Member Reviews

Small town romance, fast paced read. I enjoyed the cute, light feel of the story. However, the buildup of the story was FAST. The couple went from friends/enemies to in love in like 15 mins. I would not recommend this to my friends. Hopefully the second book has a little more build up and less pace :) Thanks Netgalley for my copy

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Huge thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

With this book I was looking for a light small town second chance romance, and that's not really what I got with Meet me in Ivy Falls.

This book was much heavier than anticipated, the theme of grief was overall very heavy and stifling. I didn't mind this book but I was looking for something lighter, if you are looking for a heavier hard fought romance than this is for you. Unfortunately it was not for me, I did settle on three stars instead of two because I did like the author's writing style.

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Fixer upper second chance romance!!! This was sweet and comforting. It definitely felt like I was reading a Hallmark script.

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I am so happy romcoms are so popular because I have so many great books to choose from. This book is high on my list of new great reads.

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I will not hold back when it comes to this review cause I know I complain about long ass book, and this was less than 400 pages... it just packed in too many conflicts in just 4oo pages while at the same time trying to give me a second chance romance.

I got so lost sometimes, because the other conflicts did come between the relationship. This small town is mad at her cause she said a few curse words when she had a bloody accident with pain all over her face/hair. Like you have to be kidding me!!!!

I am trying to make this as spoiler free as I can, but it's hard. Like between her grief, his grief, his sister addiction, her hatred of her dad, trying to save the town, filming a show that can make or break her career, he has a very important presentation to make for his job... It was just too much sometimes!!!!!!!!

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a heavy one. Torran and Beck were high school sweethearts until he left for an rv trip with his parents and never came back. Fast forward 10 years and Torran is looking to renovate Beck's family home till Beck outbids her. He ends up needing help with the project and Torran and her partner Manny agree to help her. This story has a lot going on. Torran and Beck have a lot of grief going on. Toran lost her mom and Beck lost both of his parents and is also trying to help his sister who is struggling with addiction. They are trying to find their ay to each other and heal from their grief but it is a long process. I did enjoy this story but I would definitely be wary if you are struggling with the grief process right now.

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📚 Book Review 📚

Title: Meet Me In Ivy Falls
Author: Amy True @atruebooks
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5 stars)

This endearing first book in a planned 3-book series follows the main character Torran as she returns to her hometown of Ivy Falls outside of Nashville, TN after her mother’s death. She and her business partner Manny are renovating historic properties to breathe new life into her dying hometown.

This is a second chance love story between Torran and her high school sweetheart, Beck. Ten years have passed and Beck has also made a return to Ivy Falls, but for different reasons. The chapters alternate between both their POV’s. This book has themes of grief from parent loss, and also drug/alcohol addiction. This is a love story, both between the two main characters, but also between the residents and their beloved town of Ivy Falls. It has a great cast of characters and I’m looking forward to coming back to them in the remaining two books in this series.

*Thank you @netgalley, @hera_books, and @canelo_co for this advanced copy. Pub date in the U.S. is June 25!

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Let's talk about the things I enjoyed first. A second chance, small town romance. Where the protagonists meet 10 years after he broke up with her, with little to no explanation,
The setting of the small town, with all their quirks and ways to keep the town afloat, felt really contemporary.

Now, what I didn't like much. It's bad to say, but I didn't like the characters that much. They spoke a lot and did very little. The FMC's behaviour was incredibly frustrating to read. Every thing that went wrong was never her fault, it was always everybody else's. She doesn't care to understand why people acted a specific way, she only noticed that they acted in a way she doesn't appreciate and that's it. She cuts ties with them.

Overall it was well paced and easy enough to read but, it could have been more fun and less heavy on certain topics and I'm curious enough to see whether Manny and Tessa get their own book, though.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Small town romance. Reasonably well paced and easy enough to read. The side characters were more of a draw than the main ones. I felt like there was too much drama about every single thing. Torran was so overly prickly and the town react extremely dramatically to a statement that wasn’t even particularly disparaging. Torran’s relationship with her dad felt unbelievable too. Beck was more easy to read but still frustrating at plenty of points. I know that there are often things like this in these types of books but it coloured every single part of it and I found it too much. A little more let up and fun would have made it more pleasant to read.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Super adorable! Definitely has Hallmark movie type vibes.

A small town, second chance romance. Both main characters, Torran and Beck, work through their own past traumas while figuring out how to work together. The characters were likeable and you really get to learn more about them through their interactions with the minor characters. Some of the bigger events get resolved pretty quickly, but I did enjoy that miscommunication/hidden communication was not dragged out. The short chapters kept the book moving and it was a very fun read.

Excited for book two! Hopefully Tessa's story.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC.

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This book was sweet and fun, a classic small-town second chance romance. I felt myself buying into the characters and their stories, but I would have enjoyed more of the small-town feel. The book was really focused on the romance and backstory so we didn’t get as much of the environment and secondary characters as I usually expect in a small-town romance.

Overall a light summer read. 4 stars.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I would definitely say that Meet me in Ivy Falls is a charming book - just as the description on NetGalley has stated. It is a sweet story about two people who had lost one another years before but have now found themselves in each other's lives again. I have read a lot of romance books lately that are focused on house fixers/house flippers who are trying to renew and revitalize their home towns so the trope, to me was a bit blah, but I did like the relationship between Torran and Beck. They seemed real and also not too perfect. The storyline for the secondary characters of Manny and Tess are teed up for a second book (just a guess) in the series. I would read the second one. This didnt wow me but it was a light-hearted read.

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Meet me in Ivy Falls by Amy True is a heartwarming story about reuniting with your first love. Torran and Beck were inseparable from the age of 12 until their junior year of high school when Beck’s family left the small town of Ivy Falls. They were only supposed to be gone for a year, but tragedy struck and Beck cut all ties with Torran. Ten years later, they meet and the feelings both of them have tried to bury immediately resurface.
The best part of this book? The author included a playlist at the end! Nothing like having a soundtrack to the story.

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Amy True's latest novel is a quick fun read about a small town where everybody knows everybody and people don't forget.  Add to that historical home restoration and a past love's return and you have a copy of Meet Me in Ivy Falls! Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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Meet MeIn Ivy Falls review:

I love that the Chapter titles are incorporated in to that chapter. I always love looking for it within the story! It’s like a fun little game of hide and seek within the book!

There were a couple times in the book that a conversation felt a little forced and random and didn’t flow as smoothly as the rest.

I was happy to see both Beck and Torran get past their own emotional trauma and issues and come to realize their mistakes not just with each other but with everyone in their lives. I was afraid they wouldn’t be a good match with their issues and would be a toxic couple but I was pleased and satisfied with the ending!

I will definitely be recommending this book to others looking for a light easy book to read

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An enjoyable read - the premise of childhood sweethearts reconnecting years later and having to come to terms with their feelings and the events that drove them apart was strong, and I really liked the setting of Ivy Falls (a quintessential small town, full of colourful and engaging characters). For the most part, I thought it was well done, but I did feel some of the dialogue and characterisation was a little contrived: a lot of the dialogue was very exposition-y, with characters fully laying out how they were feeling in a way that felt slightly clunky. I think a bit more 'show' and a little less 'tell' would go a long way. But as the start of a series, there's promise, and I'd definitely consider reading a future installment and spending more time in the world of Ivy Falls!

I'd recommend it as a fun, easy read that is full of Gilmore Girls vibes and charm.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Amy True for an early look into this book for exchange for an honest review.

Read dates: June 1-2, 2024
Pub Date: July 4, 2024

Abby Jimenez meets Gilmore Girls in this sweet yet raw small town romance.

Both of our main characters are working through unresolved trauma. Torren Wright prefers to redirect her hurt into her home renovation projects, and place blame for her anger and hurt toward her father, the Mayor of Ivy Falls who was nowhere to be found during a life shattering loss. Her ex and first love Beck Townsend, on the other hand, tries to run from his problems only to face the harsh reality that you can't run away from your problems; the only way out is through. Through home renovations, a couple roadblocks, and a tension that never faded, Beck and Torren rekindle in a non linear, believable way.

I feel like the burn was a little too quick and did not include the buildup and close encounters I was looking for. They basically went from frenemies to lovers in 10 minutes. This could have easily been pushed out to build up some more tension.

Overall, I'd say pick this one up. TWs include: alcohol abuse, near death from drugs and alcohol, cancer, and loss of parent(s)

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A sweet fixer upper romance. The main characters are wonderful, childhood sweethearts who get a second chance 10 years after a sudden and unexplained breakup. Ivy Falls is a great setting and the side characters are all excellent.

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Torran quiere mantener la historia de su ciudad natal Ivy falls y evitar que las inmobiliarias compren casas para convertirlas en condominios prefabricados. Hace 6 meses estaba grabando una de sus restauraciones con un canal de tv, ese día todo iba mal y cuando se le cayó un bote de pintura en la cabeza explotó y dijo cosas feas a la gente del pueblo, la cual vio el video y ahora es la enemigo #1.

Beck es publicista, vive para su trabajo y para cuidar a su hermana la cual es alcohólica y drogadicta.

Fueron novios hasta que a los 17 la familia de Beck decidió irse de viaje por todo el país por todo un año, durante ese tiempo se supone que se comunicarian por llamadas y mensajes, pero hubo un accidente y los papás murieron, Torran intentó comunicarse con el para ver como podía ayudar, sin embargo, él le escribió diciéndole que lo dejara en paz, que no quería volver a saber de ella. Unos meses después lo vió con otra chica, lo dejo ir y no se vieron por una década hasta que él compró la que era su casa.

Cuando se vuelve a ver ella no quiere saber nada de él, pero cuando la contrata para restaurar su casa no le queda de otra que interactuar y se enterara de la verdadera razón por la que la dejó.

Hay falta de comunicación tanto en el pasado como en el presente.

Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijo Manny en el capítulo 42, pero tampoco tienes que esperar a la persona a que esté lista, uno debe seguir con su vida.

Ojalá Tessa y Many tengan su libro.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Title: Meet me in Ivy Falls by Amy True

Release Date: July, 4th, 2024


Meet Me in Ivy Falls by Amy True is a delightful and heartwarming story that beautifully blends romance, personal growth, and second chances. The book's dual point of view format adds depth and allows readers to fully immerse themselves in the lives of both Torran and Beck.

What I Enjoyed:

* Dual Point of View: The dual perspective format really shines in this book. Both Torran and Beck have strong, distinct voices, and it’s wonderful to get inside their heads to understand their motivations, fears, and desires.

* Strong Main Characters: Torran and Beck are well-developed and relatable. Torran’s determination to rebuild her life and Beck’s struggle to confront his past make them compelling protagonists. Their chemistry is palpable and their interactions are filled with a mix of tension, humour, and warmth.

* Supporting Characters: The supporting cast is rich and diverse, each with their own unique stories and personalities. This adds depth to the small-town setting of Ivy Falls and sets the stage for potential future books in what could easily become a beloved series.

* Realistic Themes: The book tackles heavy topics such as trauma, addiction, and loss with sensitivity and realism. Despite these serious themes, the overall tone remains hopeful and uplifting, showing that healing and redemption are possible.

* Light and Hopeful Tone: Despite the heavy topics, the book maintains a light and hopeful tone. It’s a story about second chances, forgiveness, and the power of love and community to heal old wounds.

Meet Me in Ivy Falls is a charming and heartwarming read that combines the best elements of romance and personal growth. Amy True has created a vivid world with memorable characters and a story that’s both entertaining and emotionally resonant. The blend of humour and romance is perfect. The witty banter between Torran and Beck keeps things light-hearted, while their growing connection adds a layer of sweetness to the story.

If you love stories about second chances, small-town charm, and the power of love to overcome past hurts, this book is definitely for you!

Thank you to The Publisher Canelo ,The Author Amy True & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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