Torran, a determined and passionate house restorer, who is committed to preserving the unique character of Ivy Falls. Her dedication to her work is evident, and her struggle to balance her professional ambitions with her personal life forms the crux of the story.

When Beck, her childhood sweetheart, unexpectedly returns to Ivy Falls and outbids her on a property she has set her heart on, the stage is set for a heartfelt and emotional reunion. Beck’s reappearance is laden with unresolved tensions and buried emotions. True skillfully explores the complexities of their relationship, highlighting the impact of past traumas and misunderstandings. The chemistry between Torran and Beck is palpable, and their journey towards reconciliation is both touching and realistic.

One of the novel’s strengths lies in its rich portrayal of Ivy Falls itself. The town is almost a character in its own right, with its quaint charm and tight-knit community providing a perfect backdrop for the unfolding drama. True’s descriptive writing vividly brings the setting to life, making readers feel as if they are walking the streets of Ivy Falls alongside the characters.

Beck’s backstory is particularly compelling. His reluctance to return to Ivy Falls is rooted in deep-seated trauma and loss, which adds layers of depth to his character. As the narrative progresses, readers gain insight into his struggles and the reasons behind his abrupt departure years ago. This exploration of his past not only humanizes Beck but also enhances the emotional stakes of his relationship with Torran.

Torran’s journey, on the other hand, is one of personal growth and self-discovery. Her passion for house restoration is symbolic of her desire to mend and preserve what is broken, both in her professional life and in her heart. As she grapples with her feelings for Beck and the possibility of a second chance, readers are drawn into her inner turmoil and eventual acceptance.

However, the novel isn’t without its flaws. At times, the pacing feels uneven, with certain plot developments seeming rushed while others linger a bit too long. Additionally, some secondary characters could have been more fleshed out to add further depth to the story.

Despite these minor issues, *Meet Me in Ivy Falls* is a heartwarming and engaging read. Amy True masterfully combines elements of romance, personal growth, and community spirit to create a story that resonates with readers. It’s a tale of healing and finding one's way back home, both literally and figuratively.

For fans of small-town romances and stories of second chances, *Meet Me in Ivy Falls* is a must-read. True’s evocative writing and well-drawn characters make this book a memorable and satisfying addition to the genre.

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This is a wonderfully complex small town romance second chance love story. Both the FMC and the MMC have sympathetic, interesting backstories, and I found myself rooting for them to get together, as well as for the FMC to save the town and rescue its historic buildings! Love a FMC who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty! There are some trigger warnings in the plot - death of parents, severe injuries, emotional trauma. The writing is a little heavy-handed at times, but the story and the chemistry kept me reading.

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This started off slowly but soon began to gather pace and hooked me in. The family dynamics were complicated and let’s face it a lot of families can have their difficult moments. True to life and with some quirky town members, I enjoyed this trip to Ivy Falls.

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This story was ok. It started off with strong potential but I was not a fan of the main character's. This book touched on multiple topics like loss, grief, alcoholism, drugs, but it felt like too much jam packed into this book. I was looking for a fun lighthearted second halve romance. I feel like it’s achievable with the side characters of Manny and Tessa. Beck and Torran felt a bit forced and need to do some growing and healing before running back to each other 10 years later.

I attached the link for my review on is a copy of it as well:

It started off cute. A mix of HGTV meets hallmark. The story is about childhood sweethearts who break up due to mysterious personal conflicts but come back together in a small town a decade later.

Beck was a bit annoying with his constant running away and pushing people away. Then whining about how he misses things and is so sorry. I wasn’t a fan of Torran. It felt like she was constantly yelling and stomping away from people with flecks of paint or oil on her body to show how tough she was. She came across as mean and grumpy but not in an endearing way. All it did was alienate me from her character further. I wish she had taken some accountability and realized she can’t always be the victim/problem. Torran had tunnel vision with her anger. I still can’t wrap my head around Torran being upset that Beck purchased HIS CHILDHOOD home? Like what?

The over exaggeration from the town about Torran’s old video seems so silly and far fetched. No one else in town has caused drama? We’re still playing the video, glaring, sneering ect at Torran? Wild. And Torran being solely responsible for an already dying towns lack of tourism? Crazy. Then the town trying to block her from bringing in more tourism? So strange.

I was expecting a quick, fun summer read with a bit of grief thrown in but this felt a bit over the top. It felt like a bit too much was crammed into the story: loss, grief, cheating, alcoholism, make or break career moments being tossed to the side (and nothing wrong either a story touching on these topics!).

The characters constantly being stuck in the past felt a bit repetitive at parts where they would allude to the past and why they weren’t together anymore and couldn’t be now. 10 whole years passed by. Yes you had your heart broken by your high school sweet heart, but you never tried to move on? You just got stuck on one person from 10 years ago? Just seemed kind of weird.

The whole I showed you mine, you have to show me yours trauma dump was wild. Maybe he didn’t feel like talking about his trauma. Just because you angrily bit yours out doesn’t mean others are obligated to tell you their story. Everyone handles grief differently and Torran didn’t really show much character growth. It took 80% of the book for her sister and Manny to point that out to her.

I would’ve preferred to read a second chance romance with the side characters of Tessa and Manny. Two single parents finding love again would’ve been interesting.

I think a bit more lighthearted small town moments, and happy interactions between Beck and Torran, and side projects would’ve helped make the story more fun instead of it being so angry and sad. This story wasn’t terrible but, it just wasn’t for me. I can see the potential for it being a hallmark movie though.

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This book was a cute small town romance second chance book. However I really struggled to keep interest after halfway through the book. There were a lot of story lines and it kept jumping around a little too much for my liking.

Thanks to NetGalley for the early eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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En la hermosa y pequeña ciudad de Ivy Falls, Torran está poniendo toda su pasión en construir su nueva carrera en la restauración de casas, tratando desesperadamente de ayudar a la ciudad a mantener su identidad y encanto. No tiene tiempo para el amor, pero cuando su amor de la infancia, Beck, regresa a la ciudad y ofrece una oferta mayor para la casa de sus sueños en una subasta, las chispas vuelan. Este hombre le rompió el corazón. ¿Podrá alguna vez volver a confiar en él?

Para Beck, Ivy Falls significa trauma y pérdida. Él sabe que su repentina partida lastimó gravemente a Torran, pero hay cosas que ella no sabe. Nunca tuvo la intención de regresar a Ivy Falls, entonces ¿por qué está allí, pujando por la casa de su infancia? Sus sentimientos por Torran son tan fuertes como siempre, pero Torran significa que Ivy Falls y Beck no pueden volver allí. ¿Podrá encontrar una manera de sanar su pasado y encontrar su futuro?

Torran quiere mantener la historia de su ciudad natal Ivy falls y evitar que las inmobiliarias compren casas para convertirlas en condominios prefabricados, pero hace 6 meses estaba filmando un programa de sus restauraciones y ese día todo iba mal y cuando se le cayó un bote de pintura en la cabeza explotó y dijo cosas feas a la gente del pueblo, la cual vio el video y ahora es la enemigo del pueblo.

Beck y Torran fueron novios hasta que a los 17 la familia de Beck decidió irse de viaje por todo el país por todo un año, durante ese tiempo se supone que se comunicarian por llamadas y mensajes, pero hubo un accidente y los papás murieron, Torran intentó comunicarse con el para ver como podía ayudar, sin embargo, él le escribió diciéndole que lo dejara en paz, que no quería volver a saber de ella. Unos meses después lo vió con otra chica, lo dejo ir y no se vieron por una década hasta que él compró la que era su casa.

Cuando se vuelve a ver ella no quiere saber nada de él, pero cuando la contrata para restaurar su casa no le queda de otra que interactuar y se enterara de la verdadera razón por la que la dejó y que no fue porque la dejó de querer o por otra chica, la verdad es algo muy triste y que al día de hoy le pesa y no lo deja avanzar.

Me llamo mucho la atención Tessa y Many, espero tengan su libro.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ivy Falls is a picturesque small town in Tennessee that is fading away as small towns sometimes do. Torran is trying to fulfill a promise to her late mother to keep the town alive by restoring beautiful historic homes and at the same time holding up her younger sister whose husband abruptly left her and their daughters. Beck is Torran's high school sweetheart who left town at 17 for a family trip and never returned after his parents were mysteriously killed. He is partner in a successful ad business in Nashville but wants to restore his family home in Ivy Falls in hopes of saving his own younger sister who struggles with addiction. Torran and Beck end up working together and their love is as strong as ever, of course. But before they can be together they must deal with lots of hurdles and mistrust.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and Amy True for this Arc. I recieved this ARC voluntarily in exchange for my honest opinion.

I think after this book, second chance romance trope is not for me because there's a whole lot of history and emotional baggage attached to a particular person and that whole drama is just not for me and it is no different with Torran & Beck.

These two main characters have whole lot going on in their respective lives and whilst they still have the chemistry I didn't think they would work out. At some point, I even stop rooting for them but love always prevails.

I think I can guess what book two will be about so Amy count me in for every book in this series.

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Thank you again to NetGalley and Canelo for the chance to read this story. As a reminder, these are my personal thoughts.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to complete this one. I DNF around 56%. I thought there was a lot of good potential in the story. However, I didn't connect with it like I was hoping, and I wasn't interested in the story anymore. The characters, to me, were immature and just weren't able to keep me hooked and able to focus.

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"Meet Me in Ivy Falls" by Amy True is a heartwarming second chance romance set in a charming small town. Torran returns to Ivy Falls to renovate historic properties, only to find her high school sweetheart, Beck, back in town as well. While the story is filled with endearing moments and the cozy feel of a Hallmark movie, it also delves into deeper themes like grief and addiction. Despite some chaotic conflicts, the dual POV and well-developed characters make this a comforting and engaging read. Perfect for fans of emotional, small-town romances.

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If second chance, small town romances are your jam, then definitely pick up this book, especially if you also like those types of Hallmark movies. I felt as if I were reading a novelized Hallmark movie which was great. The story was cute, sweet, and overall comforting.

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I think it felt pretty cliche in the beginning! The FMC is a hot mess! It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I felt like we were given so many bad things that happened to her without getting to know her first, making it harder to sympathize. I’m also having trouble sympathizing with the FMC on who she blames for the embarrassing thing happening to her. The embarrassing video definitely sucks and I liked having it as a plot point in the book, but the way FMC handles it and her grief just made it hard to like her (this is part of her character I guess, but I feel like she didn't have many redeeming qualities then). I liked when we started to hear more about the MMC's life and job in Nashville. I felt like there were too many conflicts here. Instead of seeing the characters progress naturally over the course of fixing the house, we got a lot of conflicts (enough where several times, I thought it may be the final conflict). Each of them had like a set of things they were dealing with and I feel like we didn't see the characters outside of those. I think they got together too quickly at the beginning too!

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Meet me in Ivy Falls is a hallmark renovation movie in book form. It is a second chance, small town romance coated in a cloud of grief that you slowly see lift throughout. It has a lovely flow to it and was my first to read my Amy True.

Thank you netgalley for an arc of Meet me in Ivy Falls by Amy True

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This book is so much more than just a romance, it shows personal growth and the beauty behind second chances. I loved the dual POV because it helps you understand the story from all sides.

The setting reminds so much of Gilmore Girls (my favorite series of all times) and it helped my reading experience be even more cozy and sweet. I also loved how the author brought themes like grief and some addictions.

It was an adorable book and I definitely recommend this! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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