Member Reviews

If you want a romance featuring two likable leads who come from opposite worlds, this is a fun one! Audrey is a powerful business woman who is fresh out of a toxic and abusive relationship. Toni is a woman who doesn’t really do relationships. But after they have an electric night together then show up to work at their new jobs in the same place, sparks (and loaded looks) fly!

This book features two women who fall fast and fall hard. If you’re looking for a fun sapphic romance (with plenty of spice), About Last Night is great!

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I devoured this book in one sitting! It was so good!! I loved that I was hooked within two pages. There wasn’t pages and pages of back story, it was just straight into it and I loved that! I loved the chemistry between Toni and Audrey, I was smiling from ear to ear! All the characters were adorable (except for one). I particularly loved Willa, she was the best and their sibling bond was a highlight for me. In fact, all the relationships were really lovely and everyone had time for eachother and supported one another, it was just beautiful. This was the best love story between two amazing women. Forced proximity perfectly written! I laughed a lot, I smiled constantly, I had a few tears and my heart is happy. Oh and it’s pretty spicy too!
Thank you so much @netgalley and @bookouture for this early copy!

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A fun one night to forever romance that uses lighthearted humor to its advantage.

Audrey is done with her cheating girlfriend and she’s ready to make a change in her life. That means singing an epic break up song in front of a crowded bar, a one night stand with a hot woman, and a new job. Of course, she doesn’t expect to find herself working with her one night stand. Toni is an adventurer at heart but it’s time for her to come back and work in the family business. If it means she gets to work with the one night stand she’s completely enraptured by she’s not going to complain.

Audrey and Toni are two very different characters but they balance each other out well. There’s less will they or won’t they energy than usual in this type of story as both seem content to wait. While not necessarily a bad thing it does mean the novel relies more on the third act break up than I would have liked.

Audrey’s ex, Shae, had absolutely no redeeming qualities which makes it hard to understand where Audrey is coming from when she pushes Toni away. There’s a lot of interesting sibling dynamics and the contrast between Willa and Audrey’s relationship and Toni and Greta’s relationship added complexity. I found myself wanting more of the Willa and Greta interactions so I look forward to their story next.

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A lighthearted and quick, fun read!

I didn't realize when I picked this up that this is a republished version of Hold Me Closer, Toni Danzig (which I think is a much better title) but I recognized it immediately. Which, I think, speaks to how good those first couple of chapters are since I read that 3 years ago.

Audrey is about to start over with a new job with her twin sister and fresh from breaking up with her cheating, narcisstic ex-girlfriend, and that starts with a one night stand with the super hot DJ Toni D. Imagine Audrey's surprise when she walks into her new job and runs into Toni again (literally).

There's a lot to like about this book. The characters are fun and quirky, and I liked the side plot between Audrey's and Toni's sisters. But that is left undetailed and unresolved (perhaps because of a future book?). There are two main conflicts between Audrey and Toni, one of them being that it's unprofessional for them to work together and be together, but that's somehow conveniently forgotten in time for the resolution. I also wasn't thrilled with the way Audrey and her ex last met. But if you're looking for a spicy and fun holiday read set in Colorado, this is the one for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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I’m so glad About Last Night is marketed as a “feel-good” book because things have felt so heavy in the world and on my bookshelf lately. I reached for this *because* I wanted a respite for my frayed feelings. I’m so glad I did! It hit all the beats of the traditional rom-coms I grew up loving. The whole thing was a fun, light-hearted romp. Sexy, fun, so very queer, with a surprising subplot I hope becomes its own book. Plus a grand gesture at the end the made me giggle and swoon.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book and provide an honest review.

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** Heavy Spoilers Ahead**

Oh, I am so so sad about this one. The premise was great and the story started off pretty well but went downhill quickly. I think my biggest struggle was that it just felt a bit all over the place. Our main couple Audrey and Toni meet (though they've seen each other around), they have a one-night stand and a few days later realise that they're going to be working together.

Nice, fine, that's great - they agree to remain professional and pretend the one-night stand never happened, and they each have their sisters by their side to keep them focused and on track. But then they're suddenly all hanging out and all spending Christmas together at Toni's parent's house?? For no reason at all except that Toni and her sister felt bad that Audrey and her sister would be alone with just each other?? HOW IS THIS KEEPING IT PROFESSIONAL???

Of course the 'keep it professional' thing lasts all of 1 second and Toni and Audrey start hooking up, Audrey has just left an extremely emotionally abusive relationship (and is being stalked by said ex) so wants to keep it casual, to which Toni (who doesn't do relationships) readily agrees. Only 10 seconds later she's confessing her love to Audrey and saying she wants to grow old together - which naturally makes Audrey freak the fuck out and call it quits.

In the aftermath of this everyone (including her own sister) decides to treat Audrey like the villain for 'leading Toni on' even though they agreed MULTIPLE times to keep it casual. Her sister also decides to flip out on her for being selfish and too focused on herself.

And this just pissed me tf off, like YES being around people who are always focused on their own drama is tiring but we don't ever really get the impression from Audrey. It felt like her sister's blowup came out of nowhere since it happens in the chapter directly after the breakup chapter, there's been a time jump but since we didn't see any of that time we never see anything happen that would imply Audrey has been 'head in the clouds' or self-absorbed.

Toni is heartbroken and has been posting 900 different women on Instagram to make Audrey jealous, they see each other back at the office, and Toni basically invites Audrey to have a no-string-attached hook-up (which felt extremely out of place), they meet at a bar and use fake names (TONI USES HER BEST FRIENDS??? EW TF), they hook-up, Toni dips (literally leaves the country), Audrey Follows her there and confesses her love, they get together the end.

A whole bunch of YIKES, clearly a lot of other people loved this book but it just wasn't one for me.

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgally for an arc in exchange for an honest review¬

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Thank you Net Galley for this amazing ARC!

I truly enjoyed this little sapphic read. So much so, in fact, that I finished it in a day…

This a fun, fast paced, sweet, and dare I say, sexy, story. I highly, highly recommend.

I’m so happy to have been approved for this ARC and just in time for pride month!

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Audrey Adams, fresh from a dramatic breakup, unexpectedly encounters Toni, the woman she had a memorable night with, at her new job, only to find out Toni is the head of a different department within the company. Despite Audrey’s resolve to avoid romance, the undeniable chemistry between them and Toni’s irresistible charm make her question her no-dating-at-work rule.

So, full disclaimer here: about two years ago, I listened to this awesome Audible exclusive short story called Hold Me Closer, Toni Danzig by (you guessed it) Laura Henry. I loved it so much, I recommended it to my wife, who also loved it, though we both agreed that there were certain areas in which the book needed to be fleshed out. For two years, I have been wishing there was an ebook edition of that Audible exclusive. So imagine my excitement when a book with the same premise by the same author pops up on my feed. I went in to this with high expectations and it did not disappoint.

This book has all the charm, the snark, the with and humor of the original audiobook. (I don’t understand the title change, because Hold Me Closer, Toni Danzig is perfection in a title and ‘About Last Night’ is so blah.) But this edition adds so much needed growth to both characters, and so much more depth to the story. I think this ending is better than the Audible version ending. This is really at its heart, a story about four people becoming close friends, about sisters changing and growing together, and about two totally opposite people falling in love. It’s such a fun, wonderful read. This is everything I wanted from this story and more.

Thanks to NetGallry and Bookouture for a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

#aboutlastnight #netgalley #arcreview #oppositesattract #onenightstand #ffromance #sapphic

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Read it in a day! I really enjoyed getting to know the characters of this book, both the main ones (Toni and Audrey) as well as the side characters (Greta and Willa). The characters were relatable, although I wish there was more character development with Greta and Willa (perhaps a sequel is in the future?!?!). I am a big fan of dual POV as it helps build the story and give it depth and in this book it was no exception. At times I got a little annoyed with Audrey and her indecisiveness and toying with Toni's feelings but the ending while kind of fast and abrupt was cute and rounded out the book nicely.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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I don’t know where to start, this book was by far one of the best romcoms I’ve read!
I couldn’t stop reading, I literally devoured the whole story!!
There were some really really spicy scenes (tho in the end one scene was skipped, sadly) and I totally fell in love with Toni, oh my 😮‍💨😮‍💨

“But if Toni offered to take me into the backcountry and build me a cabin and live off the grid, I might just throw everything away and go.”

The book actually starts with smut, like I expected after reading the blurb, and I just loved the communication and consent in this scene! They even talk about safety.

“I have dams, too. If you’d like to use them.”

The dynamic between the main characters was so intense, I could literally feel the electricity while reading the book! The whole damn time I waited for them to have their happy end and it wasn’t easy getting there but eventually they did ❤️

“So, she’s not a post-sex snuggler. I guess she can’t be perfect.”

What I really loved about this book were the dialogues between the characters, I’ve laughed out loud and that quite a lot; it felt like real conversation between friends and sisters, always teasing each other.
This made the drama easier to stand, cuz my heart was really broken for a few chapters.
There’s almost nothing I could criticise, I really loved the whole book - but the drama was maybe a little bit too much & maaaybe there could’ve been at least one chapter more, for example with the next Christmas and the now happy couple..
The ending just felt so sudden and I wished there would’ve been a look into their future together and maybe into the future of their sisters as well 🫢
So pleaaase let there be a sequel soon 🥺

All in all this book is totally worth reading it, it’s the perfekt romcom! ❤️

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Gosh, I adored this book and Toni Danzig (gem of a name) melted me. Usually out on the trails, Toni is now working closer with her sister at the family-owned outdoors store headquarters. After a steamy one-night stand with Audrey Adams, Toni learns Audrey and her sister have recently been hired as contractors to help guide the strategy of their company. Audrey’s coming out of an emotionally abusive relationship and not looking for anything serious, but the connection she and Toni have from just one night is undeniable.

The heart, chemistry, 🌶️, dual POV, Colorado settings, and sisterhood were all perfect for me. Hallmark, if you’re listening, this is the perfect setup for you and the queer story I want to see this holiday season.

While I would have loved more pages for Toni & Audrey to work through their conflict, I came away with such warm fuzzies, I’ll just let it slide.

Can’t wait for the story to pick back up with their sisters in hopefully the very near future!

Thanks to NetGalley & Bookouture for the opportunity to read the advance edition.

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Good, light fun. The early (enjoyable!) spicy scene of the girls’ expected one-night stand leads to a sweet story of what it means to be in the right place at the right time… or not.

Audrey knows, on a subconscious level at least, she really likes Toni. But after just (that very day) getting out of a serious relationship and the betrayal by her partner, Audrey knows she doesn’t want Toni as a rebound. Cue *intense* chemistry and desperately trying to control themselves as both girls battle to respect the choice and the timing!

This is a cute rom-com that constantly asks will they or won’t they, or later on more a case of when will they! But Laura Henry is clever here as she teases the reader but making us really want each scene to develop the intensity all while we understand the right idea behind the decision to be professional and wait.

The prose rolls along nicely and you feel invested all the way through to the end. Add to that there is a very nice seeding and budding of a subplot involving both girls’… um, straight sisters. Enjoy that as they’re going to appear in a sequel story, I understand.

This isn’t perfect. Don’t be fooled by the subtitle. This is more cute and fun than laugh out loud, although there are some good lines. And as we enter the final act, one character’s actions might frustrate you a little, before we head for home.

About Last Night is wonderfully titled and has an absolutely nailed-on cover, which all adds to Laura Henry’s impressive debut. As long as you don’t expect to much more than it says on the tin (this is pitched correctly as light and fun), and you’ll likely fully enjoy this tale of forced proximity, lovers-to-friends-to-lovers fun tale.

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I was unsure after reading other reviews! However! I adored this book! I found some of the wording a little cringeworthy but ultimately I found myself finishing this book in three and a half hours! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I I found the FMC Audrey’s initial relationship breakup very relatable, however I did not enjoy the third act breakup with the second FMC Toni but when when the story ended, I found myself needing more closure on the two side characters Greta and Willa. But overall I enjoyed the story, found that the spicy scenes were not too much and it navigated a decent storyline while exploring other plots and avenues, I feel there are unanswered relationships and questions throughout the book with the author leaving it open for a sequel, which I am here for (and secretly hoping for).

Thankyou for the opportunity to review.

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This book starts with an epic break up and a night of steamy sex.
Now if that doesn’t hook you into wanting to read it you should stay for the humour. I laughed out loud a couple of times. That’s not to say this book is perfect, what or who is? I didn’t like our mains lusting so much, I get it, but it got to be rather repetitive. And the reasons why they couldn’t? I mean…
Anyway, the worst of it? The I-love-yous. I wish authors wouldn’t do it like this. I know I’m being by a little vague, but it’s by design.
I definitely think this book is worth a read and I am not willing to spoil :)

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Really thought this was a good read! It started off super spicy and I wish that had fully continued, but the chemistry was off the charts and fully palpable to the reader. Loved the sister dynamics and hope this author makes a second book to finish some unfinished story lines with certain characters, purposefully being vague to avoid spoilers! I’ll read anything this author writes, love how flirty and fun this book was! 4/5 stars easily!

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A sweet and spicy sapphic romance perfect for Pride Month!
About Last Night really starts off with a bang and then shows its sweeter side as the book goes on. I loved the set-up for this book with the break-up karaoke, well-executed one night stand, and realization at Audrey's new job. I was concerned when reading the description about power dynamics given Toni being Audrey's boss but loved the workaround where they are technically in different departments and the fact that their previous relationship is not secret.
I'm a big fan of dual POVs, which I think served this story well. I connected with both leads and enjoyed seeing each of their insecurities, hopes, and feelings about the other. I appreciated the emotional maturity and interactions re: consent and safety especially during the steamier scenes, though the wording occasionally felt clunky. There were also several continuity questions raised, especially regarding character appearances, that I hope get a second look prior to the publishing date.
I wish this story had been extended a bit as the ending felt abrupt. That said, while I am rarely a fan of a grand gesture, I think it worked in this instance - just wanted it to be more fully fleshed out! Hopeful that we'll see the aftermath of both Audrey and Toni's relationship and that of their sisters in a future book.

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I have to admit, I learned a few things while reading this book. Maybe I’m a bit of a late bloomer as a lesbian. The story is definitely spicy, but it offers much more than just that. Laura Henry has created a captivating dynamic between Audrey and Toni, with undeniable chemistry.

The emotional depth in this story is palpable, making my stomach drop a few times. Audrey could be kinder, but she’s dealing with the aftermath of an emotionally abusive relationship. Toni, on the other hand, is perfect and kind, seemingly an unlikely match for Audrey’s intensity, but don’t underestimate her.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and found it genuinely easy and pleasurable to read.

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This book really started very steamy in a really good way. Then we got to know the main characters and realized that we for sure would see issues and a lot of fun interactions. Toni is fantastic and a real catch but it takes quite a while for Audrey to get there after a bad breakup. I really enjoyed my read.

Thanks for the free copy I received from NetGalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookoture for the ARC

Loved it! Just adorable and hilarious. Honestly the perfect sapphic novel for pride month

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I really enjoyed this book! There was so much chemistry between Toni and Audrey and their flirtatious relationship kept me reading more! This book wastes no time getting into the spicy stuff! I loved the way the story flowed and how the characters all interacted. Queer books for me can be hit or miss because sometimes there can be a lack of chemistry written and they just feel like friends, but that was definitely it the case here! Every page oozed with togetherness.

The only thing I did not like was some of the writing came across as a little cringy, just wording here and there. I also really liked Audrey’s character at first but her indecisiveness and toying of Toni’s feelings towards the end of the book was really awful and made me think less of her. I’m glad she got it together by the very end but I almost wish there was more pushback from Toni and the heartbreak she had to go through.

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