Member Reviews

Very fun, engaging read. Highly recommend for those looking for some romance to get swept up in. Thanks for the ARC copy!

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Cute Sapphic rom-com! This was a quick read that would be perfect for a vacation read. The main characters had a lot of chemistry with each other, but I wish there had been a little more depth to them. The second half of the book dragged a little for me, but overall, I liked this book.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This is a cute #romcom all bottled up in a book with such a fun cover. When Audrey splits with her cheating girlfriend, she quickly has a spark with Toni. Their story grows at a sweet pace and leaves readers satisfied.

Thank you, Laura Henry, Bookouture, & netgalley, for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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Audrey is done. Done turning a blind eye to Shae’s microaggressions, her gaslighting, and her cheating. With her sister’s help, Audrey’s moving out of the apartment she and Shae have shared for five years and moving on. But first, she has to let Shae know how she feels. Audrey, who is afraid of singing in public, gets up on stage and — right to Shae’s face — sings the world’s best breakup song. Then she goes off with the DJ for a night of passion that leaves Audrey breathless and the DJ, Toni D, hopelessly in love.

But it’s just one night. One night of letting it all out, of taking control of her life, her lover, and her own desire. And then, guess who ends up being one of the two sisters heading the business Audrey and her sister have landed a contract with?

It’s fate! It’s kismet! It’s all shades of wrong. But maybe it’s time Audrey stopped trying to be right.

Audrey likes to be in control, and in her last relationship, she didn’t have any. However, we don’t see any of that, since the book starts with her ending things with her ex. The problem is Audrey never really seems to not be in charge, not be in control, not be the one making decisions. There’s no indication of what Audrey was like before, no real sign of her moving on or growing past. She has no character arc, beyond leaving one relationship and entering into another one. I see the shape of the character, but there’s nothing filling in the lines.

Toni is slightly more interesting. She’s an active, outdoorsy person who cares very much for her job, which is taking people on hikes. She falls hard and fast for Audrey and willingly keeps the relationship a secret from their sisters because it’s a workplace romance, and that’s … bad? But Toni feels more for Audrey than Audrey does for Toni, until it’s revealed Audrey has also fallen in love, and then Tori forgives Audrey her behavior — which wasn’t great, to be honest. There’s a Jerry McGuire moment with a giant public speech, a “You had me at I’m here,” and then it’s a happy ever after for the couple.

Honestly, I wasn’t caught by this book and struggled to have much of anything to say, because I didn’t see much in this book to talk about. It’s fast, at under 300 pages; weeks pass between chapters with no comment; and the book has no time to spend on connecting scenes, instead jumping from important conversation to sex scene to important conversation. The dialogue is lifeless and flat. It’s not exactly bad, but there’s no sparkle to it, like it’s been polished so assiduously that any personality, charm, or humor was taken away. The characters all say the right thing at the right time to advance the plot, but there’s so little character development or growth. The confrontation scene with Shae is an excellent example. Shae comes to win back Audrey and is dragged out into a parking lot so Audrey can have a dramatic monologue about how Shae needs to leave her alone. It’s a long chapter where Shae says almost nothing, has no reaction beyond looking a little ah shucks, but Audrey gets to have a big moment to say all the things a woman who’s been cheated on should say to her cheating partner.

This is an adequate read. It has the all the scenes it needs to, from first meeting, to first fight, to grand reunion. The character archetypes feel aesthetically chosen — outdoor girl versus indoor — with side characters well placed for their own books. But for me, it felt stale. It is, however, well written and was a quick read, if not a totally satisfying one.

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The writing style felt a bit off, but it was definitely an easy and fast-paced read, which made it fly by. The characters had undeniable chemistry, yet their conversations often felt stiff and lacked authenticity. For a romcom, I expected more humor alongside the romance, which was somewhat lacking.

Toni was undoubtedly the standout character in this book. Audrey, however, didn't quite click with me. Despite these flaws, the book had its moments that kept me engaged, and I'd be open to giving this author another chance with a different book. There’s potential there, and I’m curious to see how their writing evolves.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this very enjoyable book

man oh man where to start with this one....

audrey adams is about to spectacularly dump her cheating girlfriend.... after 5 years of being with shea with an e with the help of her sister she is getting her stuff from their apartment and moving in with her twin sister but first she has to keep on an eye on shea so that she doesnt know what is happening but when audrey see her with someone else she makes up her mind to do it with the best dumping song ever

as the last note of i will survive rings out audrey leaves the bar and her girlfriend behind but when the dj turns up with her coat its all systems go for the attraction they both feel

toni the dj has always noticed audrey but man that song was hot the way audrey sang it but their night together was hotter...shame it was only for one night though....

but audrey and toni are destined to meet again sooner than both of them think

what a ride this book was.... i loved the innuendoes the laugh out loud moments but i enjoyed the all the drama and the angst between audrey toni and their sisters

i for one am looking forward to the next book in this sequel as i cant wait to see what happens between the two other sisters... and to see how audrey and toni are getting on

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This was a super cute vacation read!!

I am so happy, that we are at a point where i can read my comfort genre with my sexuality included!! I loved it!

It had everything I need of a rom-com!!

Dramatic exes ( even more so if they are lesbians )
Found family
Finding yourself
Grand gestures ( but dont make them cringey )
Miscommunication ( dont love that one but oh well )
And a big happy end

I was pretty mad at audrey for a bit ngl, but it felt very human to make the mistakes she did..
loved that she learned from them and that all of them speak of therapy in a common way.

We need more sapphic romcoms !!

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This was a fantastic sapphic love story, with more than a little spice! Whew!

I loved all the characters, except Shae with an e, she can get in the bin. They were all realistic, flawed and complex. I could see a lot of myself in Audrey, learning to let someone love you when you've been hurt is so hard! I especially loved the relationships between the two sets of sisters. Sibling relationships can be so complicated. I certainly know I struggle with mine from time to time. But I also know that ultimately, my brothers have always got my back.

As for the storyline, I mean, can you even imagine turning up at a new job to find out that your boss is the woman you'd slept with that weekend! Awks!

This was a lovely story of love, family relationships and the art of being professional when you just want to rip each other's clothes off!

This is my first book by Laura, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more in future!

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This was cute, I just wanted a little more connection/depth between the MCs. It started off strong, then flagged a bit in the middle. I really enjoyed the setting and side characters as well.

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It's a super cute rom-com about Audrey (a hard working, smart woman who has just come out of a toxic relationship) and Toni (a dirtbag like she describes herself) who meet at a bar and have a very hot night together. Thinking they will never see eachother again they both start their new projects the monday after, and as they bump into eachother they realise they will be working together.
I really did like this story and these characters, I also love the double POV throughout the book. The only thing that I had liked was for the book to be a bit longer so that the stories could be a bit more complete, I felt like I missed some dialog between the main characters and a whole story between the side characters.

But putting that aside, I loved it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

About Last Night was an enjoyable sapphic romance, but didn't quite hit the mark for me. I was hooked in the beginning, but the middle fell into a bit of a lull, but the ending redeemed the story a bit for me. The author did a good job of developing both Audrey and Toni's characters and their personalities, and despite being complete opposites, they seemed to have great chemistry. Their tension made it clear they are very attracted to each other, and I did find they had a genuine connection, but because the book is on the shorter side the romance aspect of their relationship felt quite rushed. Toni was the standout for me of the two main characters, but I did enjoy both of them in different ways. Both of their sisters were also wonderful additions to the story, and I'm hoping to see more of them in a future sequel!

This was a quick and easy read, entertaining enough to keep you turning the pages, it just fell a little short for me on the plot. But would still recommend for a fluffy lesbian romance if you're looking for one!

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So cute. Insta-love, forced proximity. Toni and Audrey have a one night stand after Audrey gets out of a bad relationship. Little do they know, they will be working together. Toni is carefree and Audrey is all business.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for a copy of this book!

I really enjoyed reading about Audrey and Toni (and Willa and Greta)! I'm a huge sucker for dual POV and this was done really well.

I enjoyed that it got right into the action of the book - and then how it followed the tension and growth in the changes. The characters felt real and relatable, and I love seeing strong female main characters and friendships.

I loved Toni's friendship with Max and watching how Willa and Greta interacted as well (I can't wait to get more from them!!)

This book felt quite lighthearted in nature, almost fluffy. While the emotions were real and palpable, it sort of felt like not a lot happened. I connected with the characters, but ultimately I just wanted a touch more oomph in feeling and that's what's reflected in my 3.5⭐ rating.

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About Last Night is a delightful rom-com that will leave you grinning from ear to ear. Laura Henry has crafted a charming tale of forced proximity and undeniable chemistry between Audrey and Toni. The banter is sharp, the characters are endearing, and the plot is full of unexpected twists. This book is the perfect escape for anyone looking for a lighthearted and fun read.

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This book made me a believer in both the "one night stand" and "in love with the boss" tropes --- which, as someone who got burned out ghostwriting these very tropes, is SAYING SOMETHING!

Tough tomboy Toni and straight-laced powerbitch Audrey are an absolute blast to watch tango together. The pair have a delightful back and forth that always feels very real. The characters surrounding our lead couple feel real, too, especially the sisters that accompany each lead and serve as foils for our heroines. The writing is fun and fizzing with chemistry--- I could feel myself grinning like a fool for about half of this book, and I was blushing for the other half. Part of the blush is explained by the fact that the yearning in this book is ON POINT. I found myself thinking about their attraction as a steady burning flame that ignites from their first encounter, grows brighter with help from heated glances and steamy banter, and finally erupts into an inferno that brings the whole house down while you're happily engulfed in the blaze.

Check out this book if you love any of the aforementioned tropes and also: Type A Bitch falling for Self-described Scumbags with Hearts of Gold; Sassy Sisters who have Surprise Chemistry with the Last Person you Would Expect; and Lesbians who Climb Mountains and Sing Alanis Morisette songs in a Crowded Room as Grand Gestures.

This book is going on my "recommend to everyone" list! It was sweet, very sexy, and funny to boot. I was lucky and I got to read an advanced digital copy of this book, but I'll definitely be grabbing a physical copy for my shelves!

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This book was an easy, fast read and I overall liked it enough to want to read the sequel, but unfortunately, the second half of the book fell flat for me.

I felt like the miscommunication didn't really made any sense. They seemed to be saying the same thing, but with different fonts and all throughout the book, they both seem like two very emotionally articulate and mature people. For people who talk so much about their feelings and seemed to have such a good grasp on them, it didn't made sense for them to be s confused.

The ending was sweet, but I'm not the biggest fan of grand gestures.

If you're looking for a book portraying emotionally mature characters, great sex scenes and interesting family dynamic, you'll probably like this one !

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⭐️⭐️⭐️– 3 stars

“But if Toni offered to take me into the backcountry and build me a cabin and live off the grid, I might just throw everything away and go.”

Tropes, Themes, and Things to Expect
• Lesbian romance
• One night stand turned friendship turned relationship
• Forced proximity
• Workplace romance
• Outdoorsy FMC x office Queen FMC

((content warnings for this book include: emotionally abusive ex, one instance of homophobic phrasing/slur, explicit sexual content.))

About Last Night is Laura Henry's debut novel, a feel-good, easy-to-read, lesbian forced proximity romance. Audrey Adams is starting over. Three days ago, she left her cheating ex. And Audrey did not walk out: she sang the best break-up song of all time at her in a packed-out bar and dropped the mic. Then she had an unforgettable night with the most drop-dead gorgeous woman she’s ever seen in her life, a hiking guide with perfectly toned arms and sparkling sky-blue eyes… who she’s been trying not to think about ever since. Audrey is done with romance. But then on her first morning at her new job at an outdoors store, she literally walks right into none other than her hot one-night-stand: Toni. The woman she last saw in her bed, her wild curls thrown across the pillow. Who is now technically her boss. Audrey can't help daydreaming about Toni and Toni can't help wanting Audrey, but daring someone at work is never a good idea... right?

I thought this book started with such a bang. Being thrown right into Audrey deciding to sing her goodbye to her trashy ex (Shae with an E) and immediately turning around and having a blisteringly hot one night stand with the woman she's been admiring from afar for ages was pretty epic. Her horror at then needing to work with Toni, especially when the chemistry between them only seems more palpable, is practically torture. Besides, she's only just got out of a toxic relationship and she told herself she wasn't getting straight in another one. The only problem is, the more time she spends with Toni, the more she admires her. To a certain extent I think some of Audrey's actions in this book, that could be seen as immature and silly make sense in the context of her previous relationship. However towards the third act I definitely wanted to shake her. I'm glad her sister, Willa (who, by the way, was an absolute highlight in this book) called her out on it.

Toni, on the other hand, is such a golden retriever. Reading from her POV was an absolute delight. She is sunshine, golden retriever energy, and just so sweet and wholesome with way more love to give others than she realizes. I felt that this was definitely more Audrey's book, because Toni's character mostly stayed the same. No complaints from me though! Toni is wonderful and I would love to be her girlfriend. The only thing is that she kept calling herself a dirtbag, a term I have never heard despite being friends with quite a few very outdoorsy people. Maybe it's an American thing?

The romance between them was very heavy on their chemistry and pretty fast paced. Personally, I would have loved to see more of their love for each other unfolding organically in scenes of them together, whether alone or with others. In that sense, there was more telling rather than showing. The pacing was great though for this easy read, things move quickly despite it not covering a very long time period, which I like, but there's a bit of a switch-up in the third act, with time all of a sudden being compressed into several weeks in one paragraph. That gave me ever so slight whiplash, but I did enjoy where we ended up with our couple!

All in all, I did enjoy this book. It's an easy read to gobble up in one sitting, best done around Christmas-time as it's set in wintery Colorado through the festive season. A few grammatical issues sometimes took me out of the reading experience, but it's all too easy to continue to breeze through.

Thank you to NetGalley, Laura Henry, and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I feel lukewarm on this book. It was not bad, but it was not my favorite. I feel like at times the characters did not feel very well to me, or they were described, almost like in a goddess sort of way, and it felt unrealistic.

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What made my heart happy was the twin relationship (big fan of Mary-Kate and Ashley, & Liv and Maddie when I was younger) between Ashley and Willa. Seeing Toni and Greta’s relationship blossom as Toni was thrust more into this business. The four as friends kept my heart happy. Just like the fast timing of Ashley’s and Greta’s one night stand, this book propelled itself into a quick snappy pace off the jump of Ashley and Willa packing up Ashley’s belongings. Apparently we are told how bad Shae is, which thankfully is confirmed when we find out she’s been stalking poor Ashley. There’s a lot of telling and not enough showing (except for the sex). The third act breakup trope was annoying and you could tell even though Ashley never hikes, that would be the grand gesture to bring back Toni’s love. Max is forever an icon.

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If you’re looking for a quick, fun, sexy sapphic romance to read under a warm blanket or on a long car ride? About Last Night by Laura Henry is the perfect book for you!!

About Last Night features two women who meet at the local queer bar and get swept up in each other. Audrey and Toni have been stealing glances at each other for weeks and cannot deny the attraction they feel towards one another. After Audrey performs a show stopping break up number for her now ex, Toni and Audrey finally break the sexual tension and spend one blissful night together. Little did they know, the next day they would stumble into each other in the business world as well. Will they give in to their instincts and devour one another? Or will they keep it business casual?

My rating: 4 stars

My review: This was a GOOD book. Laura Henry can WRITE!!

About Last Night was the perfect filler book. Though most people might look at that as a bad thing, I mean that in the best way possible. Since it was so short, there wasn’t much room for distractions or unnecessary plot points. It got right to the point while still incorporating complex characters and varying character dynamics. I enjoyed Toni and Audrey’s warm connection as twin sisters as much as I did Toni and Greta’s more standoffish relationship. The communication and honesty between all four girls really was wonderful to witness. I also loved getting to learn all about hiking and fourteeners, since it was incorporated in Toni and Greta’s family business.

Now let’s talk about the romance plot. This isn’t the first “one-night stand” romance I’ve read by any means, but I enjoyed it just as much if not more than the others. I find it difficult to jump into a book that starts off with a hot and heavy romance scene since I don’t have much connection to the characters, but Henry did a good job of not going over the top. You can feel their chemistry and desire for one another, but not in an overwhelming way which I appreciated. Toni and Audrey’s relationship was so fun and I loved getting to see the business side of things as well!

My only qualm with this book is the pacing. I felt like there would be large chunks of time that the reader loses and made the plot seem choppy. However since the book is less than 250 pages, I definitely can’t criticize it too much on that front since it does so many other things so well.

I really ate this book up. I never really felt the story drag and always found myself wanting to keep reading. Audrey and Toni have my heart.

Definitely hoping to read more by Laura Henry in the future!!

Thank you so so much to NetGalley and Bookouture for extending the offer to read and review my first ever ARC!

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