Member Reviews

"Fated" by Sarah Ready is a delightful read that masterfully blends romance and destiny. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy to get emotionally invested in their journey. Ready's writing is engaging, with a good balance of humor and heartfelt moments. The plot twists keep the story fresh and intriguing, ensuring readers remain hooked until the end. It's a charming book that I highly recommend for anyone who enjoys contemporary romance.

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First off, let me say that I have read the first and second books in this series and really enjoyed them! While this is book 3, these books CAN be read as standalone novels.

This book was already on my TBR, so when I got the chance to be an ARC reader for Fated, I jumped on the opportunity! I was super stoked to find that the storyline had to do with dreams. While I have read books with similar concepts before, this one took the idea, put a huge twist on it, and presented in a whole new refreshing way. I'm not going to include any spoilers, but I will say that I definitely found myself experiencing every emotion out there with this book. There were times when I smiled, some when I was sad, and others where I held my breath waiting for what was to come. It was truly a roller coaster! I kept trying to figure out how the two timelines were connected, and it kept me on my toes until the very end.

I did listen to this on audio, and I found the narration to be enjoyable as well. The pacing, diction, and delivery were spot on. I never had any issues following the storyline, and feel that the narrator enhanced the story by truly becoming Fiona.

🧚🏻A huge thank you goes out to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, and author Sarah Ready for providing me with a free copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review. All comments and opinions are completely my own.

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At the beginning, I would have rated this a 2.5 or 3 star. It took a long time to get going, and the author spent a long time setting things up. I don’t think the inciting incident happened until about chapter 8.

Fiona is a Swiss watch maker adrift about how to find fulfillment in her life. With the aid of an enchanted watch, she is able to dream about her heart’s desire: Aaron. Now she has to figure out what she can learn from her dreams so that she can find happiness in her real life.

Once the dreams began, things started picking up. I really fell in love with Aaron and his family, and the author did a great job making us sympathetic to them.

I had a suspicion of how it was going to end, and I was partially correct, but I loved the twist the author gave. It felt good to know where it was going, but how everything tied together was fantastic.

The writing was beautiful and descriptive, and she did a great job immersing you in the world.

There was one full sexy time, but the author gradually built her way up to it. Nothing gratuitous, but not closed door.

I listened to the audio narration. The narrator had a lovely British accent, and her voice was age-appropriate to the character. She did a great job narrating to help immerse us in the story. I never felt pulled out of the story because of her.

Thank you, NetGalley for the complimentary book in exchange for an unbiased review!

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When I am looking for a good romance/rom-com for summer listening, Sarah Ready's books in audio form are my go-to. I absolutely loved the first two in the Ghosted series (Ghosted and Switched), and when I saw that a third book was being released, I jumped at the chance to listen to an early copy. I must admit that I struggled a little at the beginning of this one, but eventually I grasped what was happening, and was completely hooked.

Fated, like the other books in this series, has a paranormal aspect, with time travel playing a huge role in the romance between Aaron and Fiona. Through much of the book, I was not sure how, or even if, there would be a happy ending, and whether I was going to be okay with how things wrapped up. Sarah Ready is a master at writing swoon-worthy leading men, and this book actually has two of them. I had a hard time choosing which one I most wanted Fi to end up with.

While Fated was not my favorite in this series, it is a worthy addition to the genre and an enjoyable listen. Shakira Shute was a wonderful narrator, her voice reeks of class and intelligence, and brought Fiona to life.

Thank you to Netgalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing and the author for the audio ARC of Fated by Sarah Ready. The opinions in this review are my own.

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Tbh I feel pretty indifferent to this one. It has a cool concept but I feel like it was doing to much to ever be able to really sink into the romance.
Some of the dialogue is also extremely cringey like when our love interest said to our fmc 'you smell like butterflies' I don't know what to do with that.

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When i saw the next book in Sarah Ready’s “Ghosted” series on netgalley available to read i instantly downloading it & listened to it. I then spent the whole day at work as well staying up until 12am just to finish it because i needed to know how it ended before going to sleep.

Firstly i love how easy Sarah Ready’s writing is! Her book are the perfect books to get you out of a slump. I was feeling a little bit of a slump coming when i decided to start this book & it pulled me right back from it. I’ve found i don’t love magic realism in my books but if Sarah Ready’s writes it i know it’s gonna be a good time for me!

One thing you can always trust in this series is a HEA but Sarah is going to take you down some dark times to get there. I love trying to figure out how Sarah is going to get her characters out of the circumstances they are in. I absolutely loved the romance in this book as well as all of the characters! I don’t know if there are anymore in this series but hopefully there is because i’m not ready for it to be over.

I did find the pacing to be a bit slow toward the middle of the book, i feel the book could have been shorter & it would have been perfect.

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This was a five-star read that went up and down like waves on the ocean. This one took me a while to get into, and at times I was struggling to keep going, but then I dot know what happened, all of a sudden, I was hooked like a fish on a line, and I couldn’t stop listening, I was ignoring calls and taking the long roads home and to work, just so I could squeeze more listening time in. I don’t know if it took a while to get into as I didn’t realise this was number three, but it was worth every minute once I was engrossed in the story, the passion and heart as Shakira Shute tells the story, the pain that they manage to get across, will have you holding your breath and sobbing in pain with the characters. This was a great story in the end and has made me determined to go back and check number one and two out.

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This is a review of the audiobook version of “Fated”, narrated by Shakira Shute. Fiona is a workaholic and a single mother shying away from love after a broken heart. She was also abandoned by her mom and left with her dad at a young age. Fiona and her brother throw themselves into the family’s Swiss watch business following the death of their father. Her mother then returns and gives her a family heirloom watch that is believed to let you dream your greatest desires. It is here that she meets the love of her life Aaron and her daughter and son. The problem is he’s just a dream or is he? I loved the narrator of this book. She did an excellent job in portraying all the different characters and emotions. An excellent read and/or audiobook that I would definitely recommend.

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Fated by Sarah Ready

Fated was my first read by Sarah Ready and it definitely will not be my last. In many ways Fiona Arby is blessed. She is part owner of a watch company that has been passed down to her and her brother Daniel, she has a beautiful little girl, and a best friend that is always there for her. Even though she has so much, she has never felt completely loved and accepted. Deep down she still feels like she’s the little girl abandoned by her mother, with this feeling of abandonment continuing with her daughter’s father, who left her after she found out she was expecting.
When he mothers gives her a family heirloom watch, and tells her it will help her see her desire, Fiona never dreams, pun intended, that she will see the man of her dreams, living a dual life, and falling completely for her dream lover.

The story switches between her dreams, and her life during the day. As she continues her dream journey, she pursues the chance of love in reality. This book has a nice mix of two realities mixed with magical elements. I enjoyed the way the author wove her tale, quickly being drawn into this interesting enchanting world. I loved the character development, quickly rooting for a happily ever after. The story had me engrossed and I didn’t want to miss anything.

I listened to the audiobook and really enjoyed the narrator Shakira Shute. She quickly drew me in and I didn’t want to stop listening until the very end. I will definitely add more books read by her on my list as she was so easy to listen to.

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Unfortunately, I can't give a proper review as the audiobook will not play past chapter six. I've submitted a support ticket and will update this if and when I can get it working. So far, the writing and narrator are both good, although it's taking quite a long time to get to the stuff that happens in the blurb, and kinda feels a bit like not much is happening, so currently I think 3* feels about right, but obviously there's a lot more book to come. I won't be reviewing on Goodreads unless I can listen to the full audiobook, of course.

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Okay, WOW! Fated is the 3rd in a series (Ghosted) by Sarah Ready that tangles up the wonder of magical realism with the joy of a romcom. I have found it to be my absolute favorite combination of story telling, however this book felt very different from the first two books in the series.

This is review is being written specifically to encourage those who have started Fated and are wondering how this book could even fit in the same category as Ghosted and Switched. It takes place in a time before Ghosted and doesn’t have an inkling of the same energy and humor of the first two. Keep reading! You will not regret it!

Like you, I was thoroughly confused by the serious tone and primly proper characteristics of the FMC Fi. In fact, I wondered a few times if this book was supposed to be set in the regency era. This is just Fi’s personality, but don’t let her careful persona fool you because she is about to become the brave heroine on an enormous adventure of love, loss, time travel, adventure, disaster and discovery!

While I spent the first half of the book trying to grasp how different it was from the others, I spent the second half marveling at how delightfully different it is from ANY other book I have read! This story is epic and sweeping! By the 80% mark, I was unable to put it down until the final words.

Fated is phenomenal and I believe the most beautiful of any of Sarah Ready’s books so far.

The narrator Shakira Shute has a gorgeous lilting accent that will only add to the feeling of being swept away to another place and time. She did a wonderful job with all of the voices, making each voice very distinct from the others which helped with following the storyline. I was so impressed!

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Sarah Ready’s newest book in her Ghosted series fell short of the mark for me. It took the majority of the book to warm up to the FMC and care about the outcome. The writing is good, but the premise needed more development.

Thanks to NetGallley for the ARC.

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This is the first romance novel I've read with magical realism. I quite enjoyed that aspect of the story, but the way things tied at the end didn't quite work for me. Overall an interesting story, definitely different from the copy/paste contemporary romance novels.

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⭐ 3.5 (Rounded Down)

“Some say it means an almost, a never was, a dream that didn’t happen, but I say it means an always, a dream that still goes on”

A wonderful cozy romance, perfect for curling up and living in a whole new world!

Crying, Giggling, Kicking My Feet! I am shocked I have never heard of Sarah Ready before! This is the kind of cozy romance novel I love to read (or listen to) when I want to escape reality.

When I first started the book I thought it was a little description heavy, some were good but some felt unnecessary. However, as I read the book I noticed that the descriptions I deemed unnecessary grew less. This made me realize that it was purposeful and helped exhibit a change in our main character which I thought was clever. While this book is cozy there is definitely heartbreak and sadness, but it is wonderful and up until the end you don’t truly know what is actually going to happen.

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This is unlike anything I have ever read. And it was thoroughly enjoyable!

Fiona runs her family's Swiss watch company in Geneva. She is given a family heirloom, a watch, that will let you dream your greatest desire. And she does. She falls in love in her dreams. But can she make her dreams a reality?

Many thanks to Net Galley and Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC for an audio ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Overall I enjoyed this, but the ending was a little flimsy. While I don't expect books to always fully explain everything, there was just so much happening in the last few chapters that could have used a bit more explanation. I had so many questions and felt like I got so few answers.

Aside from that though, it was an enjoyable read. The tone was a bit more somber than Ghosted and Switched.

One thing that really bothered me though is that Fiona thought about her "dream" daughter Alex all the time when in the real world but pretty much never thought about her actual daughter Mila when on the island.

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♡𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 &| 𝐞𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰♡
4.5 🌟
"She meets the man of her dreams in her dreams." This quote | statement alone drew me to this book beside the cover art.
I don't even know to express how much I enjoyed this book! It will definitely hit you in the feelings.
The audiobook is done very well. The narrator did a good job bringing the characters to life.
This is my first book by this author and will not be my last.
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 July.16
Thank you, Netgalley, and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the (eArc &| ALC)-eBook and audiobook for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book! I always love a Sarah Ready book, always! This didn’t disappoint. It’s the magical realism you’ve come to expect from her Gosted series and zeros in on Fi, Daniel’s sister before Ghosted even takes place (looks like I’ll need to revisit that book again soon!). There were some far reaches and leaps I had to take for the story to not seems too far fetched, but I loved it none the less. The twist was unseen, the characters were endearing, and the ending was sweet.

I both read and listened to it as an audiobook. I typically “read” this way so I don’t have to stop the story for too long. I did listen to the audiobook entirely and the narrator did a great job. I was a bit distracted by the accent but that’s a me issue and not a her issue. I don’t typically listen to audiobooks with accents and it was almost too soothing. She did a great job and reminded me the Fiona wasn’t some American working girl, but a European millionaire heiress, so the accent was entirely appropriate in this case! Great job to both Sarah Ready and her narrator Shakira Shute.

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I genuinely don’t know how she does it, but Sarah manages to make me so anxious, amazed and delighted with every book she writes.

Fiona and Aaron’s story was… just, amazing. A thousand emotions, especially in relation to Fiona’s feelings about family and love. Such a beautiful, devastating, magical love story to time, to family and to romance.

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AHHHH! This book was so good. This whole series just gets better and better. I hope this author never stops writing this series! It has a wonderful plot, side characters, a quirky town, a slow-burn love story.

It is romcom whimsy perfection.

I LOVED IT SO SO MUCH! I think this one was my favorite in the series.

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