Member Reviews

I’ve read a few of Maria Frankland’s books now and this one is by far my favourite. It was very nearly a five-star read however the ending let it down in my opinion however having said that I was completely invested from start to finish.

I want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to review this book.

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Thank you Bookouture for a copy on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Maria Frankland is a well known thriller author in the book world.
Previously published under a different title and released a few years ago, The Married Couple has been freshened up and given a new lease of life.
A domestic drama with some thrills and a good plot.
Paul and Michelle are a cosy married couple.
They live happily with their six year old daughter, Emily.
But behind the facade is not what it seems.
Then one day Michelle is murdered and the prime suspect is Paul.
A gripping tale follows with twists and an unexpected ending.
A tangled web of lies, deceit, deception and secrets slowly unravels.
Told from multiple perspectives, the cast of characters are intriguing with many questions asked including “did they or didn’t they?”.
I quite liked how this book was structured, past memories slotted in between the current day, it worked well.
I did have my suspicions and when all was revealed, I was wrong and slightly surprised, so well executed Maria!
A seducing read.

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Paul and Michelle are unhappily married. She is controlling, jealous, and drinks far too much. They go away for a break, and Michelle is stabbed in their holiday cottage, Paul claims he found her like that, and claims she turned the knife on herself.
There was a witness, who isn't talking.

I did enjoy this novel, it was full of suspense, and actually very emotional, considering the subject matter. Domestic violence is a trigger in this book.

It is twisty and dark. The reader will be totally gobsmacked at the ending. I was.

4/5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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I was very excited for this read because there were so many great reviews, but i’m a little disappointed. For starters, it felt like there was almost too many details that made the book drag on. That was really the only thing that made me want to put it down. Other than that, the story line really isn’t something we’ve seen before. This book is pretty different, maybe even taboo as Female on male abuse is rarely discussed and there’s a huge stigmatism around it. Overall, it was a good book, but i feel like there needs to be some tweaking.

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There are too many stories (fact or fiction) out there depicting women as victims and men as abusers. Rarely do we hear about the inverse - women abusing men - but it happens, and the more we bring it to the forefront, the less this abuse will be tolerated or not believed.

The Married Couple is a perfect depiction of the cycle of violence and a hard look at what a man living with an abusive spouse might be like. It was at times hard to read but also really well done and hard to put down. Frankland did a tremendous job developing the backstory, bringing the reader into the whiplash of the violence and remorse, and showing us how it can feel impossible for someone to leave an abusive situation. Michelle's story was a sad one - a bully for a brother and an abuser and abandoner for a father. It was believable that this past trauma could so severely and negatively impact her, but it was certainly no excuse. I appreciated that there were a few chapters scattered throughout from Michelle's point of view - hearing her remorse, feeling her pain, and even reading that she knew she was crossing the line was challenging and frustrating but felt all too real.

I really loved that we got to experience the full trial. Frankland was informative and thorough but also to the point. It kept the plot moving at a great pace and was totally addictive - I truly didn't want to put this book down!

All in all, this was a really great read. It was hard to trust anyone and I had guesses about things but nothing played out quite like I had expected. I very highly recommend!

Thank you to Bookouture for the copy!

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This is the first book by Maria Frankland that I have read. It won't be the last. This story had me gripping the edge of my seat. There were many twists and turns in the storyline and a lot of going back from the past to the present. The ending of very surprising to me and I really wasn't expecting that. I really enjoyed this book and I'm sure you will also.

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When Paul finds his wife, Michelle, stabbed to death, the police quickly arrest him.

Their young daughter, Emily, has become mute from the shock of what she saw.

Just what did happen that night? Who killed Michelle and what was their motive?

It is a powerful story, and this book shows you that you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. It did make me stop and think.

This was hard to read, and due to the subject matter, it was written well and sensitively. Although a difficult subject, I found I couldn’t put this book down. It had me hooked and the ending had me shouting out a loud WOW!

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Paul and Michelle have been married for less than a year but their marriage is far from happy.
After another disagreement, Paul leaves to calm down and when he returns Michelle has been stabbed. He is subsequently arrested but did he do it?
This book was an easy read but I predicted very early on what had actually happened.
An enjoyable, easy read
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC

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The Married Couple is an excellent domestic thriller that I read in one day as I was so engrossed in the story . This is one of those books that gripped me right from the prologue. It has a mix of characters some who I thought were decent and others not so much . Whilst it is an easy read it’s also one full of suspense. It’s a difficult one to review without giving away spoilers but there was a part where I was left staring open mouthed at my kindle . Another great read that I recommend for fans of domestic thrillers .

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This was so hard for me to read. The author shows a realistic look at domestic abuse of a partner. Having a family member experience some of the same made it too realistic for me. I had to take breaks to make it all the way through the story. I really wanted a villain to be responsible. This has a sad but plausibly realistic ending.

Three stars because it was too triggering for me. This will be a great read for those that enjoy a realistic fiction.

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Michelle Jackson, age 36, a devoted wife and mother, is found stabbed, barely hanging on to life, by her husband Paul, while their six-year-old daughter Emily is supposed to be sleeping innocently in her room. Paul makes the frantic call to the authorities, yet it is he who finds himself in handcuffs. The evidence is damning, the house empty of any other suspects, all evidence pointing directly at Paul – after all, isn't it always the husband in these cases? Whispers and pointed fingers leave Paul isolated since almost everyone thinks he is guilty. The community's concern shifts to little Emily, who has been mute since that harrowing night, her silence a haunting echo of the tragedy. When criminal charges escalate to murder from manslaughter, Paul fights even more for his innocence and to be home with Emily.
The Jacksons were perceived as the quintessential perfect family, a facade that shrouded the dark reality of their lives. Beneath the surface lay a web of secrets and lies, deceit and anger, love twisted into hatred. As the investigation unfolds, the true nature of their marriage is exposed: a union marred by denial and grief, and shadows of abuse that were attempted to be covered. Each revelation tightens the noose around Paul's neck, leaving the question – could he truly be innocent, or is there more to this sinister story than meets the eye?
"The Married Couple" by Maria Frankland is a compelling read that masterfully weaves together a dual timeline and multiple perspectives, making it a gripping page-turner. The story oscillates between the present, where Paul is incarcerated, and flashbacks that delve into the intricacies of Paul and Michelle’s marriage. This structure serves not only to build suspense but also to provide a comprehensive understanding of the characters' motivations and the events leading up to the present circumstances. As readers, we get an intimate view of the couple's journey, from their marital highs and lows to the eventual unraveling that leads to Paul's imprisonment.
Maria Frankland's skillful character development is a standout feature of the novel. Paul and Michelle are portrayed with such depth and realism that readers can't help but feel deeply for them, whether it's sympathy during moments of turmoil or indignation when things take a darker turn. The narrative gains depth from supporting characters like their daughter Emily, Paul’s secretary Alana, Paul’s criminal law solicitor John, Paul’s brother David, as well as others ensuring that every interaction feels authentic and significant. This realism makes the courtroom scenes particularly compelling, as readers are drawn into the drama and tension of the testimonies presented both for and against Paul.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the book is how it handles the murder case at the center of the plot. The courtroom scenes are particularly well-executed, with testimonies that are both riveting and revealing. Readers find themselves in the thick of the legal drama, experiencing the tension and uncertainty as if they were part of the jury. This immersive experience is a testament to Maria Frankland's ability to craft a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
The pacing of "The Married Couple" is another of its strengths. Maria Frankland manages to keep the narrative moving at a steady yet engaging pace, picking up momentum at just the right moments to keep readers hooked. Each chapter reveals new information or presents a fresh twist, making it nearly impossible to put the book down. The interplay between the past and present timelines is handled deftly, ensuring that the transitions are smooth and the story remains coherent and engaging throughout.
In conclusion, "The Married Couple" by Maria Frankland is a masterfully written novel that combines well-developed characters, a gripping plot, and an expertly managed dual timeline to create a truly immersive reading experience. The story is rich with drama, suspense, and emotional depth, making it a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good psychological thriller. The conclusion is inevitably satisfying as it ties up all the loose ends and answers any lingering questions.

I received a free digital ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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The Married Couple by Maria Frankland This book has a twist that no one will see coming. I certainly did not. Paul and Michelle or a married couple with a beautiful little girl and a dog. Well on holiday they get an argument he leaves to clear his head and when he returns she’s dead with a butcher knife in her chest. Right away it’s suspicion is on him, but did he do it? Did his daughter see anything? Will She speak again? I thoroughly enjoyed this book. When I started reading it I was interested because you never have books with abuse men in them and I thought that was something that would be interesting. This book was way more than interesting. The only thing I didn’t like is they were supposed to be in Philadelphia and she had a lot of British terms in the book such as the detectives being called DCI’s and they said he called 999 and that’s in Britain. Besides that though it is a very interesting story and one I highly recommend to anyone who likes thrillers and drama. You’ll love this book! UPDATE///I read this book the first time it came out and now having read it a second time I want to apologize to the author because it only says they’re at Somerset Philly and so I don’t know if that’s in Philadelphia or the UK. The book still stands up even though it’s been a few years since my first read I had no issues reading it a second time. It still was so so good!#NetGalley, #Bookouchur, #MariaFrankland, #TheMarriedCouple,

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Than you NetGalley for an arc of The Married Couple. This thriller had me questioning myself the entire time! The story centers around Paul who is accused of killing his wife Michelle, but there is so much more to this story. Check trigger warnings on domestic violence and the unraveling of a marriage. The author really makes you believe why wouldn't Paul kill his wife...she is a menace! You will find yourself questioning everything in the story until the end. .

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Paul’s wife is dead. He’s accused of murdering her and no one believes he’s innocent l. Why would they, everything that’s printed always makes the husband out to be the guilty party. Their daughter Emily is traumatised by what has happened and hasn’t spoken since. You’re convinced Paul is guilty, or is he? After all, every marriage has secrets, some are just more deadly than others. This book tackles the subject of domestic violence and you are taken on a rollercoaster as the quest for the truth begins. It’s gripping, thrilling and hard to put down. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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This is my fifth read by Maria Frankland and once again, it did not disappoint. This book, The Married Couple, had me hooked from the beginning! As always, I had a theory from early on, which was of course incorrect! Maria loves a twist, and this book is no exception! Highly recommend this one, 5 stars!

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This is book #3 for me written by Maria Frankland and what a roller coaster ride it was! This had me on the edge of my seat where we learn Paul’s wife is dead and he claims he didn’t do it. Lots of flashbacks and timelines going back and forth but it was easy to follow. I was totally vested to see who did it and the twist at the end surprised me! I thought for sure I had it figured out but nope, not even close! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release. To be published August 2024.

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This book is an utterly compelling and twist-filled domestic thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The story centers around Paul, an abused man, who has been through the wringer in his marriage and then is accused of mųrdęring his wife, Michelle.

As the story unfolds, we are drawn into a web of secrets, lies, and unexpected curve balls that challenge our perceptions of guilt and innocence.

Maria masterfully crafts her characters, making them feel real and relatable. Paul, in particular, is a complex character whose journey through grief, accusation, and the quest for truth is both heart-wrenching and captivating. Michelle’s character was exhausting and frustrating up until she met her demise.

The book’s pacing is impeccable, with each chapter revealing new layers of the characters’ lives and the secrets they harbor. The suspense is intense, and just when you think you have figured it out, Maria throws in a twist that will leave you reeling.

What sets The Married Couple apart is its ability to keep you guessing until the very end. The unexpected twists and turns make it a rollercoaster of emotions, and the final revelation is both shocking and satisfying. I had quite a few different theories of who and what happened, lol. Although, I came close I was shocked by the ending!

Maria’s writing is engaging and immersive, and made it difficult for me to put the book down. I want to commend Maria on bringing light to domestic abuse at the hands of a woman and the blatant disregard to the man being abused. I love Maria’s writing and love every book she has written, but this one has become my favorite! Highly recommended!

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This thriller kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The story of Paul, accused of killing his wife Michelle, is a gripping journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. The portrayal of their seemingly perfect marriage unraveling into a web of secrets and lies is both chilling and engrossing. The character development is superb, particularly the silent suffering of their daughter Emily. You'll find yourself questioning everything as the plot unfolds, making it hard to put down. A compelling read that highlights the hidden darkness in relationships.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of The Married Couple. This was a very sad book, extremely sad and some scenes were pretty violent. I felt horrible for Paul and Emily and Susan too. The plot was excellent and put a different spin on domestic abuse. I did figure it out pretty early but NOT everything and that was a major twist!!!! You won’t be able to put this book down and it will stay with you long after it ended.

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The Married Couple by Maria Frankland is a powerful, intense and exhausting domestic thriller that will let you think about stereotypes and circumstances we live in.
When I say exhausting, man, I mean EXHAUSTING! Seriously I was mentally and emotionally so tired by the end of the book. In some way, I believe my personal experience made this harder as I used to live in a marriage like this! It's a live nightmare!
As the author marked out in the book, if roles were reversed police would act straight away which means there is still massive unfairness around domestic violence for men.

This story is an emotional rollercoaster that will make you guess where the hell all this is going and the the end twist, wow! I was expecting something else, definitely didn't expect this kind of turn. This story is presented from dual timelines and this gives us a full picture of the situation and characters.

Michelle is gorgeous, everyone thinks so but not she. Michelle is insecure, jealous, controlling, obsessive and paranoid. Unfortunitelly she projects all this onto her husband Paul making his daily life a living hell.
Paul despite Michelle's abusive behaviour is ashamed to admit what is going on behind closed doors. Paul will tolerate every outburst, drama and psycho behaviour as he doesn't want to be separated from his 6-year-old daughter Emily.
Unfortunitelly there is no happy ever after for abusive relationships and Paul will face justice built on stereotypes because "It’s always the husband"...

I have a low tolerance for abusers (any type of abuser), gaslighters, sociopaths and psychopaths and strongly believe that none of them deserves a substance with the official chemical symbol "O".

Who I would recommend or ask to be careful about this book:

If you leave abusive and controlling relationships, this could trigger some emotions (my experience was 20 years ago but I lived the memories through this book like it was last year).

If you believe your partner is emotionally abusive, controlling and insecure - grab this book and learn from Michelle and Paul!

If you are in a relationship where you questioning your partner's behaviour but are not really sure - grab this book and learn from Michelle and Paul!

If you feel that someone close to you lives in an emotionally abusive or controlling relationship - just buy this book for them! Someday they could say thank you to you.

Thank you, Netgalley and Bookouture for this copy!

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