Member Reviews

First I have to say the books title reminded me of Friends Rachel And Ross lol
When two old romantic people find themself in an unexpected predicament and
Are Stuck together for a long miserable ride home.
But the more they travel the more they start to wonder if things might work this time.
Ride along with them as they have to deal with all sorts of situations.
This is a cute and lighthearted funny romance you will be rooting for them.

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We Were on a Break by Jo Lovett is a charming and heartwarming story that delves into the complexities of relationships and the difficulties of second chances.

The plot centers on Liv and Nate, a couple who decide to take a break from their relationship. We are shown both sides of the story, giving a lot more depth by dual narrative & making their journey feel genuine and relatable.

I found this story starts off with a witty dialogue (which caught me straight away) and situations that many will find familiar. I found the middle section to drags a bit - thankfully I pushed through until the end, which picks up and leads to a satisfying and emotional ending.

Jo Lovett's writing is both engaging and insightful, making this a great Summer read!
Its delightful for anyone interested in the ups and downs of love and the possibility of rekindling old flames. Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing an eARC.

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I was really looking forward to this book, I loved the "blurb" and the tag line, but unfortunately it really didn't hit the mark, there was so much promise and it felt like there was something missing and a lot more could have been explored but the commitment to the story just wasn't there, just didn't hit the mark for me, sorry.

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I really loved this book! The romance was so cute and I loved the story so much. Thank you netgalley for this arc. I would highly recommend this book.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Up front, I have to admit that the statement, “We were on a break” make me think of Ross and Rachel from friends and this book brought all of those fun and familiar vibes with it, with the wanderlust fun of travel through Europe! All of those components made for an absolutely fun read about the decisions we make in life. We Were On a Break makes you want to say “cin cin” or “cheers” to adventure and second chances!

Review is on Goodreads and will be posted on instagram closer to publication date and on Amazon when published!

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I read We Were on a Break in one sitting...during work hours, simply because I couldn't put it down. I'm not usually a fan of travel novels but I loved this one and the places the characters visited.

The book made me cry, several times, but also laugh and swoon in equal measure.

I can only recommend this book to anyone who loves romance and believes in second chances.

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Emma and Callum have history, and they never intended to run into each other again...much less be stuck in a small van travelling together for several days, forcing them to rehash the past and move forward. I was not as much a fan of this story as the introductory blurb led me to believe I would be, based on my love of romcoms. It wasn't predictable, so that wasn't it, but I just couldn't get into the characters. There was a lot of 'me' focus from each of the main characters that was interesting at first, but became annoying. One of the things I wasn't a fan of was the alcoholism...for anyone whom that is a trigger, just know that it's a big part of the underlying storyline.

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Such a blast, highly enjoyed. Gave FRIENDS vibes which was perfect for me as it’s a huge comfort show for me. Was a good time.

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Emma and Callum had a whirlwind romance that ended with Callum needing a break, despite everything Emma had done for Callum, he couldn’t find it within himself to stop being so messy and drunk all the time or for acting out. Callum telling Emma he needed some space came as a shock, yet became even more shocking when he never came back to her.

Emma took years to heal her broken heart and decided to set off on the adventure of a lifetime, alone. Heading back home, she was asked by a friend if she could help by driving someone back to London. Emma needed the petrol money so decided she would. Emma was nervous about having to spend so much time with a stranger … yet was horrified when her companion was Callum!

Emma and Callum’s journey together was super sweet! It made me laugh in parts and secretly I was wishing for them to get back together. I loved the travel details in this book it made it feel really sweet and homely! I loved the forced proximity, second change troupes!

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Emma and Callum’s journey through Italy and France started off quite comedic, but sadly the last third was rather frustrating, and I found myself rooting for Emma to end up with anyone but Callum. The storyline is 2 exes who end up sharing a road trip home, facing various disasters like rubbish hotels and broken vehicles, and a whole will they won’t they along the journey. Callum, though, has such a skewed perspective that I ended up feeling he was a scummy person and didn’t want him to end up with the lovely Emma. It’s an ok book to while away a few hours, but if you’re looking for a good romance novel, I wouldn’t say this is it

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People have complained in the reviews about his explanation for how he stopped drinking. I thought it made sense and I had no problems with it. I experienced similar things with my young and dumb exes of the past.

- I like the plot device of being stuck traveling in a van
- I liked their internal dialogue
- Perfect amount of pining

- while the beginning was an interesting idea, it felt a bit boring in execution
- The ending felt rushed and cut short

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📖 I loved this sweet, second chance romance! Emma and Callum were fantastic and so easy to root for. I loved their trip through Italy and France; the places they saw, the people they met. It was the perfect summer read!

Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The blurb is very interesting, it drew me from the beginning. Emma is traveling through Italy and one of her friends back in London asks her if she could give his friend a ride back home, since all flights are cancelled. Turns out, this friend of a friend is none other than Emma's ex boyfriend, love of her life, whom she gave an ultimatum 12 years before, either her or his wild life of alcohol addiction.

The idea of two exes being stuck together in a van for days traveling was extremely interesting, but my expectations fell short. The characters and plot had so much potential, but they were under developed. Callum's addiction was reduced to 'I decided to stop and I stopped', that was anticlimactic, especially if he took this little to break an habit, then the whole plot of them not getting back together because of his addiction, collapsed.

The story became repetitive after a while, they're together, they break up, than back together and break up again. It stretched on a lot, and I mean, a lot. Also, reading both their internal monologues listing all the reasons why they couldn't be together got annoying pretty soon.

But, if you're looking for a slow burn, closed door, second chance romance don't hesitate to pick up this novel, coming out on July 29th.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Overall this was a disappointing read for me.
The premise that two past lovers meet by chance to roadtrip through Europe sounded cute. Unfortunately, the story moves about as fast as Miranda, the van, on an autobahn. It felt like the characters were trying too hard to be the 20-somethings they were rather than the educated 30-somethings we meet and came across rather 2-dimensional. A cup of tea and a proper conversation rather than the repetitive internal dialogue and overuse of the word “weird” might have pushed the story along. This felt like a story of missed opportunities, both literally and figuratively, and fell flat for me.
With thanks to Netgalley, Boldwood Books and the author for a copy of the eARC ahead of publication. All opinions and grammar mistakes are my own.

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I’ve loved all of the books I’ve read by this author - and this was no exception!

Years previously, Callum annd Emma were a couple. Until they weren’t.

Now Callum is stranded in Rome, unable to get home to London.
Emma is in Rome, planning to head back to London in her trusty, rusty camper van.
If only they had a mutual friend who could fix them up…..

I loved the premise of old flames being forced into a proximity they don’t want and haven’t asked for - but needs must! Will they make it home in one piece? Or will fate have a hand in what happens next…..

Would recommend to anyone looking for a fun, flirty holiday read.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review.

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"We Were on a Break" by Jo Lovett is a charming romantic comedy set against the scenic backdrop of Italy and France. The story follows exes Callum and Emma, who reunite unexpectedly when stranded in Rome due to a volcanic ash cloud. Emma offers Callum a ride back to London in her camper van, Miranda. As they travel, they confront unresolved feelings and past misunderstandings. Lovett's well-developed characters and a blend of humor and emotional depth make this a delightful read about second chances and rekindled love, perfect for fans of light-hearted, nostalgic romance.

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I enjoyed this book but I wasn't hooked on it to be honest. The characters were okay and I like the dual character perspective, though it felt like there was all this intrigue attempted about Thea when it was very predictable who it was going to be.

The storyline is good for those who like the trope of second-chance romance, though again I found that to be quite predictable.

Putting that aside, it was an easy, enjoyable read and was fun to feel like you were travelling with them.

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3.5 Stars. Second chance romance will never not hit. I loved every moment of this, and Emma and Callum were delightful. The poignant love was executed remarkably, it was impossible to put the book down. The ending was near perfect, but I couldn't help but wish for just a little more. It left me with a sense of yearning, but overall, it was a wonderful experience that left very little to criticize.

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I really wanted to enjoy this, because the premise is so delightfully silly and full of potential, but it just really didn't do it for me.

Emma and Callum dated 12 years ago. Like, love-of-my-life/once-in-a-lifetime dated. But Callum's wild behavior became too much for Emma to handle, so she told him to clean up or hit the road. He did both. Now, he needs a ride back to London and she's headed that way in her van. They get set up by mutual friends, not knowing who they're being set up with.

You would THINK this is an excellent premise for both a really hilarious and really emotional second chance romance. And it tries, it really does. But while it was an easy read, I felt as those it fell flat. There is a lot of internal monologuing on both sides about how much they love each other but just can't be together. Especially on Callum's side. He spends the whole book referencing something back home that he needs to tell Emma about. But once he comes clean, it's never really mentioned or dug into that deeply. Callum also gives Emma his big explanation speech without much comment OR reaction from Emma. She just accepts it and we move on.

I'll give this a generous 3-star because while it didn't necessarily get my engine going, I think it'd be a good intro to the genre for a younger reader/someone who isn't very familiar with romance.

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