Member Reviews

This review is a two-parter. I am going to say what I need to say and then come back and say what I need to say.

Part One - Narration:
I am halfway through the first chapter and know that I cannot continue to listen to this novel. Laurence Bouvard is a talented voice actor, but her voice doesn't feel right for Brynn. It sounds very "Cinderella-y." Bouvard's voice for "the woman" contains the appropriate amount of gravitas, but I cannot connect with Brynn's presentation. This in itself may be a spoiler for something that I may not understand now, but will understand in the end. Maybe I am meant to connect with "The Woman"s voice more because Brynn is actually the evil mastermind of this whole wedding scheme. If that's the case, well done Bouvard! However, that does not negate the fact that I just can't do Brynn's narration.

That being said, the content already has me hooked, so I went on Kindle Unlimited and HUZZAH! It's available.

Part Two - Content:
I will report back with information about the content. Until then, I will leave this rating at a 4 star, respectfully.

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Twists upon twists upon twists and fast paced. I was losing myself with so many twists but did keep up

I didn’t expect the ending but it was surprising and shocking and made it more an enjoyable read for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookoutre

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not for me, just felt really lack luster and I couldn’t properly get into the story. The authors writing was fine, just felt the story wasn’t all that great.

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Loved this one! I listened to the audiobook and it had me hooked from the beginning. Just when I thought I knew what was happening, something came out of nowhere and a huge twist! I cannot wait for the next one in the series and I highly recommend this one!

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Put LG Davis on your list of authors to read! Her latest has some surprising twists that I didn’t expect and loved!

Davis nailed it with this addictive psychological thriller! It’s my favorite of hers thus far! When I found out, there’s a sequel, I got excited and read it right after!

Laurence Bouchard is a great narrator!

Thank you, LG Davis, Bookouture, Bookouture audio, & netgalley for my copy & audiobook! All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the ARC of The Woman at My Wedding. I was captivated from beginning to end and am definitely looking forward to the next book in the series!

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Like every bride wanting the perfect wedding day, Brynn has planned the day down to the final detail. However, with a month to go, step by step each part of the plan is being sabotaged. Not helped with the Groom, Nathan away on business and his estranged mother, Debbie turns up to stay, uninvited.
Brynn seems to take the sabotage in her stride, not like many brides in the same circumstance. Then bit by bit, the truth of Nathans past is revealed, and her friendships are not what they thought. There are ulterior motives at hand and I really feel for Brynn in this story.
Plenty of secrets and twists keep those pages turning and the list of suspects are endless! An entertaining plot and an enjoyable read.

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Okay, wow. What an amazing story, so fun and twisty. This was really faced paced with characters popping in at the absolute most inconvenient time for Brynn. She is looking forward to her perfect wedding, which is sabotaged at every turn. I cannot wait to read book #2 to see what happens. I highly recommend diving into this story if you like a mystery, thriller style story. Huge thanks to L.G. Davis, NetGalley, and Bookouture Audio for this advanced copy.

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Thank you Net Galley for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for my honest review. I was drawn to this book by the cover and the title and of course the genre of psychological thriller. I found the main female character to be a bit gullible but this book grabbed me from the beginning. It was a quick and easy read that had very unexpected twists towards the end. I was completely surprised by the conclusion and am looking forward to reading more by this author.

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Wow!! I LOVED The Woman at My Wedding!!

Brynn and Nathan's love story takes a dark turn as someone tries to ruin their happily ever after with threats and sabotage. With a mysterious culprit on the loose, the suspense builds as the couple's wedding plans are thrown into chaos. There are so many unexpected twists and jaw-dropping revelations that will keep you guessing until the very end.

The Woman at My Wedding is book one in the Broken Vows series. Books 1 and 2 are available now, so check them out!
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC of The Woman at My Wedding by L.G.Davis.

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The story opens with a 30-day countdown to the big day. The bride is Brynn, and the groom is Nathan. The future MIL, Debbie, shows up at Brynn's dress fitting. By the way, Debbie was not invited to the wedding. Her son does not want his meddling mother there. Debbie talks Brynn into letting her stay at their house, and Brynn gives in. Let the games begin... The story started strong but lost steam midway. The narration was well done.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for an audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

2.5 Stars

After a series of bad relationship and broken dreams Bryn is planning her wedding to her dream man, Nathan. While trying on her wedding dress with her two best friends (and wedding planners) she gets a shock when her mother-in-law arrives at the door ready to move in until the nuptials. When a series of weird and scary events start happening to Bryn she realizes she is in danger and her happily ever after might not be such a fairytale after all.

I was very excited to get this book as the premise sounded fun, I love a good twisty novel, and I happen to be planning my own wedding. I was so disappointed. I failed to connect to any of the characters and felt Bryn to be flat and unreliable. Her only friends and connections come from her husband which is an immediate red flag. The story is told from Bryn and the mysterious woman's POV which I did enjoy the duel story telling. The pace is slow with too much useless details and little action. There's a lot of telling about relationships or events and no actual showing. The last quarter of the book launches a semi outlandish twist, I spotted half of it about 5 minutes in. I do need to give some leeway to the author because I absolutely hated the narrator and the story might not have been so intolerable as a read instead of audio. I would try something else from the author but this series is a big no for me.

I had the audio version read by Laurence Bouvard and I am sorry to say I hated her performance. The voice was robotic and a bit too sticky sweet to tolerate. From chapter one I found it painful to listen to. I even put it down for a while and came back to it days later and still found it grating. I do not recommend this audio book at all.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. This book did not download and then archived. I was very excited to receive it and read it. I will have to find another way to listen/read it now

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Argh. I love the concept of this book, but I struggled with it. I love the different POVs and the mystery of what is going to happen, but I just didn’t connect with the story.

I listened to the audiobook and I didn’t really like the narrator. I don’t think I would listen to another book with her as the narrator. It was a little too cringey and it made the MC seem even weaker than she was. I wonder if I read the book if I would have enjoyed the book more?

I understand this is a book and if certain situations don’t happen, then there wouldn’t be a story, but there were too many unbelievable things that happened that I couldn’t look past. This made the MC Brynn super unlikeable which makes a book very hard to engage with.

Then I struggled with repetitive dialog and story elements. I find this to definitely be a me issue, but I have a hard time looking past that.

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Brynn isn’t my favorite type of character. She doesn’t seem very sharp and I can’t tell if that’s intentional or not. The story starts off slow, however, the reveals are dramatic and entertaining. I enjoy reading stories through the POV of characters and appreciated that style in this book. The storyline is interesting, although predictable at times. Overall, I enjoyed the book!

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Brynn is about to marry the love of her life, Nathan. She has the perfect wedding planner, the perfect maid of honor, and a perfect new life. Brynn also has a past that is not perfect, which she is trying to run away from at all costs. Meanwhile, Nathan is in the middle of an important trial that could make or break his career as a lawyer, so it is up to Brynn to plan the wedding of their dreams. But when a package arrives threatening Brynn and Nathan’s wedding, Brynn is determined that nothing will deter her from marrying the man she loves. As more and more disturbing obstacles get in the way of making the wedding happen, Brynn wonders who is sabotaging her special day?
Overall rating 5/5
This book was a pleasant surprise and I finished it in one sitting. I originally had thoughts that some of the character’s storylines were not needed and dragged the book along, but I promise you it is all worth it for the conclusion at the end. Davis has done such a fantastic job of the old switch and bait, by leading the reader to believe they know who the true villain is. I can not wait to read the next in the series.
And just remember…… EVERYONE is lying!

*Thank you to L.G. Davis, Bookouture Audio, and Netgalley for the audio copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

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POSSIBLE SPOILERS…Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my review. This book is about a girl who is set to marry the man of her dreams after a troubled past of bad relationships that the book suggested was due to abuse. Things start happening to the bride that make her think someone is trying to sabotage the wedding. The was little to no character development for the groom and the relationship with the mother-in-law and best friend didn’t quite add up. The bride had no friends of her own, all her friends were friends of the groom. Th mother-in-law ends up not being the mother of the groom but the lifelong friend of the groom never realized this. It was a very strange storyline that was not very exciting.

I had trouble getting through this book. The first 38 or so chapters were pretty boring with not much action. The most exciting part of the book was towards the end in the last 10 chapters. I was not a fan of the narrator. She was very monotone and the story line was pretty bad.

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This was my first book I was approved for on NetGalley for an early read. Have never heard of the author before or this book. I was pleasantly surprised! None of my guesses were correct. Left me wanting more in the series. The end was shocking.

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I was beyond excited to get my hands on this book, especially on the audiobook ……..
But i should have stayed curious
The main character, the fmc i can’t even tell you how her actions made me go ballistic, if you know a person is toxic and don’t want her in your house, you do it anyway??? Like how is this possible??? And also her behaviour when strange things happened?? Im sorry????
Now, the narrator, this is the first ever narrator that i hated, her voice made my brain itch and not in a good way
I really looked forward reading this book but unfortunately was not for me
Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the arc

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This is a sort-of thriller that has some interesting twists and turns at the end of the book, some predictable and others not so much. Brynn is about to be married, but all kinds of craziness happens prior to her wedding, such that Brynn becomes extremely worried and confused. But things are not as they seem, and the outcomes are unexpected.

I was not a fan of the writing style of this author, and I didn't like the narrator very much. However, this is a good beach read!

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