Member Reviews

I'd been wanting to check this series out for awhile so I'm glad it was available. Overall I was pleasantly surprised by this. I think it's an interesting take on the power rangers and it definitely gives me the vibes of the boys. I'd like to continue to see where the story goes to see if I'll be adding the series to my collection.

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A Special Thanks Goes Out To Kondansha and NetGalley For The Opportunity To Review This Title.

We’re trading in the Gothic Horror for some Super Sentai fun and suspense, it’s one of the hottest manga on the market today, and now the anime adaptation is already a fan favorite. From the creator of The Quintessential Quintuplets, Negi Haruba comes Go! Go! Loser Ranger! A crazy take on the world of Superheroes, Tokusatsu, and Super Sentai. As always, be sure to click here to read past reviews!

Who is the Hero? And who is the Villain? Thirteen years ago, when the Monster Army invaded Earth, the Dragon Rangers rose to stop them! As the war waged on, these great heroes were mankind’s last hope! Or are they? The truth is, the invaders were subjugated within a year, forced to continue to crank out a monster a week for the Rangers to crush in front of their adoring fans! But one monster has had enough. Something has to change! He’ll rebel against the might of the Dragon Rangers and destroy them all…from the inside!

It may be a Super Sentai parody, but Negi Haruba’s approach to the Tokusatsu genre is fascinating to read. It was the first time I had read his work, most fans have compared his approach to the genre to Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson’s Comic Book Series, The Boys. That similarity was that the heroes were corrupted by their celebrity status and engaged in reckless behavior behind the scenes. But it explored where the villains seemed to act more human than the heroes would be, not to mention where the villains were treated as a Circus Attraction where they had to create a Monster of the Week for the Dragon Rangers to fight for every week, a subtle nod to how Tokusatsu themed shows are marketed and were written.

Speaking of writing, it was a good script that had a good balance of action and comedy to keep the reader’s attention while keeping the story going at a steady pace. The characters that were introduced in this volume are intriguing, especially Fighter D, who seemed to be more human than the ones he met. Speaking of which, one that felt out of place was Yumeko Suzukiri, she was cold and apathetic. Suzukiri seemed to be a clever nod to Makima from Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man, in terms of how calm she can be in certain situations.

The artwork offered dynamic action and well-detailed sequences that brought out the aspect of the theme of the book, even if it was satire, the character’s expressions and actions may be exaggerated at times, but it offered the perfect sense of excitement and mystery that Super Sentai/Kamen Rider Stage Shows offer.

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Every Sunday for thirteen years, the Monsters have fought against the Dragon Keepers, an elite group of superheroes protecting mankind from the evil and immortal monsters. Or so everyone thinks because The Monsters were forced to agree to a truce of sorts, one that forces them to fight the Dragon Keepers in for nothing more than ratings, slaves in all but name. However, one Sunday afternoon, a monster snaps, infliterating Earth with one simple goal: To put an end to the Dragon Keepers.

This was genuinely hilarious but also a lot more serious than I expected. The Monsters are basically prisoners to a group of people (the Dragon Keepers) who are just completely nuts. To essentially enslave a group of people for nothing more than popularity is disturbing, to say the least. Which, of course, means that I loved this! Add in the two Divine Dragon Rangers who have decided to help out Fighter D for their own equally disturbing reasons, and you've got a solid foundation for an excellent new series.

Overall, Go! Go! Loser Ranger! is a new and unique series that I found to be a refreshing break from all of the Isekais I've been reading lately! Definitely recommend it, especially if you enjoy stories where the heroes are most definitely the villains.

As always, thanks to Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for the eArc!

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I really like the premise of a hero team forcing a group of subjugated monsters to fight for ratings purposes, but I found the execution lacking; the story was confusing in places and the action sequences hard to follow. I'll read the next volume to see if things improve, but I don't see myself following this series.

Received via NetGalley.

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The idea/concept for this is really interesting, and the execution so far is entertaining as well. There was humor and action, and I'm intrigued enough that I am considering buying the next volume, so as for a volume 1 of a series it did its job well

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I always feel that the best parodies are the ones that are made with love for the original source material. I grew up on "Power Rangers" and the franchise as a whole will always hold a special place in my heart. When Jason David Frank died, it felt like a part of my childhood died alongside him. In the days after hearing the news, I actually started watching through the show as an adult. I found "Go! Go! Loser Ranger!" at the absolute perfect time, having been recently reacquainted with conventions of the sentai tokusatsu format. "Go! Go! Loser Ranger!" does a truly excellent job poking fun at the genre tropes, from the monster-of-the-week format to the endless supply of faceless foot soldiers. From the concept to the character designs, this is a clever parody that feels crafted with love. And on top of all of that cleverness and love, it's also really funny. I'm hooked and can't wait to see where this story goes!

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Loser Ranger see the typical sentai tropes turned on their head, when the "rangers" are cast as the villains, in a decade long propaganda war until a member of the perpetually losing "monsters" decides to take a risk by attacking the foundation from the inside. A lot of fun, very humorous, occasionally dark, a great tear down of the genre for anyone who has a soft spot for sentai IPs from their childhood.

*Advanced reader copy provided by NetGally & Kondansha Comics*

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Kodansha Comics, for an advance copy of graphic novel that takes the sentai story and make it something novel and different, thought still with lots of monsters, battles with a lot of intrigue and very good ideas.

Being old I missed the influx of shows featuring live action characters fighting giant monsters and henchmen, with American actors cut in. I had been a fan of Battle of the Planets and Star Blazers so I knew what it was like to get an Japanese anime adapted for American audiences, ie made very confusing, and childlike. Power Rangers was a show my cousins loved, and I made fun of being older and what I thought was wiser. I had no idea the popularity of sentai in Japan the numerous shows that were shown, nor how loyal the fan base was. To myself, it was a Monster fight a week, with nothing in the way of plot advancement or storyline. I was completely missing the point. Maybe the point of the show was to get us used to being afraid of monsters. So afraid that we keep giving our rights away, and endow certain people to be our protectors, from these bad guys. All for fame, power and the right to rule. That is the plot of Go! Go! Loser Ranger! 1 written and illustrated by Negi Haruba, about a world of monsters and so-called protectors, though who are the read bad guys is still in contention.

Thirteen years ago the Monster Army invaded from space and were stopped only by the strength and ancient artifacts of the Divine Dragon Rangers. Both sides fought to a stalemate, one that continues today, with constant fights and battles, all televised for the planet to watch. This is a lie. The monsters were defeated, their leaders killed, and the monsters given a choice. Join their leaders in death, or pretend to invade the Earth once a week, in a new monster form, with footsoldiers, lose, disappear and come back in a week. Time passes, until one Footsoldier D, decides enough is enough, and goes rogue, leaving the monsters and infiltrating the Rangers, as a new cadet. Footsoldier D finds other humans who seem to have their own reasons for hating the Rangers, which only adds to the confusion of what is going on. The more time D spends on Earth, the more questions D has.

What an interesting take on why the Rangers and monsters battle all the time, with nothing really changing. It's all about control, and money, and fame. Or is it. The author leaves a lot of plot strings dangling in the first volume, while developing the world, the idea of the monsters and the rangers. I enjoyed the story, and liked the humour. There was a bit of monster out of water moments, and a lot of don't interrupt a woman when she is talking slices. The art is good too. The monsters are different, I enjoyed the shape changing, and I really liked the design of the rangers. A lot of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, at least to my eyes. This is a series I would like to read more of, and actually can't wait to do so. Fans of Power Rangers and of sentai and kaiju stories will get a kick out of this.

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3.5 stars

This was a fun first volume where we get introduced to some of the main characters and get a feel for what is happening in this world and the lives of the humans and monsters.

Fast-paced and action packed I'm definitely intrigued to see what happens next and how the story progresses, especially with the way this one ended!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is such an interesting premise for a manga! I thought it was a fun idea that the fights are almost like WWE matches. Very quickly you are rooting for the monsters!

While the plot is interesting, I didn’t feel very drawn to any of the characters. I did think the scene with F was good though!

I liked the cliffhanger it ended on, and am interested enough in what happens next that I will read the next volume.

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It was fun, but I don't know how much I could read. I'm unsure how much can be added beyond the initial twist of bad "good guys" and a good "bad guy.

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3 out of 5 Stars

An enjoyable, nostalgic read for those who grew up on Power Rangers.

Thank you Netgalley for this E-Arc

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Go! Go! Loser Ranger! is my newest obsession!

The entire concept of this series is not only wildly entertaining, but it just really makes you think. The basics here: What if the Power Rangers weren't necessarily the "good guys?" What if instead, they were a part of a corrupt and morally bankrupt organization that continued to foster false narratives about "monsters" to show how great they are to the rest of the world? Then one of the monsters finally just gets sick of this and decides to try to fight that from within. This intense storyline is also told in a very humorous and compelling way. I was hooked immediately within the first couple of pages.

I think that readers are going to love this reimagining and will flock to it because it just tells such a different story. I cannot wait to see where this particular manga goes, but I have a feeling it will be huge soon!

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This story is like the power rangers except the main character is one of the monsters and they are tired of getting beat up to put on a show for the humans. He wants to change things for his kind and even finds humans who are not happy with the way things are too.

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A good manga that subverts the usual tropes of Sentai heroes and humans defeating the aliens in a never ending war. When heroes become villains and villains become heroes it's always nice to see how it can play out. I enjoyed the art style immensely though I do worry about future volumes getting repetitive if the story doesn't branch out a little bit more. I am a big fan of power rangers and kamen rider though so I am excited to see where this goes.

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