Member Reviews

I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

On first impressions, I felt the author presented a scenario that I was keen to know more about. I found that I didn't really identify with any of the characters in particular, but I was interested in them. In fact, the more I kept reading, the more interested I became. As I carried on reading, my uncertainty grew, because I felt that maybe all of the characters had something to hide in some way, that none of them could be fully trusted.

I continued to feel this way in the latter part of the book. This was suspenseful, fast-paced, and had me turning the pages quickly.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, Boldwood Books, and to the author, for the opportunity to read and review this.

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The Wrong Woman is a gripping domestic thriller that hooks you right from the start. The story kicks off with Julia Sutherland, a top designer at her ad firm, who gets thrown a curveball when her boss, Tony, introduces Ellis Kirkbride, a "superstar" just back from South Africa. Tony insists that Julia work with Ellis on a new campaign, leaving her usual team out in the cold.

Julia isn’t thrilled with Ellis at first. Sure, he’s charming and handsome, but he’s also a bit too smooth and has a quick temper when things don’t go his way. On top of her work drama, Julia’s personal life is falling apart. Her husband, Rob, has become distant and she soon discovers he’s been having an affair. Ellis, meanwhile, is dealing with his own baggage from a betrayal in South Africa, and he starts fixating on Julia, thinking she’s his perfect match.

The story builds slowly at first, giving us a peek into Ellis’s past and the cracks in Julia and Rob’s marriage. But as the tension ramps up, the book turns into a rollercoaster of suspense. Ellis’s true colors start to show, and things get really creepy and intense. The shift from a work drama to a full-blown thriller is done so well, with twists that keep you guessing.

The characters are well-drawn, even the side ones, and they all add to the story’s depth. Mullen does a great job of building suspense and keeping you on edge.

The ending wraps things up a bit quickly, but it’s still satisfying. The Wrong Woman is a dark, tense read that’ll make you think twice about who you trust. If you love thrillers with unexpected twists, this one’s for you. I’m definitely keeping an eye out for more from Owen Mullen.

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Just wow! My first OJ Mullen book but definitely not my last. This was a roller coaster ride from beginning to end. Captivating characters that had me flipping pages long into the night. Sneaky, deceptive and great storytelling.
Thank you NetGalley and OJ Mullen for the opportunity to read and review this cracker of a book.

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This novel gets off to a resounding start and the pace builds to a climax that will take your breath away. Owen has found his niche in the psychological thriller genre. All his books are great. Psychological thrillers and series alike. A recommended and commended author.

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This is a really good twisted tale that will keep you guessing about what will happen until the very end. Julia and Rob are married and sure they’re busy, but they just need to make time for themselves. But is everything as good as it seems? Who are the other characters, Ravi and Ellis, and what impact will they have on Julia and Rob's relationship? Highly recommend for thriller lovers. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I loved Owen Mullen/OJ Mullen's book, Three Sisters and I was looking forward to the wrong woman, but unfortunately I just couldn't get into the wrong woman and I found that, despite the promising synopsis and a very riveting prologue, the rest of the book was just confusing in terms of characters and the workplace and other settings were not easy to visualise, nothing was.

There were too many characters and too much going on and I just couldn't feel for any of the characters or keep track of where the plot was going. This was a DNF for me.

Thanks to Owen Mullen/ OJ Mullen and Boldwood books for my eARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

2 stars

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Loved this! "The Wrong Woman" is a fast-paced thriller where everybody makes sensible decisions (except Rob) and though not everybody is likeable, everybody is realistic. The last third of the book was page-turning and I raced through it with my heart in my chest. But the twists just kept coming - with an unexpected ending! Would highly recommend.

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This book had me hooked right away, I found myself wanting to find out the truth in one sitting, even the ending surprised me.

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Well, this book had a dramatic start with the prologue and then it skipped forward. This means that you know it will link up later in the story. As the main story began it was slower paced as the author set the scene, then it gradually ended up at a break-necked speeding roller coaster of a ride.

Julia Sutherland is a designer who is well respected and has a bombshell when her boss Tony suddenly announces a new team member. Not only does he wax lyrical about this newcomer Ellis, but he also asks that she work alone with him as they begin a new project. Julia is obviously put out that her team has been excluded but Tony is the boss and after making her objections known, the project begins.

Ellis does not make the best first impression thanks to Tony, but Ellis has to knuckle down and prove that he is worthy of the job and role they have to work together on. Julie is used to working long hours, and her husband does the same. They are what you would possibly call a power couple, successful, hardworking and very well-off.

The author gradually lays down the foundations of the story, he relates Julia's life at work and home as well as introducing Ellis. But he still remains an enigma as such. After a bumpy start the two work well and do produce what the project requires.

Now, then! Things in the background have an unsettling edge to them and this becomes more pronounced as the story goes on and the author brings out the true feeling of Ellis.

I am not going to go into the details as this story takes a turn that I had not expected but my goodness it was so well done. The tension and drama continue to build and the devious natures of some of the cast gradually emerge. What starts as a contemporary fiction soon moves into a domestic thriller with an emphasis towards being dangerous.

I adored how the author built up the tension over time and the way he manipulated his characters. I will say there are a few characters, not a huge cast but they do have very important roles to play. If I mention them it will potentially lead to me dropping spoilers, which I am not going to do.

This is a fabulous story that I read in one sitting. It is a mix of crime, mystery and thriller, there is an element of police procedural and it does have a dramatic and tense feel to it throughout. I really enjoyed this one and I would definitely recommend it.

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Nice read! Good building tension/curiosity. Definitely interested in checking out other books by this author!

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“The Wrong Woman” by O.J. Mullen is a brilliant read.

This stand-alone novel, set in Glasgow, is a dark tale of what can happen when we keep secrets for those we love. Everyone has secrets, and Mullen masterfully weaves them into a gripping, dark, and eerie narrative. With many twists and even a special 'easter egg' for true fans, this book is a gem.

Owen Mullen (or O.J. Mullen) has a remarkable talent for creating likable characters and fast-paced storylines. I highly recommend this read to any thriller fan.

I've devoured all of Owen Mullen's published work, and once again, he's crafted a book that should come with a warning: once you start, you won't want to stop! Get ready for a thrilling ride – life can wait! If you enjoy this, be sure to check out the Charlie Cameron series!

#NetGalley #BoldwoodBooks #OJMullen #OwenMullen #TheWrongWoman

Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC

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The Wrong Woman by OJ Mullen is about Julia her husband Rob and their life together. They are very busy at work and find it hard to spend quality time together and it doesn’t help when Rob gives in and for the first time in their long married life has an affair. At the same time Julia gets a new coworker named Ellis. He is a native of Scotland but has been living in South Africa for the past few years and Julia does not like the way it feels every time she sees him staring at her. It doesn’t help matters when the coworkers go to a pub and after he tells her about his heart breaking history in South Africa she kisses him and although she soon regrets it he takes it for something it wasn’t and then builds on that. While Julia is fending off Ellis and his crush, Rob is trying his best to resist the beautiful Michelle and failing. In the end the couple will learn extramarital affairs can be deadly. Honestly in the beginning I started to get bored but not for long and I powered through and OMG was it so so worth it. Around the fourth or fifth chapter the book got great and stayed that way not to mention the historical moments in history Mr. Mullen ads to the story only makes it that much more interesting. When the story got going it kept going and the twist and surprises just made the book a super Duper read! The author seems to have a great knack for making likable characters from the couple to the detective that investigates the case there’s many people to route four and I love it all. This is a great read and one I definitely recommend to any thriller fan.#BoldwoodBooks, #NetGalley, #O.J.Mullen, #TheWrongWoman,

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This dark and eerie crime thriller follows Julia Sutherland who is a manager at a Marketing Agency. When a new colleague starts in the business, her boss makes it clear she must work closely with him on a new important project.

Whilst working with her new colleague she feels something isn’t quite right but is determined to finish their new campaign to her normal high standards.

With her husband seemingly pulling away from her, and keeping secrets, neither of them knows how deadly these secrets could become.
Is her new colleague as he seems? What secrets is her husband keeping?

This crime thriller has a very dark and eerie feel the more you read and get more into the storyline of Julia’s colleague.

I don’t really want to give too much away, as it will spoil the shocking events, I certainly wasn’t expecting it to twist in the direction it did.

I would love to read more from this author, as this is the kind of book I like to read.

Overall, a dark and eerie crime thriller where secrets could turn deadly.

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This is the first book I’ve read by the author and I’m excited to read more! I would rate this 3.5 stars, rounding up to 4 stars.

I felt the book was suspenseful and was solidly leading to a thrilling climax through about the 75% mark. But the last quarter of the book seemed like events quickly went from semi-realistic to downright crazy with the ending going off the rails!

If you enjoy thrillers with less than likable characters; characters seeking revenge; and crazy, unbelievable, twisty endings then I would recommend checking this out!

Thank you NetGalley, O.J. Mullen, and Boldwood for the opportunity to read the book in exchange for a candid review!

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I was not really invested in the characters - they were difficult to like and the book dragged quite a bit.
Not a favorite.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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Another standalone book by the author with an interesting concept that reveals just what obsession can lead to.
The first part was a bit too slow paced for me, but the second half really picked up.The character ratio for the telling of the story was perfect,with some hard to like and others standing out more strongly.
I'd love to know more of D.I Geddes he was an intriguing character. Hopefully, he'll pop up in a later book at some point.
Overall, it was a good read with a very satisfying ending.
Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC.

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I really didn’t know which way this was going to go. With twists and turns that kept you on your toes I found this hard to put down. Julia works in advertising and on the surface is happily married to Rob. Then her boss Tony brings in Ellis to work with her and her team. It is obvious from the start that there is a different side to Ellis to the one he shows. I didn’t like Ellis from the beginning but thought Tony, the MD at Grapevine, was just misunderstood. The characters are all very well thought out and that the story itself flows really well. This takes you on a rollercoaster of a ride that leaves you desperately wanting to find out how it’s going to end.
Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC

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Wow, this book was amazing!
tons of twists and it really had me ignoring all my responsibilities until I finished it!

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I really enjoyed this book , very interesting characters and a good solid storyline. It was extremely tense throughout and I couldn’t put the book down till I got to the end . I would highly recommend this book and will look out for more books from this author. 5 stars from me

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The story flowed well and the characters were well developed. I recommend this book and look forward to more from this author.

****Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review****

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