Member Reviews

First of all, I want to thank O. J. Mullen, Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the e-ARC and that’s my honest review.

Domestic thriller are one of my favourite psychological thriller, so I can say that The Wrong Woman is my cup of tea.
Maybe the first half of the book is quite slowly, and it’s not too difficult to foresee what is gonna happen, but it’s that kind of easy reading that can keep you company for an afternoon.

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Julia Sutherland is a star at the advertising firm she works for. She isn’t happy with her boss when he brings in a "superstar" recently returned to Glasgow from South Africa, Ellis Kirkbride. Not only does he toot his horn, but she is told he is now part of her team and they are to work together on a new campaign, shutting out the rest of her team. There is something about him she isn't sure of. He is friendly, charismatic and handsome, but he's also a bit too slick, confident, and easily becomes angry and almost childish when he doesn't get what he wants or is put in his place in front of others. When he becomes a bit too familiar with Julia, she isn't quite sure who to talk to about it. Recently her husband has become distant and is always at work, and she is afraid her boss won't believe her. Rob, has been lying to her, he is having an affair. Ellis left South Africa after he was betrayed by Sasha, a woman he loved, and now he has his sights on Julia. He is sure that she is his perfect woman, but she is a happily married one, or is she?

The Wrong Woman starts off with a bang, and although it slows down at times, it kept me quickly flipping the pages. The story builds, letting us in on Ellis' past as well as sharing what is happening in Julia's and Rob's lives. We get to know her co-workers, on a colleague level, but I did like them and thought they had been treated badly. As I got to know Julia, I felt bad for her. She was trying to get her old life back, but it seemed everyone else seemed to get in her way. Both her and Rob were workaholics and it was easy to see how they began to grow apart, even though they didn't realize it until it was too late. There is violence in this story which may be a trigger for some people. When Ellis decides it is time to put his plan in place, the story picks up and gave me chills. This is a creepy thriller that made me think twice about people being nice to me. I don't want to give anymore of the story away, but it is tense, dark, and dangerous. This is a domestic thriller that takes a turn that I was not expecting. I liked the ending and thought it tied up the loose ends well. As they say, "Karma is a B#*%$. I enjoyed this book and will watch for more standalone thrillers by Owen Mullen.

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Fans of dark and twisted chillers full of twists and turns will be completely captivated by O J Mullen’s latest page-turner, The Wrong Woman.

Julia Sutherland cannot shake off this feeling that all is not what it seems with Ellis Kirkbride. He might be charming, attractive and friendly with everyone and he seems to have won everybody round at their workplace, but there is something about him that just rubs her up the wrong way. He’s a bit too confident, a bit too sure of himself and he has got this alarming habit of standing just that little bit too close. Is Julia being paranoid? Is she letting her dislike of Ellis get the better of her? Or should she heed her instincts and steer well clear of him?

Whenever Julia is worried or sad about something, she usually shares her concerns with her husband, Rob. But lately Rob seems distant and determined to keep her at arm’s length. Julia mustn’t pry or arouse the slightest flicker of suspicion in him – because she has a secret that could end up costing her everything if Rob ever finds out the truth about what she’s hiding.

Ellis Kirkbride thought that he had found the woman he had been searching for. However, the woman he swore was the right one for him doesn’t want him and that is not acceptable. Ellis doesn’t take kindly to the word no and he will do anything to change the mind of the woman he is convinced is his soulmate. Absolutely anything…

Thriller fans look for a pulse-pounding and heart-stopping read where nothing is what it initially seems will not want to miss O J Mullen’s The Wrong Woman. Taut, tense and terrifying, this creepy tale of revenge, vengeance and obsession grips readers from the start and will keep them on a knife’s edge until the last page. Brilliantly plotted, cleverly set up and written by a master of his craft, O J Mullen’s The Wrong Woman is a superb thriller that is definitely not for the faint-hearted.

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This book had me from the very first page. The characters were mostly unlikeable but that didnt bother me. I couldnt put this one down as I wanted to know what was going to happen . I look forward to reading more of his books.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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I had trouble getting into this one, Julia believes her marriage to be a happy one but when a new colleague comes onto the scene it becomes clear that he knows more about her husband than she does - and more about her too. As Ellis' obsession with Julia grows and his secrets are revealed, the pace picks up and the last third of the book is intense and jam-packed.

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In "The Wrong Woman," O.J. Mullen delivers another heart-pounding psychological thriller that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Fans of K.L. Slater, Claire Douglas, and Sue Watson will find themselves enthralled by Mullen’s masterful storytelling and intricate plotting.

A Tale of Secrets and Suspicion
Julia Sutherland’s seemingly perfect life takes a dark turn when Ellis Kirkbride, her new colleague, enters the scene. Ellis is charismatic and handsome, but there’s something off about him—he's too slick, too confident, and always a bit too close for comfort. Julia's unease grows as Ellis becomes more entwined in her life, but she’s hesitant to share her concerns with her distant husband, Rob. Julia has a secret of her own, one that must remain hidden.

A Dangerous Obsession
Ellis Kirkbride is a man on the edge. He thought he had found the right woman, but when she rejected him, he refused to accept it. His obsession grows, leading to a chilling tale of twisted love and revenge. As Julia’s life starts to unravel, she must navigate a treacherous path filled with deception and danger.

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The Wrong Woman by O. J. Mullen was another excellent psychological thriller from start to finish. Once I started to read it, I couldn't turn the pages to my kindle quick enough, especially as it was excellent! It was full of twists and turns throughout. Great Story!

I highly recommend this book. Great holiday read.

Big Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood for my ARC.

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This was a good read. And one that will keep you guessing. There are lots of twists and turns as you go along. I haven't read anything by this author before but I certainly will be now.

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A brilliant suspenseful fast paced thrilling read. This book will keep you guessing until the very last page.

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This book was a total miss for me. I want to get engaged in the storyline but for me, it fell short.

Thank you to NetGalley aan the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Wrong Woman by O.J. Mullen is an interesting psychological thriller. The prologue engaged me instantly and even though there were parts that moved a bit slowly overall the story was fast-paced and tense.

The characters were all deeply flawed and mostly unlikeable yet I was still interested in the outcome and wished most of them well throughout the story.

Like so many books in this genre there are definitely parts where you have to suspend belief to be able to go along with the story.

Overall, this was a fast paced, engaging thriller that kept me reading to find out the outcome. If you are a fan of psychological thrillers this one is worth a read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Julia Sutherland works in advertising, she’s good at what she does but when her boss brings in Ellis Kilbride who is recently back from South Africa she starts to question why he’s here.
Good looking but with an arrogance about him he soon starts to upset the work colleagues and Julia starts to think there’s something that makes her feel slightly uncomfortable about him.
Meanwhile back home Julia‘s husband Rob has his own secrets Ellis Kilbride is aware of those secrets.
So who is Ellis Kilbride and why is he interested in Julia and has Julia got her own secrets?
This is an interesting plot, although it didn’t really grab me in the first 50% of the book but after that, it became a fast pace gritty story line.
I found the characters quite unlikable but somehow they all became tangled in the plot and that worked. I really like Owen Mullins writing and his last series was definitely a five star read for me. Although the writing in this one was good and descriptive, it didn’t quite work as much as his previous books.

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As a new to me author, Mullen's writing style has piqued my interest in reading his previous books.

The Wrong Woman is a fast paced cat and mouse thriller, the adrenalin and suspense kicking in from the opening pages. There are several threads at play throughout the book, seamlessly connecting and easily navigable.

Mullen takes us on a journey into the darker side of obsession where secrets and lies are abound.

The characters are well developed, credible and no-one is as they seem.

Karma's a bitch and has an awful habit of creeping up on you when you least expect her.

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I really wanted to like this one, but didn’t like ANY of the characters and found myself skimming paragraphs because it seemed to drag. Good storyline and good-enough ending, but the rest of it fell flat for me.

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"The Wrong Woman" was an average read for me. Initially, it was somewhat slow, but the pace eventually increased. The story featured numerous characters, many of whom I found unengaging, which made the plot somewhat confusing to follow.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC.

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This book keeps you on your toes from the first page to the last. Starting strong depicting a family falling apart.. it sets the tione perfectly and leaves the reader with questions instantly.. needing to know more.

We then meet Julia, she’s successful at the her job and has a loving husband.. but that’s it.. she doesn’t have the life she hoped, that they both hoped for, which has led to tension but overall she’s happy.. life could be worse.

Her husband Rob works too hard.. late nights.. sometimes they are like passing ships in the night.

In walks Ellis Kirkbride, he’s smart… but what’s his game? He’s got one hell of a backstory that he brings with him… but how much of the story he tells Julia is true?

I feel the author got the pace spot on, it’s deliberate, methodical and builds the tension.. by around 30% in I was wondering what could possibly happen next as you can see the pressure building, and there’s so many possibilities…but even more exciting is that more than one character has secrets to hide.

The Wrong Woman is most certainly one of the best psychological thrillers I’ve read but it’s more than that, there’s real emotion put into the character development, you can see them face their own battles with lust.. and loose..

The story is told from multiple points of view but as the story progresses you can see some characters are open and honest,while some even seem to lie to themselves to justify their actions. This style meant it was easy to read and sucked in as you didn’t get too bogged down in one character, everything is kept fresh and exciting but also treated the reader to development that was intense!

I can’t spoil it but from the synopsis you’d think you’ve a good idea of what is going to happen yes? Ellis sets his sights on Julia whose husband is a workaholic… prime target yeah? Oh how little you know… there’s so much packed into The Wrong Woman by Owen Mullen.

While the synopsis certainly hooks you in… it’s only part of the story… and that’s the point.. hook you in then Owen Mullen gives you a masterclass in potent psychological mind play!

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Slow burn start but hold on to your hat as it soon speeds up. Lots of characters, lots going on but great ending. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This book started off slowly and it took me awhile to get into it, although it did become more engaging as it went along, and genuine suspense was created towards the climax. Ellis was an interesting antagonist, but I didn't feel there was enough exploration of his motives.

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The story begins with a haunting scene of family drama told from a young child's viewpoint. The action moves to current times and focuses on Julia, a successful advertising executive who discovers she has a new team member she knows nothing about. Initially threatened by his sudden appearance, she finds that he knows his job, and in some downtime, she sees a different side to him. Ellis has secrets, but as the story progresses, all the protagonists have something to hide and are, to some extent, unreliable narrators. It is an intense story; you constantly wonder what is next, making it hard to stop reading. I like the believable characters, the contrasts of everyday happenings and twisty crimes and the engaging way the author makes you care what happens to the characters even when they are unlikeable. It's a suspenseful, contemporary psychological thriller.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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