Member Reviews

I really enjoyed the author’s previous novel set in the coastal town of Highcap in Dorset and One Girl, One Summer, is another beautifully written and immersive mystery drama.
When a plane crashes into Nell Gale’s family campsite the Gale family’s lives will be changed forever.
It’s difficult to define the genre of this novel, part mystery, part crime and part family drama. It centres on the character of Nell and her summer in Highcap when what she really wants is to be travelling with her best friend.
The mystery element involves the circumstances around the place crash and identity of the pilot and there is a crime element where DS Ali Sampson is investigating sexual assaults on young women in the town.
The relationships between the members of the Gale family are complex and the relationship between Nell and her mother Cathy is insightful and realistic.
I loved the setting and the author really brings a small town community to life.
Overall this is an original , intriguing and satisfying novel that I was completely immersed in.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

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I was not sure what to expect when I started reading this and I was pleasantly surprised to end up reading a book about family dramas, disasters and an intense foreboding. This starts with a plane crash but that is really a catalyst for a lot more events to unfurl and family secrets to be revealed.
The Gale family are realistic, likeable characters and I enjoyed getting to know them and reading their story. As the plot goes on, darker elements come into play and it made for intense and at times, disturbing reading. This was also a gripping read and I red this quickly as I as so engrossed.
There was nothing not to like about this.
Thank you to NetGalley and Orion Publishing Group for an advance copy.

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It was great to be back in Highcap, the setting of Homecoming again, and once more, Isabel Ashdown describes the surroundings and landmarks in wonderful detail so that we can picture the scenes perfectly and be completely drawn into this brilliant story. I was also impressed to see Ginny LeFevre make a short cameo appearance!

One Girl One Summer is based around the Gale family, with most of the novel written from the perspectives of Cathy and her daughter Nell. I warmed to Nell very easily, but Cathy seemed a bit more distant. Isabel Ashdown writes their relationship really well and although there is a lot of tension there, you can also tell they have a lot of love for each other. It is clear from the outset that there is tension within the family, which is, of course, exacerbated by the accident in the first chapter and the events that follow it, and almost everyone is hiding a secret. I really wanted to find out what each character was hiding and I was continuously compelled to keep reading and get to the bottom of it.

Isabel Ashdown is a skilled plotter, and I loved the gradual reveals and twists as the novel gathered pace. The ending, in particular, is very tense and I felt the sense of danger very keenly. There is also a lot of emotion within the story and these scenes are written in a very poignant way with which I was instantly able to connect.

I hope there is more to come from Highcap and its residents in future. In addition to the stand alone stories, I have enjoyed the story arc of Detective Sergeant Ali Sampson, who may not be a central character in the strictest sense, but is definitely someone with whom I felt a connection.

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Whoa, that was an interesting and intriguing read. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen or how things were going to be revealed and unraveled in One Girl, One Summer by Isabel Ashdown. As the synopsis mentioned, the story was an emotional page-turner with characters who had dark secrets.

On a hilltop campsite in the summer heat, a private plane crash-lands. Several are killed, and many more lives are shattered, including those of the Gale family, who own the site. For single parent Cathy Gale, her everyday struggles are eclipsed by the tragedy, as her boy Albie is one of the victims. He hangs onto life, while 18-year-old sister Nell, who was meant to be looking after him, is overcome with guilt.

As DS Ali Samson leads the investigation, locals are scandalized to learn that the amnesiac pilot has plans to stay on in the community. As dark secrets come to light, teenager Nell goes into freefall. What is it she’s so desperate to conceal? And exactly who is the unknown pilot?

I really liked Nell and DS Ali Samson; they were strong characters. The story held my interest and had me trying to guess what would happen next or how the characters were connected.

Overall, it is a good read with a good ending.

#OneGirlOneSummer #NetGalley @orionbooks

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Women’s fiction is a great genre that I thoroughly enjoy. This book is one of the best I’ve read this year. I highly suggest fellow readers pick it up.

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A small plane crashes onto a children’s playground on a caravan park causing death and serious injury.
I enjoyed this book to a certain degree. It has some hard to read subjects that some people may struggle with.
The story itself is good and quite unique, I particularly liked Cathy. Her family own the campsite and her son is one of the seriously injured.
Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I wasn’t to sure what to feel about this one?! It was a very interesting read! It was definitely sad at times and was worth reading but it didn’t have that heart pounding thriller moments but it was worth reading! Thank you Netgally and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Thank you NetGalley and Orion for the eARC.
This was an entertaining and at times moving book that I really enjoyed.
A crash by a small airplane causing 3 deaths and multiple injuries, as well as a horrific sexual attack, are the central themes in this Gale family saga.
It's at times annoying, uplifting and heart breaking as told by mainly Nell, the daughter and Kathy, the mother, who have a difficult relationship. The ending is very satisfying and overall I found it a wonderful read.

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I found this a really enjoyable and engaging read.
Cathy was my favourite, then Nell, then Dylan, and Albie.,
A plane crashes into a popular campsite and the pilot survives, it actually reminded me of the recent Shoreham crash that happened on the 22nd of August.
The unknown pilot and his amnesia is an interesting sub plot. Overall an excellent story. I just reviewed One Girl, One Summer by Isabel Ashdown. #OneGirlOneSummer #NetGalley

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A plane crashes on Gale property. killing many and injuring Albie Gale. But who is this pilot who has no memory? How did he get this place? The unknown pilot ends up connecting with the Gale family, who see some signs that tell everyone who he is. He is a missing person whom was declared dead a long time ago. Who is he? What secrets is the Gale family keeping? Overall, i thought it was rather slow and not super interesting. I don't know if I was expecting more suspense or what, but it was ok.

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