Member Reviews

Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed reading this book.

Callum and Emma break up and never speak again.

It’s been 12 years and now, they meet again when Callum needs to get back home and Emma is the person who is taking him in her van. There is a lot of stuff that they’ve not talked about when they ended the relationship. Now, they look back at where they were then to where they are now, and reasons why they aren’t together.

We read their own viewpoints on the past.

They eventually get together, but not before the bumps are overcome.

I recommend this book.

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I just loved this book! It was so good and I just couldn’t put it down.. It was just such a heartbreaking and heartwarming read about a former boyfriend and girlfriend who’s relationship ended in a weird way.. Callum needs a lift and little does he know that his lift is going to be with his former girlfriend Emma much to the surprise of both of them. This then ensues a wonderful trip home with up and down’s for both of them and I just loved it.

I would highly recommend reading this book if you love a book that has a good story with up’s and down’s but essentially is just beautiful.

I would like to thank Boldwood Books and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book early.

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Thank you to @rachelsrandomresources for my copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Callum is an idiot, Emma is just crazy - and both are hopelessly in love with the other. Neither knows the other is their first love when they agree to travel together from Italy to London and what might happen on the way.

You hope for the happy ever after but are unsure if it’s ever going to happen. I love the pair of them and their dynamic together, but they are so different too. He’s eager to get back, she’s continuing her sightseeing trip at her own pace no matter what and this does cause some friction to begin with.

This story is your typical long lost love, cutesy, “will they won’t they” story that is just lovely and easy to read, and has everything you want too - fun, laughter, sarcasm and serious bits. Perfect summer cosy read that will give you all the feels.

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The cover and the blurb is what originally drew me to this book. But it was a little slow in places. The story was ok but the characters felt a bit flat. It just wasn't for me, other readers might like it though.
💖 Thank you to netgalley, the publisher and the author for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was so good! I love a good second-chance romance and one full of tension is even better - this fit that bill perfectly! Loved!

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Twelve years ago, Emma and Callum decided to take a break... and then never spoke again. Until Callum arranges a ride from Italy to London with a friend of a friend, and shows up to discover the woman taking him home is the ex he never fully got over.

I loved the tension between Emma and Callum, and how it ebbed and flowed throughout--both the conflict and the feelings were great. I sometimes have a hard time with second-chance romances, but this one felt very real and authentic to me, and I was actively rooting for them. There were a couple moments it got a bit overly internal or repetitive, but overall it was a very lovely read.

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A second chance romance between two exes that never quite had closure. We meet Emma and Callum while they’re driving back to London from Italy. They don’t want to be interacting after 12 years of not seeing each other but they’re stuck together. They seemed to have changed a lot on the outside but they still have a lot of the same doubts and insecurities they’re still growing from.

It was a fast and quick read. Enjoyable

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This was told between the two main characters in chapters . Took a while to get into . A clever story as two x’s meet while you can’t fly . One has a camper van. There are some laugh out moments. I liked the monastery chapter. You kind of guessed the secret. A clever good neat ending .

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing an Ebook ARC of this book, this is my objective review. Callum and Emma are ex-partners who broke up 12 years prior, and in a surprising turn of events they must share Emma's van on the way home from Rome. There are old, unresolved feelings, and there's a LOT of history here. Being thrown together it's inevitable that they compare how they are today with themselves from 12 years ago, and they reflect on why they didn't work back then. I like the concept of second-chance romance, but I don't know that it always works in execution. Can people ever really change enough to avoid making the same mistakes all over again? There's an HEA here but it was a bit rocky getting there, which felt realistic. Some nice moments of humor, which are always welcome. New-to-me author, I would read her again.

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When European air travel is grounded due to volcanic ash from Iceland, Callum and Emma find themselves on a roadtrip through Italy and France. Emma has planned a meandering journey in her unreliable van, and Callum needs a ride, so mutual friends (secretly hoping to make a match) connect them. Little did they know Callum and Emma were previously in a relationship that ended badly. Over a couple of days, Callum and Emma learn a lot about each other, and eventually about their past. And we hope, hope, hope they get together. But their journey is not without set-backs and disappointment.

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Second chance romance, traveling through Europe, endearing characters.
Fun story (but a bit slow at times!) that is perfect for summertime.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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A cute slow-burn second chance romance.

Callum is stranded in Rome and desperately needs to get back to England, through his friends he manages to acquire a lift that will get him back to where he needs to go within a few days, only problem is when he arrives the beautiful woman who he will spend countless hours in close proximity happens to be his Ex girlfriend Emma who he never truly fell out of love with and it seems like she's not looking forward to the journey either.
This book includes:
- second chance romance
= grumpy sunshine
- the one that got away
- right person wrong time

Overall I did enjoy this book but I don't think it was Lovett's strongest work. It was pretty 50/50 for things I loved and things I hated. The scenes of the two travelling together were beautiful and made me want to immediately jump on a plane to do some travelling. it was also really nice to see the way the two had changed over the years they hadn't been together and separately grew as people.

However there was a lot of miscommunication throughout the entirety of the book and the kept so many important things from each other where they could have just been open and honest that it became frustration with how long it went on for.

it was however a nice story and I do usually enjoy Jo Lovett's books.

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I loved this book! It's well-written, enjoyable, and a great read. Jo Lovett did a great job of writing in a way that captured my attention, and made me not want to put it down until I was finished! I would highly recommend it!

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A true "one that got away" and "right person, wrong time" read!

Emma and Callum meet again after 12 years apart when a mutual friend pushes the two together to take a road trip from Rome to London. Through ups and downs, they trek across Europe while experiencing both love and heartbreak in just one short week.

There were parts of this story that I adored, but the slow start is KILLER. I needed to get halfway into the book before I became interested in Emma and Callum at all. I think if the story didn't take so long to get interesting, I would've really enjoyed this second chance romance.

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I really enjoyed this story of Callum and Emma who find each other after a break became a de facto break up 12 years earlier. Great chemistry and a sweet story. The end was a bit abrupt but otherwise lovely.

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- second chance romance
- closed door romance
- easy fun read

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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The first book I read of Lovett's was "The First Time We Met", and I loved it. I read it several times. Her other books have not come close to this one for me. As for this latest book, it was okay, but I was underwhelmed by the ending. I felt it was rushed. Whilst I felt some of Emma's emotion, I never really felt Callum's. I did not feel his angst at all. The author did not sell him to me (he's no Sam from "The First Time We Met"). Instead I thought he was immature and a jerk basically. There were too many internal monologues, which made the pace slow. I liked Emma, but wasn't she a bit too perfect? Aren't our female protagonists supposed to have flaws? There was enough there to make me want to read until the end, but it did not leave a lasting impression. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to like this book, the concept and title intrigued me right away! I mean 2 exes stuck together in a van and the title making me think of Ross from Friends, I had some high expectations for this one, but it fell a bit short for me. I loved the beginning and found it very funny and sweet. As the book went on it felt like it dragged. I usually do love slow burn and second chance, but it was too slow that I found it boring and there wasn't enough detail of the previous relationship to set up a really good second chance trope. I also didn't like how Callum's addiction struggles were super glossed over, it felt weird to me. It was mostly a cute read, but just not for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Boldwood Books for the ARC of this book. I would say that I enjoyed it overall for what it was. I do typically love a second chance romance and that's exactly what this story is. The main characters seemed quite likeable especially Emma. That being said, there were parts of it that fell flat for me. For a second chance romance to be really well done, I feel like you need to have a lot of details about the previous relationship. In this case, I felt like the details of their love over a decade ago were very glossed over and not detailed at all. I found myself wondering why they couldn't make it work in the first place for most of the book. There was also just a lot of miscommunication in general which can be frustrating to read about.

I do enjoy the author's writing style and think I would be interested in reading other books by her. The background details were just missing for me in this book. Thanks for the opportunity to review it!

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I really loved the idea of this book but unfortunately the pace was way too slow, the characters lacked depth and felt very immature. I had to dnf at 20%.

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