Member Reviews

If you like dark romantasy, this is a book for you. The MMC is dark, super dark. Over-protective, possessive and manipulative and absolute perfection. The spice was well written and not over done.

I thought the use of magic in this universe was really well done and I really enjoyed how it was wielded by the FMC.

Also I've seen many reviews commenting on how predictable the ending was but I didn't see it coming and loved it!

I do think the world building could have been done a little better, especially around the Coven itself as I don't think it was explained well. I also felt we rarely saw the background characters and those relationships. The FMC references being close friends with Della and Iban but we've barely seen them interact.

But overall I would definitely recommend this if you like a spicy dark read

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This author never fails to disappoint!! The world building, the characters and plot were all great. The way the story builds leaving you hooked and not wanting to put the book down. A well written book with original story. There’s definitely a darker tone to this book which was a refreshing thing from the author. The wanted tropes were certainly there including enemies to lovers. The last few pages left you speechless. Book 2 will be an exciting read

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I'm torn... I think it would be a 3,5 for me, but are a few things that worked and didn't work for me :

What didn't work:
- Please please please check trigger warnings before getting into this book. I must say that even knowing, the dubious consent is not something I enjoy, and it made me take distance.
- The explanations in the book are sometimes not making too much sense to me... What are they supposed to do? To what purpose? Wasn't always clear to me, and it seemed not to the main character either, so that might have been on purpose.

What worked :
- the hate/love feeling they have for eachother
- the dark (and I mean DARK!!) academia feeling
- how sassy Willow is
- and mainly THE ENDING!!! I know many say they saw it coming, but I didn't think it would go this way. Again, for most of the book I didn't really get what the goal behind her task was, so that took me by surprise, but I was ALL IN for it, and now I REALLY want to know what happens in book 2, cause I dont see any good ending possible... And it keeps me guessing.

*Thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers for access to the ebook against an honest review.*

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in The Coven and relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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Absolutely love everything and anything harper l. woods and this was yet again another banger.
The ending!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! I’m not sure if it was just be but I did not see that coming!
I would definitely recommended but please make sure to read Tw before reading!!

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Thankyou to Netgalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers | Bantam for a free e-arc in exchange of an honest review.

I have seen this book around for a while and wasn't going to pick it up until i knew it was going to be part of a special edition box- I'm really glad i did as this was really fun. I wouldn't say its the absolute best writing iv read but it was extremely engaging and fast paced and kept my attention easily. Very addictive and i really loved the tension and smut. I went straight into the second book after this one!

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Many Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing the digital review copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Ok, I going to annoy so many people here, But……. I cant tell you how many times I have read about when a female loses her virginity and somehow the male encounters her hymen inside her and just ploughs on through. IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT!!!!!! (and I will bash anyone around the head with this book that thinks it is) Not only is it anatomically incorrect but it's really harmful to anyone who reads it and thinks that’s how we lose our virginity.
Honestly up until I read this point, I was already rolling my eyes at how much like this story is to every other story just like this I have read, that it offered nothing new. However, I will say that in general, I do like Harper Woods's other works, but this book was just too much for me.

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I thought this book was interesting and quite different for the most part and I enjoyed it but I found the last 10% very jarring. It kinda came out of nowhere and felt very chaotic. I think I would read the next book just out of curiosity but this felt a bit too stop start for me

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of this book

I adored this book so much. From the beginning I thought it was interesting but as soon as I got to 15% I knew it was going to be an unputdownable book that I was going to be obsessed with. I was right, everything about this book was chefs kiss.

It’s not quite a 5 star, I think a 4.75 and book 2 will be a 5 star. I’m going to immediately order both books now! I’m so excited about book 2 and wow. Everyone must read this

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The world is brilliant, the plot was great. I loved the tutor/student relationship. The spice was great. And the plot twist at the end was fantastic. Looking forward to reading book 2!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers for the ARC

A dark academia fantasy filled with witches, vampires, and all sorts of enthralling elements. The narrative and characters were incredibly engaging. The school setting and the brooding ambiance were particularly compelling. It was alluring, zesty, and entertaining. The world-building and character development were exceptionally detailed. Reading it was a delightful experience, and I eagerly anticipate the sequel!

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Willow Madizza always knew she had magic flowing through her veins. But keeping that magic a secret was something she knew she had to do to keep her from the attentions of the covenant. When her mother dies, Willow loses the protection provided to keep her secret. When Alaric Grayson Thorne (Grey), the Headmaster of Hollow’s Grove, comes to collect Willow she knows she has no choice but to go with him. At Hollow’s Grove Willow will be expected to perfect her magic and use it for the benefit of the Coven.
But Willow has no intention of letting the Coven control her or her magic, she intends to destroy them just as they destroyed her ancestors.
Although she hates Grey on sight, there is also a strange feeling that she can’t shake whenever she is near him. If Willow is to carry out her plan she needs to hide her feelings from everyone including Grey, that could be easier said than done though as he seems determined to keep her under surveillance.
This is a brilliantly written, well plotted story, full of twists and turns. I was speechless at the end.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers  for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Coven by Harper L. Woods delivers a captivating blend of dark academia and supernatural intrigue. Set in the secretive Hollow’s Grove University, the novel follows Willow Madizza, a witch with a destiny intertwined with a powerful Coven and a dangerous headmaster, Alaric Grayson Thorne. Their fiery dynamic and forbidden romance add an irresistible edge to the story.

The atmospheric writing and unique magic system are standout features, drawing readers into a world filled with enchantment and tension. However, some found the pacing uneven and the character development lacking depth, which slightly hindered their connection to the story.

Despite these issues, The Coven offers a gripping, magical experience with a cliffhanger ending that leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. It’s a thrilling read for fans of dark fantasy and romance.

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Thank you NetGalley, author and publisher for my ARC of this book.

Really wanted to like this but just couldn't relate to the characters and the writing felt a bit stilted and off


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This book gripped me from the start! The writing was so atmospheric and dark, and the tension hit so right!

The magic system was so interesting, and I really liked how different families had different abilities. My favourite parts of the book are when willow is experimenting with her abilities. Reading about how she connected to the world was beautiful and I could read a whole book about just that!

I really enjoy any books that have a magical academy and even better when there are twists and turns that you don’t even see coming! Grey, the headmaster, was so dark and brooding and I couldn’t help but fall for him. He isn’t morally grey, he is morally black and I hated and loved him in the same breath! Nothing better than a forbidden romance with enemies to lovers entwined 😍

I read this whole book in one sitting, and the last 20% of the book had me hooked. By the time I had finished the book I was an absolute mess! The world building was a lot, but so, so worth it! Nothing better than a witchy book with vampires 🥰

Thankyou so much to NetGalley and Random House for gifting me this arc in return for an honest review.

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The Coven follows Willow, a young woman trained as her father's weapon against a powerful Coven that took his sister and birthright. To protect her brother, she enrols at Hollow’s Grove University, a secretive magical school in Crystal Hollow. Despite the freedom from human judgment, she faces hostility from the enigmatic Headmaster, Alaric Grayson Thorne, with whom she shares a deep mutual disdain. As dark secrets about a past massacre and the return of the mysterious Thirteen students surface, the dangers at the school grow, threatening everyone involved.

This was quite a short book, and a lot of the plot was essentially the relationship between Willow and Gray. Because the book wasn't long enough to build a proper relationship for me, and because there wasn't much else in the plot, I couldn't really connect to the characters or get invested in the story. When it comes to paranormal romances, I like a more balanced mix of plot and romance. Had it been longer and had more depth (such as more worldbuilding, the school setting actually contributing something to the story or more chance for Willow to form proper relationships with anyone at the school, not just Gray) I would have rated this higher. I just think there's only so much you can do within 284 pages when the focus is on the lust between the two main characters.

Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy from NetGalley, but this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This novel gave me exactly what I was expecting, and I don't think that's a bad thing. Witchcraft, demons, conspiracies and a healthy amount of decent spice.

Some backstory questions were left unanswered, which I assume may be covered in the sequel? Would read...

The storyline of this novel is quite similar to What Lies Beyond the Veil but only with witchcraft - but I didn't hate that (and actually I much preferred this to WLBTV). Willow is much more likeable as a character IMO - less oblivious and stronger minded.

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I picked this up because I really enjoyed the Author’s Of Flesh & Bone series. She’s very good at writing deeply morally grey characters that do truly heinous things but you grow to like/love?

I’m going to give this 3.25 stars because I have mixed feelings about different aspects of the book.
* I enjoyed the plot and storyline for this series. It starts of well and builds. I felt with the pacing. The ending is a little convoluted but makes sense with the twists and final reveal. There are some plot holes - the whole thing with the devil’s eye in her dream and whoever was killing the witches.
* The character development is interesting. As I mentioned the author likes morally grey characters which I tend to enjoy but some of them are more black than grey. She essentially develops her own moral code that we just have to accept. Apparently there were some trigger warnings in the beginning that I missed but be warned the characters do some really horribly evil shit.
* There are some dubious things that happen that made me feel icky - I don’t love that pretty early on we establish this centuries old vampire/vessel is lusting over a teenage girl but then it’s quickly established she’s not a “child” because she’s 20. However all the other kids taken to the school are 16. Makes the dynamics between the vessels and witches icky especially with the reaping. There is also a dub con scene - which some people like but I find very uncomfortable and not at all sexy.
* The world building could do with a little more work - we get a really detailed explanation of the witches powers elements in the beginning(all 13 of them) but really only see 2 at play and 2 others mentioned in any capacity. The vampires/vessels being demons given a human like body was an interesting twist.

All in - it was an interesting read that found problematic in parts but I finished in one sitting, and I will definitely be reading the 2nd book.

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I ADORED this book!

I knew from the blurb that this would be one I'd enjoy. The story is a beautifully dark culmination of everything I love in a fantasy - vampires/demons, witches, romance & lust (and some delicious spice), betrayal and morally grey characters. I enjoyed it so much I bought the US special edition hardback so it has a place on my bookshelf.

The Coven follows Willow as she's forcibly enrolled into an academy for witches. She's the last in a family line of witches and has secrets that she can't afford to reveal. Witches and Vessels (they read like Vampires) must co-exist due to agreements made in the past, though their existence is by no means harmonious. Willow's lifetime of training has lead her to this moment and she must do what her father expects of her, including seducing the Headmaster, the Vessel known as Gray.

This was such an easy read. I really liked the writing style - it was clear, to the point, but it didn't lack emotion or depth. There's dual POV which worked really well. I enjoyed being able to see things from Gray's perspective, as well as Willow's.

There's not tonnes of world-building, but it's not really necessary. The characters are well-developed and I feel the focus is more on them. It's not a huge book, so any more world-building would have been too much.

The ENDING!!! Again, I've ordered the US edition of the sequel. There's no way I can wait to see how the story continues, and, ultimately, ends. I thought the way The Coven concluded was really good, I honestly wasn't expecting what happened. I loved how we saw how the vampires (Vessels) linked specifically to Hell and Him.

My only criticism was I managed to finish it really quickly and I would have happily had another 200 pages to read.

I'd really recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a dark fantasy or dark romance - check the trigger warnings before reading 🖤

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in return for an honest review.

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Pros: Willow’s characterisation
The flowing prose
Part of the setting and mood.

Room for improvement:

To simply put, not what I expected. The pacing is - in a way - good, as we cut to the chase, and this is a quick read, but I wanted 20-30% more world building, character intro and back stories.

And without some tropes repeated, this would have been a more nuanced and fresh story.

I am a bit torn about the finale as well, but in general I favour it more than I dislike it.

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