Member Reviews

Read this in an hr this morning. Looked the guy up.. doesn't seem that special and to say she was blissfully happy with the love of her life this doesn't come across in the photos on her IG of them as a couple where he looks miserable. and not smiling. The only genuine smiles seem to be in the pictures of her with another blonde woman - both smiling with their eyes etc..Wondering how much of this Ben bliss is inflated to sell books and fit the narrative.

Sorry for her loss but the book was kinda middling tbh. Glad it was free on Amazon so I didn't have to waste money on it. I wasn't impressed by all the bragging about Shoreditch House and the party lifestyle but then again I am not a millennial into dance music. It just reeked of privilege. Fair play to her if it helped her get it all out on paper to aid her grief process but this book didn't have anything to say about grief we haven't read a thousand times before in much better works by more talented authors.

I really hope that she gets out of the pigeon hole she has put herself in as a grieving widow and moves on because she is still very young..

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A heartbreaking and powerful story told by an exceptional writer. I could not stop reading about her life. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This is a heartwarming and heart-wrenching memoir that will resonate deeply with readers who have experienced the transformative power of love, loss, and resilience, and are seeking a story of hope and healing in the face of adversity.

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I read Bittersweet in one sitting. Lotte has an incredible way with words, sharing a raw account of her experience of love, of loss, the depths of grief, and life after loss. The book was heartbreaking, captivating and hopeful all at once. I have no doubts that it will have a hugely positive impact on conversations around grief, and I will be recommending far and wide.

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