Member Reviews

A very interesting enemies to lovers romantasy, this novel will interest everyone who is looking for their next fix! A spicy romance, interesting fantasy world, and solid plot rounds out this newest edition to the romantasy lore and I will definitely be recommending it to everyone I meet!

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I loved this magical romantasy book with dramoine- vibes!
This one is for fellow fantasy readers.

Thank you Sarah Maria Page and the Nerd Fam team for my physical copy of this beautiful book!

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Thank you for another great ARC opportunity. The description had me really interested and I wanted to love it, but it was just ok for me. It was an easy read but just fell a little short. I never felt fully invested.

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When a book is really beautiful, you'll find yourself tearing up for no reason. So here I am, writing a review after tearing up for no reason.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to wait for the sequel. This book actually killed me.

Illusion of Stars is a romantasy following Isabel and Erik through a world teetering on the edge of pain and destruction. This book has so many swoon-worthy moments that had me squealing into my hand at 12 am

Here are the tropes:

✨️ Enemies-to-Lovers
✨️ One Horse
✨️ Forced Proximity
✨️ She's a spy, He's her mark
✨️ Slow-burn
✨️ Dramione - Coded

Thank you to Sarah Marie Page, Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op, and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!!!

I loved how the author went about world-building, it wasn't confusing and I felt eased into the world. I loved Isabel's character, she was strong and determined but still felt different from traditional fantasy FMCs, which I loved. Erik was hot. Honestly, I found him very very cool, both his powers and him in general. I loved how the two were emotionally available and soft with each other.

I think my favorite part of the book other than Erik and Isabel was this legend within the story. It was only featured for a couple of pages but that's what drew me into the story the most, especially with how I think the legend will come into play later in the series.

The ending had me in tears but honestly, it was a well-written ending, I loved it so much.

Illusion of Stars releases July 16th, 2024. This book is perfect if you love romantasy and all these tropes!

If you love love, you'll love Illusion of Stars 💖

The Instagram review will be posted on 7/12/2024!!

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Let me start by saying I so badly wanted to love this book. Reading the description and seeing that it was Dramione adjacent alone had me sold. I loved the concept of each and every character and I was intrigued by the Scandinavian roots of this story. The first half of the book I really struggled to get into. I took several breaks and came back to it really hoping it would catch. It wasn’t until the last twenty percent of the book that I really started to get invested in the story. That being said, I do believe the plot has such great potential. I do plan on reading the rest of the series because I feel like this is just the foundations for a much more riveting story to be born.
This story follows Isabel, a healer’s apprentice in a kingdom on the brink of war. After undergoing traumatic events, she is sent on a mission. A mission that puts her in the path of her enemy. This is where she meets Erik, who soon turns everything on its head for her. Erik is the cold, determined son of the neighboring country’s general. Erik’s character is extremely calculating and very similar to the Draco Malfoy we all know and love.
Even though this story didn’t grip me as much as I hoped it would, I still encourage anyone who is looking for a quick enemies to lovers read! Thank you Sarah and Netgalley for giving me the chance to read this one!!

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Such a unique and interesting story!

First things first, I think it's important to note (and remember) that this story is being "written" by our FMC while she is in prison. There are times where the story seems to jump around or maybe doesn't make full sense, but if you remember this fact, it actually makes perfect sense.

This story is entirely by the POV of Isabel a "nobody" physician's apprentice who is sent to woo the enemy general's son, Erik. From there is where our enemies to lovers story start.

I love Isabel. She is flawed, she is smart, she is insecure and unsure of herself and bless her....she is so awkward. The best part about that is that this is called out on several occasions, and just helps the reader not feel so alone in the awkwardness. It's subtly funny.

Isabel will tell you that she isn't brave. However, watching her journey as she is spying on Erik, she is way braver than she would ever give herself credit for. I love when FMCs are underestimated (which she is), but I love when they underestimate themselves more.

The banter In this story was great. I found myself wanting to skip ahead to the banter on the page (don't worry, I always doubled back) it was so good.

The magic system in this world is really unique. And when I say that I mean that I haven't read one at all like this before, and that's saying something.

The world building was so subtle and inconspicuous when certain things reveal themselves, you find yourself with a face-palm action shouting "of course!"

There is found family, enemies to lovers, betrayals of the highest power (and I mean the highest), and an ending that will leave you wanting SO much more.

I enjoyed this story and I hope that you do too!

Overall: Recommend!

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The book was a little slower paced for me, and some of the language that was used and how it was used isn’t really my cup of tea. However, the magic and the world was very interesting and intriguing! I know lots of people will absolutely adore this story!

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I ate this book up. Sarah has created a whimsical, magical and intriguing world. Full of political strife and interesting characters.

What to expect:
Fade to black romance
Slow Burn
Hate to love
Forced Proximity
One Horse

Isy the FMC was really trying to come into her own. After thinking constantly that's she isn't enough, she becomes a terrible spy in the midst of an invading army. I love even though she is terrible at sneaking and lying she befriends everyone and gets them to spill secrets that way. She's awkward and pretty damn normal which is refreshing.
Erik is a big softie underneath his tough exterior, the way he cares for his men and Isabel is swoon worthy.

The lore, worldbuilding and magic were all super interesting. I did feel a bit lost sometimes in the story but nothing to take me away from the enjoyment. The story is written like Isabels personal diary and I really like this. I can't wait for book 2!

4.25 ✨️

Will be posting to my bookstagram soon!

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I liked that this was a romantasy story where the romance and fantasy were more balanced. Oftentimes, I feel like these type of stories will skew more on the romance side, but I liked that there was more worldbuilding with the plot. Personally, I am not really a fan of instalove, and I felt like that happened with the main characters here. However, I did enjoy the characterization of the FMC, she definitely felt more real, with her own struggles and self doubts based around her personal goals rather than her love life or on more superficial things. The way she was written kind of reminded me of Alison Saft's female characters. I think that a lot of people will enjoy this story, but I think it wasn't necessarily for me, primarily because I wasn't a huge fan of the way the romance developed.

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From the first chapter, I was hooked. The ending of that chapter makes you go, "Wait, what?!" and when you eventually get to a comment about a "stormy-handsome Vold," you know it's on. It has your enemies to lovers, your court intrigue, and "who can you trust?" moments. I enjoyed the magic system, including types of magic and magical items and the FMC's sense of humor. For being a closed door romance, the tension still *tensions.* Honorable mention goes to when one of the main characters practices being a better liar. Iykyk.

With one of our main characters left in peril at the end, I'm curious to see what happens in part 2 of the duology!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this book for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC! I think this book would be great for YA readers and beginners in the romantasy genre. The beginning had me hooked and I was very interested in the storyline within the first few chapters. That being said, I did lose interest as the story went on. Unfortunately, I felt this book lacked a little in terms of plot. I think the plot was very jumpy and overall a bit rushed. I also felt that the romance didn't really have a strong foundation and was, at times, a little cheesy. However, I think this series has a lot of potential and I think the author has a very original idea to work with! 3 stars because I think this book was fun, but could have been better in my opinion!

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Thank you Netgalley and Sarah Page for the ARC! I absolutely loved this novel. It was easy to get in to, the world building was comprehensive but not so much that it became overwhelming, and the twists and turns were unexpected. I absolutely loved our FMC Isabel, a royal healer in training, seeking ways to prove herself but thrust into the role of a spy. She is admittedly not a very good spy but a charismatic character and clever and witty. I enjoyed the growth between her and the MMC - it felt real and their banter was top notch. The book does end on a cliffhanger so I am DYING to read book 2! Thanks again for the ARC and opportunity to read and review.

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While I really appreciated the concept of this book, it wasn’t 100% for me. But, I think it was more of a “it’s not you, it’s me.” issue
The writing was well done, the plot was interesting, so really I would recommend others give it a try!

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There's just so much choice recently in fantasy romance and its with a happy heart that I can say I found this new author. Her book is in many ways classic enemies to lovers but the twist here is that both protagonists are a lot more alike than they realise. Isabel is desperate to be seen, be heard but alas her self doubt pulls her down. Erik is a tough soldier yet he has earned his troops loyalty in spite of never feeling enough for his parents. Thrown together as Isabel is appointed a guide it's obvious to all that Isabel is the worst spy ever , although actually she is the only one who doesn't realise that !
This journey has a few moments of action but it's quite amusing as Isabel comes up with what she considers stealthy tactics that just made this reader smile. It had a unique slant in that there's self harm mentioned and if you prefer less ahem bedroom Olympics than this is certainly not a particularly steamy read. Overall I enjoyed this with its political manoeuvres and unusual magic. I think for me though it was certainly the characters and how they interacted that brought me the most pleasure.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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I loved this book! If you're into enemies-to-lovers romances with a dash of intrigue, mystery and cool magic you'll love this book too. Can't wait to read the next installment.

Thanks again to the author and publisher for the ARC :)

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Overall I really enjoyed this book and for a debut novel I am so pleasantly surprised. There wasn’t a part of the book where I felt the need to put it down because it was slow. Illusion of Stars is a slow burn, enemies to lovers beautifully written descriptive fantasy that kept me hooked throughout the entire story.

You get an intense look into the main two characters life & history and how they have coped with their pain, making you easily invested in their stories, and their banter takes the edge off the darker parts of their story.

The FMC is a healer, who has been tasked to spy on the enemies in command officer and seduce him to gain information to take back to her kingdom. There is a unique magic system which I really enjoyed reading about, and it felt really fresh and interesting.

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I really enjoyed this book!

We follow Isy as she tries to find a weapon whilst guiding the MMC Erik and the rest of his people. She also has to navigate her feelings for said MMC as the story progresses.

It is well written, and the pacing felt perfect. I especially loved the characters who all felt well developed and likable. I especially love the care that’s obviously been taken with the characters and how they are flawed and believable. The growth, especially from Isy, is wonderful to see. I would advise people wanting to read this to take the authors outlined triggers seriously though.

The only issue I had is that this was marketed as enemies to lovers but didn’t quite feel the hate one should for an enemy. It may just be a me thing though. Also, the story finishes on a cliffhanger, one of my personal pet peeves. Again, a personal issue so I won’t take away any stars for that as others will undoubtedly ot mind this.

Overall, the story was wonderfully enaging and well told. The writing is accessible and well done. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys Romantasy and stories focused on romance in a low fantasy setting. 4.5 rounded up to 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and shadow forge for the Arc. All opinions are my own and I am leaving a review voluntarily.

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. I rated this book between 3.5-4 stars. I felt like it started off really well, it captured my attention and then midway point it slowed down. It wasn’t boring but it wasn’t exciting. Then towards the end it picked up.
I found myself a little lost at times and I think it was just the writing style. I think this story has potential to be even better if there was more action and more humor.
I did enjoy the way Isy and Eric connected and supported each other. They understood each other and I feel like that was such a strong message to me as the reader. I enjoyed the twists and I do have some questions about Katrina but maybe those questions will be answered in the next book which I look forward to reading.

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While this one is advertised as enemies to lovers, I'd say it had more of an annoyed to lovers vibe. The MMC was truly a marshmallow inside with a lot of emotional baggage. While they might have been "enemies" on the outside, the two main characters had the instant attraction happening from the get go with all the back and forth banter, and "omg he is so hot why do I like this" storyline. The FMC is quite quirky and carries her own baggage, that she needs to work through. Overall the book felt very YA, but not just because of the closed door romance. The characters felt young and had to go on their journey of self-discovery. With a unique magic system, this romantasy is great for readers who are young at heart and prefer fade to black romance.

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Oh, my heart! Sarah did such a wonderful job with her storytelling in this book. I cried a few times, and laughed a lot. We all have had times where we wanted to feel seen. The FMC, Isabel (Isy for short) is an absolute spitfire. Snark-on point. Humor and banter-absolute perfection. Yet, we still get to see the vulnerability and internal struggle. She can absolutely get things done,

She is on a mission to gain the trust of the enemy. It’s all going according to plan…until she starts to fall for Erik. He is the MMC, the general for the enemy is his dad, and he can wield illusion magic. He has some painful baggage of his own, and they end up finding they can lean on each other…eventually. They are definitely enemies first. Those abs, though.. Oh, what a mess Isy has gotten herself into here!! There are some steamy scenes, but most of the action is fade-to-black/closed door/off page (whatever you prefer to call it).

Signey is another character in the book that I hope we see a lot more of in book 2. I loved her grumpy, blunt, yet hilarious personality.

I am still stunned by the cliffhanger. It was one of those “sit and stare at the wall for a bit” endings so you can process the build up, then the book is over. I loved the mental health representation, and showing both main characters sharing their struggles with each other. Carrying the pain alone is so hard. We all need people to talk to and share with.

Favorite quotes:
“Because I see you. I see all of you, and it is beautiful…”
“I’m not a nobody.”

Also, can we just take a moment and show some love for this cover?! It is gorgeous. One of those covers that would make me pick up a book and get it, no matter what the description was. Franziska Stern did an amazing job, and I think it’s perfect for this story.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Shadow Forge Publishing, and especially Sarah Marie Page for this eARC opportunity. I’m incredibly thankful the algorithm made Sarah pop up on my page so that I could find this book. My opinion is my own, and is given freely and honestly.

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