Member Reviews

This is the first publication by Christian Dölder. The Chronicles of Wetherid: The Legacy of the Elves was published late last May. It is the 51st book I completed reading in 2024.

Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own! Due to scenes of violence, I categorize this novel as R.

The story begins in the village of Abketh. The Abkether look like humans but are much smaller in stature. A local man, Vrenli, is asked to accompany the elf and Guardian Gorathdin to deliver a message. He is headed to the capital Astinhod with the ingredients needed to help the enchanted princess Lythinda. This will be an adventure for young Vrenli, as he has never traveled far from home. His best friend, Werlis, offers to accompany them.

On their journey, the three encounter Aarl, a human woodsman. Having lived alone in the forest for many years, he makes the decision to join the troop on their journey to Astinhod. Vrenli has a vision where he is told to return home after his adventure and teach his people their history.

Traveling through the mountains, the four must fight their way past goblins. They meet the dwarf Borlix, who also decides to join them. Together, they struggle through attacks by ogres, orcs, the undead, gray dwarves, mist elves, and humans. All of these have been drawn into an alliance with Erwight of Entorbis. He wants to bring all of the peoples of Wetherid together under his control. Most importantly, he wants his minions to find the Book of the Glorious Elves. With the magic it contains and his faithful Shadow Mages, Entorbis will rule supreme over the land.

Vrenli is separated from the others and finds himself in the desert of DeShadin. He is taken as a slave by the snake people. He meets new friends there, who become his allies. Eventually, he is reunited with his original troop. Both new and old friends ally themselves with Lythinda, who has become Queen of Astinhod.

The adventure leads to Ib’Agier, the dwarf stronghold. It is at Ib’Agier that the forces in league with Entorbis and those allied with Astinhod will collide. Succumbing to the army of Entorbis will mean losing everything.

I enjoyed the 15+ hours I spent reading this 704-page fantasy. This novel is an adventure saga much like Tolkien’s ring trilogy. The story contains many characters, but the primary ones are those with whom Vrenli first set out. The group runs into one obstacle after another, almost always in peril for their lives. The description of their adventure during the first two-thirds of the novel seems more detailed than the last part. I do like the chosen cover art. I give this novel a rating of 3.7 (rounded to 4) out of 5.

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The book is well-written and detailed, And as the description states, it heavily relies on Tolkien for its source material.
It should be labeled as a retelling as the word-building is too similar to any book written by J.R.R Tolkien, not just inspired by him.
With that said, I enjoyed it.

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I always appreciate the chance to read a new authors work for an honest review. So thanks to Netgalley & Christian Dolder that's exactly what I will do.

The book is well written, detailed, and quite lengthy. And as the description states, it is heavily relies on Lord of the rings for its source material. This book is not bad, but if your expecting something new, this book isn't for you.

I took the book for what it was worth.

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The Chronicles of Wetherid - The Legacy of the Elves(Book 1 of The Chronicles of Wetherid)
Author: Christian Dölder
First Published: May 26th, 2024
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5(3.5/5)
I love the cover of this book, which is why I decided to read it. The map for this book is so detailed & well done. It was a little hard to read some of the city names on my kindle, but it was easy to figure out while reading. I got confused when thoughts were put in quotes. The worldbuilding is slightly confusing. The writing is decent. The pacing is slow, in my opinion. Just needs some polishing up. It felt alot like Lord of The Rings.

Thank you to NetGalley & the author for this free ebook in exchange for my honest review.
#wetherid #NetGalley #ChristianDölder

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I love to read books with a unique magic and world system! And this book surely got this! I rate it 5 stars and it totally deserves this rating! 👏👏👏

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I did not finish the novel as the dog dies and there was no trigger warning. From what I did read, the novel is a copy and paste of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, which would be fine if there had felt any connection to the world or characters. The characters felt one dimensional, and I had a hard time grasping the plot. I think the author meant for the plot to unfold as the gang continues on their journey, but not enough world building and character development was happening to keep me intrigued in where they were headed. It fell flat for me unfortunately. I also disliked that the main character's thoughts were all in quotations and the elves were referred to as the "glorious elves". The author did not provide enough background on the elves for them to be referred to as glorious.

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