Member Reviews

This was a simple, fun, easy and quick read. The perfect type of book for your holiday, beach, pool kind of read. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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Spicy heat in Aruba 🌶️
The Gems have paid for a luxury holiday for Lyric in Aruba, her accommodation has been double booked and she is not missing out on the gorgeous beachfront villa. In steps single dad Devon who suggest sharing the two bedroom property. Before their first night is through it’s safe to say the 2nd bedroom isn’t needed.
It’s hot and spicy, they share amazing chemistry but agree it’s just for the week.
Once home Lyric concentrates on opening her new business, a dance school. The father of one of her students happens to be Devon!
They simply can’t stay away from each other but they both have to overcome their past relationships/family issues.
This was. Really enjoyable easy fast read, I will be downloading books 1-4 now and looking forward to book 6.
Thank you NetGalley, Yahrah St.John and Mills & Boon for providing me with a copy to read, all opinions expressed are my own.

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‘Going Toe To Toe’ by Yarah St. John is an instant-attraction, strangers-to-lovers vacation romance with some extra depth added when the lead characters - ex-ballerina Lyric and techy single dad Devon - return to their normal lives. Themes of love, loss, trust and strong female friendships shine from this novel.

Beginning in Aruba where proximity is forced upon the main characters after a hotel booking error leads to them sharing a gorgeous ocean facing villa, the first half of the novel charts a fast burning chemistry, with plenty of spice that rivals the plot for importance. The second half - which I preferred as it explored the characters a lot more - follows the lovers home where miscommunication and pride lead to avoidance, until the passion becomes too high to ignore.

I really liked Lyric’s determination to make the best of her situation and open a dance studio after an injury ended her professional dance career and appreciated the challenges she faced as an adoptee and a Black dancer in a white-dominated sphere. I also adored her group of girlfriends (known as the gems) for their steadfastness, diversity and kindness. This was the fifth book in a series but I felt like I got to know her friends well enough to care about them without reading their own stories - so this definitely works as a standalone!

Giving this three stars for a fun summer read but a bit too insta-love for my liking with limited character development in the first half which almost made me give up on reading. I’m glad I persevered though and I’m actually quite intrigued to read the next (and final) instalment of the “gems” series which is tennis related!

I received an advance Digital Review Copy of this book from the publisher Afterglow Books via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Going Toe to Toe was a quick and light read with quite a bit of spice. The spice kicks in quite quickly which did surprise me.
I liked Lyric and her progression with herself. I'm glad she realised she deserved better.
Devon annoyed me. He was so hung up on his past he couldn't see what was right in front of him. I'm not a fan of the way he treated Lyric just because of his past experience.

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I was attracted to the cute cover with this book and the blurb. It's such a cute read. Other romance readers will love it. The story was easy to follow and had a good cast of characters. I highly recommend it.
💓 Thank you to Mills and Boon, netgalley and the author for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The book starts and dives straight into the romance from the offset. I think if you like Insta love books then you’ll love this but for me I like the romance to be drawn out a little bit more. I did quite like Devon and Lyric’s personalities but for me the plot just felt very very rushed. I felt like I was in a race to catch up with them the whole time.

I would’ve loved more details about Lyric finding her biological family as again it felt rushed, as did the last 10% of the book with the big realisation. I liked the female friendships with the Gems and Lyric and Kianna’s relationship. Overall, I would say this book wasn’t for me personally as I like way more details than I was given!

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This is one of those books that just hits the sweet spot. It has soft, tender romantic moments, it has strong female boss moments and it has some very excellent toe curlingly sexy moments. Lyric is an ace lead and she strives and fights for what she wants and deserves, she might wobble but she knows her value and won’t settle to be anyone’s second best. Devon is sexy and flawed, however has good people who support and give him advice and the cutest daughter who absolutely gets the last word in! So lots of great sex, tender moments and sparkly pink tutus, that’s a win for me,

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Going Toe to Toe by Yahrah St. John
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 1 August 2024

Lyric Taylor, a former ballerina at a crossroads in her life, escapes to Aruba to find solace amidst the uncertainties of her career and the search for her birth parents. A mix-up in accommodations leads her to embark on a passionate fling with Devon, a charming man sharing her vacation space. Their time together is filled with sun-soaked days and undeniable chemistry, both knowing it's a temporary escape from reality.

Devon Masters, a devoted single father shielding his daughter Kianna from life's challenges, is stunned to discover Lyric is Kianna's new dance teacher upon returning home. What started as a carefree affair in Aruba now complicates their lives as they navigate secrets and the deepening of their emotions.

As they confront their personal histories and wrestle with newfound feelings, Lyric and Devon must redefine their paths forward and what home truly means to them.

When it comes to Mills & Boon, I always anticipate a delightful romance read, and once again, this book delivered exactly that. It evoked all the swoon-worthy emotions as I immersed myself in this heartwarming story, leaving me with a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart.

The narrative flowed effortlessly, making it an easy and enjoyable read from start to finish. The author has a talent for creating a seamless storyline that draws you in and keeps you engaged throughout. The pacing was perfect, allowing the plot to develop naturally without feeling rushed or dragged out.

The characters were wonderfully crafted, each adding depth and charm to the story. Lyric and Devon were both relatable and endearing, with well-defined personalities and backstories that made their actions and motivations believable. Their chemistry was palpable, and I found myself rooting for them from the very beginning.

The romance sparked and sizzled right from the start, creating an immediate connection between the characters that only grew stronger as the story progressed. The intimate moments were beautifully written, balancing passion and tenderness in a way that felt authentic and deeply moving. The author skilfully captured the excitement and vulnerability of falling in love, making their journey both captivating and emotionally satisfying.

Overall, this book was a perfect example of what makes Mills & Boon romances so beloved. It delivered a charming and heartfelt story with memorable characters and a romance that left a lasting impression. If you're looking for a feel-good read that will sweep you off your feet, this is definitely the book for you.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Mills & Boon | Afterglow Books, and the author, Yahrah St. John, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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I loved this book! I loved the dance aspect as a former dancer I could really relate to this. I thought it had a great amount of heat spice and intrigue. Definitely will be checking out more from this author.

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Sorry but I gave up on this after the umpteenth mention of her poor body image and feelings of being different, other, unattractive, overweight, wrong size etc etc. She went on and on and on about it. Yet, she’s supposed to be a successful ballerina. Has anyone ever seen an unattractive, overweight ballerina? No. So why on earth did she feel so bad about herself. I also struggled with the bi-racial child adopted by white parents and the consequent problems she experienced. It sounded horrific and I did feel sorry for her. This has not been allowed in the UK for a long time as everyone realised how important it was for a child to have adoptive parents who would reinforce a positive self image and be able to share a child’s ethnicity, culture etc. I guess this must not be the case in the USA.

I wanted to see a red hot connection between them but I disliked the speed and unromantic nature of their first sexual encounters. They were about as exciting as reading an IKEA manual. I had no sense of an overwhelming sexual attraction between Lyric and Devon. It was mechanical and regimented and mechanical. The characters never came to life for me.

I hate being so critical as I know how hard the author will have worked but I really was disappointed in this.. it’s not my cup of tea.

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