Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and Lake Union for access to this arc.

As someone who's in middle age herself, I decided to try this book with a bunch of grandmothers. So far though, it's disjointed, slow, and not funny at all. I'm not even smiling at Jodi's jokes much less laughing. I just don't think this one is for me. DNF

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This book is so sweet, witty, and full of laugh-out-loud moments. I loved the family dynamic and the blossoming relationship between grandma and granddaughter. I cried, I laughed, I wanted to hug my mom. Must read!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the chance to read this book early in exchange for an honest review!

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Author Marilyn Simon Rothstein writes novels that make you laugh, make you think, and may make you see yourself a bit in reflection. In her latest offering, Who Loves You Best, Rothstein has readers examine what love means. Does love mean helping your children only when it is convenient? Does love mean loving only when it is reciprocal? Does love mean allowing people to walk all over you? Or does love mean showing “tough love” when necessary?

Rothstein tells the story of Jodi Wexler, a Florida podiatrist who loves feet (everyone’s feet, no matter how gross they are) and has a thriving practice to prove it. When her daughter calls and asks her to watch her granddaughter, Macallan, she immediately begins rearranging her life. She makes arrangements for her recently fired husband and travels many miles to her daughter’s home. The opportunity to spend time with Macallan is rare. Jodi arrives to discover that her alone time with her granddaughter is only a dream because her daughter, Lisa’s MIL, Di, an over-the-top, obnoxious real estate agent, has moved into the house! What’s worse is that Lisa’s FIL’s 27-year-old girlfriend, Grannie Annie, is also vying for Macallen’s attention. What a nightmare! Jodi makes the most of the few moments she has alone with Macallen. She feels like she is caught in a tug-of-war between Lisa and Grannie Annie, called “Who loves you best?” When Lisa goes out of town and leaves Macallen with the three women, Macallen is the one who is caught in the middle and does not understand. She loves them all and has no idea they all have personal agendas. Jodi only wants a relationship with her only grandchild. Lisa called and continued to postpone her return, causing Jodi to stay away from her practice longer than initially planned. Lisa has devised a plan that will require her father to invest. He’s all in, but will they have to uproot and move? Jodi considers it because that’s the thing you do for love. Lisa drops a bomb on everyone, and Jodi makes a decision. Her decision exhibits that sometimes love means exhibiting “tough love.” Jodi’s decision will help Lisa grow into the adult she should have been long ago. This is another winning novel by Rothstein!

Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. However, my opinions are entirely my own and uninfluenced.

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In Who Loves You Best, a woman (a podiatrist, to be exact) heads from Florida to the Berkshires to take care of her granddaughter for a week when she clashes with the other grandmothers involved in her granddaughter’s life. All 3 vying for the top spot. This book stole my heart. 3 women battling different issues, overcoming different pasts and trying to make amends, all coming together to take care of a single spunky little girl. It was funny, sweet, relatable and heartwarming. I loved the dynamics. I loved the quirkiness. I loved the small town in the fall vibes. But what I really loved was seeing older women portrayed as successful, resourceful, smart and independent while also being compassionate and doting. The entire message about being there for your children while also keeping something for yourself to protect your own happiness and success was so poignant. I loved every minute reading this book.

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Marilyn Simon Rothstein has another hit on her hands with her latest novel "Who Loves You Best". This novel follows Jodi, a wife, mother, grandmother, podiatrist, and an overall relatable gal, as she travels to the Berkshires babysit her granddaughter and encounters some hiccups and interesting characters along the way. Specifically, she is forced to interact with her granddaughter Maccallum's other "grandmas"---Di and Grannie Annie---and Jodi must figure out a way to find peace in order to put Maccallum's needs first. Overall, this novel should be paired with a cozy blanket, a cup of coffee, and enough time to dive in because you won't want to put it down. Rothstein's characters are always complex, relatable, and quickly feel like fast friends.

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This is a must read! I loved it from the beginning til the very last page. Her books do not disappoint. Highly recommend!

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This was such a fun yet serious read, my first by this author. Jodi is asked by her daughter to fly to the Berkshires to look after her 8-year-old granddaughter and Jodi jumps at the chance to play Grandma for a while; except when she gets there two other grandmas are vying for the granddaughter's attention. Over the next few days, Jodi and the other grandmas compete to be the grandma who loves their granddaughter best.

This story has such a unique premise, that was executed wonderfully, showing the many different ways to parent and grandparent a child. The book also asks what is family...It isn't necessarily being related by blood. I also like that Jodi was a doctor and that she decided it was time to put herself first. You know the rules of an aircraft, always put your mask on first before you help anyone else. How can you possibly be a good wife or parent if your own needs aren't met as well? And even though Jodi finally had to do for herself she stayed kind and thoughtful throughout. I was so pleased with the fact that the granddaughter was written so realistically in both behaviour and dialogue.

I just adored the fact that there were older people as main characters in this book and there was even a bit of romance for one of them. If you enjoy books with a lot of heart and humour then this is the book for you, it was very charming and full of family conflict but most of all there was a lot of love between these pages. As I said earlier this is my first by the author but it won't be my last. I want to check out Husbands and Other Sharp Objects for the title alone.

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There is no author I know who more perfectly writes books that make me laugh out loud but also make me cry, than Marilyn Simon Rothstein. In Who Loves You Best, we meet Jodi—a 67-year-old wife, mother, podiatrist, and grandmother. She loves her granddaughter, but they live far apart, and she’s thrilled to be asked to come stay with her for a week. Jodi was extremely relatable, as she deals with about a million mixed-up feelings regarding her life, her future, her home, her family, and especially the other grandmas that show up unexpectedly! There is so much to unpack here, the laughter and the tears layered with so many emotions, giving the reader a lot to think about through the course of this book. The relationships are complicated and one hundred percent authentic—we all know people who are like Jodi, Jake, Lisa, and the other complicated characters. This entertaining, thought-provoking book is perfect for book clubs, because there will be so much to talk about!

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Family stories are becoming one of my favorites. I've always enjoyed found family tropes, but this book does something new and original and wholly beautiful.

Who is family, really? This book takes that idea and opens the door wide.

Jodi drops everything in her comfy Florida retirement-ish life for her daughter and granddaughter. "Sometimes I felt as though I had to stand in line to see my own grandchild, as though I was in a crowded bakery and forced to take a number," she thinks at the story's outset.

The more the novel develops, the more crowded Jodi's life becomes. It's an uphill climb, but ultimately, family is worth it. No matter what that family looks like.

"Not going to be easy."
"Ahh. Easy is no fun."

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Great story , humorous but realistic, grandma Jodi comes from Florida to stay with her 8yr old granddaughter. Her daughter has business trip. Thinking about all the great one one one bonding she can do. Alas that is not how it goes. Really enjoyed this story

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4.5 stars
Marilyn Rothstein does it again! This story is packed with her signature sarcasm but with so much more added in! Dr. Jodi Wexler, a podiatrist in Florida, flies to the Berkshires to babysit her only granddaughter while her daughter flies to Boston to meet her husband. Jodi plans to spend all her time spoiling her granddaughter and doesn’t plan on the two other grandmothers showing up. One grandmother refuses to be called a grandmother, is a demanding PITA and has no need for her granddaughter is hiding secrets and the other grandmother is a 27 year old who is not even related to the family but calls herself Grannie Annie. Drama is all over the place and you just can’t help not laughing out loud at some of the shennigans! A few twists in the story and a lovely ending made for a wonderful read! I loved all the Jewish references throughout the story and it reminded me of when I was a child!

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This book is truly one of a kind. When Jodi gets a call from her daughter asking her to watch her granddaughter Macallan - she jumps at the opportunity. She doesn’t expect that there will be not one but TWO other grandmothers to share the spotlight with - her daughter’s mother-in-law and Grannie Annie (a woman in her 20s who is dating her daughter’s father-in-law).

What ensues is an adventure that is equally enlightening and at times humorous. As Jodi tries to care for her granddaughter while also supporting her daughter through whatever crisis she’s in, she learns a little something about herself along the way too.

I love books about family conflict - it reminds me that no family is perfect and we all have our struggles - but what defines us is how we deal with them.

A lovely story that kept me engaged and really had me laughing out loud at some parts… I might’ve shed a few tears as well 🤫

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This book will keep you guessing. Set in the late 1970’s we get a glimpse into the terror surrounding a town when a serial killer is on the loose and cell phones don’t exist yet. There are a few men in Rebecca’s life and most of them are not good for her. I liked the flawed characters and interesting story.

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I absolutely adored this book and could not stop reading it. The humor throughout caught me laughing out loud. Jodi is the grandma that I hope to be lucky enough to be one day.

This book is a story of families and ultimately acceptance. I loved that Callie has three grannies that she can depend on. It’s also the story of a mother and daughter relationship between Jodi and Lisa.

On a side note, I have enjoyed every book by this author. Thank you Netgalley for an ARC of this wonderful book.

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You want me to watch Macallan while you are out of town?


When Jodi agreed, her husband had some bad news. The place he worked for fired him via an email, and he was devastated.

Should she leave him home since he is so upset?

He told her to go without him.

Everything was great until she got there.

Lisa was distant, and there were two other grannies there.

Jodi was not happy, but Lisa asked her to keep the peace.

How could she keep the peace when one of the grannies was treating her terribly.

And…on top of all of this, Jodi knows something is going on with her daughter.

She came here to enjoy time with her granddaughter…what goes on here when she isn’t here.

Plenty goes on, and Jodi was ready to get back to her own life and not the whirlwind life of her daughter.

WHO LOVES YOU THE BEST is funny as well as heartbreaking, and is Ms. Rothstein’s signature enjoyable read with some advice on life.

It also has you realizing what's important in life...your family and more importantly YOUR own happiness.

Thank you to the author for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Who Loves You Best by Marilyn Simon Rothstein is an absolutely wonderful book that I absolutely LOVED!!!!

Though I will never be a mother or grandmother I enjoyed the wit, humor and thought-provoking story. I am always overjoyed to read main characters that are older.

I enjoyed reading about the different grandmothers and I fondly thought of mine that are no longer with us.

The characters were well written, complex, funny and fleshed out.

What a wonderful womens fiction novel that I really enjoyed.

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I loved everything about “Who Loves You Best” by Marilyn Simon Rothstein. Kudos to Marilyn Simon Rothstein for this well-written, powerful, memorable, witty, and thought-provoking novel. The author has a gift for both writing and telling her story. I loved the themes surrounding this story. Has anyone received admission to the Exclusive Grandmother Club? The one simple requirement is that you become a Grandmother, biological or not. It starts with a notification that you will be a Grandmother. After the initial shock wears off, it is like hearing trumpets or bells in a big band or orchestra. That is, until the pause and reality sets in. You may not be the only Grandmother in this group. There are also your daughter’s and son’s rules to contend with.

Marilyn Simon Rothstein has that magical way of making me laugh and smile what she writes. The author strongly describes the different types of Grandmas. This almost reminds me of “Battle of the Grandmothers” or “The Wars of the Grandmas”. Of course we don’t forget our grandchildren, and hope that they provide the correct answer when asked “Who Loves You Best”? Marilyn Simon Rothstein vividly describes the scenery of the locations, and the colorful and dramatic characters.

The Genres for this novel are humor, family and friendship, and women’s fiction. There are three grandmothers with distinctive personalities, and a lovable granddaughter. Jodi Wexler, is a married, successful Podiatrist, who lives in Florida. Jodi’s daughter, Lisa owns a restaurant in the Berkshires, and requests Jodi to come and help with her daughter Macallan. When Jodi arrives she discovers that Lisa’s mother-in-law Di, a top realtor is there, as well as ‘Grannie Annie” the life partner of Jodi’s father in law. Lisa has to go on a business trip, and anticipates that this visit will only last about a week. Of course there is much more to this request.

I appreciate that the author is empathetic, and sensitive to the many issues that arise, and discusses the importance of family, friends, neighbors, community, love and hope. The author also emphasizes honesty, communication, and finding and believing in yourself. I highly recommend this memorable novel! Happy Reading!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me to read an ARC of Who Loves You Best by Marilyn Simon Rothstein, in exchange for my honest review.

I really enjoyed this book! Witty, heartwarming, and at times, laugh out loud funny. A wonderful story with family drama, quirky and lovable characters, and some lessons learned.

I look forward to reading more by Marilyn Simon Rothstein.

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I laughed. And then I paused to think about the competing grandmothers craving every bit of affection they could from a sweet eight-year-old girl. Who was grandma’s favorite? The book is charming from the start.

The author had fun with names. Macallan was the bottle the parents were drinking when their daughter was conceived. The narrator and grandma, Jodi, was a podiatrist in Boca Raton with an office on Butt Road. The other grandma went by Diandra Summer Lake, a successful realtor in the Berkshires. The 27-year-old known as Grannie Annie decided to call the young girl “Mac” rather than Callie or Macallan. She lived with Diandra’s first husband, 68-year-old retired doctor and the Callie’s grandpa. The mother, Lisa, owner of a restaurant, was good friends with a famous chef – well, of course: Will Cook.

Besides some laugh-out-loud lines, there was a lot of serious issues going on with the characters sending them into a state of panic – issues related health, religion and the competition of grandma’s time in the loop. It’s easy, enjoyable reading especially for those who are retired and can relate to extended families. Times have changed with how young kids are raised and Jodi tries her best to go with the flow.

This is one book that I could feel a flash of fingers pointing directly at me. My stepson’s wife is pregnant. They live several states over and both mothers are right there to help. Who do you think this little boy is going to know? This is a book I didn’t want to end.

My thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy with an expected release date of October 15, 2024.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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