Member Reviews

I did something I’ve never done before: I chose my next read solely based on the cover art, the content introduction, and previous reviews on Goodreads. While I've often picked books for their intriguing covers and blurbs, this was my first time factoring in Goodreads reviews so heavily. The result was quite an interesting experience!

The main character, Lizzie, is a woman hopelessly in love who cannot move on from her previous lover, Sally. Their relationship wasn’t long, but the breakup was brutal, especially since Sally chose a man as her new partner, which seems to irritate Lizzie even more. Now, Sally lives with this new man, and Lizzie... well, Lizzie decides to start stalking her. She follows Sally to the same places and events, and if possible, even goes on trips to the same destinations. In the worst case, Lizzie breaks into Sally’s house to inspect all her possessions and analyze their bed. What stains are there? Who sleeps on which side? What are the smells? What else can be found between the sheets? And that’s not all; the story becomes increasingly bizarre as Lizzie continues to surprise the readers with her antics.

If you're wondering which reviews influenced my decision to read this book, it was precisely the ones highlighting the craziness. Having now read the book, I can confirm those opinions: it is indeed slightly shocking and uncomfortable. Lizzie is a character I’d never want to meet in real life, but her story is utterly compelling. Her worldview is completely unique, often forgetting reality and drifting into dreamland. The dysfunctional family, including a missing effeminate brother and an absentee mother, only exacerbates Lizzie’s situation. The highlight of the story is Lizzie’s unexpected and absurd visit to the hospital, which, while bizarre, fits perfectly into the narrative.

The author masterfully plays with readers' emotions and thoughts, raising numerous questions. The book is rich in descriptions and internal monologues, with sparse dialogue. It's best read in a calm atmosphere where you can fully immerse yourself in Lizzie’s world and ponder the questions it raises.

This is a unique story about relationships, self-discovery, first love, and a wild, crazy world. I highly recommend it to those who enjoy peeking into the lives of others!

Thank you so much, NetGallery and Muswell Press, for this wonderful reading experience and for the ARC copy!

Review in Estonian (Aug 22, 2024):

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Loved this book from the start! It has the funniest lines I have ever read in a book! Not only was it laugh out loud funny, it was also emotional at times & I had such feeling for the main character, Lizzie, who has so much going on in her life, mainly with her family. The minor characters were really enjoyable too. A great, quirky read! (I had the ebook for this from @netgalley) #insearchofthemissingeyelash #karenmcleod

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Thank you to NetGalley and Muswell Press for this free advance review copy of this e-book in exchange for an honest review.

This book follows a young woman called Lizzie as she deals with her missing sibling and a recent break up. Unfortunately I only made it to 25% before having to call it quits.

What I liked: The author is an incredibly talented writer, the inner voice of Lizzie was brilliantly depicted. The everyday aspects of Lizzie’s life were believable and entertaining. I liked the time hopping from past to present as we learned more about Lizzie.

What didn’t work for me: Lizzie is a cringy stalker, she could join a club with Elio from "Call Me by Your Name" and Oliver from "Saltburn". I just can’t handle anything along the ick factor that type of behaviour provokes for me.

Final thoughts: Beautiful writing but this story wasn’t for me.

Who would like it: The many, many people who were able to finish Call me by Your Name and watch Saltburn without retching.

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Though I found I liked the thought process of the main character interesting the central issue I hoped would be addressed, her missing brother, was not explained fully. I was left disappointed in the ending.

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I couldn't get through this one. It was not for me. I didn't like the writing style. Also the format was scrolling and that drives me crazy. Thanks for the free read.

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In a nutshell, it’s a humorous LGBT coming-of-age story about a lonely young woman who stalks her former lover. It addresses the concept of home and gender as performance, themes of vulnerability, narcissism, attachment and the boundary between inside and outside.

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Wow! A brilliant, moving debut novel from McLeod, which excites me greatly about their future. The exploration of gender and self-exploration is beautiful. A perfect novel for those searching for themselves in our current climate.

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