Member Reviews

Some of the dialogue was a little bit cringe but ultimately a fun sapphic romance Definitely more of a Christmasy read rather than a summer beach read

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One thing about me is if there is a lesbian romance book I am going to find a way to get my hands on it and read it as fast as I can.

I think I liked this book so much because the characters are so relatable:

Audrey is strong-willed and a boss bitch that just left a toxic relationship.
Willa is a soft-spoken ride-or-die with no love life.
Toni is a nature-loving DJ dirtbag who's afraid of letting her family down.
Greta is a stone-faced businesswoman who has walls up to keep people out.

The only gripe I had with this book was how Audrey handled a very important conversation with Toni (word of advice to literally anyone, don't break someone's heart on Christmas Eve while spending the holidays in their vacation home??? )

Other than that, this book has some of the top romance tropes you could wish for - one bed, workplace romance, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers (okay, maybe I made that one up but you know where I'm going with it.)

Stop what you're doing and go grab a copy of About Last Night!

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About last night is a dual pov romcom about Audrey, who just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship, and hooks up with Toni. The Monday after they hook up, they realize that they work together, more specifically that Toni's sister hired Audrey and her sister to work for them on a contracted project. Now they have to navigate the sexual tension and awkwardness between them while trying to remain professional.

The book is just a little over 200 pages which must be why the author prioritized major plot points over the seemingly minor ones and that made the book less enjoyable for me. A lot of Audrey and Toni's relationship and conversations progressed off-page and left way too much for the reader to interpret. I'd also have loved to see a little bit more about their other relationship dynamics, with siblings, parents etc, not so much that it takes away from Toni and Audrey but enough that we know more about them as individuals.

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I really enjoy dual POV in romance books, so I really appreciated having that in this book. I preferred Toni over Audrey, but Max was probably my favourite character overall. I thought the author did a great job making us hate Shae immediately as well.

The writing was a bit stilted at times and the pacing was a little off. Since the majority of it is between around the holidays, I do wish they would have just fully leaned into that more.

Overall it was a good read if you are looking for a cute, quick sapphic romance.

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I wanted to love this book but I just didn’t. I don’t think that this fulfilled the comedy half of the romcom genre at all. In fact, I felt as though it was more on the corny, cliche side of humor….

At times, the sapphic language felt forced and as though it were throwing the whole kitchen sink of terminology at the reader to show it’s a book about lesbians. I wish it was more focused on being a book about love than specifically lesbian love because we the readers know that this is a romance between two women already. I also think focusing on it from this angle would have allowed the characters to be more fleshed out because it seemed as though they were either with or thinking about each other with little life and personality outside of the relationship. Girls need separate lives! The pacing of the story was the saving grace for this book. Thank you for the opportunity to read.

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About Last Night is a sapphic story about Audrey who leaves a toxic relationship and has a one night stand with Toni, a woman she has had her eye on at a bar she went to with her ex. The one night stand immediately feels a little more than that but she’s not ready to move on. She then starts her new job as a contractor with her sister to find that Toni just started working at the same place, her family’s business. They both have to try to navigate their feelings while staying professional.

The majority of the romance books I’ve read tend to get steamy at the end, but this was the opposite, it started super steamy and then fizzled a little as the story went on. I think for me, the immediate spiciness was a bit of a shock only to have it not continue through most of the book. There were multiple questions that went unanswered at the end of the book, I’m assuming leaving the door open for a second book potentially from Audrey’s sister Willa or from Toni’s sister Greta’s POV which I would read, but I potentially would have read it even if one or two of my main questions had been answered.

3 stars.

I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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This is a fun read, but maybe it's time romance novels stopped making the timeline from first interaction to wanting to spend the rest of their lives occur in the space of two months. Audiences know better now. Call it an infatuation with potential, not a happily ever after - or give the relationship a longer time frame to develop.

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First and foremost, always a big thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book. You guys are always gifting me fun new things to read and this one didn’t disappoint!

This was a cute and fast paced love story. Always nice to break up some heavier reads with uplifting ones like this. There was quite a bit of cheese and def some spice in here, but it was a fun quick read.

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To start off with what I liked here, the spice was very well written and hotttt. To the point that I didn't mind a sex scene spanning three chapters, and maybe it should have been four or five (lol). The chemistry between Audrey and Toni was undeniable. That being said, their actual dialogue often felt stunted and awkward. The insta-love was also strong, and it felt like there was very little actual development in the relationship. However, I loved Toni and this was a fun read!

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Dnf @ 10% • I feel like I’m the wrong audience for this book and I wasn’t captivated, I see that it has potential but not for me unfortunately. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!!

What a great book! I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it and it did start a little slow but it’s really good!! I enjoyed it more than I thought I would! I loved the characters and they worked so well together. Great writing style also.

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Just finished About Last Night by Laura Henry, an ARC read that absolutely warmed my heart. This LGBTQ romance was the sweetest story, filled with moments that made me smile and characters I genuinely cared about.The romance between the main characters was so beautifully written. Their chemistry was off the charts, and the way their relationship developed felt incredibly real and heartfelt. I found myself rooting for them from the very first page.But what really stood out to me was the amazing portrayal of sisterhood and friendship. The bond between the sisters in the book was so strong and supportive, it added an extra layer of depth to the story. The friendships were equally heartwarming, showing how important it is to have people in your life who love and support you unconditionally.This book was a perfect blend of love and camaraderie, making it a delightful read from start to finish. If you’re in the mood for a sweet romance with a side of strong, supportive relationships, About Last Night is the perfect pick.

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I really really wanted to love this book. While it was a decent premise, and had nice grammar (which is very important to me!), this book felt very much like a first draft of an author's first novel. I loved the WLW themes everywhere, the representation, and the resolution, but it all felt a bit juvenile to me. Overall it was still a nice read, just not a top fave. But I'd definitely give the author another shot!

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this was a perfectly serviceable rom com with some workplace romance and some great steamy scenes, but nothing about it stuck out as exceptional to me. the characters were likeable, but not incredibly interesting. this is a quick paced romance, we hop right into the relationship with very little build up. despite not being openly a holiday romance, this does take place around the holidays and i definitely did enjoy those vibes.

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'About Last Night' was the book I read between some epic fantasies to give my brain the same sort of break that people do when they watch reality TV.
But please don't think that's me diminishing how much I enjoyed it!

My highlights were the relationships between the sisters - both very different, still with that competitive edge, but ultimately there for each other. Shae-with-an-E is an absolute villain of an ex that all of us have either had the misfortune of dating or helping our friends pick up the pieces after they dated them...I hated her and I think that was the point! We love to see women in charge, and the fact that this foursome was (mostly) unapologetic about their goals, drive and careers was refreshing.

The chemistry between Toni and Audrey flitted between hot, adorable and frustrating predominantly due to (as Max points out) the importance of communication. I like that Laura Henry didn't shy away from people calling Audrey out on her behaviour at points, we all need friends like that!

Ultimately, I will unashamedly look out for the next book to find out what happened between Willa and Greta!

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Audrey faces an intense breakup and does so at her local lesbian bar - the bar where Toni so happens to work. After an impressive performance, Toni follows Audrey and a complicated relationship begins.

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First, i want to thank Bookouture for letting me read the ARC to this amazing book!

"My entire body lights up with joy at the sight of her, those sparkling blue eyes, the flyaway hair that can never be tamed by her braid, the curve of her full bottom lip. And then she smiles at me, open and unreserved and full of happiness, like she used to every time she saw me, and I am bowled over with an absolute certainty.
I am in love with Toni Danzig."

I rated this book 4.5 stars

Within the first 17 (SEVENTEEN!!!!!) pages I was hooked. I was immediately invested in both of the characters’ lives and stories. Their tension was great from the start and it only got better!

What I liked:
1. The Tension
The author managed to start the novel with an insane amount of tension between the characters, which is why I was afraid to continue. But the level of tension was held that high throughout the entire novel, making it impossible to put the book down!
2. The Spice
From the blurb I already expected the novel to start of with a spicy scene, and I was not disappointed! However, I was surprised that the scene was that good! They even talked about consent!!!
3. The execution of the premise
This might seem like a weird thing to mention, but it was really important to me. When I started this one, I was afraid that the premise would be executed poorly and that the characters would just act immaturely about the whole situation. But I was proven wrong!
I just love her. Thats it.
5. The Supporting Characters
Every character in this book seemed thoughtout, with their own struggles, personalities and flaws. I hope we will get the chance to read about them soon!

What I did not like:
1. The Pacing
The story felt the tiniest bit rushed, but it was still great and made sense.
2. The Ending
The ending was too sudden. The scene did not feel as emotional as I had expected it to be.

In the end I would say that this book did exactly what it promised to do! It was a fun, quick, spicy read. If you go into it expecting anything more, you are not going to get it. But that is totally fine! It was a fun read and I am definitely going to read every future book by this author! (Hopefully about the sisters…)

As always, this review can be found on Goodreads and StoryGraph as well!

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Thank you to Netgalley, Laura Henry and Bookouture for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was an overall enjoyable, fast-paced and engaging romance with a dual-POV between Audrey and Toni, who have what both intend to be a one night stand before realising that Audrey has been hired to consult at Toni's family business shortly afterwards. I really enjoyed the dynamic of both characters resisting beng a rebound for Audrey or an inappropriate workplace fling for Toni. while battling with their undeniable chemistry and attraction. The book being quite short meant that the plot moved at a fast pace - Audrey, Toni and their respective sisters (Greta and Willa) all get to know and like each other while working together, and of course Audrey and Toni share many a tense moment while trying to remain professional...

Other than the romance (which was sweet, steamy and compelling throughout), I really enjoyed getting to see Audrey learning to define herself outside of her toxic ex-relationship, and Toni's tough exterior hiding many insecurities getting slowly chipped away. I think overall, the book was just a bit fast-paced for my liking (while spending three chapters on a sex scene early on, which felt like it took away space from other scenes in the 250 pages!) - Toni and Audrey's feelings came on very fast, and every conflict seemed to both erupt and then resolve very quickly. But for a short, fun and steamy romance, it certainly delivered.

ABOUT LAST NIGHT is published now!

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I loved this one!!! Toni and Audrey are so cute. I got so invested in their story - their ending made me cry! Sometimes it really doesn't take long to fall hard for someone. I would love to find a woman who is willing to travel halfway around the world to tell me she loves me.

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A one-night-to-forever that is bound to make you laugh out loud one second and fan yourself the next. Trigger warning: this story contains mentions of an emotionally abusive relationship.

I received an advance copy from Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Audrey Adams is done. Her girlfriend Shae has been cheating on her regularly and is manipulative as hell. While her twin sister and best friend Willa cleans out her stuff from the apartment Audrey lived in with Shae, Audrey is in charge of keeping her soon-to-be ex away. When said manipulating woman struts into the karaoke night at the gay bar with yet another woman on her arm, something snaps inside Audrey. What she didn’t see coming is the DJ she has been silently admiring for months is the one that holds her up when her bravado after confronting Shae washes out. Maybe having an epic one night stand with her wasn’t the smartest idea though..

Toni Danzig is a woman of nature. Hiking and outdoor sports are her life. Casual hook ups with loads of women are her jam. Her last hook up was kind of different though. She felt a connection to this gorgeous woman she has been eyeing for a while. Nothing will come of it, because she is way out of Toni’s league. In all ways Toni’s free spirited life is about to change drastically because she has been summoned to come work at her family’s company office. The prospect of being locked up behind a computer everyday, even if it is for a company that sells outdoor gear, is Toni’s nightmare. Let alone working that close with her older sister and the CEO Greta. Their relationship is strained at best due to their lifelong competitive rivalry. Now Greta has hired some consultants to help improve the company. But why does it have to be the woman Toni led to her bed merely two days ago? The exact one she can’t stop thinking about?

I was hooked right from the first page. This story is hilarious and witty, but at the same time it’s a tale of emotional growth and standing up for yourself. The epic revenge scene at karaoke night is exactly what many of us have once dreamt about doing when our heart got broken. The cheating ex Shae (with an e) deserved all that and more.

I lived for the instant connection between Audrey and Toni. At first it is physical and let me tell you: this book is H.O.T.! I would suggest making sure you have a big glass of cold water nearby while reading, because pfffff, scorching is an understatement. Definitely NSFW. And guess where I read that first spicy chapter? 🫣

It’s soon very clear that the bond between Audrey and Toni runs way deeper than the physical. It was nearly painful to see Audrey fighting that so hard, but I understood completely given her disastrous and abusive past with her ex. Because the story is told in dual POV, we get to witness the struggle inside Toni as well. She tries so hard to give Audrey the space she needs while working on her own self esteem in asking for what she wants.

Toni’s family outdoor gear business is a good backdrop for the story. It ties the lives of these women together beautifully. For me the traditional third act break up was a little much and cliche, that being said the grand gesture is both funny and endearing.

Audrey’s relationship with her twin Willa is very strong. They are each other’s ride or die, it’s beautiful to watch them interact. The opposite can be said about Toni and her sister Greta. They communicate on different wavelengths entirely, but as the story progresses they find their way back to each other while respecting each other for who they are. The little storyline about Willa and Greta on the side left me wanting more!
I’m taking a wild guess and guess that their story is next?

About Last Night was the first book I’ve read by Laura Henry but it certainly won’t be my last!

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