Member Reviews

Wow...I did not expect this book to grab me in the chokehold that it did! And that twist towards the end completely blindsided me too!

This was a real pleasure to listen to, and I found the pacing slow at first but settled rather nicely after the first 10% or so. Being the third book in the series I expected to be more confused than I ended up being. The storytelling was fantastic and the romance elements were so well done.

That being said, I also did my fair share of crying too. In a (sadistically) good way, I love when books are able to wrench emotion from me as a reader. This book managed to do that pretty easily haha.

It's made me want to go back and read the first two of the series!

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When I saw this book was coming out I was excited. I loved Sarah’s other book Switched. I enjoyed Fated. Fi’s dreams felt so real. The book did take awhile to get really good but once it did the outcome was fantastic. Thank you Net Galley and Smith & Lewis Publishing for the advanced copy of the book

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Fated by Sarah Ready an audiobook narrated by Shakira Shute was.... OH MY GGAAAWWWDDDDDD! Shakira Shute made this story really come alive. I felt like I was there myself. I literally loved every single one of the characters in this story which is very rare.

i definitely recommend everyone listens to this audiobook!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of this audiobook. I’ve listened to almost all of Sarah Ready’s books and they are my most recommended books. This was my first book that I was really caught off guard with the story. I judge it really early with the storyline and with the narrator’s European accent. I’m here to say.. this has probably got to be my new favorite book. It takes place in two different timelines but one is in the present and one is in a dream. She is searching for love but the only sense of romantic love she has felt was in a dream. She finds herself trying to dream more frequently to spend for time with the man from her dreams. While, in the present she has a man who is asking her hand in marriage. She feels torn.

This book was amazing and it had romance, mystery and conflict.

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This series is adorable. The ending played havoc with my emotions and all of the characters were presented with such wonderful development. Fated was an immersive experience and I’ve had a great time with Sarah Ready and her crazy cast of characters.

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I was able to grab this book in kindle form a few months back and loved it. I saw that there was an audio version available and wanted to give it a try. Listening to it was 100x better! The narrator, Shakira Shute, was absolutely perfect! Her voice made it so easy to listen to. Such a great choice. I love the way Sarah Ready has me feeling like these paranormal encounters could really happen. All three books have been perfection and I really hope she continues to write more.

From kindle read:
Sarah Ready is an automatic read author for me. Her previous two books in this series, Ghosted and Switched, have both been 5 star reads for me. Sarah Ready has a way with words that truly makes you feel as though you are in the pages of her books. If a book comes out, you better believe I am going to read it. Having this on NetGalley as a Read Now has made my day! If you have not picked up a Sarah Ready book yet, I highly recommend picking one up. Excited to give this one a read. Thank you NetGalley and Sarah Ready! Also, the colors / covers for each of her books are so colorful and fun. I love the art work!

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Sarah Ready's "Fated" is a delightful escape into a world where dreams and reality collide. Our workaholic heroine, Fiona, finds herself living a double life thanks to a magical family heirloom. By day, she's running a Swiss watch company, but at night, she's whisked away to a tropical paradise with the man of her dreams, Aaron.

The chemistry between Fiona and Aaron is off the charts! Their slow-burn romance had me swooning with every stolen glance and tender moment. From picnics under swaying palms to stargazing on the beach, their connection feels so real that you'll forget it's all just a dream.

Ready weaves a tale that's part fantasy, part romance, and all heart. It's the perfect read for anyone who's ever wondered what their dream life might look like. Just be prepared to fall in love with a fictional couple and maybe start believing in a little bit of magic!

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Wow! I love all of the books in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready, but this one is the absolute best. I loved everything about this book. The romance story in this book is of the best romances I’ve read. Fiona and Aaron have such incredible chemistry. This book made me laugh, cry, and just feel so many emotions. Fiona is running her families watch company with her brother. She doesn’t feel like her life is terrible but she’s constantly busy and never takes time to live life. After she is given a family heirloom she begins to dream about another life and place. She slowly learns so many things about herself and what she wants. Since it’s a dream she throws herself into everything. She wants to be happy, relax, fall in love with her husband in her dream. I was in suspense for so much of the book. I just adored Fated. Definitely the best of the series of standalone books!
Thank you NetGalley for an arc.

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This book left me so confused. I couldn't keep up with her life when she was alive and when she was dreaming and they started to mingle together after a while. Magical realism really isn't my genre though and I am sure this is why it wasn't my cup of tea. I am sure many of you will enjoy this book a lot more. I will say that the narration was great, however the book was too long.

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Fiona is a busy woman who runs her family's Swiss watch company. But time is not one thing that she has and wishes she had more of. When her mother stops in for a visit, Fiona (Fi) is given a missing family heirloom that her mother stole to get back. What's more is that the timepiece is rumored to have magical abilities.

When Fi wakes up on a tropical island, beside a man she does not recognize, she is freaks out. Where is she? Why is he calling her by another name? Once she calms, she realizes that she has been transported into her dreams where she is a married woman with two children.

This is a book that screams "believe in the power of your dreams". By day, Fi is a businesswoman running a watch company. She spends time with those in her life while at night, she is transported to the island and the life she has there.

When I started this book, I had my doubts. I love Sarah Ready's books and devoured the first two books in this series, and found that I was not instantly in love with this book as I had been with Ghosted and Switched. My advice is to stick with this book because there is a nice payoff that comes toward the end. I went from enjoying it, to not being able to put it down.

With the other books in this series, this book touches on finding love in unconventional ways. There is that magical/paranormal touch that comes into play. Suspending disbelief is necessary. With romance it is all about the journey and Fi goes on quite the journey in this book.

I enjoyed how Fated touches on family, friendship, romance, time, motherhood, and vulnerability. The characters are likeable, quirky, endearing and well-drawn. I also enjoyed the vivid descriptions of the tropical island. I felt as if I were swept away and right there with them as a silent observer.

As with Sarah Ready's other books, this book was beautifully written, well thought out, had fun parts, parts that pull on the heartstrings, and great banter.

I had the pleasure of having both the book and audiobook versions of Fated. Fans of this series, will be happy to see Daniel (Fi's brother) from Ghosted.

I look forward to the next book in the series.

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“Fated” by Sarah Ready is a captivating blend of romance, magical realism, and dreamy escapism. The novel introduces us to Fiona Abry, a busy woman running her family’s Swiss watch company. When she stumbles upon an ancient heirloom watch, her life takes an unexpected turn. The watch allows her to dream her greatest desires, transporting her to an idyllic tropical island each night. There, she swims in turquoise seas, picnics under swaying palms, and gazes at the stars on the beach.

Ready’s writing style is both fast-paced and emotionally compelling. Her prose evokes euphoria, making readers feel deeply connected to Fiona’s journey. Fiona herself is a quirky and relatable heroine, and her wit adds charm to the story. The magical realism element—the blurred line between reality and dreams—adds depth. As Fiona falls for her dream husband, readers grapple with the same questions: What is real, and what exists only in dreams?

If you’re a fan of unique premises, emotional journeys, and vivid descriptions, “Fated” won’t disappoint. Ready’s twisty plot keeps you guessing, and her supporting cast adds layers to the narrative. Dive into this enchanting world where love blooms in dreams, and reality may be more magical than we think .

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Thank you, NetGalley for the chance to listen to this audio. I fell in love with Fated from the start. The narrator’s voice helped the story flow smoothly from beginning to end and brought each character to life. I was gripped the entire time. The magic of the heirloom watch, allowing Fiona to truly live her heart's desire through her dreams makes this story unique. I've never read anything like it before. The story was filled with excitement and I needed to keep going to make sure everything would work out for our MCs. I can’t count how many times the hairs on my arms stood on ends throughout this story, especially in the last few chapters. This was my first book by this author and I will be reading more. 10/10

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As I delved into the audio book, it took me on an emotional journey, particularly in its final chapters. While the ending brought closure for most characters, I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness for one individual. Despite the general satisfaction with the conclusion, a part of me longed for a happier outcome.

The beginning of the book was a bit disorienting, leaving me feeling lost amidst the unfolding plot. However, as the story progressed, the narrative found its footing, and I was drawn deeper into its intricacies.

The last part of the book was where its emotional impact truly shone. The depth of feeling and the complexity of the characters came to the forefront, leaving a lasting impression. Yet, the length of the book did lead to some repetition, albeit with beautifully crafted descriptions. A shorter version would have maintained the emotional intensity without lingering too long on certain aspects.

Overall, while the audio book had its flaws, particularly in pacing and length, it succeeded in evoking a range of emotions, particularly in its final chapters.

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Just finished this and OMG it's nothing like what I was expecting. It really reminded me of The Space Between, the way the love story panned out, but it definitely fits so well into the Ghosted series. I gotta say it's been a while since I read the previous two books but love that we get glimpses of those MCs as side characters in the other books. We had a ghost, we had an exchange of bodies in a particle collision, we have a dream fulfilling watch, and I'm so excited for the next book (Wished). Sarah has seriously outdone herself, crafting these gorgeous books with the best kind of magical realism.

I adore the idea behind this book and parts of it were so brilliantly executed. This one chapter was such a rollercoaster- I was listening to it while cooking and just froze in anticipation, thankfully didn't burn my food. I wish I could say this was a perfect read, but I know it could've been executed better. See, i love the planning and plotting with the detailed characters (and there are a ton of them), the descriptions of the setting, and the pure, raw emotion poured into the story. But there were a couple of times I was super confused about the world building and took a me a good while for everything to click in place, so maybe a little bit of a pacing issue too.

Apart from this tiny hiccup, I loved this novel and hope this series never ends. I'll be sad if Wished is the last, but super happy for Max getting his HEA too.

PS: This is probably weird to add into a review, but the story reminded me of the story from the Hindu epics of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. I don't want to give away the plot of this book to those who haven't read it yet, but you can search "Shakuntala lost ring" if you're interested!

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. I didn't realize this was the 3rd book in this series and I read it as a stand alone. The plot of this book sounded interesting to me, however I couldn't get into it. Lots of other readers really this book though!

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This is Sarah Ready's best novel yet! I have been a fan since Ghosted, and thought Switch was deliciously quirky. But in Fated, she taps into a whole new dimension of romance and surrealism. I am BEGGING you to download the audiobook. This is the first book with a non-american lead so the new narrator has a lovely cadence and reflects Fiona's Scottish ancestry, French studies, and Swiss upbringing. The other characters are easily identifiable (including a young girl, rebellious teen, several biddies, and three love interests!).

Fiona is the elder sister of Book 1's male lead, but you don't need to read the others to start this. It's set several years before the events in the other books. Fiona is a single mom and CEO of her family's Watch empire, burning all the midnight oil to save the company after her father's death. It's a task that has stolen all of her energy and focus until a stranger bursts into her life and shoots her. Six months later, she's drowning in PTSD. Her mom gifts her a magical pocket-watch - the first timepiece that her ancestor ever built - said to grant you the ability to live your dreams.

And it works! In her dreams, Fiona is transported far from cold Geneva, into a different reality where she married to the (hottest) most supportive husband, with two kids and a simple island life. She spends the summer finding an escape and a safe place to practice opening her heart up to love. But when her dreams bleed into her waking life, she has to decide which reality to live in.

THE ANGST! THE ROMANCE! THE LONGING! You will wonder - where the heck is this dream island? But be patient because I promise that all will be revealed. If you swooned at Peeta's "real or not real" or the final time the time traveller visited his wife, then this is the book for you!

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Quick Summary: A "hand of fate" romance

My Review: Fated by Sarah Ready is book #3 in the Ghosted series.

About the Book: Fiona Abry's life is not perfect. Truth be told, it had never been. Once, she thought things were going well for her, where her heart was concerned, but after a devastating truth changed the course of her life, things were never quite the same. When a peculiar series of events happens upon her, a glimpse into the dreams and desires of her heart changes everything. Should she dare hope for a precious love with the man of her dreams?

About the Characters: This novel was filled with characters of interest. Fi, Max, Aaron, and Becca were my favorites. They were so colorful and layered. They brought a host of considerations and thoughts that I was totally feeling. As I dug further into the story, I became invested in their lives. I wanted to understand why they each presented themselves how they did, and I also wanted to watch their evolution of change.

About the Conflict: Where do I start, regarding the points of conflict? Do I start with the shooting? Do I start with the transition from one life to another? Should I start with the connection force between Fi and her dream man? Do I mention the horrible tragedies? Should I discuss the deeply moving scenes? Those are just a few of the things that caused this story to keep my attention . As far as I am concerned, it existed on another plane. This novel was non stop from beginning to end.

About the Audiobook: Shakira Shute provided narration for this title. I enjoyed her cadence and style. Her vocal efforts provided the emotional tone I like, which made the characters easy to connect with. The notable distinctions added to the experience.

* Quick Note: I enjoyed reading the e-book just as much as I loved the audiobook feature. Both the reading and the listening experiences were excellent. With that said, I really appreciated hearing the characters with the accents. Somehow, it made the story come alive in a different way.

My Final Say: I cannot say enough good things about this book. It was so well done. It is a book that makes readers think and to see beyond the obvious. To dream or not to dream, to believe in the impossible, to want something more for self, to accept substitutes or to lay claim to the happiness and love that await you - it's all in there!

Other: This series is incredible. Honestly, I cannot think of another series of books quite like it. The fantastical element that weaves its way into the romances is so appealing. I also really like the symbolism that Ready so effortlessly injects. Her stories are beautifully complex and non-linear.

* My advice to potential readers... expect the unexpected. This book and this series will make you rethink the idea of what love, family, dreams, and desires are all about.

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Status/Level: 💖
Narration: +

Heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation are extended to the author, to the publishers (Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks), and to NetGalley. Thank you so much for granting access to this title in exchange for an honest review. The words and sentiment I have expressed are my own thoughts and opinions and have been voluntarily offered. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to read this author's work.

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This is probably an unpopular opinion, but this was just a train wreck. I didn't feel connected to the characters at all, nor did I feel our main characters had a connection. I forced myself through it, but it should have been a DNF.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC and ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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📣Book Review📣

I was able to not only read this book but also listen to the audiobook! The narrator is Shakira Shute. She has a very soothing voice and is very easy to listen to. She adjusts her voice for the various characters and voices throughout the book so you can follow along as the conversation progresses.

Fated is book 3 in the Ghosted collection. I have both Ghosted and Switched as TBR and I didn’t feel behind or struggle with starting with book 3. There are character connections but nothing to prevent you from following along.

What would you do to remember your dreams? What about live your dreams???⏱️
Is it that our dreams allow us to actually experience life and feel alive or is it that we live a life dreams are made of?💫

Fiona’s busy life meets its match when she meets the man of her dreams, in her dreams! Now she can’t wait to visit the sandman.💘

The descriptive language in this book had me in a dreamy state. Everything was so picturesque☁️
There was hope and love, healing and growth and the impeding sense of want to crawl into bed.😴

Fated favorite line “Cats to pet 🐈 books to buy 📚 and ice cream to devour🍨”

Thank you to the author, Sarah Ready, NetGalley and the publisher, Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, for the opportunity to read AND listen to this book. I received these advance review copies for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. The book and audiobook are set to publish July 16, 2024.

#Fated #NetGalley

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Fiona Abry has been running her family’s Swiss watch company, and guarding her heart due to being burned in the past, but then she inherits a family heirloom rumoured to let you dream your greatest desire.

This book wasn’t what I had come to expect from this series — this book could be read as a stand-alone as it seems to be a prequel to the first two books of the series. I read this book in tandem with the ebook and audiobook - I started with the ebook and finished with the audiobook. 

I was struggling to connect with this story to enjoy the characters / get invested in them while reading the ebook — I then switched over to the audiobook which helped to move the story forward for me. The narrator did a good job with the voicing and bringing the characters, the romance and the love scenes to life for me.

I was disappointed that there wasn’t as much wit and comedy in this book as in the previous two in the series — and I felt bad for both men in her two worlds Max and Aaron they both seem to love her but it’s like torture for everyone. On the other hand, the writing is very beautiful and poetic throughout— and very full of gushing romance. The ending --OMG -- get the tissue box ready! The ending brought up my rating from 3/5 to 4/5.

Thank you Netgalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members titles and audiobooks.

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