Member Reviews

A group of University students made predictions for each other as to where they would be in 20 years time. Twenty years later they met up in the ancestral home of one of them for a week-end party and review although missing one, Lily, who had died. It took a while to sort out the characters and I found them rather boring to be honest. It did pick up with the reveal of the predictions although discussion of these were very choppy - sometimes two words, sometimes several pages of not always relevant material. Quite early on there was clearly something going on in the village with blue lights everywhere and Maggie, now a reporter, discovered that a body had been found. Phew, I thought, this is where the 'thriller' promised in the description came in. Wrong. Just back to the predictions amongst a lot of drink, frailties, nastiness, greed and revenge. Everything tied up in the end, including the odd body in the village but I'm afraid that I mainly felt relief at having made it to the end. The descriptions of Dartmoor were really good though, making the outdoor scenes feel real and sometimes spooky; and who doesn't love an old house, secret passages and mines. 2.5* rounded up. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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Eight University friends reunite 20 years later and what follows is a pacy thriller.

They all made predictions as to where they would be in their later lives. Were they correct and what secrets would be divulged as their weekend develops.

I loved this book. It is a a drama filled read that is weel written with well developed characters and is a tale worthy of being a TV drama.

I did not guess the ending so for me this was really enjoyable read.

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University friend's reunite for a weekend. During this weekend they reveal predictions that they made 20 years ago. There's one friend missing from the table, Lily.
I really liked the character Maggie and enjoyed the pace of the book, yes there's over 70 chapters, but they are short (each chapter is a prediction)

A good read with a whodunnit! Definitely recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley, Holly Watt and Raven books for this copy to review x

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I couldn't do it. I read 60% and put it aside. Not my cup of tea; I couldn't get into it and was terribly bored.

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I was attracted to the premise of this book with the reading of predictions penned by a group of university friends twenty years earlier. And there were many good things about the thriller - not least the ending which picked up pace dramatically.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I struggle when there are too many characters, resulting in never really engaging with any of them or caring about their outcomes. As a result I had to force myself to finish the novel. This is a very personal opinion and I’m sure other readers will feel differently. And although the predictions were fun, I felt there were too many of them which reduced their impact. I did however enjoy the spooky setting and beautiful descriptions.

Thank you to Holly Watt, Bloomsbury Publishing and Netgalley for my advance copy.

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Holly Watt has done it again! I absolutely love her books, she’s one of my favourite writers and I can see this one being HUGE. I was hooked from page one and could barely put it down!

I love novels about class reunions or meeting up with people from eons ago and this was the perfect blend of thriller and mystery. Holly’s a fantastic writer and I can’t wait to see what she does next because it’s always incredibly exciting!

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The last truths we told follows eight friends over three days as they get together to read the predictions they wrote on each other twenty years ago when they were all at university. Over the three days several of the predictions reveal twists and turns I honestly did not see coming resulting in a tense stand off between the group.

The pacing is steady until about the last one hundred to one hundred and fifty pages where it really picks up. During the steady pace, the constant twists and revelations makes you not want to put the book down and I found it to be a really unpredictable read. Even the few times I thought i predicted I did not predict in full.

I will say the sometimes constant short sentences do occassionally pull you out of the story at first. The constant focus on the words "i'm scared" and the pushing of a sense of forbodding for what felt like half of the book did feel a bit overused but this is obviously personal preference.

Overall a very enjoyable read that keeps your gripped.

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I was slightly disappointed by this book, on the surface it was a great plot but I found there were so many characters and you were thrown into it so quickly that it became a little confusing. There were times when it was eerie and fast paced but it became a little repetitive and I struggled with the writing style. I want to thank the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC and please do read it for yourselves this is just my personal opinion.

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This wasn't really what I'd expected. From the blurb, I was anticipating a pacy thriller with a strong 'whudunnit' element. Instead, I found myself reading a novel about a group of university friends reuniting in the aftermath of the supposed suicide of one of their group. The story meandered slowly forwards but lacked any sense of pace. The writing was lovely and the descriptions - especially of the beautiful house where they're spending the weekend - was excellent. But I'm still bemused why this one is being clearly marketed as a thriller ('unputdownable page turner... from an award winning thriller writer').

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I really enjoyed this book the only downside was I did feel like it was overly descriptive at some points making the book longer than necessary. Some people may enjoy this but personally I like thrillers to be a little more fast-paced

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The premise of this novel was good but the idea soon tailed off. The predictions became irrelevant and the story turned into a murder mystery, with many secrets from the past coming into play. The group of friends were highly educated and many of them had illustrious careers, Others had fared less well. The women had more rounded characters than the men, who sounded interchangeable to me. It was OK but not very memorable.

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A group of university friends from Cambridge, all clever and bright, have a dinner party and write down predictions about each other.
20 years later, they meet up for a long weekend, and the envelope is opened and the predictions read out.
Lots of history and memories are relived, and everyone's lives back then and now are slowly revealed.
Then things turn darker. How well do they really know each other? Is anyone what they seem or want to show the outside world?
And is a recent suicide possibly murder?
I was absolutely hooked and read through the night.
The characters are interesting and multilayered. What the world sees, what their friend sees, and what they feel inside are all different things.
The predictions take them back to when they were about to conquer the world and make all their dreams come true.
It is also one of those books that I finished and then read most of it again, now knowing what I know.

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University friends reunite for a weekend. 20 years on they reveal predictions they made about each other 2 decades before.

As secrets are revealed old loyalties are put to the test.

Agatha Christie-esque with the country house gathering and reporter Maggie trying to get to the bottom of their friend’s recent death.

A great read!

Thanks to NetGalley , Holly Watt and Raven Books for the copy to review!

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Ideal for fans of suspense stories with despicable characters, dark secrets, manipulation and misremembering. Lots of revelatory dialogue.
With thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an early copy in exchange for an independent review.

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Really enjoyed this overall. I did think it was a bit slow to get going, but once it did I was captivated. Even though there is a "whodunnit" element, I found myself more focused on the characters' relationships to each other and the group history, than solving the mystery.
I wasn't particularly fond of Maggie. While she is the only likeable character she's also the least interesting, and a bit naive. I enjoyed reading the other characters even though most of them were not people I'd want to meet in real life (but I tend to like those sorts of characters!)
Thanks Net Galley and Bloomsbury for the chance to read and review this ARC.

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A group of students at university decide to write a prediction about the other group members to be opened when they meet again in 20 years’ time. In that 20 years many things have happened, careers have prospered, money made, marriage, divorce and death – but was it suicide or murder and why are strange things happening at this twenty-year anniversary meeting?

The book took a long time before it got to the actual story, and I nearly gave up but it was worth persevering for the denouement and therefore I recommend this book. My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC.

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I was really looking forward to this book from reading the blurb, but unfortunately it wasn't for me. I struggled with this book from the every beginning. I found it was too dragged out and nothing much was happening. I feel as though there were too many characters introduced at once and I couldnt connect with any of them. I didn't find myself wanting to pick this book up and continue reading. I found the plot became boring and tedious, and I was just waiting for something to happen. The twist at the end was also quite disappointing and i think it lacked the build up of tension.

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I liked this at first but then it became gradually more and more laboriously convoluted and confusing, until the ending which was just plain bizarre. Not a book for me, I’m afraid, but thanks to the publisher for access to this ARC in return for an honest review.

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This is a book with a great plot - a group of seven friends from uni meet up after twenty years where they share the predictions each made about the others…. One of the group is already dead after jumping or being pushed in front of a train.
The book has lots of twists and turns but for me, the lack of characterisation was a problem. Everyone, except Maggie, the heroine, was awful - violent, aggressive or drink addled. It was hard to care about any of them by the middle of the book and any insights were rather cliched.
I struggled through the last quarter of the book but I do think the writer has potential.

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I wanted to like this and i did until i didnt. Seemed to drag on with the predictions i just got bored. Love the idea but not the novel.

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