Member Reviews

This was a quick romance read about a rockstar who returns to her hometown to regroup after she finds her fiance in bed with a member of her band. While home, she starts to fall for a grumpy cowboy who ends up being everything she needed. An opposites attract, grumpy/sunshine spicy romance.

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Until Adleigh by Alyssa Milani was engaging from the beginning and I couldn’t bear to put it down.
I found the main character relatable while still seeming honest and unflinching about herself.
I thought this was a well written, thought provoking novel.
I really enjoyed this story and I’m honestly looking forward to Milani’s next novel!

Thank You NetGalley and Amazon for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Until Adleigh by Alyssa Milani surprised the heck out of me! Rating novellas can be challenging because they are so much shorter, but “Until Adleigh” nailed it!

This novella is about Adleigh Cole, a singer who left her small town after a tragic incident. After a few years of no contact with her family, she returns home to face the music. Colter has known about the famous Adleigh Cole but didn’t realize how much he would love her after a chance encounter at his local bar. Will she be the one to heal his broken heart?

I really enjoyed the flow and readability of this book! A lot of novellas can feel rushed, but Alyssa Milani crafted the perfect story. Reading from both Adleigh and Colter’s perspectives made it extra special. The tension and sexual chemistry between them was WILD! This small-town romance had me hooked from the beginning. I don’t want to say too much about the story because it’s one you really need to read.

For lovers of small-town, very spicy romance… this one’s for you!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 4/5

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First of all, a huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ebook in exchange for an honest review.

Until Adleigh is an adult romance standalone in which we follow Adleigh, a rockstar who is running away from her problems and coming back to her childhood town, and Colter, a farmer who is currently struggling with problems of his own, as they meet and realise they might not be as different as they think.

One funny thing to note is that the synopsis is literally three-lines long, and that is all it took to convince me to request this book on NetGalley. That, and the cover of the book, which is super cute.
This book is not very long, as you can see from the number of pages, but it doesn't take away the fact that it is very bingeable ; I read it in one night, and I don't regret a single thing. The story itself is not what you would call "groundbreaking" or "spectacular", but you know what? I still enjoyed it a lot. It is simple, more character-driven than plot-driven, and everything you need if you are looking for a quick and hassle-free read. The characters lacked a bit of depth and the story felt a bit too quick and rushed in my opinion, but given the number of pages, it is kind of understandable. Still, I really enjoyed learning about what pushed Adleigh to run away from home when she was younger, and why Colter struggles with relationships.

Overall, it was a nice and easy read, and I would recommend it if you love a nice small town romance between a celebrity and a nobody.

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I love the cover and how it shows Adleigh's rockstar look, as well as Colter's farmer look. In the background you can find a tractor and barn. In the beginning I did have trouble getting into the story, but I got drawn in as I kept going. Adleigh came back to a place she felt most safe at, 6 years after her brother had passed. Colter also was a broken soul. As they both seem to be not what the other would be interested in, Colter soon realizes that nothing felt quite right in his life "Until Adleigh". Cute title for the book and it merged well with the storyline. I loved the dual POV, and I feel like the author did good capturing both characters' POVs really well.

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Until Adleigh written by Alyssa Milani was a beautiful, yet heart breaking novel. I thought this book was going to be a book about a rock star and a hot grumpy farmer falling in love, but boy was I wrong, it was SO much more than that. Until Adleigh was super SPICY so if that's not your thing, you might want to stay away from this book, but let me tell you, it's more than just spice and falling in love. This book is about forgiveness, strength, growth, facing your past mistakes and learning from those to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. I first fell in love with that stunning cover, because as many of you know, I'm a sucker for pretty covers, so of course I had to get my hands on this book immediately, but I'm so glad I did because this book was absolutely powerful and emotionally drained me. Until Adleigh wasn't perfect in anyway, but it had me hooked from page one all the way until the very last page. This was my first ever book by Alyssa Milani, but I'll definitely be sure to check out her other books in the future after falling in love with this story. I can't recommend this book enough, and no amount of words will give this novel the justice is deserves, so go grab your copy immediately.


Broken rock star and struggling country boy, hmmm? What could they possibly have in common?

-Drug Addiction

"Shit, I think all our childhood memories together revolved around me being sick. And bald. Do you remember how you used to want to shave your head to be like me? But I wouldn't let you, your hair has always been too wild and gorgeous to ruin. And I hope you keep it like that, maybe dye it some weird colors".

Six years ago Adleigh Cole left her small hometown in California because her brother Adler committed suicide, Adleigh couldn't face life without her brother by her side, so Adleigh walked away from her hometown and her parents never looking back. Adleigh is in a band with her fiance and best friend, who is also her bassist. One day, Adleigh walked in on her best friend Rachel and her fiance of three years, Jamie Cofield having sex. How can you be in love with someone and then go and have sex with someone else? After catching them together, Adleigh doesn't want to be in this town anymore, so instead she packs her bags and returns home to California. After walking away six years ago and never looking back, you can only imagine everything being shaky when you return home. When Adleigh returns back to her hometown, her mom welcomes her with open arms, but her dad doesn't want to see or talk to Adleigh. Adleigh's brother, Adler had cancer, many doctor appointments were involved, Adler also took many medications to help cure his cancer, Adler always told everyone he was fine because he didn't want to be a burden, but he never told anyone that his cancer came back. One night, Adler committed suicide by overdosing on his medication and beer combined. Adler wrote suicide notes to everyone in his family, but the one he wrote for Adleigh completely ruined me.

When Adleigh returns home, she meets Colter because she stopped in at a bar and some dude kept catcalling her and Colter didn't like that. Colter Finn is a hot farmer and a country bumpkin who is also struggling. Colter and his high school sweetheart, Mary-Jo have been together since they were fourteen years old, but Colter has the same baggage that Adleigh has. Colter caught Mary-Jo have an affair with Keene, the town's troublemaker and of course the sheriff's son. Colter and his best friend Zander work together on a corn farm where they also do mechanical work. Zander was such a cutie, he had such a sassy mouth that made me laugh so much. I can't forget about Colter's dogs, he had a German Shepherd named Roscoe and a Golden Retriever named Buckwheat, oh my goodness gracious, they were just the cutest pups, I just wanted to reach into my kindle and hug those sweet pups. As Colter and Adleigh get to know each other and spend more time together, they start to form a bond with each other and that's how their love story is written. I absolutely adored watching Colter and Adleigh grow so much after catching their significant others cheating on them, it was such a bittersweet moment watching their growth unfold. Witnessing Colter comforting Adleigh after she told the story of her brother just warmed my heart so much, but it also made me so emotional.

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I really wanted to love this book. It just fell flat for me. It might be for others, which is why I gave this a 3 star. It just wasn't my cup of tea. Thanks for allowing me to read and rate.

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1.25 stars
I love a small-town romance with a rock star/celeb, so I was excited to read Until Adleigh by Alyssa Milani. This just fell flat. I almost DNF'd, but I pushed through trying for some redemption. I felt like the pace was off, in some sections too fast, and others way too slow and that it was forced.

From the first chapter, we are thrown into a story that doesn't ever really develop beyond the tropes. What I mean is, that Adleigh catches her fiancé and best friend in bed together and leaves. Where does she go? Home. However, she hasn't even talked to her family since the day she left, but no biggie. She left home and became a famous rock star, but we never really go into detail there.

She enters a bar the moment she lands in the middle of nowhere small town and instantly attracts the attention of multiple men, one being our MMC. She instantly falls for this hometown hero who just so happens to live next door, yet she somehow NEVER heard about him even though she grew up best friends/dated his half-brother?!

The MMC and FMC instantly fall for each other in like 2 days. Both characters were cheated on by their longtime partners rather recently and never really unpack the trauma. Instead, they dive into this weird insta-love, possessive relationship. They also had a significant amount of arguments (in the like week they know one another) that I would expect from teenagers not grown adults. Also, there wasn't enough substance to fall in love with the characters, they had no depth or character arcs. By the end I was just rolling my eyes.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an e-arc copy in exchange for my honest review.

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2.5⭐️ 2🌶️
This book had so much potential to be a super cute story, but honestly it fell a little flat for me. I found the characters to be a bit too childish for me, in the way they dealt with their relationship issues. They were clearly attracted to each other, but the rest of their relationship fell flat for me. I don’t think this is an awful book, just really wasn’t for me.

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This fell a tiny bit flat for me but I enjoyed it nonetheless. My only wish would for it to be fleshed out more and have more chemistry.

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It had a fun premise and fun characters.i enjoyed that it was a short read but entertaining. Sometimes you need an easy read of two people falling in love.
I’m a fan of unlikely matches or opposites attract romances and this was it. I enjoyed it, it was short, and it provided the entertainment I wanted.
It wasn’t the deepest book I’ve read or the most fleshed out. But for what it is, I enjoyed it.

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I read a lot and a wide variety of romance. I read the other reviews and I just don’t agree. This was a short, rough steam and angsty romance. Yes, Adleigh got on my nerves a bit but that didn’t stop me from reading. I enjoyed the story and the epilogue was a great ending.

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Adleigh left town years ago and hasn’t returned. Now she needs a safe place to land after she finds her fiancé cheating on her. She has a lot of personal issues to work through and she certainly isn’t looking to start a new relationship. Colter has a lot going on in his life including dealing with the fallout from his cheating ex girlfriend. When he first sees Adleigh he knows he wants her but knows that he can’t have her because their worlds are too different. The attraction is magnetic and they simply can’t fight it but is there any way to meld two very different worlds into one?
Adleigh is a superstar singer/songwriter. The author does a good job establishing the Adleigh is famous and has paid a huge price for fame. I thought the addiction was glossed over a little bit but it wasn’t critical to telling the story of her family and personal pain. Speaking of her family, the reason Adleigh ran and never returned was a good one. No one in her family dealt with the death of her brother in a good way. The author showed how they came together and worked through their issues. Part of what helped Adleigh heal was meeting Colter. In such a small town it was hard to understand how they never came into contact with one another, but the author gave them an 8 year age gap so that explains a little bit of it. Colter has a complex relationship with his younger brother. I thought it was a little confusing and kind of weak but the point of the story is that family dynamics are complex and not easily fixed. Colter had a lot of anger he needed to work through and once he did he was left with a decision. Should he continue living on his farm by himself or go after Adleigh and take another chance on love. I was glad the author showed what happened to them years down the road.
This is a contemporary small-town romance. There is a lot family drama. Both of the main characters are adults with demanding careers. The main focus is on Adleigh so the story focusses on her issues and solutions to them more than on Colter’s issues. I enjoyed this book a lot and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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This really wasn't what I was expecting and I think in addition to the writing not being something I enjoyed, the weird formatting also made it a challenge to read.

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I really wanted to love this book. But for me it just was not it. I sadly ended up DNF-ing about 65% through. It just felt it had the makings of a great book, but just was not there yet... Which made me sad because I had really high hopes, because the blurb and the cover gave me all the feels.

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This was a cute love story. However, I feel it would have been better without the explicit sex scenes. This author is not the greatest at writing these scenes and they were all quite cringy. The story of the female rockstar and the male cowboy from the country falling love was cute. They were adults though and a lot of the writing portrayed their personalities to be more that of a teenagers. They were easily made jealous of each other’s exs and fought very easily. They would be happy one second and thinking about their future together and the next second they’d be broken up over something silly. Very childish to me and not what I was expecting from adults.

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Until Adleigh is a classic case of what it could have been but didn't at the end. It had all the potential to blow your mind. A tortured Rockstar with troubled past and messy present running back to her hometown with tainted memories and trauma. A brooding grumpy farmer with his own burden and trust issues. Complete opposite worlds colliding and explosion of instant chemistry. But all these pieces were half told and haphazardly executed.

Adleigh and Colter both have a lot of emotional baggage and I feel we didn't even scratch the surface. Adleigh ran away from the pain of her brother's suicide and her parents' grief and now she is back to the home. She is famous and rich and has been living her best rock and roll life but it was empty and chaotic and now she is heartbroken. Her father hasn't forgiven her, her mother is doing her best to heal Adleigh's scars and then she meets Colter on the first Day home.

They have an insta lust connection but Colter kept his distance initially as he already has a lot on his plate. His heart was broken by a woman he has completely dedicated his life to. And he doesn't need a passing Rockstar to break him farther. But Adleigh got under his skin and inside his heart with her sassy and vulnerability and he realises he can do new beginning.

It was fast paced and spicy. And I feel we didn't give enough time to work through major issues. There was scope of major angst and we missed it. Colter acted a bit irrationally and immaturely when he faced real struggle in the budding relationship and Adleigh was sometimes too lost. Her cheating ex and band mate coming to win her back complicated things but both of them could handle it better. Even before I could connect to their heartache and was over.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily through netgalley

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it was cute but there wasnt a whole lot for it and the writing was mediocre. there's a lot more books that are more worthwhile reading in this genre, sorry. maybe if the book had been longer things would've been great!

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Until Adleigh is a ⭐️⭐️read. It is a short romance novella which usually I wouldn't mind too much. However, I feel like the relationship between the main characters is rushed.
Adleigh is a heartbroken rockstar, whose ex-fiance cheats on her. This drives her to return to her small town, where she hasn't spoken to her parents in years. Colter is her attractive next-door neighbor. He also happens to be the brother of her high school lover???
Both characters have serious trauma and important backstories that could have been addressed better. With this said, I do like seeing the impact of their past traumas on their current relationship.
Thank you Amazon and Netgalley for the ARC. There were some formatting issues with the ebook and I hope these are fixed by the release date.

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Mini Book Review: "Until Adleigh" by Alyssa Milani

"Until Adleigh" by Alyssa Milani is a heartwarming and emotional romance novel that captivates readers from the very first page. The story revolves around Adleigh, a young woman with a troubled past who is trying to rebuild her life and find happiness. When she meets the enigmatic and compassionate Nolan, sparks fly, and their connection becomes undeniable.

Milani masterfully crafts a narrative that delves deep into the complexities of love, healing, and personal growth. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with Adleigh's vulnerability and strength making her an endearing protagonist. Nolan's unwavering support and patience add depth to their burgeoning romance, making their journey together both believable and inspiring.

The plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers engaged and eager to see how Adleigh and Nolan's relationship evolves. Milani's writing style is both poignant and captivating, with vivid descriptions and heartfelt dialogue that bring the story to life.

Overall, "Until Adleigh" is a beautifully written novel that explores the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It's a must-read for fans of contemporary romance, offering a perfect blend of emotional depth and heartwarming moments.

Rating: 4/5

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