Member Reviews

Evie Lang’s life is in shambles. On the heels of losing her beloved aunt, she's unceremoniously fired from her poetry professorship by her secret boyfriend. Lacking income and inspiration, she's stuck in Ohio with no idea how to move forward—until hope arrives in a surprising letter.

Auntie Hảo left Evie the deed to her San Francisco row house, a place full of Evie’s happiest memories. The catch? To inherit, she must go on a pre-arranged matchmaking tour in Việt Nam. The last thing Evie wants is to spend time with a group of strangers looking for love. But she can't resist the chance to finally visit her family’s native home.

I thought this was a sweet read. I liked the diversity of the main characters and that the wasn’t a Eurocentric read but instead included some different cultures which was interesting.

The descriptions of the locations are beautiful and I could really picture where events were happening.

The couple were sweet and nice to read about although I didn’t feel particularly invested in them.

I think this was a perfect holiday read

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Upon hearing the news of her aunt’s death, Evie has been left a gorgeous house in the heart of San Francisco and that she could sell and be set for life. The catch? She has to join a matchmaking tour in Vietnam, where her father is from. She doesn’t even have to fall in love, but to give it a chance and enjoy a free trip!

Bubbly and extroverted Evie meets grumpy Adam, CMO of his sister’s matchmaking company and here is where spark flies. Flirty banter. Heat and attraction against the steamy Vietnamese sun.

I really hope this one gets the same amount of love as How To End a Love Story cause tbh I enjoyed it a lot more 🤭 The nuances between an American born vs Vietnamese born living in motherland, the culture, languages and history. I loved the detailed descriptions of Vietnam, it’s more than just a holiday destination or a backdrop — it’s a character in itself. Both protagonists are struggling in their respective fields but very career driven. They have fraught relationships with their parents. When Evie’s father passed away, her and her mother drifted apart and neither really spoke about how his death impacted them. Whereas, for Adam, he owes everything to his parents and must fulfil his duties to repay them back, even when it comes to who he marries.

It’s a little bit enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity but I would have liked a bit more of the falling in love.

It gets a bit troupey at the end with the whole rich Viet family doesn’t approve of American born wild child. Also Evie’s personality was a bit inconsistent. But everything ties itself up in a neat little bow at the end!

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This is such a delightful and fresh romance 🥰

Adam and Evie find themselves on a matchmaking tour in Vietnam. Adam is a workaholic, struggling with the weight of his parents’ expectations. He works with his sister Ruby and they go on their start up’s first matchmaking tour, where he meets Evie. Evie is Vietnamese American and has been sent on the luxury tour by her late Aunty. It’s slow burn, opposites attract as they navigate all the things and find a way to be together. There’s plenty of pining and delicious steam 🌶🌶

I adored that Vietnam is so lovingly depicted - all the places that they visited were utterly gorgeous. From street markets to waterfalls, beaches, temples, restaurants - just fabulous 😎 The food was amazing, and along with other people and experiences on the tour, added colour and drama in a way that felt natural and interesting. Vietnam is on my travel 'TBR' for sure!

Adam’s parents provide the villains and his sister Ruby meddles as she navigates her own problems.

Adam made sense to me - I could relate to him and empathise with his family issues. Evie was all over the place. A poet and junior academic, she felt younger than she was and had a kind of impetuous flakiness that didn’t work for me. Luckily Adam adored her and they managed to create a really satisfying HEA together.

Thank you Nora Nguyen, NetGalley and Quercus Books for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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I loved the premise of this book & how the author vividly described the setting. It was my favorite part of the book. The author's passion for Vietnam shone through. However, I found that the storyline didn't captivate me as much as I hoped. At certain points, it seemed like the author was trying to incorporate too many clichéd romantic elements - such as forced proximity, enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine - which didn't feel genuine given the short amount of time the characters spent together.
I would still recommend for people who are after an easy read.

I want to thank NetGalley and Quercus Books for the opportunity to review this book.

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I loved reading about Vietnam and imagining I was there. The date locations all sound amazing and I am totally here for that. I absolutely loved the friendships Evie was making and actually found myself more invested in these than in the romance which was ok but not the focus for me

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I think this was a it's-not-you-it's-me problem. I don't really love insta-love stories and I think it ended up having an impact on how I enjoyed this story. The writing was not bad and I actually enjoyed the side characters, but all throughout the book I kept feeling something was missing. As much as I loved reading about Vietnam and its culture, I think how things ended for Evie didn't make much sense for the overall story. It was fine, but it was just it.

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I thought this book did a really wonderful job of showcasing Viet Nam and all its wonders. I thought the premise of the book was great and there were moments of brilliance throughout. However I found myself more invested in the friendships Evie was creating than the relationship that she was building with Adam. It didn’t feel like there was any buildup between them and that their attraction to one another was immediate and then didn’t really grow and there was so much space for this to happen. I also felt like the ending was a little bit rushed.

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Okay, so I want to go on a tour in Vietnam now! Not a matchmaking tour, as I'm sure my husband might have something to say, but this book has just made me want to see so many places!

Seeped in culture, romance, and witty banter, Adam and Evie's matchmaking tour was filled with likeable characters, beautiful scenery, and food descriptions that honestly made me hungry just reading about them.

One of my favourite characters was Fen, hilarious and lovable, always ready with some sage advice and witty banter. I'd love to read a book about her and Mei's ongoing adventures!

I liked how the romance wasn't instant. There was a build-up between characters to create chemistry, and the spice wasn't over the top but was nicely done.

All in all, for an easy, light, quick read, I'd recommend this book.

Thank you to the publisher for an advance copy of this book via Netgalley.

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As someone who reads a lot of romance and rom-coms this book felt very mid. The writing is not as polished (even for a debut novel), the banter is unimpressive, the insta-love was too forced and unbelievable and overall story a bit too cheesy. What I liked though was the setting, the Vietnamese representation and beautiful descriptions of real places.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"Adam and Evie's Matchmaking Tour" definitely had a captivating premise that drew me in right away. I mean, the idea of a matchmaking tour in Vietnam? Plus, the cover was beautiful and gave off romantic adventure vibes. But, once I got into it, I quickly realized the execution just didn’t live up to that initial promise. It felt rushed, like I was skimming through the story instead of being immersed in it. And the insta-love? Yeah, that totally killed it for me. It’s hard to buy into the love story when Adam and Evie go from strangers to head-over-heels without any real buildup. There wasn’t enough depth in their conversations to make me believe their bond was anything more than physical attraction, which the author tried to pass off as love.

The whole tour itself, which I think lasted about three or four weeks, just didn’t give them enough time to develop the kind of relationship the author wanted us to believe they had. I found it hard to connect with their romance when the focus seemed to be more on how they looked at each other rather than any real emotional connection.

On a brighter note, I did enjoy the bits about Vietnamese culture. It was a fresh perspective for me since I don’t know much about it, and reading about some iconic landmarks was a nice touch. I also appreciated how the author brought in themes of heritage, legacy, and the differences between cultures. The perspectives on grief were thoughtful too. But honestly, Evie’s chaotic life kind of overshadowed all of that for me. It was like her personal mess sucked the air out of what could have been a deeper exploration of Vietnamese traditions and culture.

By the end, I did get a slight sense of growth, but I can’t say I really saw Adam or Evie evolve throughout the book. They just kind of stayed the same, which made the whole insta-love thing feel even more unbelievable. And don’t even get me started on the matchmaking company—it seemed like a complete disaster. I get that everyone deserves love, but the fact that they were only interested in wealthy clients? That felt super off to me.

The writing itself was easy to follow, and the author did manage to touch on some important themes like grief, forbidden love, and self-discovery. But with so much going on, it felt like none of these ideas got the attention they deserved. Everything was crammed in, which made the book feel unfocused, you know?

All in all, I think there were some good elements here, but it just didn’t come together in a way that worked for me. Not every book is for every reader, and unfortunately, this one wasn’t for me.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Quercus Books, and the author, Nora Nguyen, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Evie is a poet who’s unexpectedly fired from her professorship. Her aunt has recently died, and for Evie to inherit her house in San Francisco, she has to go on a matchmaking tour in Việt Nam.

Adam is the CMO of his sister’s matchmaking company, and his sister challenges him to participate in the matchmaking tour himself to better communicate what makes the company so special.

Although Adam and Evie have a rough start, their chemistry is beyond comparison. Are they a perfect match, even though they are very different on paper?

Adam and Evie’s matchmaking tour is a fun holiday read that had me hooked from the very first page. I was unable to put the book down and finished it in a single day!

All the characters are interesting, and the explicit scenes are well-written. Between the hot moments, there is a meaningful plot to follow, and the stunning setting in Việt Nam and the exploration of the characters' cultural backgrounds set the novel apart from other romance books.

While I enjoyed the book a lot, the main characters’ actions felt a bit unrealistic at times, and their character development seemed somewhat uneven. While the conclusions they came to made sense, their journeys to get there weren’t very well-paced. Sometimes, it felt like their realizations came out of the blue, which lessened their emotional impact.

All in all, the book was a good time, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a holiday read with a less common setting!

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review tis ARC of Adam and Eve's Matchmaking Tour by Nora Nguyen.

I went into this book with high hopes on a summer romance, but there were times where I struggled to fully engage in the book.
I feel it had nothing to do with the book itself, I think it was more of a personal thing with me not fully engaging, because when I was engaged I thoroughly loved what I was reading.

I think I need to reread this book again to fully and completely enjoy it in its fullest compacity.

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First of all thank you for approving my request!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The authors writing style had me hooked throughout this book.

I didn't want it to end, a book I really couldn't put down.

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I loved the premise of this book and found learning more about Vietnamese culture in this book. But for some reason, I just wasn’t fully engaged with this book when I really should’ve been.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for a copy of this book!

I was so excited when I saw I had been approved for this title - it was right up my street and I couldn't wait to start reading.

I thought both Adam and Evie's struggles were relatable, with their personal development realistic as the story came to its conclusion. Of course I have to mention the descriptions of Viet Nam - they were so good and I enjoyed picturing in my head the words on the page.

My only criticism is that the love felt somewhat 'insta-lovey' at points, and I would have liked to see their relationship fleshed out a little more.

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This was a delve into the world matchmaking and matchmaking tours which was totally new to me.. I liked the premise of the story but did not love the execution. I enjoyed the snapshot into Vietnam and Vietnamese culture which was really interesting. Unfortunately I was not feeling the chemistry between Adam and Evie. There was no buzz there and the banter and romantic energy between them was only okay. Whilst the romance left me flat I liked the mix of characters on the tour, Overall, 2.5 🌟

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I enjoyed this tale of two outwardly opposite characters re-examining their paths through life, challenging their assumptions, and falling in love in the process. The thing that really made this book stand out for me, however, was the setting. Vietnam is pretty much a character in its own right, and the detailed descriptions add depth and originality to what is already an intriguing premise. It took me a while to get used to the third-person point of view: it felt a little detached at times, but regardless this is a heartwarming read that balances serious themes with humour and fun.

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I’m not a huge romance reader, but the setting of Vietnam pulled me right in and I loved it! The writing is immersive and the descriptions of Vietnam as a place, and of it’s people, especially the Aunties, was fabulous.

The predictable “will they, won’t they” romance trope was a little tiresome as it went on a bit too long, but the characters of Evie and Adam were well written and I enjoyed their individual journeys of self discovery; Evie, after losing her job and relationship, her life seemingly going nowhere and grieving for her beloved Aunt, her last link to her Father and her Vietnamese heritage. Adam, feeling the need to comply with his wealthy and pushy parents’ wishes and demands. Never being able to fully let go and be himself.

The matchmaking tour helped them both to find more than just love as they were forced to face up to who they really are and what they want from life.

3 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Nora Nguyen and Quercus for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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I need everyone to read this book immediately so we can all gush about it together because this was IT!

This book is the epitome of the romance genre to me — a wonderful, spicy love story sprouting between two characters who both have a lot of baggage but fall for each other despite it all. Add in beautiful sceneries, many important topics, a wonderful cast of characters, and this is truly *the* romance book. I always search for that giddiness when reading romance; the giggles rising inside of me, the butterflies, and the angst. This book had all of that and more. Additionally, the descriptions of Vietnam were beautiful and will easily make the reader want to visit and experience it firsthand!

I've loved Evie from the start — the love she has for her late aunt and father, the disconnect she feels from her heritage, the poet she aspires to be despite the mess that she currently is. Evie felt palpable, and always true to herself. When Adam appeared, the chemistry erupted from the page. Their banter was a delight to read, and I loved their (not so) sneaky meet-ups. I loved how he fell first, how they both felt incredibly protective of each other in different scenarios, how they simply couldn't be separated from the beginning. I loved how the author built these two characters and gave them struggles that played into the story perfectly.

It's obvious how much I loved every scene and interaction because I physically have to force myself to stop writing this review. I've enjoyed this journey from start to finish and can confidently say that I will be reading anything this author writes in the future!

Highly recommend this one, especially if you want a romance that will simultaneously provide the thrill of their attraction and the heartfelt moments of love between them.

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Unfortunately as much as I wished I enjoyed this book, I found it hard to connect to the characters but it was a nice change of pace and different settings and ways of opening up people’s minds to new ideas.

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