Member Reviews

Thank you to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for making this available to me in exchange for an honest review.


It is unusual for me to DNF a book - especially romance. There are a great many things I look past in romance books because I just love the genre so much. Alas, this was not the case here.

Firstly, the formatting was weird. That may have been due to my device or some other outside influence. Therefore, I didn't remove any star ratings for that. It's just a mild irritation I wanted to bring up.

And now, onto the actual reason I DNF'd this 70 percent in.

The entire storyline was so incredibly confusing. There is a huge element of lust at first sight, which I suppose works in an 18+ romance novella. However, the author seemed to be trying to cover a lot of very complicated elements and conditions with very little space and as few words as possible. There was so much happening and so little explanation as to what or where or why. We have someone parentyfying their own child after she discovers her brothers's dead body at like 18. We have said child doing nothing but judging and being cruel to her parents. We have the MMC watching the FMC out his window whilst she is skinny dipping in his pool because 'his brother let her use the pool, so why wouldn't he?' She didn't ask to use the pool, and then the MMC started waxing lyrical about consent - whilst watching her naked. Oh, and the MMC is the half-brother of the guy the FMC lost her virginity to who is also now gay? There was a not very well-done addiction storyline, an even more badly done family trauma storyline, and possibly the worst chemistry I have ever seen between two characters.

But I digress.

This could have been really good. The premise of the story is excellent, and despite the weird formatting and some repetitive elements, I actually enjoyed the writing style. I think that, with a little more troubleshooting and more detail (AKA, turn this into a full-length novel and spend a lot more time working on it), and the author could have something really special. The MMC has all the traits of a phenomenal book boyfriend, but we needed to see more and know more about him. A man being grumpy with no explained reason is just a man being a douche and getting away with it. I would have loved to see the storyline more fleshed out - the story idea needed that. It's a good idea and deserves so much more than a novella.

2 stars.

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I feel like this has the foundations of a great story. The bones are there but it feels like it could go further.

I liked the fast, easy read. The characters were likable but not as interesting as I would have liked. I lost focus and needed to force myself to keep reading at times.

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I did enjoy this book, it was a fun novella to read. I loved the banter and the emotions that these two had to work through, and I ADORED the epilogue. It was nice to see that these characters overcame their traumas. Some of the repetativness of the writing and words used was a lot. I also felt like their were two third act breakups, which is a lot considering its under 300 pages.
Overall, I enjoyed it!

Thank you to Alyssa Milani and Netgalley for this book. I loved the READ NOW option.

Review for this will be up tomorrow on my bookstagram - @bookish_starry_skies.

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I love how the plot was written, love the characters played I'll read it again one of my favorite...

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I really liked this book. It was a fun and cute romance book. I liked both of the characters and I felt like the way the relationship developed was very realistic. The way many different subjects were discussed made the book feel so real and that had as a result for me to feel close to the characters. This is a cute and wholesome kind of small town romance but also a rockstar romance since the main girl Adleigh is a rockstar. I would recommend going blind. You do not need to read the summary since you learn everything along the way.The problem that i faced with this book was mainly the language and there were moments that it felt a bit cringy but honestly i was simply looking for a fun little read so for me it was perfect. I would also recommend reading this if you are looking for a book to get you out of a reading slump. I did read this as an arc from Net Galley and as i said i enjoyed it very much.

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An unforgettable romance that tugs at the heartstrings. The writing is exquisite, and the love story is both realistic and inspiring. Highly recommending it!

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Unfortunately, this book was not a hit for me. It's more like a novella, coming in at under 300 pages, which definitely helps since it is a quick easy read. But the story did not grab me and felt not fully developed.

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I made the mistake of looking at other reviews of this book after I finished it, and I must say that I disagree with some of the comments that I read. I personally enjoyed this story because of the raw emotions during some of the characters' conversations and their backstories. Do I think that it can improve? Yes. But I can also see the foundation of a great story.

Let me start with a few clarifications. I picked up this book on NetGalley about 6 weeks prior to the publication date as part of their "Read Now" option. First, I want to thank NetGalley and Amazon Publishing for making this book available. Because this is an ARC copy, I want to make clear that my review is based solely on the story, not the format of the book. However, I do need to make this comment with the hope that these errors will be corrected before the publication date. NetGalley provided an epub copy of the book for ARC readers. Something was off on the epub file because the title and author of the book popped up on every page in the middle of the text. The first letter of the first word of every chapter was also unaligned and appeared in the middle of the sentence and finally, the page number or each page would also randomly appear in the middle of the paragraph. I assume this is just an error in transferring the document to Epub for Kindle. It was slightly distracting, and for anyone purchasing the physical book once it is released, I assume this will not be an issue. However, I do hope this is corrected for the ebook version as I would assume readers do not want to pay for a book that has not been properly formatted to the source they are purchasing for.

Ok, now that that is out of the way, let's get onto the story. I want to say that I am going to rate it at a 3.75. Again, the foundation of the storyline is there, and I think it could easily be a 4+ star book, but some of the storytelling felt rushed while other parts felt as if they dragged on. other plot points were addressed, and I was left with so many questions that never were answered or resolved in the storyline.
Allow me to give a brief overview while, hopefully, not giving away too many spoilers.
We first meet Adleigh, a rockstar who is traveling back to her small country town, a place she escaped from six years prior. Why does she go back? She finds her fiancé (and bandmate) in bed with her friend (and another bandmate) in their home. She went back to her hometown to see her parents, people she cut out of her life when she left at the age of 19 (that is what I calculated based on some details of the story) a few days after her older brother committed suicide. She immediately meets Colton and soon learns that he is neighbors with her parents. She doesn't recognize him because, when they were younger (even though Colton is 8 years older than her), he didn't grow up in that house. His parents were separated, and he decided to grow up living with his father, a town over while his mother and younger half-brother lived across the yard/road from Adleigh. Now, as adults, they meet, and there is an obvious attraction. However, Adleigh has a life in California with her music career and she is just waiting for her ex-fiance to move out of the house they lived in together. After this intense relationship, the last thing she is looking for is a new fling, especially not in the town she escaped from, and she holds so many memories of her late brother. Colton is also recently single, having ended a long-term relationship. I won't give details on that relationship or why it ended, but let's just say that he was left heartbroken, betrayed, and guilty for not "acting like a man" (whatever that means).
Adleigh and Colton can't help but act on the connection they feel for each other. However, they always stop themselves out of fear. Fear from their past, fear that they may have no future as they lead different lives. Colton has no plans to leave the small town or home he currently has. Not long ago, he bought the home he is living in from his mother and took over the business (farmer) and, as mentioned, Adleigh has an amazing music career and can't leave California permanently. We watch the two MCs learn to trust each other, open up about their past, and discover if they have the opportunity to have a future together.
Separately, Adleigh has her demons in the town she left. As mentioned, her brother committed suicide a few days before she left town. Her parents were devastated by losing their son and then hurt when Adleigh decided to take off as well. The relationship between Adleigh and her father is strained to put it mildly. We watch as they work on communication and mending their relationship in this book. I have to admit that I shed a few tears when we discovered why and how Adler, Adleigh's brother, took his life and how his parents reacted to the loss of both their children. When Adleigh originally left, she was haunted daily by the loss of her brother and family so she turned to alcohol and drugs to cope. It is mentioned that her fiancé was the person she met and fell in love with, and he helped her out of those dark times. That is why his cheating and betrayal were devastating to her. I wish we would have heard more of this time from Adleigh and she explains her life either to her parents when asking for forgiveness or when she tells Colton. I think hearing more details of her backstory would have let us relate to her more.
I mentioned that Colton's mother and half-brother were Adleigh's neighbors growing up. Well, Adleigh was friends with, even the girlfriend of, Colton's half-brother, Kentry. Colton and Kentry had a strained relationship and Colton explains the reason to Adleigh. I would have liked to see some form of reconciliation or even an attempt at contacting each other from the two brothers. The fact that Adleigh and Colton had no idea about each other, even though they shared a bond through Kentry, is still shocking to me. We also know that Colton grew up living with his father a town over, which is where he met his long-term girlfriend. We learn what happens in their relationship and how it ended, but Colton doesn't give us much insight into how the relationship was throughout the years, how they coped with death, long-distance relationships, future plans, etc. This is information that could have been incorporated into Colton's chapters as internal dialogue when thinking about his ex or fantazising about Adleigh. I also think a chapter or two after the end but before the epilogue, where Colton goes with Adleigh to California and maybe attempts to reach out to Kentry. Both of these slight changes could have helped us get to know Colton better.

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Release date July 13th
If I could have given half stars I would I would have given 3.5 stars.
Until Adleigh is advertised as a novella, but for me a novella is less than 200 pages. But maybe that's just me. Still short enough that I almost read it in one sitting.
I feel like this should come with a TW list because there's some heavy stuff in this book.

The cover is really what captured my attention and here I thought I was getting something light and fluffy. Not at all!
The dialogue is cringey sometimes, it's a little bit slow paced for my liking and the formatting was messy.

That said! Those characters have amazing background stories and they do have a lot of baggage to get around. So I guess the slow pace is believable. The angst is nice and the spice is good. I feel like we could have dig deeper in some aspects of it, but overall I had a nice time.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and Alyssa Milani for the ARC.

Rock star FMC
Grumpy MMC
Small town
Emotional trauma
Dual POV

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The story starts with Adleigh, a famous rockstar, coming home after 6 years because her fiancé cheated on her with her best friend and fellow band member. The home life isn’t easy either, because she needs to deal with the aftermath of her brother’s death after 6 years of avoidance and running. Then she meets the boy next door named Colter.

At first the story was interesting but it got less and less the further it went. I wanted to like the characters but from her rocky relationship with her parents to the attitude Colter had it just wasn’t happening. The biggest problem with both main characters was that they wanted to be deep, but couldn’t get past the children phase of you can’t always have what you want and you just have to deal with life. I thought that their similar past’s would somehow round the story but it just tore everything apart. Somehow I couldn’t see them being together just because they were too different. All in all the story was supposed to be emotional and antsy, but it just came out as cheap with all the sexual language and don’t let me start on the explicit scenes that were weirdly roughly forced and had no communication whatsoever. I still think Colter needs at least 2 years of therapy.

And what’s with the word reckon in this book? If I counted I bet I could find it on every page. I guess there is a better word, or maybe not use it so much because constantly repeating it just makes it monotonous and boring.

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I just reviewed Until Adleigh by Alyssa Milani. #UntilAdleigh #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]
Thanks for letting to a ARC. I like how NetGalley has the read now options on some books. It keeps it dervse on books. I went in blindly and thought it was just a romance book. It has some more serious topics than I actually thought. Adliegh is a singer in LA/California. Then find her bf cheating her in her own place. Then decides to come back home after 6 years. Then finds love in Colter a neighbor next door to her parents old house. I would consider it a small town romance book.

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I am truly grateful to be given the opportunity to read any advance reader copies and would like to give my honest feedback.

This book was beyond problematic for me and I will try to be as respectful as possible.

The characters were highly unlikable and the dialogue and banter between them was flat and bland. I truly felt like I was reading someone journal rather than a novella.

I understand this is set in the South but the constant use of “ain't” and “dearie” felt condescending and unnatural. Adleigh calling Colter “big boy” was absolutely cringe and gave off late night “skinamax” vibes.

The relationship with Adleigh and her late brother seemed borderline incest. The author even makes note of this. Colter was a walking red flag who gave off predator vibes. The constant unprotected sex also gave me the ick.

Sentences like “Watching colters reaction to me was like using my vibrator” and “Come clean your little kitten” also we’re just downright uncomfortable and odd.

Lastly, the pacing was chaotic and character development could use a lot of work.

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This story was slow for the most part. I don't think some of the characters had enough depth. As a southerner, I felt the dialogue to be a little... hmmm... fake or forced. I liked the plot, but didn't feel like the book hit the mark.

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Until Adleigh by Alyssa Milani
Rating: 3/5
Release Date: 13 July 2024

Adleigh, a musician, returns to her hometown after discovering her fiancé cheating with her best friend. She faces a strained relationship with her parents, still grieving the loss of her brother. Amidst this, Adleigh becomes involved with her next-door neighbour, the brother of her childhood boyfriend, who has also ended an engagement due to infidelity.

The characters in the story had complex backstories and trauma, but these elements were not fully developed, leaving the believability of their behaviour questionable.

The writing was basic, and the dialogue felt forced, especially in representing Southern characters. The relationship dynamics, particularly the protagonist's bond with her brother felt awkward and just plain strange.

Although there were moments of romance, they lacked detail and depth, making the story less appealing for readers seeking spice.

Overall, despite its flaws, the story had its charming moments and could benefit from further expansion into a longer book.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Amazon, and the author, Alyssa Milani, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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This is considered a novella, but it is not to me. It was rather long for a novella, but fell flat in character building for the amount of page time they received. I think that for a new to romance reader this could be enjoyable, but as an avid reader I prefer to have more to cheer for between the characters. I really disliked how the MMC navigated things.

Unfortunately for me, this book was a miss. But the author has a lot to build upon and stories to continue to tell.

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"Until Adleigh" by Alyssa Milani is a romance novel. While I found the story straightforward and easy to follow, the pacing felt slow at times. Despite this, I eventually started to enjoy it. Some characters seemed a bit one-dimensional, but overall, it was a decent read that other romance enthusiasts might appreciate more. I’d like to thank NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for providing me with an ARC ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Adleigh es una famosa cantante que estaba comprometida con su compañero de banda y cuando lo encuentra con otra lo deja y regresa a su pueblo natal a la casa de sus padres a quien no ha visto en 6 años.
La forma en como el papá la trató y lo que le dijo fue cruel, pero cierto.

Colter también estaba comprometido con su novia de toda la vida, estaban esperando un bebé y a los 4 meses se enteró que desde hace 10 años lo engañaba y el bebé no era suyo.

Ambos son tóxicos, pero entretenidos. Los dos tuvieron que ir al psicólogo porque tenían muchos problemas, sin embargo, ninguno de los dos creía en la terapia, 😬 o sea que si les molesta que la resolución sea que se curan con el poder del amor, no es para ustedes.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Until Adleigh releases July 15, 2024

Adleigh is a musician and finds herself back in her hometown 6 years later after catching her fiancé cheating on her with her best friend.
While navigating a strained relationship with her parents that stems from the loss of their son/her brother, Adleigh strikes up an entanglement with the next door neighbour whom happens to be the brother of her childhood boyfriend, and also ended an engagement due to being cheated on.

I was really not fond of the writing style or the characters, and at no point did I find this book to be romantic.
The slang and overuse of “ain’t” really bothered me, and I found the conversational nicknames used with strangers to be odd (ex. little miss, big boy, etc.).
Adleigh and Colter were so angry and had perpetual chips on their shoulders, which definitely translated in the tone of the story to the point that their moods were rubbing off on me, and I was not having a fun or enjoyable time.
Colter’s history of assault was a huge red flag, especially when he started exhibiting the same behaviours once Jamie showed up.

I’m really wondering why Adleigh is described to have many tattoos, yet there are no tattoos to be seen on the cover art.

cw: mentions of suicide and being cheated on

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Until Adleigh is an emotional story about two people who cross paths at the right time after being betrayed by their past relationships. She’s a rockstar heading home after 6 years and he’s a small town farmer. It’s a insta love story with a lot of push and pull from both characters. As they navigate their shared journey, they find solace and love in each other's arms, but must confront their past traumas to truly embrace their newfound happiness. There’s family drama that explores the complexities of grief and a soul-searching healing that shows strength and resilience. It’s dual POV, grumpy/sunshine, it’s angsty and has lots of spice. What more do you need in a novella.

“You mean so much to me, Adleigh. Life as I knew it didn’t start until you, and I barely know you.”

Maybe a few less times of the main character calling Colter “Big Boy” I feel like it was used way too much 😆

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Until Adleigh by Alyssa Milani is a novella about Adleigh, a rockstar who returns home to the small town she escaped without looking back. She meets Colton, the farmer who lives next door to her parents, and sparks fly. Being together means fighting the demons in their lives and making things work even though they are from two different worlds.

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