Member Reviews

I could not put down this book, and I read it in one night!

First of all, the steamy sex scene to open the book. Excellent! Realistic and honest.

Shae: Such a realistic retelling of her personality. I can name countless real-life lesbians just like her. An awful person (yay to the twin hating her!), and accurate.

Toni: Again, people like her exist in the world. Hot, sexy, "all the girls love her." Respected Audrey's boundaries! Another accurate description.

Audrey: I am dying to read about more professional, beautiful lesbians. I wasn't super happy when she cut her hair (although it worked well when she and Toni ran into each other in the office for the first time). I loved how she set boundaries. Loved the focus on her career.

I'm giving this 5 stars, although I'm not sure about the sisters getting tangled up in something. This wasn't quite developed enough to fully understand.

Denver is a great backdrop with the company and the mountains. I have actually been in real life to the only lesbian bar in Denver. Again, the accuracy is spot-on.

I posted a review to Goodreads and to my Insta!

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About Last Night was such a fun read, it's not long and can 100% be read in one sitting. It’s more of a 3.5/5 than a 3 star read.

It follows Audrey who is just coming out of a horrible relationship. On her mission to break it off, she meets Toni (she’s amazing) and that’s the beginning of a journey she did not expect.

While I did enjoy the book there were some aspects I wished were done better. There were times it was a lot more tell rather than show. The emotional abuse scene during Christmas would have been a lot more impactful if we HAD seen more of Audrey and Shae with an E’s relationship. Audrey is not perfect she makes mistakes, and we did have some scenes where we saw her together with Shae with an E and were able to see how their relationship was Audrey’s reactions would make more sense. The book is pretty fast paced as well, so conflicts didn’t seem last long or sometimes feel like they came out of nowhere at times.

I did enjoy a lot of the aspects in the book the characters being one of them. Willa and Audrey’s relationship was such a highlight in the book. I loved their bond, they are there for each other (sometimes it’s more one sided) and their love forever each shines through every interaction they have.

Honest to god EVERYONE deserves a Willa in their life. She was there for Audrey every time she needed making sure she didn’t just coddle her, but also making sure she told her what she needed to hear not just what she wanted. This is a lighthearted quick read that is very enjoyable, it’s a turn-your-brain off and read this cute rom com type of story.

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I loved this. The pacing is a bit off with not much happening in the middle and some big time jumps mid chapter but it was still such a fun read. Audrey and Toni balance each other well and I thought they were so cute together. I love a dual POV and it really helped show the chemistry. There are some great supporting characters and I cannot wait to read Willa's book becuase she is hilarious. It is a bit insta love but the slide into actual relationship is drawn out over several months. It's cute and fun with a touch of spice. Everything I look for in a romcom.

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About Last Night follows Audrey and Toni. Audrey has finally had enough of her girlfriend’s cheating ways and is moving out to live with her twin sister, Willa. Willa sends her to keep tabs on her gf, who thinks the twins are visiting their mother for Thanksgiving. She is at a popular lesbian bar and Audrey sees her entering with yet another girl. Something comes over her and she goes in to perform THE breakup song. She and Toni, the DJ, have each secretly had a crush on the other but have never spoken. Audrey’s performance is amazing and she runs out when her (now ex) girlfriend tries to talk to her. She leaves her jacket behind and Toni goes after her to return it and offer some support. They have an extra steamy hookup, but it’s obviously not a good time for Audrey to hop into another relationship. When Audrey’s new consulting job ends up being for Toni’s family’s company, things become a bit complicated.

The story is told from both Audrey’s and Toni’s POVs. Which is nice because you get to hear the story from both sides. It does get a little repetitive, but the energy of Willa really breaks that up for me. While I would love to know the secret between Willa and Greta, Toni’s sister, I did feel like it took away from the story. Just let them be great friends and focus on Audrey and Toni.

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Thank you NetGalley for the arc!!!

This was a fun read! I've read a few books with the "they have a one night stand thinking nothing will come from it only for them to be unexpectedly reunited and have to work/live/spend the holidays in close proximity while pretending that they don't have feelings for each other when really they do" trope a few times, but I honestly love this trope and really enjoyed it in this book too!

I really liked both of the main characters and enjoyed having the dual POV. I think the author did a really good job developing both Audrey and Toni's distinctly different personalities, and despite them being total opposites, I think they worked really well together as a couple.

I think the pacing was somewhat inconsistent. I was flying through this book when I started, then felt like there was a bit of a lag in the middle before picking up at the end. I think that was mainly to do with the fact that the plot felt a bit nonexistent in the middle, as the focus seemed to mainly be on the two characters and their relationship. I also wasn't a super huge fan of how we'd suddenly jump forward like 5 weeks from one paragraph to the next? I personally feel like those types of time jumps work better from chapter to chapter.

I feel like this book could have very easily been advertised as a holiday romance as the book was primarily set between Thanksgiving and Christmas with plenty of holiday elements thrown in. It wasn't until the end when we jumped forward to February that the holiday aspect was lost. In some ways I wish the book had fully embraced the holiday romance - and been advertised as such.

Finally, love that the plot ended when the two fmc's are reunited at the end. I think romance books can sometimes be ruined going into too much at the end of the book when they're finally together post third act breakup. I like that this book ended at just the right time, letting you know that everything worked out in the end but still leaving some ambiguity.

Despite my issues with the pacing and plot, I did enjoy reading this book and look forward to reading about Willa and Greta in book 2!!

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I was incredibly stoked about the premise of this book. And while i absolutely love a silly, feel good romance this unfortunately wasn’t that.

The word choice was just cringy, the insta-love was repulsive, and it was painful to get through.

I’m sure this will work for some people, but i personally was not having a good time.

Thank you to Netgalley for this eARC.

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I’d give this star 2.5 stars, rounded to 3/5. This was honestly a super disappointing read. Based on the description, I expected a funny, flirty read filled with tension and banter. What I read felt shallow, rushed, & utterly lacking in chemistry.
The characters were one-dimensional, and had no lives or individuality outside of the main romantic plot line. Even the side characters couldn’t have their own storylines without being directly tied to the main couple. The dialogue and insta-love trope felt awkward and forced, and the conflict/resolution felt outlandish and rushed. I wanted to really enjoy the characters, as there were some aspects I liked about each of the characters as well a the sister relationships, but unfortunately none of them felt developed enough for me to really become attached or invested. It was a short and fast read, but wasn’t one I’d recommend personally.
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Sometimes I'm hesitant about reading debut romance writers, because I'm fussy and so much of it is awful, but this was great! The characters are likeable, it's fun and easy to read, it plays on lots of different tropes but is still original. I noticed myself smiling as I read it, and that's always a good sign. The setting and the friendships were wonderful, it was such a feel-good world to escape into for a few hours.

This book isn't perfect, some of the writing felt a bit obvious and the physical lust was a bit overdone for my taste. I also thought the book started much stronger that it ended - The opening scene was epic, but the second half felt a bit clumsy as the characters navigated more difficult emotions.

Overall though it's a cute and endearing queer romcom that's spicy but still plot and character driven. It gave me what I'm after in a romance, I would happily read more by this author.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book! Both main characters were likeable and relatable, and the story is quite well-written. It had me swooning, laughing and tearing up. It was hard to put down and I didn't want the story to end.

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<b><i><u>please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers</b></i></u>
<i><u>I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. </i></u>
<b>HEA:</b> HFN
<b>POV:</b> dual 1st person POV
<b>spice:</b> a few open-door spicy scenes
<b>TWs:</b> cheating, emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, homophobia, manipulation, sabotage, stalking
<b>Kinky Content:</b> dirty talk, edging, fingering, first times, nipple play, oral, praise, role playing, sex toys
<b>standalone:</b> yes
<b>final thoughts</b>: this was a cute and angsty pining-from-a-distance story that turns into a one night stand only to find out they are now boss/employee and have to keep their history a secret.
Lots of pining, pushing away, and sneaking around that leads to a third act breakup with groveling and grand gestures.
While It’s marketed as a romcom I think I only laughed one time? Maybe it wasn’t my humor, but it was a good story.

read this book if you love

😬 angst
🥵 dirty talk
😳 forbidden lovers
🏝️ forced proximity
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 great side characters
🤫 hidden secrets
🎄 holiday themes
🌈 LGBT+ representation
🛏️ one night stand
🔀 opposites attract
🤐 secret relationship
💔 third act breakup
💼 workplace romance

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review

Rating: 3.75 ⭐️ (rounded to 4⭐️)

Overall a fun read! I enjoyed the dynamics of the characters and all the different personalities. The chemistry between Audrey and Toni was fab, but oh MAN am I keen for Greta and Willa’s story 👀 I am always down for a romcom!

While I found the first half compelling, the second half bumbled along and I disliked the direction it went in. I didn’t like the conflict between Audrey and Toni, and I HATED the weeks and months they went avoiding each other when they could have just talked. Toni came on too strong too fast, I believe Audrey’s reaction was valid and I didn’t like that she apologised for it, but that’s just me. Because of this, the grand gesture at the end didn’t land as well.

On a more nit-picky note, I hated the word ‘dirtbag’. Like we get it Toni you’re not like other girls, you’re worse.

Long story short, I will be reading the next one and probably getting equally annoyed with Greta and Willa but I’m excited all the same 😂

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In About Last Night, Audrey Adams finds herself between her sizzling attraction to her new boss, Toni, and her determination to keep romance out of her fresh start. After a breakup performance and a night with Toni, Audrey dives into a new job at an outdoorsy store, only to discover Toni is her boss. As they navigate their undeniable chemistry, Audrey grapples with whether to pursue what could be the adventure of a lifetime or play it safe with her job.

I am sorry to say I did not love this book. I would have DNF'd it if it was any longer. I didn't relate or particularly enjoy Toni or Audrey. I like Greta and Willa a lot more. I feel like this could have been so cute, but the storyline just wasn't there. I see so many good reviews for this book, so I think this is more of a personal and not general opinion.

ALSO the title. I really hate that it's "About Last Night: An utterly hilarious, feel-good, forced proximity, lesbian romantic comedy." Can we not add the tropes to the title please. Happy Pride though?

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

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I just didn’t connect with these characters. I did however like Willa and Greta. This did get a little better towards the end of the book but everything felt rushed and unfinished.

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Thank you for the ARC of this book! Audrey and Toni meet, have a one night stand, and then realise that they're going to be working together. Cue awkwardness.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. It was a really quick, enjoyable read. The love story between Audrey and Toni was mostly well done but at times felt a bit too rushed and I'd have liked to see more development of their relationship but also of them as characters besides from the romance.

It also had good side characters, especially Greta and Willa but I'd have liked to have known more about both. I also felt that their storyline seemed to just disappear at the end which I don't love.

This would be great for a holiday read.

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Thank you for gifting me this arc. As a queer/bisexual reader and reviewer I am always trying to find more queer books. I absolutely adored this book. There were so many times I wanted to jump right into the book with the MCs. I sometimes struggle with DNFing RomComs because I lose interesting or don’t like the FMC but that was not the case at all with this book. I was hooked from the beginning and felling in love with one of the girls instantly. I hope we get more books in a series following the sisters and best friend because this book was the perfect escape. Thank you again to the author and publisher team to gifting me this book during Pride Month. I’d recommend this book to any of my queer friends. Let’s go lesbians!!!

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A quick fun read with an almost instant love trope.

Perfect for the vacation!

Thanks for the opportunity to read it!

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INCREDIBLE. I could not put this down. From the start to the end this is a masterpiece the relationships throughout I hope we get a Willa and Greta book. I hate miscommunication but boy did it work in this. Off to add everything this author has written to the TBR

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If you’re looking for a hot and steamy sapphic book to take on holidays with you, look no further, you just found it!
On the night Audrey breaks up with her toxic ex, she also feels reckless enough to finally pursue Toni, the DJ at the local queer club. What was supposed to be fun and easy turns into a hot and intimate night of passion, leaving Toni and Audrey questioning what they really want from each other. Follow them, as they discover they now have to work together as well as figure out, what they mean to each other. Hilarious situations ensue while both women have to make sure to keep it appropriate at the workplace, even though they want to rip off each other's clothes.
Fans of forced proximity romance, dual perspective, early thousands romcoms and idiots in love will love this one!

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About Last Night is the renamed book-version of Hold Me Closer, Toni Danzig. From what I can tell.
Same great story with a new boring name?
I think that’s my main issue that I cannot get past….the original name is SO good and so perfect and unique. The new one is so blah!!! Why ?! I’m assuming there’s copyright issues or something since it’s an Audible original? Idk.
It is a very sweet, funny love story that starts off with an amazing first scene. When I originally listened, I immediately got wrapped up in the vibes of both characters and their interactions and story. I love Toni especially. I really like the side characters (the siblings!).

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okay so yes and yay but also whaaaaaa????

i felt major whiplash by this book, because it started off so so um un-innocent (but like GOOD) and then suddenly got mushy and i’m not complaining but why did we skip the rest of the spice for the entirety of the rest of the book, i was kinda thrown off the edge of a cliff

BUT that being said, the love aspect was so so cute and im so here for that but it just need to be developed more and be more compliant and not contrasting with the desperation

overall solos 3.5 or 4 out of 5 and a fun little read i really needed :)

thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book

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