Member Reviews

A very strong start in developing Audrey’s character. Audrey’s pov was by far my favorite between her and Toni D. Audrey felt like the more authentic between the two, closer to the authors heart or real life persona. I thoroughly enjoy a great revenge scene and there’s nothing like a stage and a break up song to SERVE that. I also appreciate a grand gesture ending. Where the opposites attract and compromise, the signs of a real relationship.

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I didn't laugh once. for a book that claims to be so against insta-love, it sure featured a lot of it. both main characters were either always together or talking about each other or thinking about each other; I get that this is a romance but can these characters have LIVES outside of the relationship please?

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this was a fun, quick read with a tropey plot and characters. the romance was bordering on insta love and i didnt like that. plus we don't really learn a lot about their personalities outside their relationships.
thanks netgalley, bookouture, and laura henry for the copy!

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There's nothing here that's a big surprise. It's a cliché where two girls who sleep together and agree that it's just a one-night thing, until they meet again at work the next day. But the way Laura Henry described their connection... was one of the best I've ever read.

Audrey just got out of a relationship in the best possible way, after being cheated on. She sleeps with Toni, wanting it to be just for one night, but the tension between the two becomes increasingly greater.

Toni has a heart of gold, even if she seems slightly naive towards Audrey. My favorite chapters were undoubtedly those from Toni's POV, I laughed a lot at her funny scenes.

The chemistry between these two is literally on fire. Anyone who knows me knows that I love queer romances, but I've never read a hot scene between two girls that's so real. Usually I feel like it's always "all" or "nothing", but here it was all true.

But not everything was cute or spicy, there were more serious moments, like looking into Audrey's past relationship or Toni's insecurities, which helped to balance the whole story.

The author made me devour page after page at a frightening speed. And after that ending, I really hope the next book arrives soon.

Last but not least, thank you very much for this ARC.

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A super fun sapphic romance. I enjoyed the relationships that were built - but they were not super in depth, mostly because the book was really short. I feel like a followup story to build more on the other budding relationships would be a great addition to this book. The love tropes and conflict were present without being over blown. And, the smut was high quality, excellent, 100 stars. Definitely worth the read.

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Audrey Adams is starting over. Three days ago, she left her cheating ex. And Audrey did not walk out quietly: she sang the best break-up song of all time at her in a packed-out bar and dropped the mic. Then she had an unforgettable night with the most drop-dead gorgeous woman she’s ever seen in her life, a hiking guide with perfectly toned arms and sparkling sky-blue eyes… who she’s been trying not to think about ever since. Audrey is done with romance.

But then on her first morning at her new job at an outdoors store, she walks into someone. Literally headfirst into her, and as coffee begins to stain her shirt, Audrey looks up into a pair of very familiar beautiful blue eyes. It’s Toni. The woman she last saw in her bed, her wild curls thrown across the pillow. Who is now technically her boss.

I loved this so much! Any book that starts out with with a hot night followed by the crazy realization that the person you hooked up with is your new boss is going on my TBR. The characters were relatable and the banter was so much fun! Highly recommend this!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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Oh my gosh, this book was so good that I read it twice! It had me giggling and smiling constantly! Easily one of my favorite reads of the year.

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this book was such a fun, lighthearted, quick read! the characters had great personalities and were very lovable. i feel like the story ended very abruptly and left some loose ends. the first being that there was no resolution to the willa and greta plot line. is this setting up for another book? i feel like there could have been a better way to do that, and not giving any kind of segue or explanation felt unfinished to me. this book also has the miscommunication trope which i usually avoid reading, but it didn't bother me too much because it didn't take up too much of the plot. i think that's a good this book definitely couple have used some kind of epilogue to wrap up the unfinished/rushed plots at the end. overall, it was an enjoyable and fun read!

rating: 3/5 stars

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This is a very cute book! The writing was fun and the banter was hilarious. For the most part, I enjoyed the FMCs. They had great dialogue, chemistry, and interactions. A ONS turned workplace friends to lovers(?), it had the makings of a great book. However, I found issues not with the writing but with Toni and Audrey agreeing to something and then they both messed it up massively!! Like that messed up the timing and plot for me because it was harsh and I don’t know if that needed to even be a conflict. It just seemed like a way for a third act breakup to happen that could’ve been avoided if they had just communicated or stayed true to their words.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was fun and the side characters are incredible (the parents especially)!

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You know, when a book is pitched to you as <b>"An utterly hilarious, feel-good, forced proximity, lesbian romantic comedy"</b>, you tend to have expectations. I certainly did and this did not deliver as I expected it to.

About last night is a dual pov romcom about Audrey, who just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship, and hooks up with Toni. The Monday after they hook up, they realize that they work together, more specifically that Toni's sister hired Audrey and her sister to work for them on a contracted project. Now they have to navigate the sexual tension and awkwardness between them while trying to remain professional.

The book is just a little over 200 pages which must be why the author prioritized major plot points over the seemingly minor ones and that made the book less enjoyable for me. A lot of Audrey and Toni's relationship and conversations progressed off-page and left way too much for the reader to interpret. I'd also have loved to see a little bit more about their other relationship dynamics, with siblings, parents etc, not so much that it takes away from Toni and Audrey but enough that we know more about them as individuals.

For a book being marketed as romcom, the com part is a bit scarce. I don't think there was a point in this book that made me break a smile, let alone laugh. The dialogue felt stiff, forced and basically what you'd expect from a bad actor trying to crack a joke. It doesn't help that the romance part didn't really start until halfway through the book. It didn't feel like a slowburn, more so like the author remembered halfway that it was supposed to be a ROMcom.

There's a point where Greta, Toni's sister, says <b>"handsome d-k-"</b> and I feel the need to say that having your character, on who you've asserted is straight at the start of the book, use a slur against lesbians is not very...mmh. I was very uncomfortable reading that.

One more thing, there's a sex scene at the very start of the book, I'm talking 3 chapters in, that spans over 3 entire chapters! For a book that's less than 250 pages, having one sex scene be 3 chapters long is a bit crazy to me!

I absolutely adored Toni. She was so awkward and bumbling and I had the urge to eat her in one bite the entire time I was reading. I do have a bit of a gripe with Audrey though because she lacked basic communication skills and she seemed to have done very little growth at the end of the book.

I did appreciate the pacing of the book. It was pretty fast paced and well planned out to me. The chemistry and sexual tension between Audrey and Toni was also a highlight of the book. I could feel the tension between these two through the pages and it did make it easier to read when the book eventually picked up around the 60% mark.

Overall, this did not really work for me.

<b><i>Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture and the author, Laura Henry, for letting me read this early in exchange for an honest review.</i></b>

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This story was compelling and endearing. There are a few times where the plot is unbelievable or the dialogue is a little corny, but I cared about the characters and wanted to know what happened with them.

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2.5 ★'s
This book reminded me how much I love the warm feeling that sapphic romances give me.
It instantly feels like a safe space. (If we want to analyse it, it probably has to do with the lack of men🤷)

Audrey is fresh out of a long-term toxic relationship and decides to pursue her attraction to Toni. They hook up, agreeing for it to be a one time thing. On Monday they crash into each other at their new jobs, complicating things as they struggle with their draw to one another, healing from previous relationships and keeping a professional standard.

When starting this book we're thrown right into the story. Setting us at Audrey's breakup, there on out the book keeps an efficient pace. It's definitely a book that is easy to finish in one sitting, with around 250 pages and the fast pacing. In that sense I think the pacing is very beneficial to the story, however in other ways I think the romance lost a bit authenticity due to this.
The story cuts between the main/most defining moments in their relationship, disregarding the smaller moments between the main characters that I believe are equally as important. I would've preferred to be shown more moments of them bonding and falling in love, not just hearing about their attraction or how they were chatting, but not actually knowing what they've been chatting about.

Another thing that unfortunately dragged down the score for me was the writing itself.
Conversations between characters often felt stiff, stilted and ultimately disingenuous. At times it felt like it was too focused on the characters saying "the right thing" instead of focusing on building a dynamic or relationships causing it to lack depth.
Other times the writing was a bit too on the nose, overly descriptive leaving nothing to interpretation for me as a reader. Personally I prefer more of a show don't tell type of writing, whereas I felt this was the opposite a lot of the time.

Toni was a highlight to me in this book. So sweet, good-hearted and charming - with the risk of sounding like a grandma - I'd love to just keep her in my pocket.🥰
Something I think Laura did well is the tension between Toni & Audrey. You can tell they were very attracted to each other and I liked how they found ways to tease each other about it.

This is technically not a holiday romance, but I think this could be very cute to read around the christmas as much of the plot falls during the winter holidays. 🎄

Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture & Laura for the opportunity to read this early in exchange for an honest review.

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About Last Night begins with a breakup between Audrey Adams and her two-timing girlfriend, Shae with an “E”. This infamous breakup happens at the Dew Drop Inn where Toni Danzig (think tiny dancer) is the DJ. Toni witnesses the breakup which is followed by an incredible night of passion between Audrey and Toni. The story goes on to describe Audrey’s reluctance to commit to a relationship with Toni due to her bad experience with Shae with an “E”.

The story is hilarious, has serious moments, and a good cast of surrounding characters like Greta, Toni’s sister, and Willa, Audrey’s identical twin.

I received an ARC from Bookouture and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a well-written story that had me laughing out loud in one moment, glaring at Audrey's ex's toxicity and gaslighting in the next, fist-pumping the air in other moments, before my heart melted at the occasional cute adorability of the characters.

The characters feel very real and relatable, and we not only follow Audrey and Toni's story but also get to witness the underlying tension growing between their siblings, Willa and Greta. (I'm already looking forward to the next book, which will feature Willa and Greta's story!)

Read this for epic situations, cuteness overload, fantastic lines, sarcastic sibling wittery, and a happy ever after ending that will make your heart grow another size.

*I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley thanks to Bookouture, and I'm voluntarily leaving a review.*

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Fun, easy read! Lust at first sight, cute growth and flirtations between the main couple, some annoying conflict at the end with a lack of communication between them but I think that's just a romcom trope I don't personally like. The main two women were super cute, had great chemistry, and distinct/interesting personalities. I wish the book was a little longer, I would have enjoyed witnessing all the characters having more time to get to know each other. I related to Audrey a lot. Finding the balance between maintaining boundaries and listening to/working with another person has been a challenge for me for years, so it was interesting to read Audrey's development with the concept over the course of the novel.

I'm excited to read about Willa and Greta's story!

A very light spoiler, but something I wanted to mention.

Audrey being firm when Toni interrupts her. GIRL same. Don't apologize for talking over someone who interrupted you. Period.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture, and Laura Henry for the ARC in exchange for honest review!

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This book follows the story of Audrey who finally finds the strenght to get out (with style !) of a toxic relationship. At the same time she meets Toni and has a steaming hot one night stand. Then they realize they are gonna work together and try to remain professional. Of course it’s not easy because chemistry and attraction is definitely there, though the lusting was a bit repetitive for my taste. The story was about finding love but also about timing in finding it. Toni was really endearing but I admit the last act fight took a bit of her maturity showed all along and it felt out of character even if she never had serious relationship. Their love story is the main point of the book, but Henly also built a friendship between the two siblings pairs, and what seems to be another love story in parallel.There are enough hints about Willa and Greta’s story to make you already invested in them and not enough at the same time to make you looking forward their story. Smart move.
If you are looking something easy to read, sweet and fun, something you could totally see as a hallmark movie, this book is the perfect pick.

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Laura Henry kicks this story off with an epic break-up, followed by a steamy night in bed. It was a quick start to a tension filled romance between two people who aren’t supposed to be together. It’s a work place romance that needs to wait but just can’t. The tension builds until the whole story explodes.

The book was about so much more than a love story. Each character has a side story where you get to know and love them. It’s all about person growth, figuring out who you are and what you’re capable of being…alone and with a partner.

It’s a quick and easy read that I would recommend to any sapphic lover. The author has already promised a sequel featuring the two sides characters and I’m here for it!

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Right from the start I was immediately intrigued by the premise and the cover! I felt myself drawn more towards Toni and her story just because it felt more real and genuine. Audrey was very frustrating because of her wishy-washiness and her lack of ability to take time for herself to figure what/who she wants. Both Willa and Greta were absolutely amazing sisters/characters and even stole the show some of the time, so I am extremely glad that the sequel will involve them! The banter between Willa and Greta especially had me laughing out loud.

Toni, the sexy mountain woman, with a heart of gold, did come off a bit naive at times, especially when her and Audrey agreed to be casual and then the next minute she is admitting her undying love for her and wanting to grow old together. But, she also did get totally screwed over by Audrey on multiple occasions and my heart did break for her. Audrey on the other hand, had been emotionally manipulated by a toxic ex and was going through alot right from the get go. A common theme I do hate though is right after getting out of a long term relationship do all these characters make the same damn mistake. Don’t you know it takes time for a heart to heal!!! Maybe jumping into an intense hookup may not be the answer to all of your problems??? Just a thought:)

Anyway, I think because Audrey was still negatively impacted by her past relationship, she needed to take time for herself to recover and figure out what she wanted before stomping all over Toni’s poor little heart. All the lusting and flirting became so excessive at the end, I mean we get it, these two desperately want to be together but can’t admit it to each other all for the sake of “professionalism”. Which in fact there was zero professionalism from the start with how close the four of them got, and after barely knowing each other, already getting together and having housewarmings and spending Thanksgiving and Christmas together… From that angle it made the storyline a bit frustrating, but I did really enjoy the dynamic between the four of them.

The chemistry was clearly there between Audrey and Toni, as seen in their steamy sex scene, but I was still left hoping for a deeper connection that didn’t just revolve around sexual attraction. Their forced proximity in the work environment allowed them to get to know the business side of each other, but not much else was talked about outside of the job or sex. As for side characters, I thought Max was the perfect best friend for Toni. Not only was she okay with Toni having slept with another woman in her bed, but when the families are in Aspen, she lets Toni come into her bedroom at 6:30 in the morning to vent and snuggle (so adorable). Shae was the typical jealous, manipulative, crazy, stalker ex that helped move the plot along and helped Audrey finally realize how much better off she was without her. The karaoke breakup song scene I could perfectly imagine inside my brain and would have loved to have been there to see it happen in real time. And of course, Greta and Toni’s parents seemed absolutely amazing and were the perfect supportive and driven yet humble family you love to hear about running small and big businesses, who can also welcome complete strangers into their home for the holidays.

Something that I have noticed in other queer rom-coms, is the cheesy, almost laughable unrealistic language or banter between characters, but I have to say that most of the dialogue here came off very genuine. I think the sister dynamics helped with that because a lot of the bickering, snarkiness, teasing, and heartfelt conversations, came off as much more real rather than faked or forced. Between the twin dynamics, family drama, and trying to one up each other, I really enjoyed getting to know the characters both individually and together as a sister unit. Despite the once again epic lack of communication on both ends, I still found myself rooting for all four of them, which goes to show how well the characters were written.

My only real complaints are that yes, the book ended way too early and abruptly, I would have liked more closure or explanation about certain things. And, that Audrey was just so extremely frustrating at times with her indecisiveness, which really felt like she was leading Toni on and dragging her through the mud while she was still figuring her shit out. BUT, overall I absolutely loved the story, the characters, the right amount of spiciness, and the fun and lightheartedness you feel after reading it! Kudos to the awesome grand gesture at the end too. Would definitely recommend people give it a read:)

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I haven’t had so much fun with a book in such a long time! It’s sapphic. It’s funny. It’s swoony. I was laughing out loud and kicking my feet. I cannot wait to see more from this author.

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This book was an extremely cute and quick read. There were moments when I was kicking my feet with excitement and moments of yelling at the characters, it had a lot of really great moment. This is my first ARC and I am so excited to have been able to read this book. There were a few moments when I had to go back and reread dialogue a few times as there was a bit of confusion on who was speaking for me, but in the end I was able to sort it out. When it's all said and done I will definitely be looking for more Laura Henry books.

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