Member Reviews

Stuck in Italy needing to get home to London, Callum accepts a ride that his friend found for him.
In a journey of self exploration and attempting to find the spontaneity in life, Emma agrees to give a lift to a friend of a friend.
When their eyes lock on eachother they’re horrified to realize they already know eachother. They’re exes. The, ‘I haven’t loved anyone the way I loved them’ exes.
Stuck together for a week on the drive of a lifetime, they start to wonder if this could be the real deal, if things could be different now?

I adored this book. Lighthearted, romantic, funny..I love a good romantic comedy and this fit the bill. Everything from the setting of the book to the banter between characters flowed so smoothly and kept me wanting to read more and more. I had an idea of how I wanted the book to go and I got what I wanted! Truly an adorable book.

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Callum y Emma fueron novios hace 12 años, su relación terminó mal, no se volvieron a ver hasta que por obra de destino ella se ofrece (sin saber que es él) a llevarlo a Londres en un viaje en auto y tendrán que pasar días juntos.

Emma tuvo muy buenas razones para dejarlo, lo que no entiendo es porque él se hizo el ofendido si fueron sus acciones las causantes de todo.

Ella terminó la cosas, pero fue él quien la alejó y dejó; ella lo estuvo esperando y nunca apareció.

Todo iba bien hasta que el tarado explicó porque se nunca la buscó y con lo de Thea fue el clavo en el ataud. Emma merece algo mejor, ella ama más a Callum de lo que el la ama.

Les resumiré el libro: Callum hace lo que se le da la gana con Emma y ella lo deja.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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My initial reaction thought when I saw the title: if you’re a FRIENDS fan, you know what I’m talking about. This was an easy read and I enjoyed it!

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Callum finds himself facing an awkward predicament when he accepts a ride back to London with a friend-of-a-friend, only to discover it's Emma—his ex, and the one he's never quite gotten over. Similarly taken aback, Emma grapples with old wounds resurfacing as they embark on an unplanned road trip across Europe. This romantic journey explores whether time and proximity can heal old wounds and reignite a love that once was.

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I loved this! I wanted to be in Europe with them. I enjoyed Jo’s writing and how she developed each character. It was neat to see how they’d grown in the years they’d been apart. Would definitely read more of her books.

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This book has potential to be great but just really missed the mark for me.

Emma and Callum end up being stuck together on a road trip back to London, problem is they used to date and it didn't end especially well. Emma’s idea of travel involves short drives and lots of sight seeing while Callum would rather get home as soon as possible. Some witty banter ensues and they all live happily ever after.

I enjoyed the writing of this book, it was a quick and easy read. I did not enjoy that anytime there was a problem it was immediately resolved and we never went deeper into it, kind of like how the characters talked to each other. I also had a big issue when it seems like Callum had an alcohol problem, but also in the same scene was drinking. That was also quickly resolved and was basically a non-issue in the rest of the book. There was so much potential for this to go deep and have the characters grow on their trip together and it just didn't happen.

I wouldn't say don't read it, but just understand this is your typical romance novel and there is not a lot of depth.

Thank you Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC!

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2.5 rounded up

The beginning of this story had so much potential and I was really enjoying it! Things started to go downhill for me when it felt like the author was leading you into a really important story about alcohol dependency and other substance abuse, only to then backpedal and make it a nonissue. It very much felt like her mind was changed midway through and she didn't want to fully commit to that storyline, which made me completely lose any sympathy for Callum. The emotional impact felt ripped out from under me. I was already feeling like his internal monologues were becoming really repetitive and after that interaction, I found Callum to be just another jerk terrified of commitment. Unfortunately this was a miss for me. Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC of Jo Lovett’s We Were on a Break for an honest review. In this book Emma, the owner of a van, tells her friend she is happy to give a different stranded friend, Callum, a ride from Rome to London since he cannot find another way. Turns out it is THE Callum. Her ex and things didn’t necessarily end well between them.

I loved the idea behind the book and felt it had so much potential. That being said, I had a difficult time getting through this book. I just felt like it dragged on and it didn’t really pick up for me until I was about 70% through the book. If I hadn’t been giving a review of the book, I might have put it down and not finished it.

The book is told through differing opinions which kept things interesting so the reader could understand why the characters were acting and reacting how they were. There were definitely funny, entertaining parts, and by the last 30% of the book I couldn’t put the book down which is why I gave the book 3 stars.

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I really like Jo Lovett’s engaging and conversational writing style. I have read 5 books so far and liked 4. Including this one. Till the 11th chapter, it was unputdownable as I stayed awake till the wee hours to read it. I liked it overall. The chemistry between the protagonists is good. I liked their conversations. From their awkwardness (of meeting after 12 years), to the friendliness to the intense attraction: it's been expressed well. Their stay at the monastery was very nice

I had a few problems though:

I understand it was an ARC but after 12-13 chapters, it gets very repetitive and meanders a bit. They say and think same things over and over.

Also, if you are agreeing to have someone for a ride, because that person urgently needs to reach somewhere, you have to tell them that you have planned a week long sightseeing. You can't expect that person who is practically a stranger to travel with you everywhere you go. This thing I found implausible. They could have planned to visit some specific place once they began to get along. It would have cut down the ‘not very entertaining situations’ while they travelled to several places and made the book crisper.

There's no real conflict in this story. Things that have been used as conflicts are not convincing enough. So, there's no tension in the second half. This could have been handled in a better way. The ending is very unimaginative, to be honest.

Nevertheless, it was an entertaining and engrossing read. I really hope it goes for another round of editing.

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I loved this book. It was such a heartwarming romcom. I can’t say enough good things about it and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes romances!

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ARC Feedback Review: *We Were On a Break* by Jo Lovett

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (4/5 stars)

Jo Lovett’s *We Were On a Break* is a delightful and heartwarming second-chance romance that takes readers on a scenic and emotional journey through Italy and France. With its engaging characters, beautiful settings, and a plot that combines humor with heartfelt moments, this book is a must-read for fans of romantic comedies.

Stranded in Rome due to a volcanic ash cloud grounding all planes, Callum reluctantly accepts a lift back to London with Emma, his ex-girlfriend and the woman who broke his heart. Stuck in a campervan together, they embark on a road trip that forces them to confront their past and the unresolved feelings between them. As they travel through the stunning landscapes of Italy and France, they begin to rediscover each other and themselves.

Themes and Elements:
1. **Second-Chance Romance:** The central theme of rekindling an old romance is handled with sensitivity and realism. Callum and Emma’s journey from exes with unresolved issues to rediscovering their love is both touching and believable.
2. **Forced Proximity:** The forced proximity of a road trip in a campervan creates a perfect setup for romantic tension and comedic moments. This trope is executed well, adding depth and intensity to their interactions.
3. **Beautiful Settings:** Lovett’s vivid descriptions of the Italian and French countryside enhance the romantic atmosphere of the story. The scenic backdrop adds to the charm and allure of Callum and Emma’s journey.
4. **Emotional Healing:** Both characters must confront their past and deal with their emotional baggage. The theme of healing and personal growth is central to their story, making their reunion more meaningful.

Character Development:
- **Callum:** Callum is a relatable and endearing hero. His initial reluctance to spend time with Emma gradually gives way to vulnerability and honesty as he grapples with his lingering feelings and past hurt.
- **Emma:** Emma is a strong and independent heroine. Her journey from heartbreak to self-discovery is compelling, and her interactions with Callum reveal her depth and resilience.

Writing Style:
Jo Lovett’s writing is engaging and full of warmth. Her ability to blend humor with emotional depth makes the story both entertaining and touching. The dialogue is sharp and witty, and the pacing is just right, keeping readers invested in Callum and Emma’s evolving relationship.

**Final Thoughts:**
*We Were On a Break* is a charming and uplifting romance that will leave readers with a smile. Jo Lovett has crafted a story that beautifully captures the complexities of second chances and the magic of rediscovering love. Callum and Emma’s road trip is filled with laughter, tears, and moments of profound connection.

This book is perfect for fans of romantic comedies who enjoy stories of rekindled love set against picturesque backdrops. Highly recommended for those looking for a heartwarming and satisfying read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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We Were on a Break by Jo Lovett
Rating: 3/5

Stranded in Rome due to volcanic ash grounding all flights, Callum accepts a ride to London from a friend-of-a-friend returning from a European road trip in a camper van. To his dismay, the driver is Emma, his ex, whom he dreads being stuck with. Emma, equally horrified, has spent years healing from their breakup and dreads the close quarters.

As they embark on their journey, it seems fate might be giving them a second chance. However, reconciling their past and dealing with the present proves challenging.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed "We Were on A Break," even though it's a slow burn. The stunning cover, intriguing synopsis, and the second chance romance theme, which I'm a complete sucker for, initially drew me in.

While I did connect with the characters at times, they still felt a bit flat overall, and there were quite a few red flags in the story. However, we don't always read romance for realism but for an escape, so these issues didn't detract from my overall enjoyment.

In conclusion, I would recommend this book if you're looking for an easy read. Is it a masterpiece? No. But did I enjoy it? Absolutely.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Boldwood Books, and the author, Jo Lovett, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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let me begin by saying i LOVED the idea behind this book, and the title and synopsis were so intriguing to me. this ended up being a cute romance story, but i wish it wasn't such a slow burn. i also think the characters were a little immature and lacked development which was slightly annoying. however, if you're looking for a closed door romance book with sweet moments, and you don't mind slower paced books - this is absolutely the one for you!

thank you so much to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the arc!

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I enjoyed the house swap, another time, another place, and the mistletoe pact. However we were on a break was very slow for me. It was a cute closed door romance story, but i didnt like the characters.

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I didn't find this story to be particularly interesting, and it was all downhill from there. The main characters were immature and none of them felt fully developed. It felt really slow and not exciting, I wanted to love it but sadly did not.

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"We Were on a Break" takes readers on a journey with Emma and Callum. Their lives are turned upside down when Emma offers a friend of a friend a ride back to London, only to discover the passenger is her ex from years ago. As they navigate this unexpected reunion, Emma and Callum must confront their past hurts and experiences to determine if they can make this trip together. The novel explores whether time truly heals all wounds.

The book features several sweet moments of banter and dives into themes such as abandonment, trust, and love. However, the story felt a bit choppy at times, requiring me to re-read sections to grasp the narrative fully. I found myself occasionally frustrated with the characters, particularly due to the repetitive struggles and their lack of open communication.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this advanced copy in return for my honest review.

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I really wanted to love this book, the premise was very intriguing to me, and one of my all-time favorite books is girl abroad, This seemed like a similar vibe, but I really could not get into the story. The main characters both annoyed me, and they seemed like pretty toxic people, making them hard to root for.

Some thing about the book overall felt a bit unpolished to me, and the descriptions of certain locations didn’t seem fully fleshed out. I also feel like for this book story line, it was needlessly long. It could’ve been more enjoyable for me if it was a shorter read.

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This alone was an ok sweet love story. If you’ve been to Paris or Florence the book description is horrible of those places. I’ve been to Paris and was baffled with how the author was describing it. I was rooting for the characters but found myself getting bored with the plot. It definitely had more potential.

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It has a very good start but then it went nowhere with many hard to believe turns. The famous city references can only impress someone who hasn’t been to Europe. If you have been to Florence or Paris, then the city descriptions just appear silly and without much research or thought behind it. The conversations on the road appeared very childish as if by two very young people rather than a decade older.

Emma is 33 years old and Callum is 36 and also a dad with a 10 year old but their inner thoughts and conversations are so immature!

Both break ups made no sense and the book just got worse. Doesn’t she have any self respect?

The writing style is easy to read but by the second half I could barely stand the characters. Instead of gushing about each other in your inner thoughts, I wish it had more substance on their characters and their feelings. Stop telling us how great they are. Describe them, so a reader comes to this conclusion on their own.

For young readers: I hope you realize that this is an absolute fantasy created to sell. A real life, love and happy marriage is nothing like this. If you met a guy who treats you like this, run. And definitely don’t waste 12 years of your life “crushing” on him.

Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange of an honest review.

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Rooting for characters, feeling their pain and angst is why I'd devoured these kinds of books. I love when other people's problems help me forget mine

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