Member Reviews

What a twisty and turny story with surprises along the way.

Paul and Cecelia deserve each other…they are both horrible people. I’m surprised they last as long as they did. lol

Paul is a narcissist, self centered jerk. However, his antics and thoughts are what makes this book so entertaining.

Cecelia is diabolical but understand some of her thought process.

Angst paced and entertaining read.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the complimentary copy.

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Wow! Another fabulous read, Mrs Storm number two certainly keeps her husband on his toes.
Paul Storm is the king of narcissists, he can be charming, attentive, snaky and very controlling, but has he met his match?
The couple are in Paris to celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary, in true Paul style he has every detail planned, their last day is to be extra special and finish with dinner at the Eiffel Tower.
This is a a rollercoaster read, quirky clever and a lot of fun. The humour is dark but very entertaining.

I recommend you read Best Day Ever first, this will help you know Paul’s conniving character and you will meet the first Mrs Storm, it is also a 5 star read.

Thanks to Net Galley and Bookouture for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review. Congratulations to Kaira Rouda on another page turner. Now the question is, will there be another sequel? Yes please.

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THE SECOND MRS STROM by @kairarouda ✨

Read this if you’re looking for an easily bingeable domestic thriller about a couple you’ll love to hate!🖤 two people meet at a funeral (what’s abnormal about that 😜) and are celebrating their one year anniversary in Paris a year later.

Under 300 pages and I finished in just one or two sittings! I recommend going in blind to this one, but swipe for #goodreads synop if you want the full blurb!

And, Kaira’s just announced a second book coming later this year where you’ll see characters again from this one ✨

Thanks SO much to @bookouture + @netgalley for my ARC!

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Paul Strom is back!!

The Second Mrs.Strom is a thrilling sequel to The Best day ever. After his marriage to his first wife, Mia ended, Paul Storm has managed to snag himself a younger and gorgeous wife Cecilia. They plan to celebrate their first wedding anniversary in Paris. But for Paul, the day does not go as planned as his wife has other ideas.

Paul is his usual selfish, insanely controlling and arrogant self and you can't help but just love to hate him. He has finally met his match in Cecelia. Watching Cecilia refuse to bow down to his every whim and put him in his place was fun. There are a few twists along the way that kept me interested.

The less said about this book the better. It can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend reading Best Day Ever to prepare for a wild and crazy ride.

Thank you @netgalley and @bookouture for an ARC to read and review.

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This book is…well, I am not sure what to call it. It is a thriller for sure and full of drama, but it just sat differently with me. I have read Kaira Rouda before and loved her books, this book just felt different to me. Not in an entirely bad way but I did not love this book as much as her others.

I could not decide who was going to be the bad guy in this book. Paul and his young wife are both playing games with each other but who was going to win. Each time I thought I knew what would happen next, something would change, and I would be wrong. I like being wrong when trying to guess what would be happening next in a book.

I love the Paris setting. I could picture the city as they traveled around visiting well-known places and some lesser known.

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The Second Mrs Strom by Kaira Rouda and narrated by Nick Landrum and Laurence Bouvard
was a completely gripping psychological thriller that will have you hooked from the very beginning till the end and very cleverly written. I loved it.

Now, If you had met me a year ago, you would never notice me. I am a beautiful woman, and a struggling nobody in a tiny apartment, I am invisible…......People walk past me and they don't see me........

I can't believe it I am now here I am in Paris, with my husband Paul. It was a whirlwind courtship with a stunning beach proposal I am so lucky and I have a huge diamond ring that sparkles in the light sitting on my finger..........Other women look at me with are so jealous!!! Paul is so handsome and rich.....I am the luckiest woman alive! We are so in love!!

But, they are so wrong!!! I am hiding a dark secret!

On our first meeting, Paul fell in so in love with me but, it wasn’t the coincidence he thinks it was. I wanted nothing from him, even all his money will not change how I feel about him!!!
And now he’s wronged me, I will stop at nothing to get what he owes me!!!!

WoW this was so good.........This is the first book I have read and listened to by this author and it will not be the last! I loved it

Big thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture audio for my ARC.

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The Second Mrs Strom by Kaira Rouda was a fun, fast paced read with that I completely devoured. Suspense thriller fans won’t want to miss a second trip on this wild ride!
I thought this was one heck of a good mystery/thriller. 
TSMS is a tightly plotted, atmospheric, and memorable thriller.

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I love Kaira Rouda books! This one was so good! Her characters are not likable which is a mystery/thriller I kind of enjoy. It helps me to stay intrigued and question myself as to who the "bad guy" is. All the lies and deceit made this a page turner. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book!

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Lies, lies and more lies. Deceit and selfishness are the name of the game in this book. I do not think I have ever disliked two characters more than the two main characters - Paul Strom and Cecelia. I guess this was by design by the author. You aren't supposed to like them. This author's signature is shock value, and I was definitely shocked by some of the revelations that are revealed.

Paul Strom is a snake in the grass, that much is very evident from the start. He thinks he has won the lottery when he coincidentally meets his future wife, Cecelia. Little does he know there is no such thing as a coincidence, especially when you are a millionaire. He thinks he is so smart and cunning. Both are characters are completely unstable and are astute at playing mind games. Cat and mouse games are one of my favorites, but in this case you are not certain who is the predator and who is the prey. It is mostly set in Paris, where Paul and Cecelia are celebrating their one year anniversary. The story goes back and forth from past to present in order to build this story up to the shocking climax. The suspense was almost unbearable at times as I pecked on my Kindle trying to get to the next page as quickly as possible.

This was a compulsively readable book that will stay with you long after you close the pages. I will not soon forget it.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and Bookouture Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest thriller by a favorite, Kaira Rouda, with the audiobook perfectly narrated by Nick Landrum and Laurence Bouvard. All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Cecelia and Paul are in Paris celebrating their first wedding anniversary. But they both have secrets, and suddenly Paul isn't sure why Cecelia is acting so differently.

I think the synopsis of this book gives too much away, so go into this one as blind as possible, And for even more enjoyment, be sure to read Best Day Ever, still one of my top favorite books ever, and the first book in this series (I'm just hoping there will be more!). Because Paul is back, richer than ever, married to a younger woman who is giving him a run for his money. This is a twisty thriller and just a fun cat-and-mouse book, made better by the audio narration. Perfect escape read for the summer!

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Rouda has a certain talent for writing about wealthy, unlikable people with secrets. Her books are a guilty pleasure through & through. Paul is absolutely obnoxious, his superiority complex is maddening. Cecilia has secrets & a plan to get back at Paul. It all deliciously comes together. The book is fast paced, and France locale adds escapism. As both of their paths unravel I found myself reading faster & faster. I liked the ending very much & I can see a possibility for a sequel perhaps.

If you liked messed up marriages, secrets & revenge this is a good read for you!


Read if you like:
* The Prisoner by B.A. Paris
* The Engagement Party by Finley Turner
* A Twisted Love Story by Samantha Downing

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book, especially since I missed the first one that featured the male character. But surprisingly, I found that diving straight into this story worked out perfectly. My buddy reader, Marie, and I were both unaware of what we'd missed, but it didn't take away from the experience—in fact, it might have even enhanced it.

The story centers on a couple celebrating their first anniversary in Paris, but from the very beginning, it’s clear that their relationship is far from perfect. What I loved most was how they both wanted to get rid of each other but did so with a level of class and sophistication that made the whole situation oddly fascinating. The way they plotted against each other was both strange and compelling, drawing me in deeper with every chapter.

As the story unfolded, I was hooked by the way the author gradually revealed the past drama and the secrets that both characters were hiding. Each twist caught me off guard, adding layers to the plot that I didn’t see coming. The interplay between their current schemes and the past they’re trying to outrun was done masterfully, keeping me on edge and eager to uncover more.

In the end, this book turned out to be an unexpected delight. The blend of suspense, drama, and dark humor made it a truly engaging read. I may have missed the first book, but this one stands strong on its own, and I loved every minute of it.

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I finished reading "The Second Mrs. Strom" by Kaira Rouda. I can best be described as a marriage thriller. Many thanks too NetGalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy in return for an honest review.

This story is about a couple going on a romantic trip to Paris to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The book starts at the end so the reader knows that something bad is going to happen to one of them. Then the story goes to the past and present and we learn about the romantic history of Paul and Cecilia and how they came to be. We also quickly learn that Paul is a sociopatic narcicist and his wife is no better. They both have their reasons for getting married and for what they are about to do.

My favourite thing about this book was the setting. Paris and its wonderful sights are the main character of the book for me. I loved imagining myself visiting all the wonderful places mentioned in the book and the author did an excellent job of describing the beautiful city.

I don't have any other favourite things because quite frankly i had a hard time getting through this book. It was intriguing with an interesting back story. If was fun to find out what these characters really wanted and what their motivations were. But they were truly despicable people and I couldnt cheer for either of them. They were sociopaths, selfish, vengeful and self-serving. I didn't care what happened to them.

Another problem I had was that there were too many 'other' characters who were written in such a comical way that I lost interest in them. I couldn't really cheer for anyone or care for anyone because they were all a bunch of liars.

I did manage to finish this book and was happy when I got to the last page. But I felt like the last page left it open for a sequel... If there is a sequal, I don't thnk I will be reading it. So I cannot recommend this book. It just wasn;t for me.

Happy Reading

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Cecilia and Paul are in Paris for their one-year wedding anniversary. It should be a happy occasion. It’s not. An interesting tale full of lies, deceit, greed, manipulation, tragedy, secrets revealed, revenge, and more! Lots of twists and turns.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This story goes back and forth between before Cecelia & Paul met, and then their one year wedding anniversary trip to Paris. So much has changed in a year for the two of them. Cecelia is no longer the happy wife, her husband is not only controlling and cruel but to top it off, he is having an affair. This Paris trip is going to be the end of the line as far as both of them is concerned. It is just a matter of who is going to walk away from it unscathed...

Paul Strom was the main character in another novel by this author - Best Day Ever. I will admit I had read that book, but it has been so long, I don't remember anything about it, so I don't think it matters if you haven't read the previous book. Paul references things from it throughout the story, so you will be getting an overview anyway. This book started out as a bit of a slow burn, and truthfully I couldn't stand either of the characters, which is usually a dealbreaker for me. However, there were diary entries from Paul's girlfriend scattered throughout the book, and once I realized who she was I was completely invested in the story. Plus, quite honestly, I was getting to the point that I was excited to see who was going to be the victor in the psychological warfare they were waging against each other. If you are a fan of psychological thrillers then you will definitely want to check this one out!

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Thank you Netgalley and Bookoutore for the ebook to read and review. I'm a fan of Rouda's thrillers so I had to request this one as soon as I saw it! Talk about so unlovable unreliable characters. Not really sure who was worse Paul or Cecilia. We meet them on their 1 year wedding anniversary in Paris. Both have a surprise for the other one and neither one of them is expecting it! Told in flashbacks we find out how they met and let's say it's not a match made in heaven.

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How can you not love (to hate!) Paul Strom?! I love that the narcissist himself has returned and is richer and more smug than ever! But has he met his match with his new young bride?

Told in a similar fashion to the best day ever, we walk through one what should be enchanting day through the streets of Paris with the beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Strom. It's a full year into their marriage and several years after the first Mrs. Strom exited the picture. Mr. Strom has "upgraded" and after conning a ridiculous wealthy socialite to leaving her estate to him, he's ready to re-flame the fires with his stunning new wife.

The flashbacks and diary entries kept me guessing and were really well done. There were some twists I wasn't expecting and I loved how everything unfolded and came together. No one and nothing is what it seemed! Except Paul of course!!

I listened to The Second Mrs. Strom on audio and it was well executed. I didn't particularly love the female narrator but she did work pretty well for Mrs. Strom. I listened to The Best Day Ever on audio as well and I think it was a different narrator for Paul but it didn't take anything away and I enjoyed them both.

I'm glad I read the first book in this series but I still would have thoroughly enjoyed it had I not. The plot was enough it's own here that the prior story wasn't entirely relevant and the necessary details were provided without rehashing the whole plot.

This was a fun one and I'm excited to read more by Rouda.

Thank you to Bookouture and Kaira Rouda for the copy.

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I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The first half of the story repeats itself, and kept on going around in a circle of tension, the second half of the story picks up in pace, but ultimately left me wanting for more as I never met more unrelatable, and unsympathetic characters as Paul and Cecelia. Perhaps I need to read the first book to understand more of the relationship dynamic amd be ,more invested in the backgrounds.

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Paul, Paul, favorite male sociopath, you did not disappoint in your return!

Paul Strom met his match in his follow up of the Best Day Ever! Grab your popcorn and buckle up.

Paul and his wife are celebrating their one year wedding anniversary in the City of Lights but things quickly go south. Paul has certain expectations of his wife and life but he quickly loses control of the situation when Cecelia has expectations of her own. I would love to tell you more but I think you should read it for yourself :)

This book can be read as a stand alone BUT to witness the beauty of Paul's unhingedness read Best Day Ever first! I promise you will not be disappointed.

Bravo Kaira!! I can't wait to see what's next for Paul and if his story will continue!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the E-ARC.

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This book was unfortunately not for me 😕. I adore books by Kaira and heard so many great reviews, but alas, I am the odd reviewer out.

This is a full throttle domestic thriller, in which both are harboring a ton of secrets. All starts out well, but the couples trip to Paris to celebrate their 1 year anniversary is like being in a 24/7 anxiety attack for the entirety of the book!!!!!!

The characters were incredibly annoying and I wanted to throw the book across the room many times. Cecilia was so whiny and moody, while Paul was arrogant, self absorbed and a sociopath.

I can see why others liked this, as it was fast paced and definitely dramatic, but the characters really ruined it for me.

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