Member Reviews

As a person who has always struggled with the feeling of just not being enough, so much of this book resonated with me! It is beautifully written, and I could see everything unfolding in my mind as I read it.

Isy is everything I think I want in a FMC, and her banter with everyone, but especially Erik. The angst, the tension, omg the tension!!! and the drama just made everything even better.

Also, the snakes. Excuse you, author, but what. the. what??? was up with that?!

I will now eagerly await the announcement of book 2. The cliffhanger was perfectly written, leaving me salivating for the next installment! Thank you, NetGalley, for letting me have an early copy!

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I didn’t think I was going to get as hooked in as I did but wow I adored this. I loved the magic and stories throughout the plot. Isy and Erik and hope there is a second book soon!

This book has a strong female character, great banter, suspense and mystery! I give this four stars purely based on vibes. I read this in one sitting and found it very enjoyable but it wasn’t my absolute favorite book.

I loved the lore, history and magic in this book but wished it had been a bit explained in the beginning more to give the whole book more background. The plot had me confused at a few times and I did my best to keep up. Overall I enjoyed it and will read the second book to find out more

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This was such a great read!

From the very first chapter I was hooked and texted all my friends so they could keep an eye out for this book. I think there are sometimes when you start a book and you just *know* it’s going to tick nearly all your boxes and this definitely did so for me.

Isabel is a wonderful main character, and I really enjoyed the style with which this book was written. The other main and secondary characters especially Erik, Katrina, Hans, Signey, Kaspar, Bo, and Stefan are well fleshed out and I loved learning
more about them.

Good banter is one of my favorite things in any story and this one had plenty that left me giggling to myself in public:

“You orchestrated this. Don’t pretend like you didn’t.”
“Orchestrated what?”
His jaw tensed. “The baths.”
“Are you telling me you don’t bathe? That’s gross, and probably unhealthy. Come see me when you get a rash.”

This book was an emotional rollercoaster in the most delicious way and I cannot wait for more people to find out about it.

I am SO delighted to hear there will be a second, hooray!

I also have to say I am obsessed with the cover art which is what immediately drew me to the book *hides from don’t judge a book by its cover crew*. The color scheme of darker colors, the font choice, the whimsy of the flowers and knives, 10/10.

Thank you Net Galley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Illusion of Stars was a book I struggled with. The premise sounded interesting, but it didn't quite hit the mark for me. I found the prose style somewhat distracting with its constant descriptions and similes, and that pulled me out of the story in every chapter. I am usually all about the tropes, but here I found them a bit annoying as I was so tuned in to what was going to happen ahead of time that it took any excitement out of the story. I never connected with Isabel as the lead female character; I just couldn't get behind her. But on the plus side, I thought the development of the romance part of the story worked well and avoided the insta-love trap so much romantasy falls into. I would add as a disclaimer that my view of the book could also have been coloured a little by my reading experience. I received the book as an eBook ARC and, while it downloaded fine to my computer, it crashed my e-reader when I tried to add it on there, so I was forced to read a chapter or two here and there when I was on the PC, rather than settled in my usual reading routine. I even went out and bought a new e-reader, as mine was over ten years old and I thought it perhaps couldn't cope with newer formatting (since this was now the second file I'd had such an issue with), but even the new e-reader failed to accept it. In conclusion, this book had some positive points, but overall it wasn't for me. That's not to say, though, that other readers won't enjoy it, as I can see it also has many positive reviews online. If you are a romantasy fan, check it out and see for yourself. I am giving it three stars.

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Wow wow wow. I wasn’t sure what to expect going in with this book, I just knew I wanted to read it. AND my god, it left me with such a beautiful ache. I love how Sarah writes. I didn’t get overwhelmed with a whole bunch of world building, and political strife, but I knew exactly how this world was working. It was so easy to follow, BUT that doesn’t mean it wasn’t big, magical, whimsical, intriguing, and mysterious. I LOVED feeling like I was reading Isabel’s personal journal- it made me feel so connected to her. It read like a normal story and then all of sudden you remembered she was writing to us, as a reader, by little quips or breaking the fourth wall. And chapter 36…the way she wrote exactly how it feels to be torn in 2 different directions, but 2 different people, and your mind just reeling…PERFECT. Isabel is such a warm character and heartbreaking in all the right ways, and she’s one of my favorite female characters. Erik was a little longer to get to know, but his pain and baggage was also beautiful to see and to see him finally share with someone else. Their love story didn’t feel ‘big’ but felt so so so special. You knew how much they needed each other, not all love needs to be loud. Sometimes all you need is an ‘I see you.’ Also? I just knew I was going to LOVE Signey…I hope we get so much more of her. I loved this story so much, it was such a good read. It flowed so well and made me feel so many things. The whole theme of ‘I see you’ and ‘am I really enough’ really sat with me and wasn’t down your throat the whole time, but it made me cry in many different places. Sarah’s little note at the end? CRIED, what a beautiful story to share with the readers. Now I desperately need book two🦋💟🌱

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The story follows Isy, the royal physician, as she is tasked to find a weapon under the guise as being a guide to Erik and his people. With the kingdom, and her life on the line, Isy is put through challenges for both herself and her feelings for Erik.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. The concept and the lore and the world were interesting, especially the magic.
The last 50 pages were a standout for me as the pacing really picks up and I couldn't put the book down!
There's angst, drama, tension... you didn't know where the story was going to go. And although there is a cliffhanger, I was left knowing what the stakes are which really worked for this book.

Another big standout for me were the scenes between Isy and Erik. The sexual tension scenes were really good and the slow burn really built up the tension in a way that felt that it wasn't rushed.

There are a few things about this book that I got confused with and couldn't really follow. Although the lore and world are interesting, it was quite hard to follow both the magic and politics/kingdom lore.

The plot itself wasn't super clear and I was confused at points with why side characters had such high positions within the war (without giving too much away) despite their actual job roles in the kingdom. The plot did jump around a bit and sometimes I didn't really understand what was happening.

I think Isy as an FMC will be inspiring and relatable for readers as she isn't afraid to voice her inner demons and Erik as an MMC is definitely someone that readers will swoon over.

Please remember that all opinions are my own and that other readers will have their own opinions too

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“I see you.”

Oh to be seen, and loved, and reminded of your worth. ❤️ I really resonated with Isabel in this story. I too (as I imagine many others as well) have had my own journey toward the realization that I am enough. It reminded me of my first ever tattoo (as pictured). I got that tattoo years ago after much work on my self-worth and self-esteem. The tattoo is a reminder to me and to anyone who sees it, I am enough. You are enough, “I see you.”.

This was overall a beautiful story. The writing (specifically Isabel’s thoughts) felt like poetry at times, so raw and beautiful. I love Erik so much, the soft spot he has for Isabel, the vulnerability he shows, and the parallels between both of them and their past traumas and struggles.

The only real “critique” I have is that I found myself confused at times in terms of world building and how their politics and powers work. However, I guess that makes sense since it is all through Isabel’s POV and we are learning info along with her. Hopefully, we’ll learn more in the next one.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and I am definitely looking forward to seeing where the story will go in the next book!

A HUGE thank you to NetGalley and Sarah Page for this ARC. 🫶🏻

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This fantasy romance was an enjoyable read, especially after the author mentioned it was perfect for fans of Dramione. Although it started off slow, once the story picked up, I was totally hooked. The fascinating and unique world-building and magic, along with the beautifully written descriptions, allow you to fully immerse yourself in this world. Expect a slow burn, an enemies-to-lovers dynamic, illusions, and betrayal.

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The way this book sang to me. Where to start? Isy...Isy Isy relatable. She spoke to me on so many levels but her insecurities, low self-esteem, self doubt particularly over self worth, never feeling enough...I felt so seen on these pages. Her character laid me bare...all of her fears and doubts are all things I know all too well. The story - the sooth mentioning her fate to hold the door (sorry, my mind did go a little GoT there and shouted HODOR haha) and then Erik mentioning the sooth and his palm reading yet it being so close to Isy's....perfect drops of things to come. However, I DID NOT SEE THAT ENDING! The story about Aalto and Vega and then Signey calling Erik Vega at the end - the way EVERYTHING clicked with their fates and the earlier mention of puffins. He’s ready to tear down the sky to get her back and I cannot wait but the disobeying the order bit makes me so nervous!! I saw Stefan coming from 50 miles away, I knew Hans was going to be the one that died because something had to turn the tide for Isy's story to take off and she was already feeling so much guilt over him, I knew Erik would go get her back but I didn’t think there would be potential repercussions from the binding. I should have known something like this would be the case from the beginning but you got me! Also, the reveal of the hearts being cut out and why was such a good easter egg/reveal. I feel like I'm verbally vomiting because I am still processing everything I just read.

I loved this book. I've already sent multiple texts to friends telling them they have to read this. I posted my reaction to the last to chapters on instagram even though I hate hate hate showing my face because people need to read this - particularly people who feel *less than* and *not enough*. Working on my Goodreads review and will have a post ready for instagram for release day (will add both here after complete)! Thank you so much for the e-ARC!!!

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Sarah Marie Page delivers a breathtaking fantasy romance with an electrifying enemies-to-lovers twist. The story of Isabel and Erik is a masterclass in slow-burn romance and simmering tension. Page's writing is exquisite, seamlessly blending snarky banter with heart-pounding action. The characters are captivating and well-developed, each with their own intriguing layers. The world-building is rich and immersive, making every page a delight. The plot had me captivated from the start with its engaging banter and unexpected twists that kept me on the edge of my seat. Once the story gained momentum, it raced forward without pause. Isabel's journey through feelings of unworthiness and trauma was depicted with poignant beauty, portraying her transformation from self-doubt to unyielding resolve. The unique magic system introduced in the story holds many secrets yet to be uncovered, hinting at a larger, mysterious world. With the groundwork laid for a promising series, I found myself thoroughly captivated and eagerly anticipate what lies ahead. Overall, this book is an unputdownable read, and I can't wait to read the published version of this stunner of a book.

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This book absolutely amazed me that I devoured it in 24 hours! Immediately after reading the excerpt, I knew this would be right up my alley. The first couple chapters felt a little slow and I was worried that I would not be fully immersed in the story, but approximately 50 pages in, I was tuned in!

The magic system was so unique and the worldbuilding was incredibly enthralling. The descriptions of how many people in proximity each individual can conjure their powers for was such an interesting addition. This truly highlights Erik's strength and his role in this war. However, I I wish we got to see more scenes with illusion magic, aside from the ones meant to torture Isabel).

Isabel is such a compelling FMC. Being sent as a spy in guise of a guide, despite being the most terrible liar, cracked me up! The Volds had her figured out from the very beginning. Her development throughout the book is so admirable. I don't think I've ever encountered a character I've related to as much as Isabel. As someone who has constantly felt "small", I applaud her eventual realization that she is so much more than her past and background. From the initial denial she had towards being worthy of love due to the persistent idea that she was not enough, to opening up her heart to Erik and forming such strong bonds with those around her tugged at my heartstrings. The importance of truly being seen wholeheartedly is something that humans crave and cherish. These moments that Erik and Isy had were so tender. After bearing their souls to one another, which they have never done before, allowed them to understand each other in the deepest manner. Despite having differences, they both knew what it felt like to be alone, bringing them together which catalyzed an unbreakable bond.

That cliffhanger was criminal and I am respectfully demanding a copy of the sequel once it is finished. I cannot not recommend this enough!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Shadow Forge Publishing for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a fabulous read! I enjoyed so many things about this book from the world building, unique magic systems, adventure, the characters, friendships, banter, slow burn romance, betrayals and reveals. If you like all of these tropes, then this is the book for you. I loved the whole underlying theme of "I see you" and "you are enough". Well written, I hope to see more from this author.

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I was blessed with the chance to get an e-ARC of this book. Thank you to Sarah Marie Page and Shadow Forge Publishing for this opportunity!

Ms SARAH MARIE PAGE!!!!! WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE HAVE YOU PUT IN THIS BOOK?! Sincerely, one who cannot wait for book nr 2.

Illusion of Stars has such cozy and fiery vibes. The blend between humor and seriousness is perfectly balanced and this book was downright addictive. The ending left me speechless, and I expected no less (but was definitely NOT prepared for THAT ending). I am a sucker for enemies to lovers, and this was!

Be prepared to be slung into a mesmerizing world of magic, love and betrayal. Erik Lothgarson is one darn good MMC, that's for sure! And to be paired with Isy as our FMC was a match made in heaven. Where his grim, dark and mysteriousness comes into play - she meets this with her light, pure heart and braveness. He is confident where she is doubtful. She is comforting where he is lost. And they both are vulnerable in their own ways. I simply love these characters (and many more!!).


The use of words, and sentence building is simply outstanding. I highlighted every other page because there were so many beautiful descriptions.
I posted a review of this amazing book on the 18th of june, on my TikTok account: mycozylittlebookcorner (clink on the link I added in the review and you should be taken straight to the video).
Feel free to check it out<3

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC in exchange of my honest thoughts- thank you Netgalley, Shadow Forge Publishing, and Sarah Marie Page for allowing me to get an early copy!

Off the bat we are met with banter- I ATE THAT UP. I love a story that is both equally intriguing that can get me to smile and laugh along with the characters.

The world building is intense but Sarah wrote it beautifully. I was so deep into this world it’s not even funny. The story is very character driven, and fleshed out more than a lot of other fantasy stories that are published AND I APPRECIATE YOU SARAH FOR THIS!! If you’ve read Crescent City, you’ll be just fine with the world building! I never felt overwhelmed or overly confused- nothing a little paragraph reread wouldn’t help :) IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW

Now let’s talk about the romance- it is a fade to black- HOWEVER- it is DONE RIGHT, and I didn’t miss the spice at all. Personally the story was so so good that I felt it wasn’t even really needed. ISY AND ERIK 5EVER <3

This story depicts loss, growth, overcoming obstacles, chasing your dreams- and I couldn’t rant and rave about how much I enjoyed it. We got adventure,banter, tension, missions- goodbye- ITS A MASTERPIECE. Let’s just highlight ~enemies to lovers~ because hellloooo-
The pacing was perfect, the info was well spread out and I was HOOKED from page 1.

I’m so stupid excited about the next book- but also WHAT WAS THAT CLIFFHANGER- MAAM?? Can I forward my therapist your info for my bills?

Sarah Marie Page has just became one of my autobuy authors. ✨

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I absorbed this book. Goodness it was so intriguing! I devoured it!!! Definitely such a good read! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I absolutely could not put it down, I fell in love with the characters, and the author managed to make me laugh and cry multiple times, the story revolves around deep seeded feelings of self doubt and grief, and overcoming our own fears of failure, of finding our strengths, and falling in love with the imperfections that make each of us unique. I loved that she showed masculine vulnerability, that she built friendships in natural ways, I really have no complaints at all about this story except that I need the rest of the story now, I want the next book now! There are definitely triggers in this book and the author outlines them, with a heartfelt message because our mental health matters first.

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Oh my goodness this book was STUNNING. I really loved it, and it hooked me from the very first chapter. I really loved this whole experience. It was such a cozy, whimsical, funny, captivating read.

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Illusion of Stars by new to me author S M Page is a brilliant story, excellent written and beautifully told. I fell in love with characters and worldbuilding, hook, line and sinker. A story that'll stay with me for a very long time, I just know it. This enemies-to-lovers debut desreves all the stars.
I recommend this gem of a story, 5 stars.
Blurb: As the royal physician of a tiny, windswept island, Isabel spends her days trying to keep the queen from dying and the king from streaking naked down the halls. But when her best friend is found on the beaches, her world is ripped apart. Desperate for answers, she discovers a stash of letters that reveal a terrifying truth: the neighboring kingdom of Volgaard possesses a kingdom-shattering weapon and is poised to conquer everything in its path.
Seeking vengeance, Isabel infiltrates the enemy. Her mission? Woo Erik Lothgarson, the general's steamy, illusion-magic wielding son, and steal the dangerous weapon. She can bring Volgaard to its knees-if she isn't caught.
But as Isabel dances along the lines between truth and fiction blur...

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Thank you to @sarahpagestories and @netgalley for an ARC of Illusion of Stars!

- Enemies-to-lovers 
- Forced proximity 
- One horse
- Who did this to you?
- Angsty men
- illusion magic
- He’d burn it down for her
- She’s a spy- he’s her mark

This!!! This is a book you won’t want to miss. Let me start by saying I stayed up until 4am because I refused to put it down. And now, it’s after 4am and I’m still up because I want to write my review immediately to tell the world that you NEED to read this!

The FMC and MMC are on opposite sides of an impending war. She’s working hard to be the Royal physician’s apprentice and he’s the son of the enemies General. When her best friend is found dead, she is sent on a mission to infiltrate the enemy, woo the generals son, and steal a dangerous weapon. What could go wrong? Right?

This book was unputdownable! The only exception being that I, unfortunately, had to sleep… the first night anyway. This is only because I started it so late to begin with. The next night, however, it did not get put down! I kept telling myself I should savor this and make it last, but then the greedy part of me said, no. And I. DEVOURED. THIS!

The story/plot was captivating and so well written. The setting was described so well you could see it all. The characters were very well developed and lovable/ swoon worthy. And the message of the book that you are not nobody, you matter, was so genuine and deeply felt.

After finishing, I immediately had to confirm that there will be a sequel and I won’t even attempt to lie and say that I’ll be waiting patiently for it. I need it now! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

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Out of all of the postive things I could say about this book, what stuck out to me the most is the quality of the writing. The romantasy genre (and particularly the books pushed on booktok and bookstagram) tends to suffer from lackluster writing, but manage to entertain readers with immersive stories. Sarah Marie Page has managed to marry the two and give her readers a fascinating story!

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