Member Reviews

Everytime I read a book by Kaira Rouda I forget how much I like her writing! She writes the kind of stories that suck you in, and have you flipping the pages as fast as you can. There wasn’t anything I didn't love about this book. The characters are majorly flawed, but their backgrounds, for some of them anyways, have you feeling for them. There were some very good twists, but predictable ones, that made reading this book so enjoyable! I don’t need a shocking twist for the story to be good.
I would say if you’re in a reading slump right now then this is the book that will get you right back on track!

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LOVED LOVED LOVEDDDD!! This is such a bold statement because we’re only in July BUT this book will definitely be in my top 5 books of 2024!! I don’t have a bad thing to say about it. The writing was impeccable, the storyline was super fast paced and it has me gripped the whole entire time.
This follows Cecelia and Paul as they celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary. Cecelia is living the lavish life that outsiders see as perfect. But things are far from perfect. Paul and Cecelia have their problems and Cecelia can’t forgive or forget what Paul did to her just after their wedding. While on their luxurious vacation Paul thinks he’s got away with being the narcissist he is.. but Paul is wrong, very wrong.
Iv never routed for a character as much as I did Cecelia.
You will not be bored reading this book. Phenomenal 🩷
Thank you so much for approving my arc x

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I really enjoyed this psychological thriller. This was my first book by Kaira Rouda and it won't be my last. I flew through this book in about a day. It really sucks you into the husband and wife's cat and mouse game that is going on throughout the book. The ending had a good twist. I recommend this book if you like domestic thrillers/suspense.

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the digital arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Wow this is a really toxic couple who rushed into marriage too quickly and are now starting to question their choices. I have to be honest I didn’t like either character in this story of a couple visiting Paris to celebrate one year of marriage. Both are keeping secrets and lying to each other and will their marriage survive or is something darker going on with both of them? I won’t spoil this one but it’s a great read.

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Paul and Cecilia are celebrating their first Anniversary in a trip to Paris, and on the final day Paul has set up a special dinner for his (second ) wife. But he has a dark and secret agenda for that dinner...
Throughout the entire book we, the readers, learn, by a dual timeline and a dual POV, how Paul and Cecilia met in the first place, how they ended up together and married and how, in fact, both of them keeo secrets from each other and both of them have secret plans for their trip to Paris.

I'll first say that, before 5 minutes ago, I had no idea that THE SECOND MRS STROM is a sequel to a 2017 release book named BEST DAY EVER. Apparently, Paul was already the main character on that book.
Well, I haven't read that book and I genuinely believe that reading BEST DAY EVER is not mandatory to understand this new novel, or to feel engaged with the plot and the characters. Because I did feel invested the whole time. And I honestly don't think I "missed" something by not reading the previous book.

I really enjoyed how the chapters are alternated between past and present, and also there are some chapters that are diary entries from someone we don't really know.
Personally, I really disliked Paul, but I do believe it's the author's intention: we are supposed to hate him. And root against him.
The writing was easy and quick to follow, in my opinion. The whole book reads really fast-paced.
And even though some scenes can be very predictable, I'd say there is a final twist that might surprise some readers.

I had fun with this book It was entertaining, fun, and a crazy ride.
I highly recommend it to everyone who likes fast-paced domestic thrillers with shady characters and couples full of secrets.

Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture, for providing me with a free eARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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Paul Strom is back!! Somehow I missed The Best Day Ever when it first came out, but I went back and read it before this one and am so glad I did! I will say it can easily be read as a stand-alone, but you don’t want to miss Paul’s antics in the first book! This one was such a delight! Going back and forth between Paul’s POV and his new wife, Cecilia, as well as dual timelines and journal entries from someone unnamed and then it all comes together for an epic conclusion! It’s so well thought out and while I was able to predict some things, I still enjoyed reading it and was shocked by a few twists! Being in Paul’s head is an awful treat, I love to hate him! He’s a misogynist, manipulator, conniving, crooked man, to name a few! It’s a fun read that I recommend adding to your TBR now!

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This was my first book by this author and it was pretty good. . Perhaps if I read Best Day Ever I would have known Paul’s history and might have enjoyed it more. The story moved along nicely and I did enjoy the characters and the writing style of this author. Definitely a good thriller but at times it seemed to drag and was repetitive. . Will definitely read the first book to get more insight into the characters. Thank you to NetGalley, Kaira Routan and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Paul Strom is back and is as twisted as ever! In the sequel to "Best Day Ever", Sociopath Paul is now married to Cecilia and the couple are celebrating their first wedding anniversary in Paris.

Paul is such a brilliant fictional character; he is charming and attentive, nasty and controlling as hell - the sort of guy a reader loves to hate and just can't get enough of! Why can't his wives just behave themselves and do as they're told? Poor Cecilia is in love and doesn't know what she's in for... or does she? Has Paul met his match this time? Good job he has a pre-nup in place for his huge fortune!

I loved the twisted mind games and the cat and mouse games the characters are playing against each other - who will win?

4 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Kaira Rouda and Bookouture, for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Well to start I love domestic thrillers but this kind of fell a tad flat for me. I wanted more of a believable plotline and that was a bit hard with this one. Fast paced and thrilling but it was just a tad hard to believe it all. i did give it a 3.7n but gave it a 4 becaue it was a fun wild ride.

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If you like cat and mouse games and toxic relationships, this is a must read according to the The Pulse team!
Thank you @bookouture for the ARC!

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗿𝘀. 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗺 by @kairarouda
Pub Date: August 16, 2024

If you haven't read Best Day Ever yet, what are you waiting for? While this sequel can be read as a standalone, Best Day Ever gives you a good idea of Paul and his backstory.

In this sequel, Paul’s back and more arrogant than ever! Paris is the perfect backdrop for his first year anniversary with his second wife, Cecilia. Paul’s obsession with control is off the charts but Cecelia is no pushover. Their relationship appears to be perfect on the surface but both have secrets and their battle of wills had me on the edge of my seat! It's such a quick and bingeable read.

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Paul and Cecilia were married after a whirlwind courtship and are now in Paris celebrating their first anniversary. They seemed madly in love in the beginning, but now the cracks are starting to show, and both have an ulterior motive for this trip.

The Second Mrs. Strom is the sequel to Kaira Rouda’s book Best Day Ever but can easily be read as a standalone. Flashback scenes gradually dole out the backstory, and the back and forth between Paul and Cecilia keeps the pages turning. Perfect for fans of The Next Mrs. Parrish and readers who enjoy:
• Dual POV
• Dual timeline
• Narcissistic MMC
• Unlikeable / unreliable narrators
• Cat-and-mouse suspense

My friends at Thriller Book Lovers: The Pulse have been buzzing about this one! Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me an advance copy of this book.

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Title: The Second Mrs. Strom
Author: Kaira Rouda
Genre: Thriller, Domestic Suspense

Disclaimer:- It's a sequel to her Best Day Ever so I'd recommend you to read that book first before delving into this one. Although you can read it as a standalone book but to understand Paul's character, I think you must read the first book.
Story :- This story revolves around the narcissistic, sociopath and controlling Paul Strom who is not done yet and his new love interest, Cecilia whom he meets at Esther's ( an old lady by whom he inherited money) funeral and soon she becomes the second Mrs. Strom and here the story begins.
Paul has spent years building his perfect life and as I said he's a sociopath so he wants to do the things in his own way and so he thinks that Cecilia is just like Mia and will be his victim but here comes the main twist, Cecelia is not like the other women, she has her own motive to come in his life. She wants revenge.
If you've read The Next Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine, in it there's a character named Mary Ann who is not what she seems to be then I think you'll fully understand the character of Cecilia.
Overall Impression: Kaira Rouda's The Second Mrs. Strom captivates readers with its suspenseful plot and well-developed characters. From the onset, the tension builds as Cecilia navigates her new life and unravels the mysteries surrounding her husband and his past. The book is a page-turner that keeps readers guessing until the very end.
Likes and Dislikes :-
Likes :- 1. Character Development: The protagonist, Jane, is portrayed with depth, showcasing her transition from a hopeful bride to a wary investigator. John Strom's complex personality adds layers to the story, making readers question his motives and actions.
2. Atmospheric Setting: Rouda excels in creating an eerie and suspenseful atmosphere, heightening the sense of unease as Jane delves deeper into the Strom family's secrets. I like to visit Paris now ☺️
3. Themes of Trust and Deceit: The novel masterfully explores themes of trust and deceit within a marriage, prompting readers to reflect on how well they truly know the people they are closest to.
4 The suspenseful narrative and unexpected twists make this book hard to put down. The psychological depth of the characters and the intricate plot keep readers engaged throughout.
Dislikes :- 1 I personally think that this should have been a standalone book with fresh characters. Now, the readers who haven't read it will have to purchase the previous book to fully understand Paul's character.
My Rating :- 4.5/5

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I had a hard time getting into this book. I noticed in a review that there was actually a related book written before this, so I read that one first. It helps give the backstory of Paul, but I don't know that it's necessary to read it before this one. The ending of this book was pretty good, but the majority of it kind of dragged for me. I'm sure other readers will enjoy it more, but it just wasn't for me.

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Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 (rounded up)

Review: wow, I am so happy that we got a follow up to Paul and his psycho ways! I absolutely loved the first story, and this sequel did not disappoint.

Paul has managed to secure a beautiful younger wife, and inherit millions from a wealthy Palm Beach socialite. He takes his new wife Cecelia to Paris to celebrate their one year anniversary.

This trip is different, Cecelia is not a meek submissive wife that Paul thought he had. She’s a force to be reckoned with and it’s so entertaining to watch their back and forth game play out.

This is domestic suspense at its finest. The ultra wealthy characters, the unpredictable plot and twists, and a bit unrealistic thrown in makes for a great book. Both Cecelia and Paul are unhinged and unlikable but so entertaining to see all this play out. The dual POV from both characters really added a new level. It was a little repetitive in the middle and I honestly wish it was longer, especially the ending.

Thanks to @netgalley and @bookouture for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review. This book comes out August 16th, so plenty of time to read the first book- Best Day Ever (even though you don’t have to).

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This was so good! Twists and turns and who's zooming who around every corner. Kaira has the narcissistic, psychopath characteristics down to a tee. There really isn't anyone to root for but I look forward to a continuation of one of their stories. I won't say which one. Thrill ride!

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This was a fun read!! I was sucked in front page 1, paul is a narcissist and his inner voice and thoughts are awful. His new bride, Cecelia, was a character who I had a hunch about her motive and trust colours, but wasn’t completely sure if she was as awful as her husband or not. The main twist was one that I never predicted or saw coming.

Overall This novel was well written!. I would definitely recommend reading this book to others.

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Paul and Cecelia are in Paris to celebrate their first anniversary, but both have ulterior motives for their last night. Paul is arrogant, deceiving, narcissistic, and controlling. Cecelia is the younger wife, beautiful and seemingly loves Paul, but does she really? Things start to get sideways when her behavior doesn’t fit his ideal wife, where he can control her...he starts to get angry and plans to kill her. What he doesn't know is that she is one step ahead.

A decent read well-written, fast pace. If you like domestic suspense, with unhinged and untrustworthy characters this is for you.

Thank you, NetGalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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I didn't realize this was a sequel to Best Day Ever until I was about halfway through this book. Having not read the first installment of the Paul Strom saga, I don't feel like I fully appreciated this story. To me it read as an insufferable account of every detail in Paul's and Cecilia's trip to Paris. I became so bored by the lack of action that I almost DNF'd. Perhaps if I had read BDE and understood the psychopathic personality of Paul, the read would've been more enjoyable. I don't feel I can give this an adequate or fair rating, having read this book out of context.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Paul and Cecilia are in Paris to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. It was love at first sight.

Paul inherited his millions by being a “companion” to Esther. Cecilia has been spending Paul’s money and Paul has learned that Cecilia is the daughter that Esther put up for adoption years ago.

Does Cecilia really love Paul or does she just want his money? And if she is Esther’s biological heir, what happens if the court rules that Cecilia should have the money.

Oh, so good and it did not end the way I expected it to. @kairarouda is one my go-to authors and this is my favorite by her! Go get on August 16th.

Thank you #NetGalley for the complimentary copy of #TheSecondMrsStrom in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you to @bookouture for approving my request

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Unfortunately, this book wasn’t for me. The writing is really good and the villainous characters are well done, maybe too well? Because I hated them and didn’t want to continue being in their inner monologue. 🤣 That being said, if you like a villain pov and can deal with a narcissistic male mc, this is the book for you!

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