Member Reviews

3.75★ - arc review

i was so excited to read this book and was ecstatic to recieve this arc!!!!

i really enjoyed this book and really wanted to love it, but there was something just holding me back from loving it a 100%

i felt like this book was a bit too long which caused me to lose a little interest in the story. it got a bit repetitive towards the end.

i loved Nik and Izzy's relationship but i did miss the angst the forbidden trope usually brings!!

all in all it was definitely enjoyable but unfortunately not my favorite of the series

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Wicked serve was an enjoyable read, however I would have preferred it if Isabelle and Nikolai did not already have an established relationship as I feel it would have been more enjoyable if they did not know each other at the start of the book. I loved the healthy relationship between Isabelle and Nikolai and the importance of family and friendships. I do however feel that the book was too long and contained more smut than plot.

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I really enjoyed this book. I didn’t realise it was the last part in a series (completely my bad!) and wondered why things all kept wrapping up nicely.

Super fun couples and I’m sure if I’d read the other books I would have loved it even more!

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First of all thank you for approving my request!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The authors writing style had me hooked throughout this book.

I didn't want it to end, a book I really couldn't put down.

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This is the 4th book in the Beyond the Play series which follows each of the four Callahan siblings as they find love in their lives. This book focuses on Isabelle, the youngest sibling, and Nikolai. I haven't read the others in the series but I don't think it really matters, this can be read as a standalone.

I loved both characters and I loved the fact there was no third act break up and only one serious miscommunication between them, It all started over the summer while Isabelle was interning for Nikolai's mother as an assistant wedding planner. They both knew from the start it would only be a summer fling, because as soon as the semester began, they would be at different universities and miles apart.

That changes though when Nikolai ends up at the same university as Isabelle. It doesn't take long for the two of them to pick up from where they left off but they choose to keep it hidden from Isabelle's older brothers, particularly Cooper who is Nikolai's captain on the hockey team.

At one point Isabelle decides she can't keep lying and she asks Nikolai if what they have is real but doesn't give him a chance to answer her and instead flees campus to go and get drunk, dances on a table, falls off and ends up with a concussion and cut on her forehead. When he hears, Nikolai bails out of the game and races to the hospital to find her. And they actually talk like grown ups about what happened!! Nikolai explains he was having a panic attack and couldn't react to her question and she accepts that she should have stayed around longer to find out what was going on.

Nikolai knows he needs to make himself better before he can be the best boyfriend/fiance/husband to Isabelle, so he actually talks to her and tells her he needs some space to work on himself and that when he comes back to her it will be forever and there is no doubt that he will come back to her. He communicates his needs so well and so does Isabelle - it was really refreshing!

This is definitely a he falls first and he falls harder type of book. Nikolai knew over their time in the summer that she was it for him and he follows her lead from the start. The spice is hot as well with a touch of BDSM.

Thanks to NetGalley and Headline Eternal for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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First of all, thank you netgalley for giving me this book to review. If I see anything by Grace Reilly, it's an instant buy and read! I love her writing style and this one did not disappoint! Would highly recommend.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Firstly, don't let the cute cover deceive you - this book is SPICY!🥵 Isabelle and Nikolai have sparks flying immediately and they do not deny themselves the opportunities to be together even though they are worried about what Isabelle's brothers would think. Although, low and behold, they had nothing to worry about anyway!

The start of the story and first half was brilliant. It really kept me hooked and I wanted to keep turning those pages. There was good character development and the plot was easy to follow, with a small amount of angst.

However, I feel like the second half of the book brought my opinions down. It seemed to just include a lot of unnecessary filler chapters that didn't really add anything to the story, in my opinion. In fact, I ended up skim reading some parts because it just seemed so unnecessary. I feel like a good quarter of the book or so could have been cut out.

All in all, I enjoy a good college hockey sports romance and thid was a good one. The main plot was great, I love how the story ended, and the spice was perfect. The length could have just been shortened a bit!

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4⭐️ | 3🌶️

What to expect:
• Hockey x Volleyball
• Broody x Bubbly
• Secret romance
• Found family
• Brother’s rival
• Mental health rep
• Spicy

This is the kind of book that makes you wish you could dive right into the pages and hang out with the characters! This sports romance hits all the right notes… spicy, sweet, and filled with emotions that will make you giggle, swoon, and maybe even shed a tear or two.

The MCs- Nikolai and Isabelle are the perfect blend of fire and ice. Nikolai, the brooding hockey player with a past, and Isabelle, the sunshine volleyball setter who's trying to keep her focus on the game, make for a couple you can't help but root for. Their summer fling turns into something much more complicated when Nik transfers to Izzy's college, and suddenly, he’s everywhere she looks!

What really sets this book apart is the depth of the characters. Yes, there's plenty of spice (and trust me, it's sizzling!), but there's also a heartfelt exploration of mental health and past traumas that gives this story real substance. Nik’s journey, in particular, is both heartbreaking and heartwarming, as he rebuilds his life and relationships.

I was absolutely hooked on Nik! There’s just something about a guy who’s all in on improving himself for the people he cares about—his friends, family, and of course, his girl. As for Izzy, her bubbly vibe is totally infectious, and her journey to figure out where she fits in with her family? So relatable! She’s like a walking ray of sunshine, and honestly, you just want to give her a big hug for being so sweet!

If you’re a fan of sports romance with a healthy dose of emotional depth, ‘Wicked Serve’ is a must-read. Plus, who doesn’t love a forbidden romance that turns into a heartwarming friendship?

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Really enjoyed this one! Even though I haven't read the other books in this series and had never read anything by this author, I'm very happy I read this one! I'm definitely going to check out the other books in this series as well, since all of the characters were so lovely!

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3.5 stars

This was a cute and incredibly spicy read that I ended up flying through in one day. I grew to like our main characters quite quickly and honestly liked how honest they were with each other. There was no misunderstanding/miscommunication and they also just accepted that they were into each other despite how forbidden it was meant to be. Their relationship was healthy and I really liked how supportive they were of each other. They rooted for each other and that was such a nice thing to see.

While I did enjoy this one I did have a few issues with it. There were a lot, and I mean a lot, of spicy scenes and while I'm good with those scenes it just seemed too much to me. The book also didn't need to be as long as it was in my opinion. I feel like the book could have been 100 pages shorter and would have been just as good if not better.

Also I wonder if I would have enjoyed it even more if I had read the first three books as these characters were heavily featured in this book and I felt a little bit out of the loop however it wasn't life shattering and like I said I still enjoyed these characters and the story.

Overall a cute story with well written characters and is perfect if you're looking for romance done well showing a healthy relationship and supportive partners from the very beginning.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely love this author.. I've read all her books and this one does.not.disappoint!.

Such a good, easy, feel-good read!.

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I was completely immersed in this story and the whole brother’s rival romance that was unfolding. It was fun to see Nikolai and Izzy’s beginning in New York before we see their relationship thrown into the real world as unexpected circumstances bring them together on campus. I’m always here for a hockey romance and this one definitely didn’t disappoint. I loved how close Izzy was with her family, and her siblings in particular (you would not catch me cohabiting with mine!) but also seeing how complex her feelings were around her family, with them being so talented in their own fields. This book delves into the characters’ emotions and builds complex characters with back stories, family history, and all sorts of things that make them feel real. The anxiety rep introduced through Nikolai’s character felt really well written and his difficulties with anxiety and his triggers seemed really well written. And with all that being said, the spicy romance between these two was so hot and whew, I think I needed a fan to read this. Alongside that is the development of a really sweet relationship, as these two get to know each other better through the ups and downs and see more of each other’s vulnerabilities. A fantastic read and I look forward to picking up more of Grace Reilly’s books!

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Thank you for sending me Wicked Serve. I thoroughly enjoyed Nikolai and Izzy’s story. It was so nice to also see glimpses of the rest of the Callaghan’s.

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This was an easy read that was fun and enjoyable. I liked both main characters and thought they had a great connection from the get go. The story felt a little predictable even for a HEA romance and I felt like I’d read very similar stories before. I also felt there could have been greater focus on the characters’ growth and their development. It was pretty heavy on the smut!
But I did enjoy it overall and I would read more from this author.

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garce reilly might be becoming one of my fav for sport romance.

I've read all of her books and they are just so good and I really enjoy her writing styles and the characters she uses.

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“If she’s sunshine, I’m the guy who hopes it never starts raining.”


Isabelle and Nikolai had a summer fling. When it was over they knew they would go back to their respective schools and wouldn’t see each other again.

I really loved the sound of Wicked Serve when I requested it on Netgalley. Not realising I actually owned the first in the series! So I guess I’ve read the fourth, then the first, and now I’m going to go back to the second and third because honestly I’ve loved this series so far!

Thank you Grace Reilly, Avon and Netgalley for this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. Anyone who hasn’t read any of this series yet, I would definitely recommend it!

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this is the first novel I have read from Grace Reilly and I really enjoyed it!

It was only 3 stars for me because at times I did feel frustrated at Isabelle (and Nikolai) but ah well. I did find it very amusing how wealthy their characters are (like a spontaneous weekend trip to Brisbane?!) but no real negatives. I also felt at times it was predictable but that’s to be expected from this genre!! The plot was easy to follow and it was an excellent summer read ◡̈

I did feel like I had read a version of this story before but I guess that’s what happens when you read too much! The dual POV added to the overall plot and it was written well, the chapters weren’t too long. It did feel relatable, as I am the same age as the characters at uni (‘college’!) whilst also competing in a high level sport. I thought the found family trope was written well in addition to the situation-ship turned relationship too - it was a cute sports romcom.

Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this novel in return for an honest review.

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Izzy Callahan, is a force. She’s been in the shadow of her three immensely talented brothers. Often found herself wondering if she’s good enough to be a part of the family. James is a football star playing professionally in the big leagues. Cooper is the college hockey captain, destined for the NHL and Seb is a baseball star turned budding chef.

Now it’s Izzy’s turn to shine, she adores volleyball and a certain forbidden Russian hockey player.

Nikolai Abney is a UMass hockey captain. A misunderstanding has meant that Nikolai is out in his ass. Having to explain to his extremely well connect grandfather what could’ve possible been the cause of his expulsion. A second chance has meant that he’s transferred to McKee College. Just so happens to be where Izzy attends.

This is a case of forbidden love, having met during the summer break while Izzy interned in New York City, she met Nikolai. Their relationship grew from there. At the end of the summer they agree not to see each other any more, just a summer fling.

Fast forward a few weeks and Nikolai turns up at McKee campus and Izzy needs to do her best to avoid him!

This is the fourth and final book in the Callahan sibling series. I’ve read and loved them all. I love that Izzy is finally standing up for herself and pushing the boundaries with her brothers. There’s also nothing like a series that allows the characters to grow and in the background you can see their lives progress. The whole series is such a hit for me. Wicked Serve is my favourite by far.

Thanks to @netgalley and @headlineeternal for my copy. I’m very grateful.

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Cute, but felt very drawn out.

"Wicked Serve" is the fourth and final book in Grace Reilly's Beyond the Play series and tells the story of Nikolai and Isabelle.

To be honest, I was expecting something different from this story. For me, this was my first foray into the world of Beyond the Play.

I really like Isabelle. She's a person who unconditionally cheers on her loved ones, believes in them and supports them! She is super self-confident in many areas but struggles in others. But what sometimes bothered me about her is that she sometimes acted a bit childish and pushed Nikolai to open up to her about his past.

Nikolai is a cocky bastard on the ice, but otherwise a sweetheart. He is a very caring person and he gives me golden retriever vibes.

These two are so sweet together. Like two peas in a pod! There were just so many scenes where I almost melted.

Unfortunately, on a plot level, the story didn't fully inspire me. For me, some points felt incomplete or even pushed to the side. Like the volleyball aspect, for example. The story also dragged on for me. The whole book just felt super long. I also missed the beginning between the two of them.

I give "Wicked Serve" 3 out of 5 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ If she's sunshine, I'm the guy who hopes it never starts raining ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

Ice hockey x Volleyball
Brothers Rival
Mental health rep
Sports Romance

Thank you @netgalley for the ARC

This was my first Grace Reilly book and overall I really enjoyed it.
It was a perfect pallete cleanser after reading something heavy. It was a fluffy sports romance. The plot was great however I did feel it dragged a little and could have been made shorter, I felt it had a lot of important topics however I did feel Izzy was very pushy towards Niks struggles that being said their relationship was cute and i was rooting for them throughout , the way he calls her My sunshine is just 🥹

3 ✨️



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