Member Reviews

The beginning of the book went by really fast. After a bit, it seemed to slow down. I was left wondering where the author was taking us.
The chemistry between Audrey and Toni kept me reading on.
The banter and humorous aspect was great.
The spice level was not over the top. But, it is there.
There is a “thing” at the end…..keep on reading!

Thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I’m glad I read this book and I plan to read the sequel. However, I definitely ended up liking the first half more than the second half.

Toni is the DJ during karaoke night when Audrey sings a break-up song to her ex in front of a crowd at their town’s only lesbian bar. Unbeknownst to either woman, Audrey and her sister have been hired as consultants to work for Toni’s family’s company.

I thought the premise of the book was fun and unique. It hooked me from the start.

This book is also great for readers who like spicy (we get a spicy scene that lasts 2 and a half chapters early in the book). The physical chemistry between Toni and Audrey felt compelling and real to me. Their chemistry and magnetism were some of my favorite parts of the book.

I am generally apprehensive about reading workplace romances, since the power imbalance isn’t always handled well by the narrative. Here, I thought the author handled it well and reading about a workplace romance didn’t feel icky.

The second half of the book ended up dragging a bit for me and I didn’t love how the plot was resolved. Miscommunications plus a grand gesture are just not my cup of tea, but I know other people love them!

By the end of the book, I was most interested in the relationship between Greta (Toni’s sister) and Willa (Aubrey’s sister). We get some not-subtle hints about Willa’s queer awakening and her relationship with Greta. I am looking forward to the sequel to find out what happens between them!

TW for cheating (not between main couple), emotionally abusive ex, stalking, reference to homophobic religious parent kicking out her children. All of these are condemned by the narrative and the characters.

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Thankyou so much for sending me this ARC Netgalley!
This book is about a woman named Audrey who publicly broke up with her then girlfriend who had been toxic for many years leading up. She ends up having a one night stand with a local at a club she frequents named Toni, she’s had her eye on for a while. Only to find out they were new colleagues the following week, what a messy situation 😆.
Audrey reconsiders her relationship with Toni after.
I really loved how the characters related to the two girls played out throughout the book. I was actually caught by surprise!
I loved how fast paced this book was, the fact it was a dual pov and it was fairly spicy too which we love.

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✨ Fast Paced
✨ One night Stand
✨ Medium Spice🌶️🌶️

✨ Toni and Audrey was the main character in the story. As Toni falls for Audrey first while Audrey itself having a problem with her current girlfriend.
It wasn’t that long that they got on together. I mean real fast as it was all happening in chapter 3.
All the spiciness are in detail in there.

✨ It didn’t say how they became clicked together just all of a sudden connection that’s the only main issue for me. The maturity of both sides were great and they do support each other even they kind of feel off then being in business together.

✨ The bonus I love about the story was the typical banter .
✨ First time reading an lgbt book and this one did not disappoint.

✨Thankyou @bookcouture for the arc copy of this book for a honest review.


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About Last Night is a cute, fluffy Rom-Com. I gave it 3 stars because I had a few issues with it.

My biggest issue is the fact that it felt like things progressed in odd ways. Like, a lot of Toni and Audrey's relationship progressed off-page, yet we get like 3 chapters of spiciness at the beginning of the book. This is probably due to the book being a fairly short read, but I would have liked to see more of Toni and Audrey and their blooming relationship. Toni very quickly falls for Audrey and because we miss so much of their growing relationship, it feels far more sudden than if we would have been exposed to some more intimate, bonding moments between our MCs.

Also due to the short length, I feel we didn't get to learn about what happened between side characters, or really anything about the side characters at all until near the end when we get a shocker dropped on us by one the side characters, and I was just like "I saw it coming, but where did that come from?!?!" It would have been nice to know just a small bit more instead of just dropping surprises at the end of the book.

My last issue is I had really high expectations for this to be way more funny than it it was. I was entertained, but I was expecting a step more towards comedy, than romance, with the description calling it "utterly hilarious." This still gave the vibe of a fairly traditional rom-com.

I did enjoy this book, despite my issues. It was fun, cute, and Toni is an extremely likeable main character. I do like Audrey as well, but Toni really stood out as an extremely sweet and likeable MC. I would still recommend this if you're looking for a cute, feel-good read you can finish in one sitting!

I received an arc from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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The cover drew me in, and I could tell this would be a cute novel. In my opinion, I didn't want to read the book at first-as the name of the book insinuated a one-night stand. I don't typically like reading books that have one-night stands, but I caved with this one. After reading the synopsis and seeing where people who like Ali Hazelwood would love this feel-good story, I was sold. It was a sexy and cute romcom. It had the feels and the spice, you will laugh so hard you will have tears. The chemistry between the two had me swooning. It was like literal fire! I felt the need to break away from my usual dark and smutty romance novels and I'm so glad I was given the chance to read and review this romcom!

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So in short Toni and Audrey have a one night stand and then end up working together. with this being 200 pages it was a quick read with short chapters but super insta lovey. from the one night stand, they are either together or thinking about one another and I just couldn’t really connect with this or with any of the characters. I’m not a fan of the insta love trope and then i also felt like the writing was more tell not show so especially towards the end, we didn’t get to see everything. Although it’s not a holiday romance, there is a part of the book set throughout the Christmas holidays so this could be a quick and light read for then? thank you NetGalley for the arc.

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4/5 ⭐️s
🌶️🌶️ - medium spice

- Consent IS sexy 🙂‍↕️👏🏻
- When Audrey calls out Toni for her professionalism and respect at work. And the way Toni is apologetic and owns up to her mistakes.
- The double sister friendship is cute 🥰
- I really appreciate the maturity and communication happening in some moments, especially from between friends. See below ⬇️
- Max is full of great advice and she just a joy 😄
- The grand gesture sure is grand!

- Audrey was in a tough situation for a while, but she doesn’t handle her relationship with Toni or her sister very well. She acts selfish and unkind.
- I guess I don’t totally get the role-playing bar scene. It seems random and doesn’t really make sense for where the two are at.
- The ending felt a little abrupt

Overall, this was cute and had a lot of good moments. A few things were a little frustrating for me, but not so much that they ruined the book, by any means.

Thanks to @netgalley and @bookouture for the eARC.

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About last night is a fun romance with a bit of comedy & spice. It was slightly predictable but was a good easy read.

I loved the banter between the characters, it really lightened the book and did give me a bit of a laugh.

Toni & Audrey had my heart singing from the moment they met. They had an amazing connection that was tainted by Audrey's past relationship. There were some very sweet moments, as well as some harsh moments that made you a little sad.

It did lack a bit of relationship building, the future jumps left gaps and I felt it needed the gaps to be filled.

If you love a bit of spice, then you will find that in this book. "About Last night" is a FF romantic relationship, with spice, close proximity, hiking, and a narcissist.

#romancebook #romantic ##aboutlastnight #laurahenry #netgalley #arcreview #lesbianromcom #romanticcomedybook #closeproximity #alittlebitofspice #lesbianlovers #bookreview #bookstagrammer #hikercharacter

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Fun, quick. spicy read. For those who enjoy a light afternoon spritz.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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About Last Night is the story of two women (who have unknowingly been ogling each other for months) who have a one-night stand and then find out they're going to be working together for the next six months. Though they agree to keep things professional, there is an undeniable spark between them that is impossible to resist.

This was a fun, quick read that felt more like a novella than a full-length novel. The spice was top-notch and I enjoyed the chemistry between Audrey and Toni. However, I'm used to reading contemporary romances that contain depth and a lot of character development, so this fell a little flat for me. There was also a side story that was never wrapped up, and we don't get the "six months/one year later" epilogue I've become accustomed to.

Overall, About Last Night was an enjoyable read that I'd recommend to readers who like fun, fast, and bantery sapphic romances.

*Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the complimentary advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.*

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3 star read!!
if you need a short cute pallete cleanser romance book, this is for you.
loved the sibling relationship here, it’s always great when you read about 2 sisters that support each other and do anything for each other.
hated hated hated Shae! Audrey, you’re so much better now <3
there’s a lot of spice here so if that’s not your cup of tea, please don’t read this book :)

I want to thank NetGalley and the Author for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Audrey is fresh off a break up. She decided to pursue a hook up with Toni. They part and end up meeting up again at their new jobs. They have to deal with their attraction to each other while simultaneously healing from their own relationships before they can move forward.
I was drawn for the lgbt nature and it’s not written as much as the heterosexual relationships that dominate this genre. I went into this book blind and kept my mind open. The story jumped right off the bat with the characters going home together. Unfortunately, the pacing made it difficult to follow at times especially because the reader wasn’t present, which loses its significance. I felt at times the relationship was a bit rushed with not a lot of proper development to make it a happily ever after. I liked Toni a lot. She never failed to make me giggle and her tension with Audrey was off the charts. Overall, a cute read !

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“This is the **FIRST** book I have ever read, from start to finish, in one night. I didn’t respond to texts, calls, or anything while I was enthralled in this story… OMG, I felt like I wanted to cry, I was definitely very turned on, and I couldn’t stop laughing… RUN, don’t walk, to buy this book… I am hooked and I need more of it

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This book starts off with a BANG and then it honestly just completely fizzled out for me. I didn't get any real personality or depth from the characters, not did I really feel their chemistry. The plot didn't really deviate from any established genre norms but didn't bring any depth or anything special to it :/ Also, as an avid hiker, I've never heard any hiker call themselves a dirt bag and that was said over and over in this?

Meh. Thanks for the ARC regardless!

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After reading previous reviews, I wasn't sure! But still! This book was fantastic! Even though I cringed at some of the phrasing, I managed to finish this book in three and a half hours! I had a great time reading this book. Although I didn't like the third act breakup with the second FMC Toni, I could relate to the FMC Audrey's first split. However, by the time the narrative concluded, I felt like I needed more resolution about the two side characters, Greta and Willa. All in all, though, I thought the novel was entertaining, that the spicy parts weren't overdone, and that it followed a good premise while delving into other possible directions.

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I enjoy finding new authors and Laura Henry's debut was a treat. Fun, quick, easy, beach read. The two main characters were fun to get to know and the sisters in their lives rounded out the story nicely. Can't wait to read about the sisters. Thank you Netgalley for the early access.

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I loved plot here, having a one night stand and then realising they are your new boss. Overall this book was easy to read.

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I had the pleasure of reading an ARC of this book through NetGalley and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is based on the trope of two women getting together only to find out later they are working with each other. Audrey Adams breaks up with her cheating ex through a classic karaoke break-up song and finds comfort with Toni Danzig that night, a beautiful hiking guide that turns her world upside down. Audrey is done with romance, but when she starts a new job she finds that Toni is part-owner of the business. The two are forced to work together and keep their connection under control.

The writing is fantastic with times where you will laugh out loud. You will find yourself hoping for the couple to finally get together, despite Audrey trying to protect herself from another broken heart. If you are a fan of forced proximity romances, you will definitely enjoy this one.

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What happens when you run into your one night stand on your first day at a new job? For Toni and Audrey the answer is to try to keep things professional.

This was a good quick read, which I enjoyed. I thought that is could have used a bit more depth to fully flesh out the characters, but it makes for a light and easy beach read.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a quick easy read.

I received a free copy from Bookouture through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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