Member Reviews

Poison Memories is the 12th Book in the Detective Morgan Brookes series and yet again it’s another brilliant instalment in what is one of my absolute favourite detective series. This is one of those books where I don’t even read the blurb I just jump straight in and struggle to put the book down I get so immersed into the story. The writing is so good and the descriptions of everything are so clear in my head I can literally see the detective team at work and also going about their daily lives. The characters are all wonderful and it really was like catching back up with old friends as I was reading this. The relationship between the detective team is so good . They all work hard but keep each other going even during the most darkest of cases. I really can’t recommend this series enough and this book was fantastic .

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Only Helen Phifer could turn a husband and child killer into a plausible victim and add a haunted house to the mix too.

Reviewing the books in this series is becoming increasingly difficult as I dread sounding like a record with a needle stuck. Something the author has no trouble with as each book is unique but still manages to bring the familiar with characters, that as a reader you feel safe with. Each so very different personality wise yet managing to gel as a team and knowing what the others need as they all have personal demons from certain cases.

There is Morgan who seems to step out of a frying pan straight into fire with every case, her partner and hot boss Ben, compassionate Declan who treats the dead with tender care and Cain and Amy bringing humour and experience.

For book twelve this is still as fresh as book one, it grips you from the opening and keeps you there as you try to establish facts from rumour and solve the crime alongside the team.

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Poison Memories is book 12 in the Detective Morgan Brookes series by Helen Phifer.
This has been a fantastic police procedural series!
Phifer delivers a heart-stopping thriller that follows Detective Morgan Brookes on another intriguing case.
The gripping narrative immerses readers in a chilling world of intrigue and secrecy, as Morgan and her team race against time to unravel the killer's identity. With its atmospheric setting, compelling characters, and relentless suspense, Poison Memories is a testament to Phifer's mastery of the genre.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Can one remote house really be vexed with haunted blood and ghosts??
The team comes across a grisly murder scene and begins investigating,
Phifer concocts an intriguing tale that had me trying hard to figure the ends and outs of it but I failed until she was ready to release the answers on the pages.
I loved the tenderness between Ben and Morgan and I hope Cain’s new interest works out because he needs to take the edge off!
Aunt Ettie plays an integral part in the story and I grew tense every time danger lurked nearby.
The team can rest until the next crisis!

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Morgan Brookes 12.
I love this series, it gets better and better and I don't think I will ever tire of the team and their exploits...... When a woman is found hanging from a tree the team need to find the killer or did she commit suicide? Margery Lancaster was known as the iron lady and had been in prison for poisoning her husband and son.
She lives a lonely life, in the middle of nowhere.
When her husband is also found dead inside his house, the team are connecting the dots...... who?? Why??? Where is their son now?? I highly recommend this series, you just never know what your going to get next. I love it. I'm hooked !!!!

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This is the book 12 of Detective Morgan Brookes series. And you don't really have to start reading from the first book of the series although it is recommended if you haven't read Detective Morgan Brookes series yet.

Detective Morgan Brookes is called to the scene where a dead body of a woman was lying in a muddy pool with a tree branch, indicating that she was hanged. The woman's name was Margery Lancaster and she was accused of poisoning both her husband and her child. She was sent to prison but was released later and both her ex-husband and the child survived. Detective Morgan Brookes believed that either the husband or the son might be behind Margery's death but then the ex-husband was also killed in the similar fashion and Detective Morgan Brooke must solve the case before it is too late.

This was a good thriller and an interesting plot line. There were some funny parts in the book and I like the fact that Morgan Brooke is a crime fanatic and loves reading about true crime, particularly on Ted Bundy (?). I like the twists and turns and I liked the unexpected ending towards the end. This is also quiet an unputdownable thriller that I couldn't wait to see what the ending was going to be. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading the series and cannot wait to see what her next crime adventure is going to be--worth five stars!

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. The review is based on my honest opinion.

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This is another great dark and twisty installment in this series. I love how far Morgan, Ben, and the rest of their team have come since we first met them. They feel like a close-knit family and I love their dynamics both at work and the few times they can hang out outside of it.

From the first chapter I was sucked in, there were a lot of surprising twists and turns. Although some of that is because I didn't read the synopsis, I just saw this was the newest Morgan Brookes and requested to read it, and proceeded to devour it in one sitting.

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Another great addition to the series! I’ve been a fan since book 1, and I’ve really loved how the characters develop more each story, and the relationships continue to grow. This was another twisty story up until its conclusion, and as always, Morgan gets herself into dangerous situations. My only complaint about this one was that so much was given away just in the synopsis, I wish they would have just left it at Margerys death, and let us be surprised by how the rest played out.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC in exchange for my honest feedback!

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

When a body is found, Morgan abs her team start investigating the reasons behind the dead person.

The characters were all well written and there’s lots of twists and turns, which kept you turning the pages, until the end when you find out who the killer is.

I highly recommend this book.,

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Another brilliant book in this series.
With the rain hammering down, Morgan and Ben head out to a suspected crime scene. They find a woman that has been hanged and they know they’re looking at a murder.
When they start investigating they find that the woman had had a hard life and had tried to kill her family.
Morgan’s aunt knows her and confirms she was a troubled soul.
When the woman’s husband is then found dead, Morgan and the team step up the investigation to find the killer.
This is a great crime thriller and I love the dynamic between Morgan, Ben, Amy and Cain. Oh and I love Declan too.
I’d highly recommend this series if you’ve not started it yet.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Definitely an edge of your seat thriller!
Definitely a series you need to read!
I really enjoy catching up with Detective Morgan Brookes and her team. Along with Morgan, each team member bring so much to the series.
All I can say…..excellent series I highly recommend!
Thanks NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Wow this book had so many twists and turns, it had my head spinning. I loved that I was kept guessing to who the killer was. Poison Memories was a great murder mystery that I highly recommend. Thank you Netgalley for my arc.

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This was a great story, which I finished the same day I started, and which kept my attention and my eyes fixed upon it, whenever I could.
I do like it when authors either know an area or have done enough research about an area to give a degree of accuracy. Fortunately, this author manages just that, so although there is some artistic licence, I can concentrate on enjoying this series without having to get annoyed at my home area being misunderstood!
Probably not a story for the faint hearted!
This is part of a series but they can all be read as standalone novels, and the characters are great. I am looking forward to the next one.

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Wow....what a story I did not expect that! Once I started reading this book I could not pit it down. A fantastic story line with Morgan and her team. I think this is my favourite of the series.

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There's a storm brewing in the Lake District and unfortunately for DC Morgan Brookes a body has been found hanging from a tree outside a cottage with a tragic history. In a remote area of the fells and just as Morgan and the team including her partner and boss DS Ben Matthews arrive the tree branch holding the body breaks and it lands in a puddle of muddy water.

Which leaves them with a compromised crime scene and no choice but to act fast and go against protocol by removing the body.

Just as the storm picks up its pace and as the team set about salvaging evidence and identifying their victim. They quickly learn the victim is Margery Lancaster a woman convicted of attempting to murder her husband George and son David.

And the shocks just keep on coming. As they start to dig into Margery's past. Including learning what happened to George and David. And then Morgan receives a warning from her Aunt Ettie.

But then another body is discovered and the team realise this killer is not going to stop unless they find them and quick.

And with great pacing and plenty of red herrings Poison Memories was a great read. That I would happily recommend and I cannot wait to return for more!!

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I love Morgan and her team. The atmosphere in the book is speaking to me, and the characters are simply delicious, if one can say that about characters. It feels so cozy going back to this place I know so well, even though the murderer there might not be what I would want from a place like this in real life.

Always enjoyable reads! Phifer is an excellent storyteller and her brilliant plots with the quirky characters is a combination I simply cannot resist. I get overly excited when I see a new Morgan Brookes book in my future. They never disappoint. Neither did this one. Love it!

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I loved this book! It was very original and unique. Not predictable. Cute with some good twists and turns. Not scary, but a good thriller. Definitely recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advance reader copy in exchange for my free and honest review. Superbly written, as Helen Phifer always does. This was my first book read in this series and now I want to go back and read the first eleven in the series. Outstanding characters with the right amount of sassy. Definitely recommend.

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Thankyou for advanced copy. Well what can I say we meet again Morgan Brookes.
This book starts with a call out to a old house where the team find their victim when they start digging into why and who has done it with the help from Morgan's aunt all is not as it seems. Morgan as usual gets herself into her usual scrapes but comes out fighting. Looking forward to next.

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Poison memories is book 12 in the Detective Morgan Brookes series. It is another fabulous edition to the series from the very first page.
On a cold windy and wet day Detective Morgan Brookes and her team are called to the remote High Wraith Cottage. Where the owner of the cottage Margery Lancaster is hung and shackled to an oak tree. She has also had her head covered with a black pillowcase. The team rushes to collect any evidence before the rain washes it away. The woman Margery Lancaster twenty years previously tried to kill her husband and her baby son. She was sent to a prison and since her release she has lived alone in the remote cottage. Morgan and Ben thinks that someone was out for revenge for what she did. But also, why wait twenty years to do it?
This is another gripping thriller from the author, with the usual loveable characters, especially Aunt Ettie and Morgan and I like the relationship between the members of the team. They seem to all care about each other and get the job done. There is a lot of twists and turns to keep you engaged all they way through. I really enjoyed this. I can’t wait for the next one.

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