Member Reviews

To be honest I found this book quite slow the whole way through and for me there were no wow moments. I enjoyed the narration.

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The story starts with a typical beginning: a girl meets a boy, they fall in love, and they go on a dreamy honeymoon after a quick and intimate wedding. However, things take a creepy turn from this point onwards.

From the moment the couple boarded the plane, numerous red flags began to appear, but the main character seems to ignore them due to her deep love for her partner. After a few days at the villa, she learns that her life as she knows it no longer exists, and she is expected to comply with her new husband's rules without asking any questions. The novel has many more surprises, but I don't want to give too much away.

In summary, it's a unique novel that stands out among other domestic thrillers. I enjoyed the plot and all the twists. The characters were well-developed, but I found the ending to be somewhat predictable. Despite this, I still enjoyed reading it and look forward to exploring more of the author's works. I want to thank NetGalley for providing me with a free, advanced copy of the novel in exchange for my honest review.

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A lesson is not marrying someone you dont know!!
Chloe falls head over heels with Dan and they get married within weeks, both have secrets but Dan seems especially sneeky and when they get to the airport he has changed the honeymoon from the Maldives to Menorca!! ( could have been worse I guess and been Morecombe 😎 ), things really go from bad to worse from that point and Chloe after unburdening herself of her ‘secret’ realises Dan isent going to and plans her escape.....the story then continues with the aftermath of this and Dan’s secret is exposed and all the choas it brings, I enjoyed more the first 50% of the book and the last 25% of the book but all of it kept me wanting to go back and find out what, why, how and when!!

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Chloe is a physiotherapist, very dedicated to her work. That’s where she meets Dan, who brings in his mother for her appointment with Chloe.

A brief romance ensues, followed by very quick nuptials.

Dan is a perfect man on paper: attentive, caring, and protective. Chloe always wanted a honeymoon in the Maldives; it was her childhood dream, and she was sure to tell Dan this on more than one occasion.

Dan promised they were heading to the Maldives. He even showed her the hotel they were booked into.

Imagine her shock at the airport when she discovers they are headed for… Menorca.

Yes, you read it correctly.

Menorca, not Maldives.

Chloe is shocked and hurt because Dan lied to her. He gives her reasons as to why they should be in Menorca and assures her they will have a fabulous time.

When they get there, Dan becomes fixated on Chloe’s safety. His behaviour turns erratic, and he is adamant that the two of them are staying on the island and aren’t returning to the UK.

What is going on?

I really enjoyed this tense psychological thriller.

I was annoyed at Chloe, especially at how quickly she married Dan. She knew nothing about him and his past. As Chloe’s Gran used to say, ‘Marry in haste, repent at leisure’. No truer words have ever been spoken!

I think that Chloe’s past, losing her parents and being estranged from her two siblings, made her lonely and vulnerable to Dan’s charm. She wanted to have someone in her life that wasn’t her Gran, who was quite unhappy with her on most occasions.

This audiobook is beautifully narrated by Naomi Frederick. I definitely recommend it.

Many thanks to Bookouture for approving my NetGalley request.

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This was a relatively entertaining listen but I found it impossible to suspend my disbelief and really get sucked in. Chloe comes across as something of an idiot, ignoring so many red flags.

It should be given as a warning to any woman who allows herself to be fooled by all the brainwashing we are subjected to around 'romance' and empty romantic gestures.

When the characters and story in a novel irritate you, it's hard to be objective about it. What's good is the narration and the pacing: it keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. As for the plot, there are various twists and turns but it's all rather contrived and ultimately quite silly.

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great job on the narration!!!! this is one of those inputdownable books!!!! totally got sucked into this listen and finished within a day!

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Be careful what you wish for! Getting swept off her feet by Mr. Perfect seemed like a dream come true for Chloe, until the honeymoon. And what a ride it was. It was fo fast-paced, couldn't put it down, and I had to know what was going to happen next. I listened to the audiobook version, and the narrator was fantastic. She really brought the story to life!

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Fun audiobook. Perfect for a day at the beach with rest and relaxation and leisure..

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Chloe, Chloe, Chloe! Count the red flags girl, count the red flags! Dan seems to be a dream come true except for countless peculiar things Chloe found difficult to wrap her mind around. Needless to say, I was totally invested in Chloe’s journey. There were times when my heart went out to Chloe and other times I shook my head at some of her choices. I love it when a thriller is able to evoke a range of emotions which is no easy feat. The narrator of the audiobook masterfully brought the plot to life while adding emotion and intensity. Her voice also had a soothing quality that made listening of the book addictive and extremely enjoyable. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for my audiobook.

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Great example of what happens when you take a lonely woman who is almost 30 who carries some traumatic family issues and just wants to be loved and introduce an extra manipulative man who convinces the lonely woman to marry him after 1 month of dating and to walk down the aisle after 2 months of dating. In a surprise to no one (but the lonely woman) he ends up not being the man she thought he was.

I enjoyed the creepy, what is happening vibes during the beginning of the story. There were times when Chloe was a bit too naive for me. The climax was a bit of a let down, but the ending made up for it.

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3.5 stars

This was. a very entertaining summer read that kept me engaged throughout - I couldn‘t stop listening, especially during the middle part of the novel! The plot was well thought-out, but I have to say that the characters, particularly Chloe and her gran felt a bit inconsistent and not quite believable. This didn’t bother me too much as I know this is a plot-driven novel, but it still would‘ve been nice if they’d felt a little more authentic. I thought the audio book version was narrated really well and would definitely recommend it!

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This was an entertaining listen, but one of those books where it's hard to suspend your disbelief. In this book, Chloe marries Dan, and he diverts their honeymoon to a random location where he seems to know people. And things just get worse from there. Chloe wonders what else she doesn't know about her new husband?

For me, while the narration was good and the writing was entertaining, it was hard to understand why Chloe didn't just leave her new husband when things started to be weird and deceptive. Dan's behavior was so bizarre and controlling (including hiding her keys and purse and locking her in the house) that most people would have left, or, certainly, expressed more fear than Chloe seemed to. For that reason, I couldn't fully relate and lose myself in the story, although it was well-written and suspenseful.

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This is a great thriller. A perfect example of why you shouldn't trust anyone lol jk. The emotional turmoil of the fmc keeps you on edge. Like everyone, she has to find the truth in herself in order to save herself. This book will have you in a tangle right along with the fmc, not knowing where to run or what to believe.

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A fun book to listen to. Audiobook was perfect. If you like thrillers, give this one a chance when it comes out.

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What a fun summer read! The narrator was amazing! I loved the Mediterranean island setting. The story was a little predictable at first but soon the plot twists made it for a very interesting thriller. I felt that the main character was ignoring all the red flags and then running towards danger like a moth to flame which made the direction of the story hard to witness at times, but in the end it all made sense. ⁣

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC that was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was very interesting. Chloe and Dan quickly get married without knowing each other well. Dan initially seems like the perfect man for Chloe, until they go on their honeymoon and she starts noticing red flags in his behavior.

The book had a good plot and the storyline was well developed. However, I had a hard time connecting with the characters. I couldn’t stand Chloe, Dan, or her grandmother. Chloe was a little too whiny for me. Dan just annoyed me all together. Why he couldn’t just be upfront with her made no sense whatsoever. And Grandma.. man did she just irk me. Everything that came out of her mouth to her granddaughter was just rude and not necessary. She made it seem like she was always a bother. No matter what she did! I was hoping as I go through the book they would get better and I would like them more but that wasn’t the case.

Thank you, NetGalley, for allowing me to read this book and give my honest opinion. Thank you, Rona Halsall, for writing this book. I did enjoy the plot and the development of the story but I just didn’t connect with the characters as much as I was hoping to.

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This was an amazing thriller! When her husband won’t let her leave after their honeymoon excursion things got crazy! I was captivated the entire book!!

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Newlywed Chloe is heading for her dream honeymoon with her new husband Dan, she has been dreaming of honeymooning in the Maldives for ever and can’t wait to get there. As she and Dan rush to the airport, he hurries her along to the departure gate.
As she gets there she suddenly realises something isn’t right. The plane isn’t going where she thinks it’s going. Dan explains he’s changed the destination without telling her as he was concerned for their safety. He says he’s found the perfect alternative.
Chloe is furious he’s deceived her but it’s too late to back out.

Once on their honeymoon more and more strange things begin to happen and Chloe suddenly begins to doubt how well she knows her new husband.

I found this book extremely unbelievable. How and why would Chloe continue to trust Dan, why would she not leave at the 1st opportunity and why when she does eventually leave would she ever go back? Not once but twice?

I was very disappointed with this story

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Nothing better then a fast paced thriller that keeps you on your toes the entire time. Talk about a whirlwind of fun. First this cover is beautiful and caught my eye right away. When your dream Honeymoon becomes your worst nightmare -- who would pass that up!! I'm glad I was given the opportunity to listen to this audiobook because it was a great one. The twist and turns come up the very end!

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Twisty and tense, this thriller about a woman on a honeymoon after a whirlwind courtship and marriage will make you question everyone and everything. I really enjoyed it.

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