Member Reviews

Illusion of Stars by Sarah M. Page was an incredibly fun and enjoyable read! I love a book with a likable protagonist with something to prove and Isabel is one of the first characters who's made me felt seen as a person. Not only is she someone who struggles to overcome her own personal mental hurdles, she wants to prove she is worthy of being seen by other people in her life. Her father left when she was young, her best friend loved her and she never really felt fully worthy of the love he offered so she held him at arms length until it was too late.

When the Volds come to her island nation, her world turns upside down as the career she has been working towards seems ripped away, her best friend is murdered, and her king is pulling his pants down in front of the visiting envoy. I loved the worldbuilding created in this story and think it has a strong foundation for building out the world in subsequent books since we definitely need more.

This book had me chuckling and on the verge of squealing. There were moments of frustration and moments of emotion. In all the best ways, this was an emotional roller coaster and I think Ms. Page was brilliant in her craftmanship of this story and I think she's also set herself up for some really good future storylines.

I have too many good things to say about this book, so please just go and read it. I think there is a lot to enjoy within it's pages. though it is set in a sort of Scandinavian setting, it has a more modern vibe to it's dialogue which is easy to understand and it flows well. I Read it so quickly and I think many others will as well!

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This book was wonderful! I really loved the main characters and they had great communication skills. I really enjoyed the writing and plot of this book!

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such a beautiful story full of twists and turns and a strong female lead. amazing and wonderful and something i’d recommend to anyone

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

(This review includes mild spoilers).

I appreciated the inclusion of mental health and how Erik and Isabel were vulnerable with each other. They both had difficult upbringings, but they became the people they are in spite of those challenges.

I loved the dynamics between Erik’s friends and their acceptance of Isabel. Bo and Kaspar were my favorites! Found family is one of my favorite tropes and that definitely comes through in this story.

While I enjoyed the banter between Isabel and Erik, it felt like their transition from enemies to lovers was a little fast. Erik seemed to warm up to Isabel fairly quickly considering she was not an ally. It just seemed a little rash for someone in his position. I would’ve liked to see more build up before they got together. The writing was a bit simile-heavy, which pulled me out of the story at times.

Overall I enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to the sequel!

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"And you... you will hold the door."

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved this book. I loved the writing style, I loved the world, I loved the story. 5 Stars and favourited.

Often when you read a new Fantasy book, it's easy to compare plot & character points with things you have seen in other Fantasy books. The world in Illusion of Stars was unique and so vivid that it was easy to immerse yourself into the read. The magic system was unique and had some really awesome characteristics. There is a portion of the book in which the main character is experiencing loss and grief. The way that Sarah portrayed this, formatted this, showed the passage of time, blew me away. Isabel is an overthinker, and the way Sarah has written her inner ramblings, the progression of thoughts, is so well captured you can FEEL her emotions.

The writing & pacing was engaging and very enjoyable read. And I loved, LOVED, that the main character was an "unremarkable" girl (without some unique weapon talents) struggling with feeling like she's not enough, working through her issues and healing herself. This entire book is a homage to healing, to overcoming the dark and pushing through and to believing that you are enough.

As Sarah herself said; If you've ever sat in a room and wondered whether you're good enough or smart enough or brave enough, maybe this book can heal you too.

I will 100% be purchasing a physical copy of this book when it is released. I already want to re-read it. I desperately need the second book. And I'm so grateful I've been able to read this early.

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I wanted to love this book SO BAD. I've seen other readers handing out five stars like they're Oprah Winfrey giving away free cars. As someone who loves romantasy books with the enemies-to-lovers trope, I'd hoped this would be a new favorite. Unfortunately, I was mistaken.

First off, things I like: THE COVER. This has to be one of the prettiest fantasy books I've seen this year. Swords, stars, and medicinal plants play a huge role in this story, and I love how they're featured on the cover. The design isn't just beautiful—it actually means something to the book.

I also like the story's message. Our main character, Isabel, struggles to feel like she's worthy of love. With the help of some new friends (and a handsome general with illusion magic), Isabel realizes her opinion matters. I think the author's decision to show that everyone is worthy of being seen is a message that should be shared.

For me, the pretty cover and underlying message are a 5-star, but everything else brings this down to a 3-star. I feel like soooo much of this book is just pretty descriptions of the setting. There are similes and metaphors describing the ocean, the sky, and everything else on an island on Every. Single. Page. I think a few descriptive words like this are nice, but overall, I needed more plot.

And I know what you're going to say... "Cami, this is an atmospheric romantasy". To that, I would say, I LOVE a sprinkle of atmospheric tension. I devoured the purple prose in "An Enchantment of Ravens" (a book I 1000% recommend; definitely check it out if slow-burn romance and fae are your thing). But an atmospheric setting doesn't mean we need to have a slow-paced plot.

I also struggled with Isabel as a character. So much of this story is filtered through her perspective, and I feel like that distracted from the story in several scenes. In my opinion, Isabel spent too much time thinking about things instead of actually doing them. I totally agree that it's okay to have moments of weakness and ask others for help, but I wanted Isabel to do SOMETHING other than try (and fail) to spy on people and offer obscure healing advice. I appreciate her heroic actions at the end of the story, but it doesn't excuse the fact that Isabel spent most of the book being passive and relying on others to solve her problems for her.

While I wasn't able to become fully invested in Isabel's story, I still think the author did a good job building the relationship between Isabel and the male love interest. Erik is stern, formidable, and reserved while at the same time witty, charming, and insecure. I'm eager to see how their relationship progresses in the sequel, especially given the way things ended in this first installment.

Overall, this book is perfect if you love an atmospheric romantasy that has a descriptive writing style and a flawed heroine who undergoes a lot of character growth. I love the beautiful cover, and I think the story's underlying message is something readers would benefit from hearing.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the author and Netgalley; all opinions are my own.

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If you love enemies to lovers, amazing found family vibes, one horse trope and an incredible FMC who has great banter (but is a terrible spy) then you will absolutely love this book.

I loved loved loved the magic system, so unique and unlike anything I’ve ever read! While still being easy and fun to follow. The characters were so funny and relatable. I truly think this will be up there with the top Romantasy’s this year.

The MMC had me swooning, I am an absolute sucker for a shadow daddy and he did not disappoint. The representation of mental health and panic attacks in this story, healed something within me.. I won’t spoil but that scene had me feeling so many different feelings!

It is book 1 in a duology and I don’t know how I’m supposed to wait for book 2 after THAT ending.

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This book had me all teary eyed, and as soon as I finished it I rushed to make sure that it was just part one.

Isy may be a bad spy, but she sure is a good thief because she sure knew how to steal my heart (and someone else’s).

The book has light spice in it, but is mostly fade-to-black. There is also some triggering themes, so be sure to check those before reading.

Overall, an AMAZING book and I will be recommending it to friends.

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Absolutely fantastic! This story had me in a choke hold from the very first chapter. The ability to write a beautiful story is a gift that Sarah definitely pose’s. The banter, the angst, the betrayal. It had everything you could want and more. Phenomenal story telling, excellent world building and I cannot WAIT to see what happens next! It was an honor to read this ARC.

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I absolutely loved this book! You think you know what’s coming when it ends up being something entirely different, the characters are relatable, and the story is just…completely different than any book I’ve read so far. I loved Sarah Marie Page’s writing style & how she was able to put together a story that unfolded the way it did. I really hope that the next book comes out soon because I. Do. Not. Have. It. In. Me. To. Wait. This book is right up there with SJM, JLA and other authors that absolutely draw their readers in and make them YEARN for more. Please let the next book come soon 🙏🏻😂

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I’m am SO thankful to NetGalley, Shadow Forge Publishing, and Sara Marie Page for this incredibly opportunity! Right from the start this book pulled me in and did not let go! Everything from the world building, the description, the character growth, was just beautifully written!

The characters are written in such a relatable way that you feel like you, yourself are immersed in the story. There are such a good variety of characters and you grow to love them like you’ve known them your whole life! The concepts of trauma and not feeling seen had my heart wrenching. But the fun light hearted banter between the characters and the silly awkwardness that is always Isabel, lifts you right back up!

The way Sara Marie Page uses description in her scenes paints gorgeous pictures in your mind! I will now always be reminded of this book when I look to the stars.

This book is light and face paced. It keeps you on your toes. I was continuously surprised by Isabel and her tactics as a spy! A terrible spy I might add! There’s concepts and intrigue like I’ve never experienced in a book before! The cliff hanger will have you begging for more.

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Just wow. Let me say there is a reason this has mainly got 4 & 5 stars on Goodreads. There is a good cast of characters with different personalities, so you can easily imagine the group banter. The book has fantastic world building without it being too much. You are on the edge of your seat with the main character Isabel and you are invested in her story. I hope to read more from this author in the future.

I was gifted a copy for free on Netgalley in exchange for a review. My views are completely honest and my own.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. This was.. just ok. At times I was really invested and other times I had to stop myself from skimming the story because I just wasn't into it. There's definitely an audience for this, but it wasn't for me unfortunately. I think I've learned that I prefer adult romantasy.

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"Illusions of Stars" by Sarah Marie Page is a perfect blend of romance and fantasy. From the start, Page's elegant prose, reminiscent of Jane Austen, draws you into Isa’s world. The portrayal of Isa’s inner struggles and grieving parental abandonment is deeply moving and authentic. Page’s world-building is compelling, making the minor era discrepancies negligible. The narrative is both intimate and captivating, leading to a cliffhanger that leaves you craving more. I highly recommend this book and eagerly await the sequel!

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I *loved* this book. The writing was beautiful and poetic. I felt what Isabel (FMC) felt and I could picture the story unfolding all around me. Isabel is a (bad) spy, and Erik (MMC) is her target, and she has to "woo" him into giving her information as a war starts to brew - and they're on opposite sides. Her awkwardness is incredibly endearing and I found myself giddy over how adorable they were together.🥰 The slow burn between Isabel and Erik is filled with snarky back-and-forth, some unexpected friendships, secret glances, refreshingly honest conversations, and a lot of yearning 😍

And while it isn't 🔥super spicy🔥, the little peeks we do get of their steamy moments are 👌

I definitely recommend this one - I can't wait to have a physical copy on my shelf as soon as it's available 👏 I'm already excited for the next one!!

Thanks @netgalley and #shadowforgepublishing for the chance to read this book early in exchange for an honest review😊

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i absolutely adored this book! the atmosphere was so dreamy, aside from all the dark aspects. the way the characters personalities shone on page, made my heart swell. the plot of this book wasn’t anything i’ve read before so i really loved that. i really connected with Isabel since she is such an over thinker like i am. i absolutely adored Kasper, his banter and personality was perfect. the dynamic between Isabel and Erik was so much better than i imagined. everything about this story i loved so much. the cliffhanger has me peeling my skin off because i’m having to wait until the other one is written

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The Nordic inspired world that the author crafted was so lush and picturesque. I felt like I was there. The characters are all developed so well. I related a lot to Isabel, the main character. This was a brilliant debut and I cannot wait to read more from this author.

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3.75 ★s -

i was very quickly drawn into the story! the plot is fantastic - it has nice elements of fantasy, mystery, and romance in the midst of warring kingdoms. i very much enjoyed all of the various characters we are introduced to (ahem *erik* ahem) - the author does a great job of making each of their different personalities shine through. this story has elements of found family, cute/funny banter, badass female characters, swoon worthy MCM, and an overarching theme of “you are worthy/enough.”

i will say the writing was just a little hard to follow at times and the pacing in the middle was a tad slow. while there was a lot going on, it felt like we weren’t really moving the story forward in terms of the main plot points. it wasn’t always clear during dialogue who was saying what, and i found myself having to re-read passages more often than i would like, which really took me out of the story a bit at times.

lastly, i’m a big fan of scandinavian culture so i quite enjoyed those elements within the book as well. overall i enjoyed this read and i think there is so much potential for the next installment of this story, i look forward to reading the sequel!

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⭐️ I see you ⭐️

I’m so happy I was able to read this ARC!

The magic system was unique and refreshing. The worldbuilding was rich and believable, while not being overwhelming.

The characters are well-developed and witty. Isabel is extremely relatable to anyone who has ever felt “less than” in their life. Erik is mysterious and troubled in his own right.

Their relationship is a slow-burn, fade-to-black, and got me hooked right away. Their banter was funny and so entertaining.

I can’t wait to see more of this world and this couple!!

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💫Illusion of Stars💫
Star Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice Level 🌶️ (closed door - some steamy moments but they are skippable if that’s not your thing)

THIS BOOK! 😭❤️ From the first page to the last page, I could not put this book down! It was absolutely so engaging! The characters are so interesting, Isy might be one of my favourite FMCs, she is so powerful and strong but in such a beautiful way, and she is so incredibly relatable. The relationship between the FMC and MMC had me on the edge of my seat… and may have had me giggling and kicking my feet at a few moments! The last 50 or so pages had me sobbing! And the ending!! Ugh my heart exploded! The writing is beautiful and evokes so much emotion! While the magic system is unique and so interesting, it’s also easy to understanding/follow! The world building was done so well, I never felt bogged down in detail, or like I was missing information. I hope the author is working on the next book because I need to know what happens next!! And I really want to get to know MMC more! I really like him, and he has kinda shadow daddy vibes, which every romantasy girlie can appreciate!

If you are a romantasy/fantasy reader, I really recommend that you pick up this book when it’s released on the 16th July!

*I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

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