Member Reviews

Oh my heart i absolutely loved this!
It was such. Fun sweet happy love story till you broke my heart!
But rest assured it was repaired and I’m over the moon for them
I’m really keeping for willa’s story next
Read it in one sitting I couldnt put it down was walking into doors I was that engrossed

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A cute wholesome Queer Romance perfect for pride month!

This was a lovely story that I wish I could read more of. Dual POVS are already appreciated here!
The MCS are amazing characters that have been brilliantly written (nothing worse than a dull character)

This book had me both laughing and crying at times in equal measure which was great. It definitely takes a lot to make me laugh and cry

A nice easy read that I feel many will enjoy and the spice within was definitely spicing 🔥

4 stars overall from me x

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

2.5 - 3 ⭐️ I found this one super adorable! I loved all the spicy scenes which made me giggleee. I would of wanted more of development from the 2 mains because the ending kind of just ended in one shot and I wanted more tbh😭😭

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I CAN’T EVEN, explain how much I loved this novel. Whatever you take away from this review, add several more points. This was (nearly) perfect! It was a quick read; I read the entire novel in one sitting, and in this instance, I mean it literally and not just “over the course of one day”. This was both because the novel is relatively short and because it was such a page turner that I couldn’t put it down. I laughed out loud (like actually) and it genuinely warmed my heart.

This novel did it all. Point form in an attempt to stop this from being an essay:
-Spicy! And how. At the beginning I was “worried” that it was actually just spice and there wouldn’t be a plot, but thankfully I was WRONG, and the spice was just front-loaded. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to spicy scenes, and it turns out that this is a textbook example of mine. Who knew, because I didn’t.
-Sweet and heartwarming! There were a lot of different character dynamics that the author explored and played around with. There were twin dynamics with fun near-telepathic communication. Family dynamics that were sweet and supportive, or more detached and subtle yet STILL also heartwarming. The romance had some SERIOUS chemistry! There was sibling support, and sibling rivalry. Long-held-under-the-surface-pride was uncovered and basked in. Don’t even get me started about the best-friend GOALS!
-The characters themselves were simply amazing. There were a good number of notable characters and they all felt very real, detailed, and the author brought them to life. The dialogue felt like real people talking and no one was a 2d stand-in for the sake of filling in a scene.
-Unexpected side romance <spoiler> between the heterosexual sisters? WTF? Amazing! I love it! I am here for it! </spoiler> <spoiler> AND IT BETTER HAPPEN SOON you evil author, or I’m coming back and taking a star off this rating! </spoiler>
-Sequel bait. I’m talking heavy-handed sequel bait. The type that I would usually be raging against except that somehow this author got me to walk away feeling happy about it? This is truly a first; normally I hate unresolved details or “to be continued” plotlines but they managed to make it work! I WILL be devouring the sequel as quickly as is humanly possible.
-Did I mention it was awesomely spicy? Not just by volume, but by QUALITY.
-There were more serious and heavy elements woven into the story too. Its not all fluff and spice! We got some serious and heavy emotions to help round out the emotional range of experience. Audrey’s past relationship was noteworthy in this category, as was the root of Toni’s insecurities.
-The writing did a great job of hinting at a larger and more lived in world. I had so many questions about certain characters backstories or relationships. Somehow the author made this a good thing, where the world felt very real, instead of an annoying thing, where I could have felt like I was missing something. They are set up for about a dozen potential sequels or prequels. It was the perfect balance where, for the most part, I am satisfied if I never see more yet I’m craving these answers at the same time. Example: <spoiler> I want to see more of the relationship between Toni and Max. The degree of affection makes me wonder if they are just best friends or if there is/was more? Regardless they are great together. </spoiler>.
-For the most part, the characters acted realistically like actual people. Nothing felt forced for the sake of plot. Nothing was pushed until it was a caricature of what is reasonable.
-All of this taken together, and more, means that this novel felt very full. In the best way! This might be what made it such a compelling page-turner because there was so much content packed in. There was never a slow part, a lull, or any section that I had to push through. It could have been another 100 pages without adding any content, just detail, and the novel would have still worked and been great.

Ok complaints! Not much, but for the sake of completeness here we go.
-The ending was too abrupt. It was the standard endpoint for a rom-com but I like to see more past this point and I know I’m not alone. I’m not holding it against the author too much though as they are promising we will see more of these characters in the sequel. If this is done as well as some other companion novels out there, then it should be plenty satisfying.
-There were a few plotlines/subplots where I didn’t get the resolution I wanted. In some cases this was deliberate and once again, we are promised that we will get what we are looking for in the sequel (<spoiler>Looking at you sisters!</spoiler>). So I can’t be too angry about that as long as the following novel delivers on that promise. There was also Audrey’s ex and the impact that relationship had on her. I feel like this wasn’t given enough time or attention for the issue to simply disappear.

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I received an ARC from NegGalley of this book. I did not finish it. It is not really my sort of story.

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If you are looking for an amazing queer romance book, here you go! This was the cutest love story and I honestly wish there was more to read!

The book is dual POVs between Audrey, and Toni. I LOVE a dual POV book! Audrey and Toni have an amazing one night stand, but agree to leave it at that. Audrey and her twin sister Willa work together as a consulting business, and a few days after the one night stand, they happen to be helping out a company ran by Toni’s older sister Greta, and Toni! Audrey and Toni must find a way to work together, but casually.

I absolutely loved the story from start to finish! The way that Audrey and Toni meet is so fun, and their dynamic continues to just have this fun, and playful vibe happening (for the most part). I know they have to keep it professional, but goodness they are adorable! Of course, these things are easier said than done. Part of the book takes place at Christmas time and I really enjoyed that part in the book. Not only because I love Christmas, but WOW their Christmas in this book is something! The back and forth between Toni and Audrey really drew me in. I was flying through the pages to see what in the world was going to happen!

Audrey and Toni both have different, but sweet relationships with their sisters. I loved Audrey and Willa’s relationship from the start. They have this amazing bond you can really feel. Toni and Greta’s relationship really transforms during the book and it’s so sweet to see. And Willa, and Greta’s relationship transforms into something very interesting as well.

There were many funny parts to this book, parts that had me smiling, parts that almost had me in tears, and so many surprises. It’s a wonderful romance book! With every good romance book, there is spice in this one! In my opinion, it’s just enough! When things are spicy, wheewwww they are spicy. But there is SO much more to this book than that. If you are a fan of romance, I really think you’d like this book.

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This author writes with warmth and engaging perception about our relationship and understanding…..
Many thanx as always to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Audrey, after discovering her girlfriend Shae is cheating on her, tells her off via karaoke, moves out and has a spontaneous moment with the DJ, Toni.

Toni has been aware of Audrey for awhile, but as she wasn't single never made a move. Now that she is, Toni decides to take a risk on her.

The two have a intense night together, but Audrey is still dealing with her breakup and can't do a relationship.

Then Audrey and her sister find out their next job is at Toni's family's company....

Good, solid read. The sisters are actually pretty funny, and their comments on the situation are fun. There is a third act breakup, but at least it made sense to the story.

Looking forward to book two on Willa and Greta.

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