Member Reviews

This is a historical fiction that takes place in Italy during WWII. Siobhan Daiko’s story follows the lives of two women during a very tough time in history. We follow Emma as she goes to the lengths to protect her friend, Marco. We also follow the life of Rosa, a Scotsman whom she meets named Tom. The narration of this story really puts you in the place and time of this era. The writing is so expressive, and it’ll pull at your heartstrings. It is heartbreaking, and you really do learn a piece of history through these characters. However, I will say that I wish that the story was a bit longer, and I wish that we got a little bit more character development. I think that has a lot to do with how short the story was. I feel like we didn’t get to truly get to know each character in depth, and it would’ve been nice to really have a full background on everyone. This book has tons of romance, and I am all for it. I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with a good wartime romance. I’m not sure, but I feel like the only movie I can think of the moment is Pearl Harbor. I also feel like this also reminds me of books like The Tatooist of Auschwitz. It's not comparable, but wartime romance was what I was getting at. I enjoy books that show sacrifices, bravery, fears, and struggles. I feel like all of it helps with the world-building in the story. Overall, this was a great read! I do wish it was much longer, I bet it would’ve been super good to have the story continue a bit more.

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Another gripping story of WWII Italy from Siobhan Daiko. I raced through this book, eager to know how or if the characters would survive the war. The fact that this is based on true stories made it fascinating too. As always, Daiko’s evocative descriptions of the countryside and Italian foods immersed me in the story.
Highly recommended for fans of historical fiction set in WWII.

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Set within a country with fighting not only against Germany, but within themselves.
I loved the descriptive details used throughout the book; it made feel that was right there. I learnt so much about the olive harvest, the washing process, the butchering and so much more.
Daughters of Tuscany is filled with Sacrifice, hope. Loss, love, resilience and bravery. Siobhan Daiko has written a novel that was hard to put down. 4 ½ stars

I would like to thank Boldwood Books, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

#DaughtersofTuscany #NetGalley.

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A fairly straightforward book - light on character development, but a good overview of Italy during wartime and the responsibilities and burdens on women on the home-front.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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A story of women helping out by hiding soldiers during WWII. It's quite a story of what the women went through to help. Loved the book!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was a great historical fiction book! The story was very well researched and I felt like I was transported to that time and place. I would highly recommend this book!

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This is such an interesting read and look at how villagers in Tuscany dealt with the Nazi occupation. British prisoners arrive on the estate of Marchese Ginori and his daughter Emma is immediately grateful for the help. Rosa, who is the daughter of one of the tenant farmers, is unhappy as her husband was killed by the allies. Both will do anything to protect those they love and the local community and put themselves in danger to do so. I loved how there was romance threaded through a story about survival, bravery, family and friendship. Some great characters that developed over the course of the book and some events that unfortunately are all too familiar in stories about WW2 and the Nazis. Although fiction there are some great factual references. I thoroughly enjoyed this and found it a mix between horrifying and heartwarming. Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC

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"Daughters of Tuscany" is a novel set during the occupation of Tuscany by the Nazis and the bitter fighting to expel them. The daughters of the title are Emma, daughter of the local landowner, and Rosa, daughter of one the tenant farmers. The fighting and reprisals are horrific, with the Germans killing 10 locals for each of their men (sound familiar?) and threatening to wipe out entire communities. As the Nazis ride roughshod over the area, seizing food, animals, property, etc the Italians naturally want to retaliate, setting up their own Resistance and working with escaped Allied POWs.

This is a story of survival, bravery, family, friendships and love against a backdrop of war. It is well written and enjoyable, though slightly predictable in parts.

Thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Emma Vanini, the daughter of a Tuscan peasant farming family, decides that her courage is being called upon when her family is put under special surveillance. Not willing to sit idle while their freedoms are taken away, Emma becomes a stafette.

I loved learning about the vendemmia, the olive harvest, the butchering process, and the mezzadria system. I’ve always loved Daikos books because she teaches as she writes and her love of Italy shows in her narrative.

However, I was a little shocked at the language and the open door ‘romance’ in this book starting at 26% of the way along. I only kept reading because of a commitment to a book tour. It’s too bad because I’ve read 4 of this author’s previous books and thought they were 5 star!

I was gifted this book by Boldwood Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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A novel perfect for lovers of Italy and its food as well as romance! A very short novel (less than 300 pages), and also a very easy novel. The characters are rather too plain for me , and the plot is also very easy to follow and guess what is going to happen... WWII is the background of the storyline and not necessarily very interesting. Not a novel for me, I had expected more depth as to both characters and plot. However, if one likes easy, short novels with a lot of romance, one will enjoy this book.
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and I am leaving voluntarily an honest review.

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A sweeping tale of loss and love I was blown away….With the arrival of British prisoners of war on Marchese Ginori’s farmhouse estate, Rosa is immediately wary. Her husband was killed by the Allies and she will not trust any inglesi around her daughter….Another compulsive read from an author who seems to do no wrong. I absolutely devoured this one…

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