Member Reviews

Im giving this book 3⭐ this book was overall most vibe and it was cute kind of book and it was kinda of palate cleanser for me and i did like this one was cute kind of book to my opinion

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** I received this book as an arc through NetGalley**

Until Adleigh follows Adleigh, a rockstar who just caught her fiancee cheating on her as she flees back to the place she grew up in and Colter, the grumpy, giant, farmer boy and now Adleigh's neighbor. Heavy tension and ups-and-downs follow this couple around constantly throughout the book. I did like the premise and the rockstar/country boy pairing but I felt like the book moved very fast. I personally am not a huge fan of insta-love and that is what you will find in Until Adleigh. The book ended kinda abruptly but I did enjoy the epilogue. The spice wasn't over the top, so this book would be a good place to start if you haven't read much romance before. This book is well written and was easy to follow!

I'd recommend this book to someone who likes contemporary romance, opposites attract theme, or if you are newer to the romance genre.

Spice rating: 2.5/5
Overall: 6.5/10

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This book was really hard for me to get into, I didn't find the characters relatable nor interesting. The formatting on my kindle and ipad were both a ltitle strange, so I would recommend the publisher look into this. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This book was a very short novella. It was a cute story overall, and the story was there, but for me it was missing something.

I'm not sure if I struggled so much with it because the formatting of the book was weird or if I just struggled with the story generally.

I think personally though a bit more base story and a bit more background of the characters could make it into a decent novel and a good story but it just lacked something for me.

Thank you for the review copy netgalley and lyssa milani

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this had all of the ingredients i would usually love in a romance book - in particular, celebrity romances and small-town romances are usually some of my favourites. however, this fell a little flat for me.

it felt very insta-lovey and was very fast paced, so i didn’t connect with the characters as much as i would have liked to. i did get through it quite quickly because of this, and would have liked to see some more character development throughout.

i think this book would have benefitted from being a little longer and with slower pacing, but i do think if you’re looking for a quick romance read it would be perfect - please do check the trigger warnings though!

thank you so much to netgalley, the publisher and the author for the arc 🫶🏻

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5

“Until Adleigh” by Alyssa Milano is a romance that brings together two characters with messy pasts and even messier present situations, blending a variety of classic tropes into one heartfelt, if slightly rushed, story.

Adleigh, a rockstar fleeing from the betrayal of her bandmate-turned-fiancé, returns to her hometown, only to confront unresolved issues she left behind six years ago. Her unexpected reunion with Colter, her ex-boyfriend’s older brother and the next-door neighbor to her parents, sets the stage for a classic enemies-to-lovers story that’s equal parts sweet and tumultuous.

This book had all the ingredients for a great romance: a grumpy but attractive farmer, a heartbroken rockstar, and plenty of small-town drama. The dual POV allows readers to get into both Adleigh and Colter’s heads, which helps in understanding their motivations and the baggage they each carry. The tension between them, combined with a few steamy scenes, adds a nice layer of spice to the story.

However, while the book had its strong points, it also had its share of shortcomings. The pacing felt rushed, particularly when it came to the development of Adleigh and Colter’s relationship. The insta-love between them, though sweet, didn’t leave much room for deeper character development. There were moments where I wanted to see more growth on the page, especially considering the heavy themes of healing and confronting past mistakes that the story touches on.

Despite these issues, there’s something endearing about “Until Adleigh.” The book touches on important themes like resilience and finding light in the darkness, making it more than just a surface-level romance. While it may not break new ground in the genre, it still manages to tug at the heartstrings, especially in its portrayal of two people trying to rebuild their lives after being hurt.

Final thoughts: “Until Adleigh” is a solid read if you’re in the mood for a quick, emotionally charged romance with a mix of classic tropes. It might not leave a lasting impression, but it’s an enjoyable story that will keep you entertained from start to finish. Perfect for readers who appreciate a blend of sweetness, a touch of spice, and a happily ever after.

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Ok the format of how this book is written is realky hard to read on the kindle and just for this I cannot give a full review on it but. It does seem cute for what i was able to read .

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read this novel in exchange for my honest review. I think the cover of this book is very sweet. I went in knowing it would be a spicy read, and it was just that! It was a short story, which is refreshing sometimes! There are a lot of triggers in this book, but as long as you go in knowing what to expect, the story of Adleigh and Colton was a good one!

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This was a really easy read and I was pulled in from the first page and enjoyed how we got straight into the story. This had all the makings to be a great book however unfortunately it fell into the hole of not being long enough to truly flesh out the characters and story. This was far too insta lovey for me especially considering that the MCs were declaring their love for each other exactly 11 days after the FMC had found her fiancé cheating, every time I was reminded of this I was then subsequently pulled out of the romance! It ended with a cute epilogue and I enjoyed the story enough to reach the conclusion however, unfortunately for me this didn’t quite hit the mark.

Thankyou to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced readers copy.

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Imagine a rockstar running away from her previous life and a farmer struggling with his current life meeting and not realising they were all each other needed all along.

I really enjoyed this simplistic, heart-felt romance read, full of giggles and feet kicking. It is not simply about just a love story, but one of growth, self-recognition and a whole lot of spice. I found the spice, at times, to be a bit too overwhelming and it did not always feel to move the plot on, but the development of the characters as individuals made me fall in love with them as protagonists.

The topics discussed are hard-hitting and raw, but are explored in such a sensitive and honest way that I simply feel the need to applaud Alyssa Milani for writing about these in such a coherent and clear manner.

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This was such a quick read. I absolutely adored this book and found myself getting lost in this little town and all its drama with Adleigh and Colter. At first I thought it would be a simple small town romance but it was so much more than that. There was heartache, loss, grief and healing from multiple types of relationships. So much was going on between so few pages and Alyssa portrayed it beautifully. I will most definitely be reading more of her work!

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Arc Review:
Overall Rating: 3 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice Rating: 2 🔥🔥
- Enemies To Lovers
- Dual POV
- Banter
- In Love With Her Voice 🎶
- Second Chance
- Cheating Exes
- Ex-Boyfriend’s Older Brother
- Open Door
- First Time Against A Brick Wall
- Swimming In Jeans 🌊👖
- Hard Worker
- Ozzy The Bear 🐻🤟

I felt that this book had a lot of potential but just felt so rushed. I still enjoyed reading it though.

Adleigh is a musician that comes home one day to find her fiancé/band mate cheating on her with another band mate. Needing to get away from them both she goes back to her home town where her parents live but the thing is she left home 6 years ago without a word to them after a traumatic family event. When she arrives in her hometown she immediately goes to a bar where this one guy flirts with her and tries to take her home but Adleigh declines but the guy is pretty insistent that Adleigh comes home with him, luckily it’s Colter to the rescue. Colter is the country cowboy type who just happens to be her parents next door neighbour and her hometown ex-boyfriend’s older brother. Colter is going through his own break up with his longtime girlfriend who also cheated on him. Can these two crazy kids find love again and the closer they are looking for? Read ‘Until Adleigh’ yourself to find out.

Thank you NetGalley and Alyssa Milani for the arc copy of this book.

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Thank you for letting me read this book.

I really enjoyed the story even though it was a little heart breaking at some point.

It was a really deep story which I enjoyed until the very last page.

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Until Adleigh written by Alyssa Milano was a heartbreakingly beautiful novel. When I first started this book my first impression was another story about a messed up rock star and an attractive grumpy farmer that helps her pull her life together. Though that is partly true this story goes so much deeper than i imagined. This story touches on topics of healing, resilience, growth, confronting past mistakes, and demonstrating that even in darkness there’s light. The book took a while to capture my attention but once it did, I was hooked.

This book was not perfect and I wish there was more character development happening on the page, however for the length of the novel and the story being an insta attraction and insta love it was sweet. The themes and the background of the main characters, Adleigh Cole and Colter Finn were gut wrenchingly relatable. This made for a sweet and mildly spicy version of stereotypical romance.

-drugs and alcohol addiction

Lastly, thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Happy Reading!

Published date July 13, 2024

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📱E-Book Review📱

Until Adleigh
Alyssa Milani


This was a fairly short read at only around 120 pages - but this was so skillfully written to pack so much into the storyline and deliver a pair of main characters that you couldn't help falling in love with.

After finding her fiancé in bed with another woman, rockstar Adleigh flees back to her hometown - but having left on bad terms 6 years ago, she's going to have to face the issues from her past as well as planning what she wants from her future.

We dive straight into this one with no pre-amble at all - but I really liked this and felt instantly connected to both of the characters - despite both of their aloofness.
Colter was a mystery from the start and it took a little while to get to the bottom of his past trauma - but what a heart-wrencher!
While Adleigh wore her pain on her sleeve, this became even more emotional as we learn about what happened before she left home years ago.

I really liked that this was told as (roughly) alternating pov chapters.
This gave us such a great insight into the personalities, feelings and inner thoughts of both main character and helped to explain their behaviours at times.

It was clear right from the first few pages where this story was heading, but there was so much to the development that this really stood out as a unique read.
I loved the instant connection that Adleigh and Colter had and even with all the reasons they tried to find, they couldn't deny what they felt.

A great read and my first one by this author - I'd love to read more from them in the future.

💕Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my ARC copy - this is my honest review 💕

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It is a short romance novella which usually I wouldn't mind too much. Adleigh is a heartbroken rockstar, whose ex-fiance cheats on her. I feel like this could have been even better if we would have gotten more background story for both the main characters.

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Until Adleigh is a nice story that weaves the worlds of a rockstar fleeing from her troubles and a farmer grappling with past deceptions. When their paths unexpectedly cross, they find a connection that neither anticipated, sparking a heartfelt love story filled with unexpected twists.

Their stories are compelling and heartbreaking. Adleigh has to deal with her brother's death, and Colter is there to shield her away from her troubles and haunted past. The themes of the story are dark and can be a bit triggering for some readers. The level of spice was just the right touch. I felt there was so much miscommunication between them that hindered my love for this book. The drama was a bit much, so in the end, it just felt a bit flat. Overall, this novel beautifully explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of love.

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Overall, this was a decent book. At times, it felt a bit juvenile (and I'm not entirely sure if that was the point). I was happy that the book had a complete ending, though I do feel like if it had been longer in general, it could have been a more well-rounded story. I'm not the biggest fan of insta-love but considering the length, I get that you have to make things happen quickly.

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Quick and easy read :)
Relationship between the two main characters felt forced at times and verges on a little toxic, but if you're looking for a cheesy rom com this will satisfy you.

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I was really excited when I received this book from NetGalley. It sounded just like my kind of book.

I was very disappointed.

I liked the small town aspect but I felt like too much centred around the main characters and there was not enough backstory or enough about side characters to really build up the story.

The disagreements between the FMC and MMC all felt a bit childish and it was a tad annoying that they seemed to make up with each other almost instantly.

Too much was packed in to a very small time frame of the FMC being home. The love between them seemed unrealistic.

Given more time and spreading out the story would have benefited this story more.

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