Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book so much, the characters and the unique magic system add in the banter between Isy and Erik which was so highly entertaining and gave some of my favourite moments.

It did take me a little while to fully get into as the pacing was a little slow in the beginning and I found it took a little longer to fully connect with the characters but once I did I completely became engaged in their story and found it such an enjoyable read. The chemistry between Isy and Erik was filled with so much tension and angst from their very first meeting, I always love enemies to lovers and this one didn’t disappoint.

I can’t wait to see what comes next and I highly recommend this little gem of a romantasy if you love a enemies to lovers filled with all the tension and angst without any of the spice and a really interesting plot.

Thank you so much to the author and NetGalley for the digital arc.

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Wonderful debut from a new author. Sarah Marie Page's The Illusion of Stars does a wonderful job of balancing high stakes fantasy with light-hearted moments of fun and humor.

The story takes place from the point of view of the FMC, Isabel. Isabel starts this book trying to assert herself and achieve the job of royal physician, despite dealing with feelings of inadequacy that stem from childhood experiences. The course of her life changes when her childhood friend Hans is murdered. She is tasked with spying on a group of Volds - hostile enemies from a neighboring country that have come to her country's shores. Acting as a guide as they explore her country, she tries to make contact with her handler, but Isabel is quite possibly the worst spy known to existence. Instead of spying, she finds herself making friends, fighting attraction, and being swept up in a much larger plot of destruction. While Isabel starts off as this seemingly naïve character, she has these moments were you see her strength and deviousness. I can't wait to see that grow in second book.

I also hope we get Erik's , the MMC, POV in book two. He is a sweet cinnamon roll that tries to act morally grey, but is truly just looking for connections in a world that has largely rejected and used him. The romance between the two is build from a place of people understanding and seeing each other on a level that no one else has taken the time to do. It was fun watching them feel each other out has they danced around each other.

The story moves along quickly before exploding into a dramatic cliffhanger conclusion. Definitely going to need to know what happens next!

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Illusion of Stars
Sarah Marie Page

What can I say? Sarah Marie Page, you took all of my favorite tropes, mixed them together in a bowl and added some magic to create this masterpiece! I listened to this ARC in one sitting and needed a ridiculous amount of coffee to get through work the next day. Absolutely worth it. Isabel- A clever, witty healer who is a terrible spy and a tad stabby. Seeking vengeance for her murdered friend and saving her defenseless nation. Erik- An exceptionally powerful enemy from Volgaard who can use magic to make you see whatever he wants. The banter is snarky, the slow burn is steamy, the magnetic pull is tense and there’s only one horse. There are so many twists and turns and I chewed through this story like it was candy. This book is one to look out for, it is going to be on everyones rec lists. 5 stars.

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I went into this not knowing a thing and I was so surprised by how great it is! The chemistry between the main characters is fantastic and it is witty and exciting. I couldn’t put it down. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a good romantasy/fantasy. Will be adding to our library.

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This was a completely fantastic story that pulled me in with humor and sarcasm from the beginning! Amazing character development and relationship building, fantastic banter and wit, and expert story crafting went into this book. It was heartbreaking, hopeful, and so purely magical. You will not regret going on this adventure.

Isabel is a feisty and strong character who, like many of us, feels her own self doubt around her like a cloak. She wants so badly to be enough for everyone around her, and any small failure feels like falling off the edge of a cliff. Her journey with self doubt and self harm is one that we don't see often in fantasy, and I liked the way her story was told with that as a part of who she is at the very fabric of her core.

Erik is a soldier through and through. He's magic. He's powerful, and he' idiot. He drags Isabel along as their guide under the agreement that it will help keep peace between their people, but what started as pure annoyance becomes something so much more. Erik also fights with being enough for his father, for his kingdom, and for being seen as Erik and not just a solder or a powerful Sender.

They find that as they get to know one another, they're not all that different. Have they finally found someone to see them for them and not the power or skill they possess? But then, of course, we have secrets, betrayal, and murder sprinkled throughout the book. There were a few moments where my jaw dropped and I was so shocked at the twist! I never saw it coming, but then it brought the rest of the pieces back together to form the picture of reality.

I absolutely cannot wait for book 2!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this eARC.

I went into this blind…and I was pleasantly surprised! This romantasy had me by a chokehold, and I can confidently say it’s one of my new favorites!

The chemistry between the MMC and the FMC was everything.

“You are seen. You are enough.”

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From a person who is nobody to the person who is becoming a great author of the Future!!!

This is one of those books you find by pure accident and then after reading stay with you for a lifetime.

I requested this book because of two things; the cover and the description. Then I started reading it. The book gripped me from the first scene and I could not stop reading it. The Story, the plotline, the enemies-to-lovers dynamic, the struggles of FMC and MMC....everything was perfection.

This story is perfection. 5 stars from me. I loved it so much and now I need to have it on my shelf....

I wrote a detailed review on my blog. do check it out.

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I went into this book pretty much blind and I was so pleasantly surprised. Straight away I fell in love with the banter between Isabel and the original characters, which of course just only increased and got better once she was in enemy camps. I honestly think a good book is made in the side characters, it’s easy to make us fall in love with the main characters, but when you’re rooting for everyone else too it just adds that extra level.

But saying that, let’s not take away from Isabel and Erik 😍 I knew I’d love him from the moment we met him 😂 my poor tortured soul 🥺 I won’t spoil anything but UGH the ending. I need the next book now please.

Tropes in this book are some of my favourite:
- enemies to lovers
- slow burn
- one horse trope (briefly)
- knife to throat scene

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4.5 Stars

This story was so beautifully written. I felt like the world building was done in such a great way where the reader doesn't feel overwhelmed by all the information. The magic system was interesting and unique to the story. The way that Sarah Marie Page shows anxiety and panic on the page by inserting words between paragraphs really made the reader feel what the characters were feeling. The pacing was great and the book never seemed to lull, it kept moving forward in a way that didn't seem rushed.

"Isabel Moller, you are not allowed to kiss me, then awkward swim away."

I loved Isabel and Erik. Isabel is entirely relatable with the way that she was awkward yet endearing, smart, brave, determined, and the struggle that she has with believing in herself. Erik is a cinnamon roll MMC if there ever was one. He is swoon worthy, strong, and determined to prove that he's more than his power. The way Isy & Erik come together once they realize that they are both fighting for the same thing, self validation & acceptance, is beautiful and fully lends itself to a naturally developing slow burn romance. Plus their banter had me laughing out loud. The author did an amazing job of developing not only the main characters of this story, but the side characters as well. Signey, Bo, Kaspar, and Tyr were some of my favorites.

This story is perfect for anyone that loves fantasies full of angst, hope, witty banter, magic, political intrigue, believable and likeable characters, all with a side of romance. If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting here praying for a book #2 because I need more.

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This is so beautifully and thoroughly written. This book gave me all the, "You drew stars around my scars" Taylor Swift vibes ✨️ and I was HERE FOR IT. I felt like I was a part of this story, not just reading it. This was a slow-burn romantasy book, and the main characters are enemies-to-lovers who start out on opposite sides but realize each other isn't the enemy. They help each other heal, grow, and evolve together. The banter between them is fantastic, and their chemistry is undeniable. As soon as I finished this, I immediately had to look up if the author is writing a sequel (she is!) and I will be eagerly waiting to read it! 🤍📚

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC of Illusion of Stars, in exchange for an honest review.

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"Illusion of Stars" by Sarah Marie Page turned out to be such a gem. I have to say, the slow-burn connection between Isabel and Erik is one of the highlights for me. I'm a sucker for an enemies-to-lovers story, and this one does it so well. At first, it took a bit to get going, but once the plot picked up, I was hooked.

Isabel’s internal dialogue and self-doubt really resonated with me. She’s trying so hard to be a spy and avenge her friend’s death, but she keeps getting caught, which adds this layer of vulnerability to her character. It made her feel so real and relatable.

And then there’s Erik. I really liked his character. He’s complex and has this depth that makes the evolving relationship with Isabel so engaging. The way their dynamic changes and grows is so well done—it’s frustrating, emotional, and ultimately very satisfying.

Overall, "Illusion of Stars" is a beautiful mix of fantasy and emotional storytelling. It’s one of those books that sneaks up on you, and before you know it, you’re completely invested. Highly recommend!

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This book is magical and had so much depth. I loved how much we got to see the main characters grief process and her internal struggles. It was beautifully written, and I felt like I was engulfed in the magic at times. I wanted a little more details on the magic system and why some had magic and others did not. I think this was a beautiful start to a duology and can’t wait to read the next book. I need to know what happens!

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Thank you to Sarah and NetGalley for an eARC of this book!

This book is hands down my favorite read of not just 2024, but the last couple of years at LEAST. I DEVOURED this book. I couldn’t get enough of the story, the writing, the characters…everything was just so perfectly executed. Illusion of Stars has:

⚔️Enemies to lovers
❤️‍🔥Slow burn
🤏Forced proximity
✨Unique worldbuilding
🔎Mysteries & spying
👑Political intrigue
🗣️Incredible banter

Isabel’s character arc was so rewarding to see and I absolutely loved the creative way this story is told. Erik’s calm and collected demeanor was a fantastic counterpart to Isy’s sweet chaos. All of the characters in this book have incredible depth and I enjoyed my time immersed with them.

I seriously will be thinking about this book for a long time. Definitely in my top 5 reads of all time. Sarah has crafted such a rich and enchanting world with Illusion of Stars that it’s hard not get to swept away. If you’re reading this and looking for a sign to read this book, this is your sign. Read. This. Book!!!!

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I want to thank Shadow Forge Publishing and NetGalley for the chance to read an advanced copy of Illusion of stars by Sarah Marie Page comes out in July.
It took me a bit to get into the story but once I did I couldn’t put it down. The chemistry between Erik and Isabel is seen from the start. I fell in love with Erik immediately he was supposed to be the bad boy but he was always so attentive to Isa’s needs that even she didn’t realize. Isa is a physician to the queen and doesn’t see herself as anything special when they send her to be a scout and spy on the Volds. She’s got one goal, to show everyone she is good enough to be the physician to the king. the plot twist! I am screaming at the ending how cruel to end it like that!!! I can’t wait for the second part of this story. I am very much hoping to get my hands on that arc as well.
#shadowforgepublishing #NetGalley

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Unfortunately this was a DNF at 20%.

I usually find most slow starts tend to be due to world building but this wasn’t the case. I wanted to love the book due to the reviews however I just found the start too boring to push through.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4
The story follows Isabel, an apprentice physician on her newly independent island home of Sanok. Following the arrival of the Volgaard army and the death of her best friend, she is tasked with accompanying the Volgaard's to act as a spy and woo the general's son, Erik.

I really wanted to love this book, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me.

Firstly, the things I loved: the underlying message the author is trying to convey (you're not a nobody, you matter), the simple yet gorgeous cover, the use of medicinal plants, the characters were lovable enough, and the way she describes heartache and grief that comes with loss. It was so beautifully written, it had me holding my breath.

The world-building is where I really struggled. I was left confused from the start and felt nothing really fit together (e.g., clothing style, language use). The magic was a random aspect and never really addressed when it was first discovered by Isabel. I feel like this should have been a big plot point.
The overly descriptive writing on every single page was also a big issue for me. It really took away from the actual plot.

For a New Adult book, the romance and banter between Isabel and Erik were very juvenile. I would think it would be better suited to the YA category..

The last 20% or so of the book really picked up and redeemed itself in my eyes. The plot finally came through, and it was entertaining enough. I'm hoping the plot holes will be addressed, and the author will continue to grow in their writing.
Due to the strong finish, I will definitely be adding the second book to my TBR.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Shadow Forge Publishing for an eARC copy of Illusion of Stars by Sarah Marie Page.

First and foremost, I finished this book in two days and I need the second book now. Sarah Marie Page left me on an illegal cliffhanger and I've never been so upset about a cliffhanger ending in my life. I also want to state that I will 100% being buying a physical copy of this book so I can read it again prior to the second book releasing.

The story follows Isabel, an 18 year old physicians apprentice whose dream is to become the kingdoms royal physician. She spends her time healing her Queen's feet and looking for a cure for the King's ailment. It takes but one little slip up to send her out into the wilds with the Volgaard, tasked to find their weapon and woo their head general. Leading her on a journey that not only helps her find herself, but the reality of what is truly going on around her.

I cannot say enough of how well the plot moves, it flows so nicely and doesn't slow down to world build or to explain back stories. Everything is explained when it needs to be. It draws you in, then leaves you dangling and craving what is going to happen in the end. Isabel is relatable and unlike other novels, she is real and raw. It makes you feel all her emotions and you feel like you are her. Not that you're following her story, but you are Isabel and you are trying to do what you think is best. Even if everything you've known is wrong.

You will be laughing, crying, and angry all at once. But if you don't pick up this book, you will be missing out.

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Illusion of Stars
by Sarah Marie Page
4.5 ⭐️

enemies to lovers
slow burn
one horse
forced proximity

I started this book a few days ago and I didn’t have any expectations other than this is a YA ish romantasy with a beautiful magical cover. I really liked Isy and Erik! Isy is probably the world’s worst flirt and spy and I absolutely love that about her. Her one track mind frustrated me a bit at first but the more I got to know her the more I liked her.

I do wish the romance was a bit more developed/more banter between them. Worldbuilding was a bit wonky bc I’m still sort of confused on the types of magic and geographically how/where things are. We spend a good chunk of the book going somewhere and then they suddenly change directions and get there basically in a day. Once I hit the 70 ish % mark I could not stop reading if I tried. The ending is SO eventful and an emotional rollercoaster. I won’t be able to stop thinking about this story for a while ✨

I got the cutest personalized video thank you message from the author! I absolutely loved it and it’s so cute that she’s so thoughtful and kind to her arc readers but it did not influence my review 🫶🏼 Thank you to NetGalley and Sarah Marie Page for this arc!

*IG post planned for 7/4/24*

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📚Illusion of Stars by Sarah Marie Page📚

🫑 (slow burn, tension, fade to black)

✨Forced proximity
✨Slow burn
✨One horse
✨Enemies to lovers
✨Spy vs Mark
✨Grumpy vs sunshine

Isabel is an aspiring royal physician who is trying to prove herself on, what seems like, a daily basis. Her main issue is the king is slowly, but surely descending into madness, and the queen is feeble and bedridden. The current royal physician is out of the country searching for a cure, and Isabel is struggling to stand apart from her friend and rival, Stephan, to prove herself worthy of the position.
However, this all becomes the least of her concerns when tragedy strikes close to home, and Isabel finds herself in the middle of a political power struggle. Her country’s enemies, the Volds, have come ashore and after a series of events, Isabel is chosen by the foreign minister to be the country’s spy. With zero spy training, Isabel is sent with the Vold’s general and future leader, Erik, as well as a cast of magically inclined soldiers. Her task is to find the Volds’ secret weapon by any means necessary…including using her feminine wiles to seduce the handsome, yet grumpy, General. With Isabel’s heart still reeling, will she be able to complete her task? Or will she find more than she ever bargained for?

📚A Deeper Read📚
This novel deals with mental health in a very respectful and realistic manner. There are themes of self harm used as coping mechanisms, however the author portrays it in a way that doesn’t glorify it.
There is the strong theme of not feeling good enough or worthy enough. Both the FMC and the MMC struggle with rejection from parents, which leads to these feelings. However, unlike some novels where they simply find themselves being enough for each other, this couple encourage one another. They find happiness together, sure, but they acknowledge that they are individuals with interests and passions outside of their relationship. I think that’s what makes this so refreshing and remarkable.

The too modern language in a Norse inspired fantasy world. I can forgive a lot, but some of it did take me completely out of the scene.

✨Elements I Loved✨
I love that Isabel is a physician in training. Because I’m in healthcare, I have a particular excitement and love for when the FMC is a healer/royal physician/anything medical.

The twists and turns. Some were predictable and others weren’t. The ending was emotional. I genuinely cannot wait for the next book!

🪄Standout magic features🪄
The different types of magic the Volds had depending on which “house” they were born into. The shadow walking magic and the danger/rules behind it was interesting.

👩🏻My Recommendation👩🏻
This is for anyone who loves a close proximity, slow burn romance. I wouldn’t classify it as YA, because it has mature themes, however it is faded to black for the romance scene. But as much as I love a good spicy scene, the fade to black didn’t bother me. The tension, slow burn, banter, etc. was exceptional. I had a fantastic time reading this book. Was it perfect? No. But I don’t think that matters. The story was just so good. I laughed, I cried, I had so many emotions reading this book, and at the end of the day, that’s what counts.

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for providing the ARC.

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I just have to say, this read has been really fun for me because of the little community Sarah’s got going on Instagram. Give her a follow while you read this one. She’s super active with her audience and is just a sweet person in general. A great indie author to support!

If you’re a mood reader, this would be a good palette cleanser from complicated books like When the Moon Hatched that hurt your brain a little bit. I think you’ll have a great time with this one if you just take it for what it is - a light, fun romantacy read that will make you giggle and brighten your day.

Even on the authors bio, it says she writes fluffy fantasy stories with her fluffy cat and I personally need some fluff every once in a while.

There were some super cute moments in here and great side characters. Excellent banter as well. The two main characters were quite enjoyable.

What a stunner of a book too! I don’t have too much room for physical books, but this one might have to earn a spot on my mantle… super dreamy.

Without spoiling it, this is an enemies-to-lovers trope where the FMC goes on a journey with the enemy in hopes of spying on them. However, she’s a terrible spy and the enemy is super hot so you can see where this is going lol

I loved the vivid imagery she painted, the unique magic system and how it was set in the past.

Her wit and humour shines through in this one and it was quite enjoyable to read.

The beginning of the book was a great start with a few jaw-dropping twists and loads of action but I did get a little bored in the middle. I just felt like the plot was dragging and not much was happening but luckily it picks up again in the end!

I think the book could have used a bit more angst and passion at certain points too. The author’s writing style is humorous, but for my tastes, I need a bit more tension in a romance to be sold on it.

For example, this book is advertised as having a one-horse trope. I was so excited for this scene and was expecting some major STEAM but there was no steam at all and it was over so fast. I would have loved to have seen more spice in this book in scenes like that one.

I’m not entirely sure how this book is being marketed, but it does read very YA.

Overall, I enjoyed this one and would recommend!

(Thank you NetGalley and Sarah for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.)

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