Member Reviews

This is a sort-of thriller that has some interesting twists and turns at the end of the book, some predictable and others not so much. Brynn is about to be married, but all kinds of craziness happens prior to her wedding, such that Brynn becomes extremely worried and confused. But things are not as they seem, and the outcomes are unexpected.

I was not a fan of the writing style of this author, and I didn't like the narrator very much. However, this is a good beach read!

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With only 30 days until the wedding of her dreams, we meet Brynn, who seems to be planning this big wedding all by herself as the love of her life, Nathan, is a lawyer on a high profile murder trial.

Within pages we get our first hint that all is not as it seems, and this continues on regularly throughout.
Brynn, who spends most of this book looking over her shoulder, feels like her perfect life could be ripped away at any second, but why?

Told in dual POV by Brynn and "the woman", this thriller kept me hooked to find out the ending - none of which I managed to guess! - and better yet, it seems there is a 2nd book coming!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Review for 'The Woman At My Wedding' by L.G Davis.

This book is extremely well written with vivid descriptions that really set the scene and kept me on the edge of my seat. The cover and synopsis suited the storyline perfectly.


I absolutely love, LOVE, LOVED this absolute page turner!! This book is extremely fast paced and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. It was one of those true gems where if you had to put it down you had to race back as soon as you could to find out what was going to happen next. The plot is unique which is always a bonus after reading so many psychological thrillers. The storyline is absolutely ram packed with mystery, deceit, secrets, lies, romance, tension, loss, heartache, suspense and OMG the twists just kept on coming again and again!!! Just when I thought everything that could happen had happened BOOM there was another shocker around the corner. Every time I kept telling myself one more chapter the one I was in ended at a point where there was no way I could stop reading so I absolutely devoured it in one sitting!! I WAS absolutely blown away and considering I read approximately 30 books a month that is certainly no easy feat so a HUGE congratulations on that Liz!! I absolutely love how the book reads like a countdown to the wedding day and Liz weaves the chapters from the multiple protagonists together at perfect timings. This is one of those fantastic books that have a small group of characters but those characters you are constantly left doubting and questioning as you have no idea who has done what, who is hiding what and what they are really after. I just did not want to put this book down as I just had to know what was really going on and I never could have come anywhere near to working this one out!!! I absolutely LOVED how it ended and I cannot wait to get stuck into the next book in this fantastic series which is called 'The Missing Bridesmaid' and I am actually off to read next so keep your eyes peeled for my review of that which will be coming soon!!! I really could not recommend this book any more. If you are looking for something unique, filled with suspense that will leave you guessing and that will blow your mind then this is definitely the book for you!!


I wasn't just 100% invested in the storyline but also in the characters. Each and every one of the characters were well defined, realistic and strong. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to say much at all about them as I don't want to run the risk of giving anything away. I loved that we got to see what was going on through both Brynn and 'the woman's' perspectives and L.G. Davis does an amazing job building their characterisations, personalities, strengths and weaknesses throughout the pages ensuring they come to life in front of the readers eyes. Needless to say they all worked perfectly together to make this page turner as amazing as it is!!! I am definitely looking forward to meeting up with a couple of them in 'The Missing Bridesmaid' as I cannot wait to see what they get up to next!!!!

Another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to L.G Davis on what promises to be yet another massive best seller!!! I WAS absolutely shocked by so many explosive twists!!! This is why your on my favourite author list Liz and here's to your next explosive success 🥂!!!

Overall an absolutely addictive, mind blowing page turner that will keep you up with a racing heart until you've finished!!!

#TheWomanAtMyWedding #BrokenVows #LGDavis #LizDavis #Bookouture #BookoutureAnonymous #BookoutureBooks

@LGDavis @LizDavis @Bookouture @BookoutureAnonymous @BookoutureBooks

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This was a fun read. When her dream wedding is in jeopardy she does everything she can to keep it moving forward. Who is doing the sabotage will keep you guessing.

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The Woman At My Wedding" by LG Davis is the first book in the Broken Vows series. Brynn is engaged to lawyer Nathan, and her bridesmaids and wedding planner are gathered at her home, wearing their wedding attire and drinking champagne. When they run out of champagne, the wedding planner leaves to get more supplies, leaving Brynn alone. It is at this moment that her uninvited mother-in-law shows up, with a passive-aggressive Southern attitude. Despite pretending to be helpful, her arrival leads to chaos.

Upon reading the book, I couldn't help but notice the lack of emotional depth, making the characters feel almost two-dimensional and somewhat generic. Despite recognizing the author's talent, I couldn't shake the feeling that an essential element was missing from the narrative. I don't mind an outlandish plot or quirky characters, but there was an intangible quality that the book lacked, as I've already mentioned.

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Brynn is counting down to her big day, and each chapter tells us how much longer until the wedding.

Someone is targeting her. Sending her odd messages. Strange gifts. Then Debbie shows up. Her husband's mother she says. Debbie is all southern belle but seems a bit twisted and odd. She doesn't tell her fiance Debbie has arrived and tries to hide her from everyone.

Let me say I LOVE when I cannot figure out a thriller, and this one had so many "suspects". I kept thinking I had it, but each time I did not.

I found the audio narration very entertaining!

Thanks to Bookouture and Bookouture Audio for both an ARC and ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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The novel opens on day 30 of the count down to Brynn & Nathan's wedding. Brynn's at her final wedding dress fitting with friends when she discovers that her MIL, Debbie, has come to stay with her. Debbie wasn't invited to the wedding due to a strained relationship with Nathan. However Brynn can't ask Debbie to leave because of an unnamed incident in their shared past. Just before Debbie arrived Brynn received an ominous wedding themed gift and threat about the wedding never happening. Author L.G. Davis takes us on a wild ride through a group of people where everyone has something to hide and no one is who they seem. An avid reader of lite psychological thrillers will pick up on the red herrings right away, and might even notice the missing details, but I can guarantee this book will leave everyone with a sense of What the Eff did I just read?? Which is what we all come for and Davis does it well. This was a fun and gripping read, and the ending twist was jaw dropping. I'm looking forward to the second book in the series, The Missing Bridesmaid.

Thank you to L.G. Davis, Bookouture Audio,, and NetGalley

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What a fun, fast paced thriller. Thank you to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this ARC in exchange for my honest review!
WOW! What a twisty thriller....this book had me guessing the ENTIRE time.
Brynn and Nathan have planned the wedding of their dreams, but someone doesn’t want them to get married...but WHO. Brynn has recieved threats, her wedding venue is cancelled (and she didn’t do it), and to top it off her mother-in-law shows up out of the blue.
Thank goodness Brynn has wonderful friends...or does she? You will have to read to find out!!
This is book 1 in the Broken Vows series!
I can’t wait to read book 2💍
The Missing Bridesmaid

Check out my social media review on instagram

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I could not get enough of this book! The narrator was spot on and I was engaged between the storyline and narrator the entire book. I was constantly trying to figure out who this woman was. Who was trying to sabotage the wedding and what their motive was. In the end, I was so far off…which honestly is one of my favorite parts. It always goes to show just how great of an author they are!

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The Woman At My Wedding by LG Davis is the first book in the Broken Vows series Brynn isn’t engaged to law attorney Nathan and her and her bridesmaids and wedding planner is gathered at her home drinking champagne wearing their wedding attire but when they run out of champagne in the wedding planner must leave to get another skirt at her shop and Brynn is alone this is when her mother-in-law shows up uninvited out of the blue. Her mother-in-law has a passive aggressive “bless your heart” Southern attitude and although she acts as if she’s there to help it’s once she arrives that things start going haywire. Let me start by saying just to get this book a fair shake when I found Laurence Bouchard narration to sound generic and almost 2 pleasant I went and downloaded the e-book and still found the story lacking. Although the book has enough twist I found it unemotional almost like two dimensional it all seem so generic to me. I do think the author is talented I just think there was a big key component missing in the book and I just can’t put my finger on it. I don’t mind a ridiculous plot or even ridiculous characters but there was just something… I DK… Missing as I’ve already stated. I don’t know what more I can say the narrator had a pleasant voice but almost sounded too pleasant if that makes sense? I want to thank Bookoucher audio for my free arc copy via NetGalley please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I really wanted to like this book, and I thought that the premise was intriguing, but the narrator played the main character with a baby-ish voice, I believe meant to play up her innocence, but mostly just turned me off of her altogether. While the story ended with some fun twists and turns, I thought it lacked character development overall, so I couldn't muster up enough of an investment in the characters to get really thrown by the ending. Overall, I thought it was an interesting mystery, but it wasn't right for me.

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When I downloaded this it was only a very short sample.

What I read looked promising however I can’t really say more than that.

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Good listen with a good story line with lots and lots of twists and turns my ideal book
I have read/listen to a few by this author and as usual it didn't disappoint

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This sounded like an intriguing thriller. Unfortunately, for me it doesn’t live up to the hype. I don’t like either of the central characters and although the first half of the book was moderately interesting, I found my attention kept drifting. The narrator is a little flat and doesn’t add to any suspense or drama. The second half was a mix of confusing and dull and in the end, I fast forwarded a few times just to finish the book. It fell well short of tense and exiting and I won’t be reading the sequel. Not for me.

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The Woman at My Wedding by L.G. Davis and narrated by Laurence Bouvard is absolutely outstanding! Wowsers! I love it when you think you have it all worked out and you get utterly blindsided with a "Nuh-uh!" and a twist that would make a tornado look like a slight breeze

Brynne is getting married to Nathan, the wedding is in a few days and there is a very, very unwanted visitor. Nathan is working away and if he knew this visitor was at their house, he would not be best pleased. It is after this visito arrives, that things start going awry; a veil getting torn, stained shoes, a litay of issues along with a potential stalker

LG Davis certainly has a talent of hooking the reader in and looking closely at each character, setting a detailed scene and just when you think you have that aha! You get pushed into the pool and haven't a clue what just happened, just that it makes al the sense in the world

Wonderfully narrated by Laurence Bouvard, this was unputdownable right up to the end!

Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture Audio, LG Davis and Laurence Bouvard for this awesome ALC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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A gripping thriller - I really enjoyed this. The narrator was really great as well

Thank you, NetGalley

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The Woman at My Wedding by L.G. Davis is sooo good!! I didn’t want to put this book down.

This book starts 30 days before Brynne’s wedding to Nathan. Nathan is a lawyer who is away at trial in a high profile case, so that is leaves Brynne in their new house planning their wedding. She gets an unexpected visit from Nathan’s mother who he has no relationship with, that leaves her feeling uncomfortable. As she is planning the wedding weird things start happening and she feels like she is being followed.

There were so many twists and turns with an ending I didn’t expect. You never really knew who you could trust through your the book I went back and forth on who I thought was out to get Brynne. I kinda feel bad for Brynne. I can’t wait to read book two bc I have to know what happened with the way it ended. Thank you to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for giving me an ARC for my honest thoughts and opinions.

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I was initially intrigued and spent the entire time trying to figure out who the saboteur was. However, after all the buildup, I found the ending to be quite underwhelming. The bride came across as whiny throughout the story, and her reactions didn't seem to align with the ending. I also didn't feel invested enough in the other characters to be interested in reading a sequel about their story.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC (in audiobook format).

“The Woman at My Wedding” by L.G. Davis, narrated by Laurence Bouvard, is a psychological thriller that weaves a tale of love, deception, and the dark secrets that can lurk beneath the surface of a seemingly perfect relationship

Set against the backdrop of a picturesque oceanfront, the story follows Brynn, a bride-to-be whose joy is overshadowed by the sudden and unsettling arrival of her fiancé Nathan’s estranged mother, Debbie. As the wedding day approaches, a series of disturbing events unfold, from the delivery of a defaced cake topper to the disappearance of Brynn’s veil, hinting at a sinister presence lurking in the shadows.

Davis masterfully builds suspense, layering each chapter with tension and uncertainty. The narrative is a compelling mix of romance and dread, leading readers through a labyrinth of emotions as Brynn’s perfect day spirals into a fight for survival. The author’s skillful portrayal of characters creates a vivid tableau where each individual’s motives are shrouded in mystery, leaving readers to wonder who can be trusted.

The novel’s strength lies in its ability to maintain a relentless pace, with twists that hit like a freight train, leaving readers gasping for air. It’s a story that grips you from the first page and refuses to let go, culminating in a climax that is both shocking and satisfying.

Laurence Bouvard’s narration adds a layer of intensity to the experience. Her ability to convey the protagonist’s inner turmoil and the mounting dread is commendable, making the audiobook an immersive experience.

With “The Woman at My Wedding,” Davis has crafted a tale that is a testament to her prowess in the thriller genre and a reminder of the fragility of trust. This book will resonate with fans of “Gone Girl” and “The Girl on the Train,” offering a fresh take on the psychological thriller that is addictive and haunting.

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I would describe this as thriller light. I wish there was more of a climax but it gives cozy thriller.

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