Member Reviews

3.5 stars
This is the second book that continues the series, I didn't read the first one but there is a talk about what happened before. The story is interesting the deeper we go in the more interesting it becomes. What I didn't like was the use of language, so the story for me it was not always easy to follow.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgalley

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Finally my long awaited and heavily anticipated return to the magical and treacherous Isle of Storms - Hjatland. Max whisks you away and drops you straight back into the story of fierce female MC Isabella and her arduous quest to navigate her unfamiliar role as Anahera to the enigmatic outcast Bryant. Max has created a beguiling world through her bewitching descriptions that is populated with unique and enthralling characters. I literally couldn’t put this book down as Max’s well paced tale had me swooning, gasping and begging for more, right until the final pages. Filled with spicy romance, violent action scenes, beautiful settings, memorable characters and heartfelt prose Pariah is the fantastic second book in the Isle of Storm series that every fantasy lover should be reading. Now to wait for book three!!!!

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Anyone who knows me knows that I fell in love with this series when I read Volume 1.
Even if the writing wasn't perfect and the universe rather complex to understand, I immediately adored Isabella and Bryant and became invested in their relationship.

So I was really looking forward to volume 2, and I wasn't disappointed! We meet up again just after the end of Volume 1, and the story begins very quickly.

I loved learning more about our different characters, seeing their evolution and discovering more about Bryant, his childhood and the particularities of his people.

But my favorite part of this book is really the evolution of our couple's love relationship, they're just too cute!!! And I'm so happy to see them protect and accept each other fully.

I can't wait to dive back into this universe with Volume 3, as I still have so many questions and expectations!

I want to thank Vianne Max,Cranthorpe Millner Publishers and Netgalley for this ARC

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I requested this not knowing it was the second book in the series. I started reading it and was very confused and quickly figured it out. However, I'm glad that I requested it, as I had to go find the first book, and it's not one that I ever would have chosen on my own, as I'm not a massive fan of portal fantasy.

The worldbuilding of the secondary world is fantastic. I love the different races/species. Having similarities to Maori culture is a bit odd, but it's cool to see since it's definitely underrepresented.

The characters are really relatable as well, including their insecurities.

I'm really looking forward to the next one.

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It had been two years since I had read book one in the series, so I was nervous because I rushed to read this book as soon as my request for an ARC through NetGalley was approved. I didn't need to be, as the recaps and reminders of what had happened in the previous book was sufficient to trigger my memory without having to pause to re-read book one. (But I will be re-reading both once I get through the metric ton of books I currently have on loan from my library). One of my biggest disappointments with this book was how little Lianne and Meridian were featured as I enjoy their banter. That being said, I enjoyed the book thoroughly. I was not expecting any spicy scenes, but perhaps a few steamy kisses sprinkled throughout. I read a lot of Romantasy and Romance books, so I was pleasantly surprised by the spice.

I had pictured the Drw-ad's mother-goddess and where she lives to be different to what was depicted in book 2. For some reason, in book 1, I was picturing something out of Dark Angel. Looking back, there was no indication that it was going to have that feel or vibe, but it was just me.

I enjoyed seeing Bryant in action more in book 2.

I am dreading the possible foreshadowing for Eric's future in the series based on some events in book 2. I'm trying to keep this review spoiler-free, so I won't go into specifics.

I liked the inclusion of the magical aromas again in book 2, as well as various Maori cultural and linguistic references. I'm most familiar with the Aboriginal and Metis cultures, as I hail from the homeland of the Metis. I love learning about other cultures and languages. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why I love fantasy and sci-fi so much.

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I don’t like the way they just throw us into the story with no context or build up. For that reason I chose to put it down and read other books.

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